Fans CONCERNED for Conor McGregor after NEW video released! Coach TROLLS Khabib & Umar! Costa boxing

MMA news today:

ANGELA HILL opens up after her loss to Mackenzie Dern

CONOR MCGREGOR enjoys himself in Monaco during an F1 race

PAULO COSTA shows off his punching speed at 220lbs

SAM ALVEY wins his first fight since 2018

COACH JAVIER MENDEZ trolls Khabib & Umar Nurmagomedov

BELAL MUHAMMAD explains what seperates him from other welterweight contenders

0:00 – Coach Javier Mendez trolls Khabib & Umar Nurmagomedov
1:36 – Paulo Costa shows off his punching speed at 220lbs
1:56 – Sam Alvey wins his first fight since 2018 at B2 Fighting Series 183
2:30 – Conor McGregor enjoys himself in Monaco during an F1 race
3:42 – Fans fears McGregor vs. Chandler ‘definetely won’t happen’
4:26 – Belal Muhammad explains what seperates him from other welterweight contenders
5:39 – Angela Hill opens up after her loss to Mackenzie Dern
7:24 – TOP 3 MMA memes

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All right let's get this show started Are you a super heavyweight hubby this Is not me it looks like you look like Nobody put on like 100 pounds of muscle Show me the video Show me your face [Laughter] That's who that's Islam Now put up Mr T DC put up Mr TBC this Should look like him does that look like Him do you see you look like DC What are you doing You're cleaning our table yes oh do you Work here I don't work here oh But you clean our table Of course we have to sit where clean Clean hey I got a question for you Foreign So when I do my Instagram post I should Call you no you know AKA Adam no No There we go Soon Yeah this fight is over this fight Should be stopped Big oh it's the rep's about to stop it There it is TKO do the referees stoppage In the third round for smiling Sam Alby Well done [Music] Foreign [Applause] [Music]

Foreign Foreign Just watch a fight they look at a fight And they don't know all the work that Was put into a fight to get to that one Point what separates my team from other Teams is the details we put into every Camp where we break down opponents the Way we look at their patterns the way we Look at what's their favorite move how They start a fight how they end a fight What do they do in between rounds or is Their coaches tell them in between Rounds we pay attention to every little Small detail that could win us a fight And I think that's what's going to Separate Us from everyone else I know what my Opponent's favorite take on is I know What his favorite strike is I know what His favorite combo is I know what his Return combo is I know all these little Details when it comes to my guy when he Gets to fight night I know what he's Gonna do before he's gonna do it not a Lot of guys that will do that they'll Put that extra work in and through Reese We had a breakdown of one of the best Fighters in the world in eight weeks We're gonna break down our champion It's a weird one because like I haven't Cried about it you know I haven't um I I'm still processing I still have to Watch the actual fight

Um because it's it's gonna be a tough One to watch Um and I think the worst part about it And like I'll probably be misquoted About this if if I you know say it uh to The wrong press but the worst part about It is that I've felt like I could go in there tomorrow and win the Fight you know they they were like Little mistakes that were made or Hesitations I think um like I was Talking to uh one of my coaches Yesterday and we were all kind of Surprised at where the fight went and Where I was actually winning the fight And that was like a a big lesson for all Of us where it's like hey if you're Winning the fight doing something do it Harder and I think I kept trying to go Back to striking where I was doing Better when I would like get her on the Fence get to her back controlling her Having her hand tied behind her back Like those are positions that that I Worked with Phil you know every morning Um which is why I couldn't do this time You know every morning we'd work Positions like that where you get them Against the fence get the hand trap Behind the back and then you drag them Down to the ground and a lot of those Moments I was like should I go to the Ground no that's not the game plan in The corner was saying the same thing and

I I just keep flashing to those moments Where it's like if I was a little more Flexible if I just believed in myself a Little bit more on the ground uh just a Little more like a tactical on the feet Then the fight would have been Completely different and here are the Top three funniest memes we found on the Internet today Foreign Thank you guys for watching if you liked The video please leave a like And Subscribe to our channel to keep up with The latest MMA News