Rattachai Muay Thai: 🇹🇭 Thailand Edition by Senad Gashi

yo guys what's up?! Senad Gashi here! Today we are at the Rattachai gym, which is supposed to be one of   the best gyms here old school Muay Thai. I 
heard the coaches over here have some funny names,   like Daisy, Donald ,Mickey. So let's check it out 
and show them who's the real Goofy .Follow me! Here we meet the man of the men Mr Rattachai by himself. 
Working in the office .Do you should you speak English? This is the daughter of Mr Rattachai 
and they had problems with a   liver transplantation.

So guess 
who came and raised the money?!   It was Mr Dana White by himself. He saved her life! All good now? Yeah, thank you. Nice, thank you very much! Hey my name is Morgan, welcome to Rattachai here 
in Phuket, Thailand. Brunei opened this gym about   six years ago they're in the middle of remodeling 
and we have this big beautiful new space   that just allows us to do so 
much more it's a family gym   they're really really talented coaches honestly 
what's special about this gym to me is that   whatever you need you can get like if a class is 
full of beginners and you're advanced they will   tailor to you. they will figure out exactly how to 
support you how to get you your sparring partners   if you want more fitness like they'll figure 
out how to get that in there for you it's not just   one size fits all it's like whatever you need if 
Rattachai wasn't doing it already they will figure   out how to do it and how to make it happen for you 
like immediately yeah i hope to see you guys soon   this place is just it's the best i really can't 
say anything else it's just the best gym there are 6 different styles of Muay Thai.

In this gym they train 
the Muay Sok, that's everything about the elbow. today i trained with a coach who was 
a boxing Lumpinee Champion. He had like   over 200 Muay Thai fights, 50 professional boxing 
fights. His name is Daisy, just check his face and you will understand he doesn't look 
like Daisy at all. Let's be excited first impression of the pads 
he holds very tight, very nice   he explained it slowly and smoothly, let's see what's 
going. I think i just destroyed my gloves if you hit too hard, this is whats happen. 
guys don't worry…

Most ppl will never know Hello, my name is Miki. I am a coach over here in Rattachai for Muay Thai. I want to teach, i want my students to be successful,   to become a champion, not only in the team
but all over the world. guys don't forget the reps 
otherwise you get hands like that also what you see here every Muay Thai culture 
has its own style and the students are rotating.   so everybody learn from from the 
other style and get the maximum out   The one who makes a mistake first has to do 20 push ups, ok? let 
Give me 10 seconds…ok, challenge is on ok, level one finished, nine left to go. ready?! oh, 10 push ups ready a mystery in every gym the disappearance of the bottle 
of water.

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It appears and disappears how it wants   one day they should do like a X factor
episode ,yeah, i don't know who's behind it   fbi ,csi ,illuminati but what is your favorite combination what 
you can show to us? favorite combinations? nice sweat, nice session. Hey i'm Elsa from 
Paris …nice to meet you  and I train in Rattachai Muay Thai. My name is 
Sofia, hello i'm from Sweden and i train here at   Rattachai. This is my third time 
and i really love this gym because   its like a family and they take care of 
you and they see you.

For me it's my first time   training here it's been my third week 
actually, and it's my first time in Thailand.   and i really like it here for the same reason 
the coach really look up for you like there is   no ego you can be yourself like you have time to 
be yourself you can relax and work really hard   and i like the fact that everybody at the gym that 
come here had the same mindset same spirit. we want   to get better all together, nobody wants to get 
better than the other. that makes sense. So i really   like that and the coach are really great ,yeah 
we push each other. yeah we push each other and   the coaches are nice. sometimes they help you for 
the details and sometimes they just push you   because you're tired so there is different kind 
of pushing you up and everybody loves Muay Thai. work work work We finished our session with coach Miki.  i want to thank you for the training 
thank you very much first of all!   Miki, i have some questions: what 
makes this gym so special compared to other gyms? What makes it for you so special to be a Muay Thai coach? Which advice do you give young fighters 
who want to become champion and successfull in Muay Thai? and most important: no boom boom now the last question.

What everybody 
wants to know: are you single? yeah i know, it's a good answer! 
thank you very much for your time About the location, it's a little bit hidden in the Soi Tai Iad. Still easy to find, easy to access.   About the facility, we found it in the 
the moment where it was a little bit under construction but   for a nice training and classes it was more than enough! everything was there .  about the coaching: the coaches have 
Disney names. One is Donald, one is   Daisy, one is Mickey, one is Fikki Fikki.
Like funny names. But the training was not   Disney at all. The training was more like 
Marvel. It was hard, it was tough. And also   the understanding of the coaches was quite nice. They connected fast to the students   and it's a nice gym, the level is 
like medium level but i can absolutely recommend it to everybody to go there to take a look 
and and to adapt.

to learn some new things.

As found on YouTube

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