I've already welcome back it is Brad here again with Robin wale hi everyone and in this video we're gonna be talking about some of the activities that you can do if you're training a tiger Muay Thai or anywhere along Fitness video [Music] [Music] [Music] second of April 2019 obviously we're not here at eigem we're tired this is my apartment here in Melbourne but I've just done I've been receiving a lot of questions from everybody out there that's like you're training a tiger Muay Thai or anywhere along fitness through I'm so tired or by their Street about activities that you can do if you're training a tiger Thai or if you have a rest day like on a Sunday where nobody trains on the street or you just want to take some time out from training whether it be Tiger like when we tie training like Muay Thai MMA BJJ or strength and conditioning training or like from other places on the same street it's a received a few questions about which beaches can you go to what activities are there what can I do on my day off or my week off I don't want to like my vacation just to be about training so in this video we're going to talk about that so we're looking at going back to Fitness Street middle of the year later in the year would like we just can't wait to go back because we just so inspired by the place and obviously you guys are watching the videos and also looking at going up there as well wiper your first time so I do talk about Fitness Street in detail and other videos I'm not going to repeat myself so you don't check out other videos I'll link them all out the following preparations tips video it's been very useful for a lot of guys watching this never been there before so you can check that video out and when I shall recently called expectations of what to expect when you arrive at the industry the music still playing you realize that yeah I'm in a bit of a brain do you miss the place oh so much I'm really ready dude it's really hard I know some of you were going for like a week or two weeks I can assure you that once you get a taste of it you'll just never want it like you'll never want to leave and you're always like just be planning your trips back to fitness stream so anyway a few things so just maybe take note but um a few activities that you can do that's part of Tiger Muay Thai and then we'll get on to stuff it's outside of Titan we're tight the first thing is the Big Buddha run that you can do which is like it's an activity it's a training related activity but it's pretty awesome and it's just different from like you're not training in the gym you it's a big board around so they pick you up I tighten weight at the front it's every Tuesday morning and they pick up in a van and they take you to the base of the mountain where the Big Buddha is and then you run up you've never done them pointing out the van every time it's been yeah so I I've done it before and it's worthwhile doing if you're training a Titan we tie over like a Tuesday like you view in the area on Tuesday you can register the day before and you can sign up and do that it's pretty much as four kilometres uphill it's pretty much all uphill and you when you get to the top you get to the beat board of statue which is the highest point in Phuket and either beautiful view of Phuket and the big border you take a selfie and then you come back down and then yeah that's it so a great way to start taking a scooter up there once and you kind of showed me the in time and what you actually have to climb yeah so look in that guy it's in the cloud it's a climb but as you as you as you doing actually doing that like you run past like elephants on the side of the road it's a beautiful scenic run Oh get out of here what is going on here have you ever done this to an elephant before rocks so are you getting fit it's hard it is challenging I did a few years ago but you're also getting something that's not bags and pads and fresh air guys Richard yep alternatively there's the BBQ beatdown the Barbican B tone which I'll link a video to which we went to it's usually held at the end of every month on a Saturday I think but just check it out when you go and sign up with these guys and basically it's all about it's a big social event when everyone gets together that's been training together a tiger mai tai and and it's all about people just getting together having a few drinks it's all-you-can-eat buffet and it's just the best time guys like it's just the best like we have such a great time we just got some protein ice cream for some place you have no road actually got some protein ice cream rolled in had the or you could eat and they had like the ream couple rings set up live DJ like music it's really awesome it's worth I going to I don't know how much it is I can't remember now but it's worth it it's 1,000 baht per person there's ticket Oh miss you probably take their alright there you go forty Australian dollars so yeah try to make that you have to register for that too this is worth it even if you're not into like fighting or martial arts on Muay Thai just if you've been training they're doing strength conditioning CrossFit abs like ambush and all that other these other classes it's worthwhile going to just for the social element of it other activities outside of Tiger Muay Thai all together so you ask like what do you do like on your days off play or you know if I just want to take a break from the whole training Street you know just get away and have fun there's the Songkran festival now the song I can't actually speak from experience I've never done the song first of all but it's basically a massive Thai festival every year held – actually today is the 2nd of April it's actually in a couple of weeks from now so by the time I get this video out might be some chrome by the time you watch this is sucker 13th 14th and 15th of April every year marks the beginning of the Thai new year there's a massive party like water fights on the street buckets of water I mean I've seen it I've seen photos I've been to Thailand like seven or eight times but I've never been there during Songkran so if you go during some kind let me know but that whole street apparently is lit like on Fitness Street everyone sits like water pistols and buckets and there was a so can you tell us the best experience apparently but that's one thing you can do if you're planning a trip over Songkran is to is to keep that in mind the next one is yo-yo scuba diving there's a scuba diving agency on Fitness Street I do scuba diving but I've never booked it through that agency on Fitness Street but you can't do that alternatively you can go to the Similan Islands which is I throw a map up but it's I've been to the Similan Islands a couple years ago and it's on the other side of Phuket International Airport it's friggin amazing definitely go and check it out it's a weekend adventure the islands are really beautiful especially if you like scuba diving some of the best diving in the world they're in my opinion say a similar in islands and then peepee islands as well so I know some of you guys asked like what Islands can I go and visit you know if I don't want to train what I have done what I've trained on Fitness Street for so tawheed is I finished my training on a Friday like I do the morning class and then I literally jump on the afternoon ferry it's about a two hour boat ride from the from Phuket to PP island about two hours and the ferry it's not that expensive and you're getting two people on the book two nights accommodation there and just unwind you do scuba diving there which I've done does some night diving to cut some nightlife got some really nice bars there it's worth checking out very touristy that in my opinion but if you've never been there before go there check it out tick it off the list and then you you probably miss like half of Monday's training just to come just to get the boat back but it's worth it so check that one a PP island and similan islands Rob's have a new any suggestions I'm doing all the talking here he always do all the talking well I do what we did and I met I can't emphasize enough how nice is just have one day off during the whole week of training so six days of training and then I'm gonna say when you go out and you hire we hiatus kita series of you or the scooter this is what it looks like you see these in Thailand all the time you'll see like little fuel stops like this so straight vodka straight into the fuel tank so it's 45 each which is at that dollar something a leader dollar eighty a leader I think and I was in the back for scooter and I was filming with the GoPro like checking it out it was quite nice and and then yeah I just basically exploring the island and going to the beaches actually remember our experience of this big storm coming in to meet the beach and all of a sudden crazy look at that it's like gonna come out in just a minute no way it was so amazing at the same time yep and that's you're going to mark it's just exploring if you into that sort of thing that was probably my favorite thing to do so we took the scooter and like if you're comfortable riding a scooter or a motorbike I mean you can hire that you know how these things fly 100 forgiver that's like four dollars a day right it's crazy and you put like you put like a dollar with a fuel in it and literally that's going to be what you use to get around the island what I suggest you do if you're comfortable doing that definitely do that for like the Saturday or the Sunday just to completely break away from training take those screwed it down to a real Y Beach so from Fitness Street assist directly staff down the bottom of the island of Phuket go to Hawaii right along there's beautiful palm trees just amazing grabbing you know just like a coconut just go just get be free and then write that same road all the way around and you'll get to you'll get to after beach bar now I'll throw it up this is amazing like this place is like a little gem we went to it we just stopped in to this place on our wedding cuts a beach do you know what it's called check it out [Music] wow what an awesome view from the other well and overlooks the entire Bay Area and you know we're just there and we're having like get like what do we have like nothing like a salad or something I remember we had lots of different Titus's yeah like just traditional Thai dishes there's a curry there's a type of carrier potato so Messam on card yeah yeah try the Bassam uncover your eyes if you love potatoes like if you love like a curry potato thing like it's massaman curry on the menu or and just try that it's amazing but after nine a fritters are you know good you'd die off you lucky you go crazy you just eat everything and you just have some cocktails and just push batshit crazy and then when Monday comes along you're back into training again yeah but after beach definitely check it out no tourism there and also an easy to get there yeah it's really nice beautiful guys like just take the screw down just like it's just like a jungle you're just riding through and like sometimes you need that cuz of you everyday training for weeks on end like you just see the same like I love training like we love it but like every day just your buddy a branch you give your body a break and mental break and your body's needs a good recovery and all that kind of stuff and as I talked about in other videos overtraining is a big issue on the street in my opinion everyone's like trying to do you know five classes in a day and then by the time you get to like the end of your trip you're soaked burnt out and you say time you're so sore you do need to take the break like oh I talked about this in other videos but like it's really important just to take a one or two days complete rest just for rest and recovery so you have a stronger training week going back into it otherwise you just ruined and you wake up tired and you go to sleep time your wake-up time I've done this I know you get over enthusiastic you just want to do all the classes you know like it's just you know but it catches up with you so after [ __ ] and then go to cutter Beach so we got to talking about the thunderstorm that swept through out of the blue that was a cutter Beach it's like gonna come outta nowhere [Music] [ __ ] down [Music] this curse and just a beautiful nice little page like it's a little busy but we had sufficient chips we made that unicorn smoothie I know that was you know that was the other beach yeah that was Patong Beach hey we had a whole spread restaurant so it's a cutter Beach was where they got that little market set up yes oh this is nice I see that nice and on my they've got a fake you're gonna artificial wave so you can like jump on the surfboard and ride this wave and you know you have a couple of dreams so just check that our Qatar beached markets artificial wave and then you've got Patong Beach Patong Beach is that we suddenly I was lifted up into the air in some sort of parasailing you're going what yeah parasailing you could just be lying on the beach and all of a sudden you're in the air yeah so I shot a separate video but like but like if you want to do like more adventurous activities you can do like jet skiing and parasailing if you've never done either it's a perfect place to do it and I've done two separate videos on that so it's gone maybe check I'll link them up but you can check them out give you prices breakdowns what to look for avoiding the jet ski scam we're gonna look around this thing before you take it anywhere okay but otherwise watch the video check it but just make sure you just look around the jetski before you jump on it and even fulfillment make sure they watch you filming the jetski so they know they can't pin you on anything because they usually can pin Taurus on damage that you never did and then you got to pay all this money and all that sort of stuff gonna TripAdvisor read about but in saying that Patong Beach is for jet skiing and parasailing we redid both amazing like this one first her first time parasailing and it costs 1300 Bart was a big surprise for her and she's just seeing on the page for like seeing him that I secretly booked this thing and then all of a sudden the guys are going all right who's your hardest strap it on and she's like what are you talking about and then all the sudden she's up in the air for like 10 minutes is the best I've done before me yeah I've done it before it's the best so do that parasailing jet skiing and then of course if you're honest do that Patong Beach then you've got Bangla Road which is like the famous night spot area so they've got pubs clubs bars it's a crazy nightlife strip Morgan's bang the road alright somebody walking down when walking up ynglyn right here and look at this place check it out [Music] but it's a Sunday night it's like [Music] so that I've done years ago and I'm kind of over that scene to be honest but like it's a great experience you've never done it before the night life this is pump in there this is pumping right and so go and check it out never done it before go and check it out it's a swan Longstreet bungee jumping to go and do bungee jumping we're going to do bungee jumping around Smith yeah so there's that if you were to be super adventurous so you can just go to all these agencies and they'll have like a list of different utilities if you want to organize something properly there's a lot of stuff there's a lot of stuff but you can also they're also organized and activities if you just go to a beach you know it's quite easy just to do something when you're they soak up the last things don't finish up but that's pretty much it that's all I have for you so let me know what you decide to do you have any questions I'm not a tour agency but like if you do the bungee jumping let me know what that's like because I looked pretty hardcore actually go there monkey ticket go for a week over two weeks go for longer if you can but you're I swear I swear it'll be the best decision you'll ever make in your life seriously and if you've been there you're watching this and you've been like you've spent time there you know exactly what I'm talking about we can relate on this [Laughter] yeah like maybe share this video with your friends and yeah like that's my my mission is literally just like I've I've had such this is my last party thoughts I've had such a life-changing experience by being there but familiar Mike it's not to share that with the wall I just want everyone to know about it and there's so many people out there which need to be in an environment to get in shape or start that journey and sometimes a gym just doesn't cut it like sometimes it's going on this journey on your own and you just need to be in the right environment you know with other people if you're not getting the way to just to switch often and get back to yourself to your Center yeah but this retreat is not as expensive as some fitness retreat $600,000 of dollars it's here so whatever it is it's just amazing and like you'll meet just amazing people from all around the world even if you're a profiler watching this by the off-chance because I know like this is not necessarily a profilers video but if you are profiler watching this I mean it's for you guys as well you can meet other profilers as well in MMA BJJ and more entire western kickboxing arena and you can connect that way you know Thiago Tavares from Brazil he comes down you know quite frequently and and others and disguise starting their journey like 90% of you guys watching this just starting a fitness journey you want to go somewhere unique and in the right environment this is the place to do it so let me know if you decide to go there I'll throw out my details this one's a Pilates instructor online free course check it out I'll link her up but see if you want to connect with her because you know she's amazing her first time I saw a tiny Fitness trait last year we going back together so yeah reach out to me if you have any other questions I don't have anything else that I can think of and otherwise I might see you on Fitness Street sometime in the future see you guys [Music]


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