Jarvis Vs 14 Year Old Boxer! *REMATCH*

– This is Zack Jarvis, a 14 year old Muay Thai world champion. Bro, 76 man. And this is Jarvis who's
gonna be boxing him. 67, man! That was good! All right, let's see who
can punch the hardest. I'm giving a thousand
dollars to the winner. 62 Zack, nice punch. All right, Jarvis your
second punch, bro. You ready? Oh big hit, 61. – No bro, I swear. I think this rigged. – Big punches. Oh Jarvis 56, there we go. You have a chance to maybe win right now. All right, Jarvis, you ready, man? This is it. This is the punch, bro. This is for some mon… Oh 87, bro! And the winner of the first
round with 215 points is Jarvis. Yes, sir!
I won. – Before we see who can punch the fastest, I wanna show you guys the
Wheel of Possibilities. You could spin this at any
point during the challenges, but beware, they're not all good. – Get punched.
What does that even mean? – Yeah, you're gonna
have to find out, man.

You don't wanna land on that. – I mean, I guess you get punched right? Bro, it says "Call in Beast Boxer". I'm definitely trying to get that one. – Yeah, guys. So just
remember at any point today you can spin this wheel and it'll change things up a lot. First one to get knocked out loses. Zack, you're up first.
Jarvis go crazy, bro. All right, this is it, man. Holy, look at that power! Bro, I can feel the power
through the ring right now, bro! Guys, as you know, we are in
a controlled safe environment. We have professional boxing coach Joe over there behind us as well. Making sure everything's all good. So guys, don't worry, it may look crazy, but it's
actually still in hand. This is what you do in boxing guys. Oh my gosh! Are you ever gonna give up? Does that even hurt Zack? – No!
– Holy! – This doesn't even hurt. What am I doing? Yeah, I've literally got
full shields right now.

– Yeah, Jarvis literally got full shields. Zack, you need to turn on that aim bot. Jarvis, you ready? There is money on the
line guys. 3, 2, 1 go! Oh my gosh! Okay. Looks like he's having a great time. I think we may have to
step this challenge up and call in a professional boxing coach to condition their
stomachs without any pads. Yeah, I think we should
take the body bag off, man. Let's try this without any protection. This is Joe, a professional boxing coach. Who's gonna be testing
your guys' conditioning. Let's start with level one. Okay. – All right.
It's not bad. – Take that. – All right, level one was easy guys. Step it up. Guys, remember Joe is a
professional boxing coach. You do not want to take punches from him when he gets up to level like, 10, man. I'm telling you guys, it's not good. Oh, Zack and Jarvis you
guys are staying and strong. (both fighters groaning) Oh, oh, come on guys. Come on. – You're definitely hitting me harder! – There's a thousand dollars on the line. A thousand dollars Zack. I think I wanna know who
the bigger man is now.

(beep) The money. Yo, you
guys aren't giving up. I, I thought 11, 10 was gonna be it bro. Nope, that's it. – That was like three
shots in the same spot! Yep, oh! All right, guys. And there we go, man. There we go. Zack is the champion of
this challenge, guys. – Let's go! – This leaves you both with
an even one point each man, this challenge is gonna
be very interesting. – Most punches in one minute, 3, 2, 1, go! Holy, guys, this is it.

Jarvis versus Zack. Last time, it was a crazy result. This time I'm hoping to see the same. Both of them have a pretty
good pace right now. You guys know the last 10
seconds are what matters here. You can go hard at the start, but the end when one person is fatiguing, when one person has less energy, man, that's when it really matters. Store your energy, man. Keep going boys. Don't stop, don't slow down. If anything, you need to get faster, bro. Zack is going very quick right now. Jarvis looks like you are keeping up, man. It's honestly so hard to keep count, bro. This is pretty intense, man.

Even Zack who has a
fractured foot right now is going absolutely nuts, man! Holy, Jarvis. Holy,
Zack boys. This is sick. And you still got a few seconds left, you still got a few seconds left. You got like 15 seconds.
I'll let you guys know, man. Oh, this is where it matters guys, this is what I was talking about. When the gas tank is empty
and you start to slow down, man, you've gotta speed
it up, because the other person could be beating
you, man, you don't know.

There is money on the line.
Five seconds left right now. Are you ready? 4, 3, 2,
1, time up. Let's go. And the winner of this round is, Jarvis! Who can hang for the longest,
Zack or Jarvis? 3, 2, 1 go. This is a pretty intense challenge. Hanging is a very, very tough thing to do. I do know something,
Jarvis did install a bar in the garden recently, and
he has been hanging every day. Unfortunately, that
might be a big advantage, but Zack, you're younger man, you've got got the
muscle bro. You're light. – Yo, I'm slipping. I'm slipping! – Oh no, is Zack slipping, man?
He did say he's been putting on weight for an upcoming fight. That might be the reason
he's slipping right now. Oh my gosh, whoever's feet
touch the ground first loses.


Keep a close eye on that
right there. Oh my gosh, man. You know when you start to move it's when the struggle kicks
in. It's what I do anyway. Don't wanna put his
thoughts in to Zach's head. – I'm dead!
– Oh no, man! Oh my gosh. Oh, there we
go. Jarvis took the dub. Who can pick up a hundred pound dumbbell? Jarvis, let's go. – Wait, wait a second. If I just spin the wheel, I
might have a better possibility. – Guys, yeah, you have one shot.

– Get punched, bro. Are
you kidding me? Oh, bro. (Jarvis groans)
Oh my god, bro! – Oh, next challenge, please. – Oh my God, man, yeah, let's just, next challenge. Now for the final
challenge, Jarvis VS Zack. – But I still got a spin on the wheel! Let's, let's go. – [Jarvis] What's it gonna be? – [Presenter] What do you got, mate? Call in Beast Boxer. – Are you kidding? – Who's a Beast Boxer? (intimidating music playing) – Yeah. I'm about to get destroyed, bro. (intimidating music plays) – Clean fight, boys. No
low blows, no headbutts. Touch gloves. – Getting nervous now. – Alrighty man. Bro, oh
my gosh, man. So, guys, this Sam person who has just come out is a beast boxer. Like
we said, I would say that he's much more of a
challenge than you, correct? – Oh yeah! – Yeah.

A hundred percent, man. Like, guys, Jarvis, even coming against a person
like this is great, man. Like you guys know, and can see now, Sam is a pro, he's 17 years old. He's been boxing his entire life. He's a very good sparring
partner for Jarvis, man. It's gonna be an awesome fight. Maybe one day me and you will spar, Zack? (Zack laughs)
– Hopefully! – Man, guys look at this! Oh my gosh. He just got some nice punches upon Jarvis. Let's go, let's go. – Lovely combo from Sam! – Lovely. Nice man, nice. This is it. Holy, holy, holy, lovely shot! – Lovely left hook! – Lovely.
(bell rings) Keep going, keep going! Two minutes left on the round, guys. This is an absolutely
insane fight right now. Oh my gosh. As you know, this is all done under
controlled environment, man. We have professional
boxing coach Joe here, making sure everything
is done safely, guys. Do not try this at home please. Oh, oh, there we go. We got
a little break right there.

Yes sir! – Oh, lovely shot!
– Guys, man. Oh my gosh. Let's go, Jarvis! Let's go! Oh my gosh, man, look at that.
Lovely blocks right there! Oh my gosh. Guys, this guy
was on the wheel for a reason. He's called the Beast Boxer for a reason. Because of things like
this, man. It's crazy bro. Props to anybody that can step in the ring against
anybody, man. Gotta have balls! At the end of the day, you
can judge in the comments and say what you want. Are
you gonna step in that ring? I don't think you are, man.
So keep commenting, bro. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. There we go! Lovely, lovely shots man. This is such a great spar, guys! – Lovely pressure from Sam, guys! – Yeah. Absolutely brilliant. – Nice jab! – Yeah, we got in there.

Oh, oh. Oh, lovely shot. Lovely shot, Jarvis. 40 seconds left! Holy! Some lovely little movement
going on right here, man! This is a bit crazy, bro! – It's been a crazy spar! – It has been a crazy
spar, hasn't it Zach? – Yeah. – It's nuts. This is very good. – Only 30 seconds left! – Oh, lovely shot! – Lovely, Jarvis, lovely man. 20 seconds! – Oh, lovely punches! – Oh! Lovely! Let's get it.

Ah, let's go, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Let's go, congrats to the boys, man! (everyone applauds) – Ladies and gentlemen,
after one round of boxing, we have a unanimous decision. A draw! (everyone applauds).

As found on YouTube

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