Tony Ferguson’s FIRST REACTION after UFC 291 loss! Holland URGES Chiesa to retire! Strickland-Tony

MMA news today:

TONY FERGUSON reacts after submission loss to Bobby Green

MICHAEL CHIESA releases statement following UFC 291 loss to Kevin Holland

BOBBY GREEN on whether Tony Ferguson should retire

ALEX PEREIRA explains why he won’t fight Adesanya at 205 pounds

KEVIN HOLLAND gets honest on Michael Chiesa’s fighting future

SEAN STRICKLAND tells a Tony Ferguson story

00:00 – Michael Chiesa releases statement following UFC 291 loss
01:03 – Kevin Holland gets brut4lly honest on Chiesa’s fighting future
02:54 – Sean Strickland tells a Tony Ferguson story
03:45 – Tony Ferguson’s first reaction after submission loss to Bobby Green
05:28 – Bobby Green on whether Ferguson should retire
06:47 – Alex Pereira explains why he won’t fight Adesanya at 205 pounds
07:47 – TOP 3 MMA memes

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All right let's get this show started In today's video Michael kiessa releases A statement following UFC 291's laws Kevin Hahn gets brutally honest MPS is Fighting future Sean Strickland shares a Tony Ferguson story Tony Ferguson's First reaction after submission loss to Bobby green Bobby green on whether Ferguson should retire and Alex potato Explains why he won't fight Izzy at 205 Pounds Michael kiessa recently shared his Thoughts on his Swift defeat against Kevin Holland during their welterweight Matchup at UFC 291 Holland managed to Submit kiessa with a DARS choke in the First round in response to loss Kiesza Has now released a statement reflecting On the experience he wrote well that Sucked congrats to Kevin Holland and his Team Kevin is a hell of a fighter one of The most game fighters in Combat Sports I knew this was a very challenging Opponent to face coming off almost a Two-year layoff but I've never said no To a fight I'll dust myself off get back In the gym and get back to work I ain't Done yet nav Kevin Holland gave a brutally honest Take on Michael kiessa's fighting future Following UFC 291 during the post flight Presser Holland urged kiessa to retire Saying that he doesn't have what it Takes to become a UFC champion and

Should instead focus on commentating no I mean coaches kind of caught it you Know it's like one thing about kiessa is When he gets put in a very bad situation It's like he just kind of gives up the Submission it's like uh maybe he feels Like he can escape the submission and Put you in a submission uh and maybe That's the case maybe that's exactly What he thinks but um that's not the Case and uh overall he got submitted but Smart guy way to avoid brain damage Every time he feels like he's gonna get Hurt he gives up the submission and then You're Victorious so thanks and after That he was pretty much just like not Warning the fight and you know what an Uppercut to the body and the just kind Of like flew in the air and dropped to The ground I was like what the hell is Going on I was like oh well just stay Composed and keep fighting so it's like Um yeah you know it's like the game has Circled and passed them and seriously he Left him you know it's like I see him Talking about it's like guys you have to Be realistic people always talk about I Want to get a title I want to get a Title I mean let's be real some of you Guys are in the UFC and you're never Going to get a title you know it's like Um buy some jewelry like me and it's Like a retire commentate focus on your Family you're never going to get a title

And if that's what you were here for It's not gonna happen you're already Collecting the check by not getting hurt So just stop it's like you're a really Good commentator and there's no reason To take brain damage the next guy might Be a little bit more dangerous than me And he might not go for the submission He might just keep pounding your head in So it's like just stop while you can Sean Strickland also shed some light on Ts's training sessions by tweeting fun Fact about Michael kiessa we always joke About me and him sparring round six we Joke because I always give him a hard Time for not sparring anyone who is good Maybe that's a wake-up call not sparring Only takes you so far in MMA While we're on the topic of Sean Strickland he also had some words to say About Tony Ferguson tweeting who is more Insane Tony Ferguson or Diego Sanchez I've had some strange conversations with Tony it's not even the enjoyable kind of Crazy it's the CIA put implants in my Teeth and you helped them do it kind of Crazy Sean followed up with Tony hit me Up once about putting together this team And Kelly Sean I want you to train with me but you Can't train with any other gym or show Them our stuff I'm pretty sure he was Going to give me a secret knock and a Polygraph test block laughing my ass off

He got one other guy to do it and I told This guy don't do it man he's crazy Three months later oh my God Sean you're Right he's [ __ ] nuts I had to leave Gun to my head true story laughing my Ass off Tony Ferguson has released the statement Following his submission loss to Bobby Green at Saturday's UFC 291 event many Fans had assumed he might retire find The loss but late Sunday he addressed His future and he isn't done with Fighting just yet he wrote walked into The Delta Center to show the world I was Back on track the preparation for this Fight was exceptional and it was one of The best camps I've had As the fight began I was in the zone Flowing and feeling confident Bobby knew The direction of the fight and I believe He knew what he was doing when he poked My eye he has a big history of moves Like this it's significantly impaired my Vision making it difficult to see Clearly out of my eye despite this eye Poke I never considered stopping the Fight although the doc wanted to Throughout my career I've always pushed Through challenges and never given up This time was no different unfortunately In sports setbacks like this are part of The journey while I won't use the ipoke As an excuse for the outcome I know for A fact I have more to give moving

Forward I plan to work closely with Dana Hunter and my entire team to assess What's next I'd like to take a moment to Say thank you to my wife my family and My fans your support means the world to Me and it's what drives me to keep Pushing forward and striving for Greatness thank you all for being by my Side through the highs and lows of the Sport that I love eye appointment Tomorrow some recovery and back after it Tony also posted a photo of his injured Eye captioned can't look to the side or Up blurry light sensitive stings feels Wonderful What do you guys think should be Tony's Next move should he retire after his Sixth straight loss let us know your Thoughts in the comments below Bobby Green believes that Tony Ferguson is not Done with MMA just yet during UFC 291's Post-fight presser green was asked Whether Ferguson should retire Bobby Refused to answer the question because He said he can't speak for another man's Dreams and goals but said that he Believes Tony still has got what it Takes to be a top MMA fighter what do You think Tony should do next with his Career some people think he should hang It up do you think he should keep Fighting Tony yeah What I should say for another man I

Can't speak for another man it depends On what's in his heart and what's his Goals you know I'm gonna keep going Until I accomplish my goals I pay my Houses off I'm debt free I have a few Hundred thousand in the bank Then I could be done did he feel like a Guy who's at the end of his career if You know what I mean I wouldn't say so I mean he took a hell Of shots and he was still fighting he Was still game And I feel like maybe it was someone Else maybe they would kind of slow down And stop he could have like if I don't think he still got it in him I Would say so he's got a lot of fight in Them you know um even when I thought all Right you're gonna start backing up Because you're getting hit with some Shots he was still coming at me like I Thought he thought I was gonna get tired And quit but no that's what he tells me He still got so much fight in him so I Wouldn't say give it up if I was him Alex potato is not keen on facing Israel Out of signing at 205 pounds after a Split decision win over Yan vlajevich Peretta spoke to media and discussed the Potential Trilogy about with Izzy the Brazilians stated that he wants to do One more fight at light heavyweight and Then move down to 185 for the audacity Trilogy well when my last before I

Actually my last fight happened when I Made way you know what I mean I told the Guys that was going to be for now taking A break from that weight class dude that Is getting hard a little bit it would Have been too many cuts at the same Thing in a short spam of time so he went Up to head to like heavyweight now did This fight he want to do one more fights Airline heavyweight take some time from All those cuts and then he actually Wants to fight him in the lower weight Class yeah Midway because On his mind is they are one-on-one and Middleweights he won one a middleweight Israel one of the other one so nothing More fair than make the trilogy and Middling Here are the top three memes we found on The internet third place was found over Reddit and was posted by a user named Intra type B Our second place meme was found over Facebook and it was posted by a user Named Robert And her top picked meme of the day it Was found over Facebook and was posted By a user named Michael Thank you guys for watching if you liked The video please leave a like And Subscribe to our channel to keep up with The latest MMA News