Welcome to Gothenburg, my dear friends. Did you go to the store already? Yeah, I bought this downstairs. We're here at the Stockholm central station once again. We're going to Gothenburg for the second week in a row. As usual, we're waiting for Ashah. He should arrive with an Uber here very soon. This'll be fun. We're traveling in first class this time. He was like, "bro, I'm a rally driver" you know? He was like, "I'll get you there in 7 minutes", normally it takes like 20 minutes. So it was a quick drive. Ashah is here, but late. Yup. Out in the very last second as always. Although the train isn't even here yet. We have all the time in the world.

I can even stand here and stretch for a while. Hey! Did they change the track or what? Yeah we have to go to 13B now, it's quite a walk. I have never ever travelled in first class. I don't even know how it looks inside. Welcome to Gothenburg, my dear friends. Today it's weigh-in day. Johan! He's tired. He's slept the entire journey. I haven't slept anything, I've just been working. Someone needs to be responsible over here at Frontkick. Ricky Wright couldn't be here in time, So Lingnoi Promotions had to bring in some star power from instead. So we'll see if we can manage to fill his shoes here. I'm actually nervous because I've never hosted a weigh-in before. I should be fine. Live from Gothenb … *embarrassed* I don't know how to use this one. Right there should be fine, right? There we go, mic'd up. Let's do this. Alright … It's time for the weigh-ins. In the main event of the evening … We've got a big title fight. The European lightweight title of WMC, the world's most prestigious Muay Thai sanctioning organization, is on the line.

We welcome Florent Louis-Joseph We will take on a three-time Swedish champion with an undefeated professional record of 4-0 … From Gothenburg Muay Thai, Nicholas Bryant! That was all for now, thank you! See you all tomorrow! That went well I guess. Muay Thai For Life 1.0 goes down tomorrow. Before that, we'll watch the UFC. Khamzat Chimaev is back! Let's go watch UFC 267 at our big ass hotel room. See you soon. Khamzat is back, soon it's time! I'm really nervous. Here we have some kind of living room. Some couches. A big … dinner table over here. Then we can go check out our giant bedroom. Another TV here as well. Another couch and some nice furniture. It's huge. No! This is how we roll. No, no, wait! I'm already tired … I'm hurt already … I've already given up … No you haven't! Yes! Mount! Take his back! Hooks, hooks! Ouch, what the hell! Tap out, tap out! You have to tap! Where is my beer? So damn violent.

I only want a fair game. No violent chokes like that. This makes me a bit disappointed. What should I do now, Johnathon? Brazilian tap! Johnathon, did you get that!? *Working on news headlines* *Ashah not listening* Please!? Now! It's time! Here we go! He did like this towards Khamzat! Did he? Yes! Didn't you see it? Let's go! Damn, we've been waiting for this for so long now! Let's go Khamzat! Now it happens! Let's go Khamzat! There you go Khamzat! He's strong, the Chinese dude! Takedown! It's over! He takes his back! Do you see … Let's go Khamzat! He's talking to Dana White now! Dana White is sh*tting his paints over there. Good! There you go! There you go Khamzat! He's calm and collected here. It's crazy that it just took him a few seconds to get him down. Li is getting more tired here. He has to carry Khamzat's weight. Already pressed against the cage. Now it starts, just like the fights against Rhys McKee, John Philips – everyone! Good, take him with you, follow him, just press him against the cage! Li thinks he can pull off sneaky tricks but Khamzat is one step ahead all the time.

Now he's talking to Reza Madadi! Choke, choke! He's got it! He takes it, he takes it! He's got it. The hooks are in. Write rear-naked choke in your article. I want to be ready to post it … What a f—ing king, Khamzat! It's over! Take it, Khamzat! So f—ing easy! So f—ing easy! Stop the fight! Who's the ref? It's Mark Smith. There, choke, REAR-NAKED CHOKE! So f—ing easy! So f—ing easy! Bro, it's over! Tap! Now! Should I post .. What? He changes side! Now, 100 %. 110 %! 100! He's not giving up, he won't tap out! He's going to sleep! He's sleeping! It's over, YES!!! There you go! So f—ing easy!!! Ashah get your laptop! It's published, it's published! I shared it on Facebook! So f—ing good! Fight day bro. Is Partille Arena close to here? Huh? Is it close, Partille Arena? Yeah … arab? No Partille Arena … Okay … Is it close? Forget it … I don't understand … Belt! Ah, yes. No cars is coming on the other side. Yeah, no cars is coming. It's strange. Just drive. Pretty good seats …

It looks really good here inside. Yeah, really nice. Bulldog, Frontkick … *looking at the sponsor logos* I've never seen something this nice. Frontkick, up there. Come down here, we need to take off your glove. Congratulations man, what a fight! Every time you fight we get to see crazy wars. Once again, you got us up on our feet. Incredibly good fight. How are you feeling now? It feels really good, we worked hard for this. It's been some hard months. It's been a lot, I've had a baby as well.

So there's been a lot at home. Congrats. Thanks. She's five months old now. So there's been a lot, you know? But this is what we do. We push hard everyday for this. It's like ten minutes in the ring, but it's so f—ing worth it man, all these months. You're quite banged up but you got the victory. Do you like to go to war like this and get in these types of dog fights? Yes definitely.


I want to be a fan-favorite. I want to put on a show. I want to be in hard fights like this one. I'll let you go, they have to check you out medically here. Congrats man, this was really an epic fight. Thank you Ashah, king. You're the king man. Your knees are great, your kicks are great as well. Just make sure that when you go, you go 100 %. You can take it easy and feel her out, but then when you decide to go – you go 100 %. Thanks, good job. You did very well. Good job. Do you want a hug too? Goodnight. I thought your name was Jonathan, but your name is Johnathon.

That's much cooler! For real? Yeah! Johan Taliercio from Frontkick, I'm here with Jonte Larsson after a beautiful finish. Jonathan, how do you feel right now? I feel great. I wanted to have a longer fight, but it is what it is! Talk me through the finish. You landed a brutal knee that finished the fight, and right before that you landed an elbow as well. Yeah. I noticed that he had his guard very high when I boxed with him, so I faked with the hands to land the knee to the body.

It worked out pretty good. It was a great finish, what's next for you? My plans are just to keep climbing the ranks. Maybe fight more overseas. Test myself. Do you have any particular opponent in sight? Anyone really. Someone good. Bring whoever, as he just said in his interview here with Ricky Wright. Great job Jonte. Awesome fight, what a main event! Two great fighters! Bryant should get that belt. He won that fight. I'm sorry Ashah. How are you feeling right now man? It feels good. It hasn't really sunk in yet, but it feels crazy.

Champ! Yeah, champ, damn. I haven't thought much about it. I never want to think too much about the prizes ahead of my fights. I feel that that can affect my performance. But during the last two or three rounds, I really started to feel like I was able to win this. At that moment, the belt motivated me. So that was nice. It's cool! No worries. It was a good fight. I lost my focus at one point, during the end of a round, then he rocked me hard with an overhand. How did you feel at that moment? Did you black out for a second or anything like that? I blacked out for a second, then I realized that I had been rocked and thought, "where is he, alright, hands up, back up a bit". I saw where he was, got into clinch and was able to land my knees from there. You bounced back immediately. Yeah, I'm not rocked that often, but if I am – I always bounce back quickly. In this case, I just didn't see it coming. But I took it good anyway.

He caught me with a good knee to the body as well in round two or three. He didn't notice that I was hurt, so that was good. I just continued to push forward. It felt really nice to be in there. No we have the world championship next. Me and Khalad here will go there in like four weeks. Four or five weeks, like a month. So now I'll just get my legs wrapped up, get my body in order, go back to training and then we're going to Thailand in like four weeks.

Good luck at the world championships man. And congrats on your win! Thank you so much Ashah, king. King. We'll see each other more often. Yes we will. We'll do a lot of interviews going forward. For sure man. I like talking to you. I like talking to you too man. Muay Thai For Life 1.0 is in the books and what a fantastic event we got to see here in Partille Arena. Yeah definitely. We got to see Nicholas Bryant take home the European title in one of the sport's biggest organizations in the main event.

And although we only got to see one finish, each and every fight delivered throughout the evening. I agree. Jonte Larsson, what a f—ing finish. And every fighter here was a f—ing warrior tonight. Lingnoi Promotions has come in here and claimed the spot as Sweden's best Muay Thai promotion. I hope to see many more Muay Thai For Life events going forward. I think they'll help get Swedish Muay Thai to the next level. This was awesome. Big up to everyone involved..

As found on YouTube

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