TOP 10 Muay Thai & Kickboxing KNOCKOUTS of 2022/2023 # 24 🥊😱 The Best Fights 🔥 RADIKAL Videos

What's up guys? Welcome to
another top ten Muay Thai and kickboxing knockouts and TKOs.
This is number 10 from Eruption. Beautiful sweep by
the fighter in the red gloves. Big left cross lands clean.
A short elbow too. That left hook stunned him.
Nice knee to the body. Another huge elbow. Guy's rocked.
Nice spear elbow by the fighter in the red gloves. Closes the
distance. Lands some good knees. The guy was having
a great performance but early stoppage by the ref. Still a good job by the fighter
in the red gloves though. I'm giving this one a three out of

Let me know your score in the comments. Number nine. From Rage Arena.
Beautiful spinning back fist by the fighter in the
yellow gloves. And he lands another one of those. But his
opponent was ready this time. Man, now the fighter in the red
gloves caught him with a big right hand counter punch. I
think it landed right on the jaw. And the guy's acting kind of
strange. Oh, I think he's done.
That's it. Nice TKO. I'm giving this one a three
and a half out of five. Number eight, from Hardcore
Promotions. Nice kick to the body by the fighter in the
black gloves. Man, that right cross landed right on the
guy's liver. Look at that. He's in a world of pain. And that's it. Nice one punch
knockout by the fighter in the black gloves. I'm also giving
this one a three and a half out of five.

Number seven,
from Thai Fight. The fighter in the black top is
landing some hard left hands. And some right hands too. She
keeps her opponent's back against the ropes. Stiff jab to
the body. And a vicious right hook. Game over.
What a punch. Right on the temple. Great
knockout. I'm giving this one a four out of five. Number six from X-Plosive. Nice
uppercut left hook combination by the fighter in the blue
gloves. Lands a jab too. The fighter in the black gloves
is eating some bombs now. He's in trouble. Heavy shots landing clean Big right hook. And the left
hook lands too. And that's it. I'm also giving this one a four
out of five. Let me know your score in the comments. Number 5, from CFC. Nice left
hook to the body by the fighter in the red wraps. Huge overhand left to
the chin and that's it. Beautiful one punch knockout.
I'm giving this one a four and a half out of five.

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Number four. From
Tiger Muay Thai. Both guys trading some kicks.
Man. Perfect spear elbow by the fighter in the red gloves.
Nasty knockout. I'm giving this one a four and
a half out of five. Number three, from Siam
Boxing. Nice right cross to the chin by the fighter in the blue
gloves. Ref says it was nothing. Big spear elbow by
the fighter in the red gloves. And he gets
the knockdown. The fighter in the blue gloves
might still be rocked from the previous knockdown. Another huge elbow by the
fighter in the red gloves. And the guy's out. Man, beautiful
knockout. I'm also giving this one a four and a
half out of five. Number two, another one from
Thai Fight. Nice kick to the body by the fighter in the
black shorts. He lands a big left hand to
the guy's chin. That left hook again. Man the
fighter in the white shorts is definitely rocked. Man the guy is out on
his feet. And that's it. Vicious knockout. Amazing performance by the
fighter in the Black Shorts. I'm giving this knockout a five
out of five.

Okay number one. From Mix
fight. The fighter in the red gloves is swinging for the
fences. He's landing some good shots. Relentless attack.
And he gets the knockdown. Wow. What a nasty overhand right.
Guy's out cold. Vicious knockout. I'm also giving this
one a five out of five. Let me know your score in the
comments. Okay guys, so that's it for
today. Thanks for watching. If you enjoy this video, please
click on the like button, subscribe to the channel. Don't
forget to leave your scores in the comments and I hope to see
you again next time..

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