– But to be honest with you, I wish that they had a shuttle bus – Yeah. – Either complimentary or you pay 50 baht. So you can easily move between the two. You can easily move between the two camps. ("The Goths-Bonnie Grace") – You have to come here guys
– You have to come here – You have to come here guys
– Right here ("The Goths-Bonnie Grace") All right guys 27th of October 2019 we are at Tiger Muay Thai beach side. This is a little review video of the last six nights
that we've spent here at this training resort here
Tiger Muay Thai beach side. I've got a lot of questions from you about training here and the accommodation and what it's like and the vibe and so many different questions, so I thought I'd just make this video to try and answer as many
questions as possible.

I've Robsy, Robyn Whale here
to help fill in the gaps, we've been here together
for the last six nights, training and staying here and, you know, lounging by the pool and relaxing. So there's quite a few things
that I want to get through, so hopefully it's not going
to be a very long video, but I got a feeling it
might be like 15 20 minutes, so I apologise in advance, but we're going to like jam pack this, so take some notes.

So, as I said, six
nights we've stayed here. It's a beautiful, peaceful, exclusive little hideaway training
camp here in Phuket Thailand. It's called Tiger Muay Thai beach side, you might be familiar
they've got the main campus, which is about, you know, 15, 10 15 minute scooter ride from here, which you might be all familiar with. This is their new campus that they built like
literally 12 months ago. I should mention that we're not paid or sponsored to make this video. Some of you might be wondering, well they're paid no we are not. So we did pay for our
accommodation here in full through booking.com, 340 Australian dollars
I think all six nights, and we paid for the all
inclusive fitness package as well through the Tiger Muay Thai website. Today is Sunday is a zero training day, hence why we're filming here.

This is actually just real quick, where we got the camera setup
and where we're standing is the Muay Thai training floor, here at Tiger Muay Thai beach side. You'll see all the bags behind us. If you look closely into the
background beyond the bags, you'll see the accommodation that we've been staying at for six nights. It's called Hivetel. It's really a luxurious boutique sport type hotel accommodation with refurbish shipping containers. I do a room walkthrough
tour in a separate video. I'm not gonna sort of
go into all that detail about the room itself. I do, I'll link up the
that that particular video. But the refurbished shipping containers at Hivetel are pretty awesome and we'll talk a bit about
that we've been staying at just in brief in this video. Look, you've probably seen
this in the website real quick, amazing swimming pool, we love it so much. One of the best things about this place that I personally love is the fact that you've got
an incredible swimming pool and a swim-up bar which we never used.

What we did, once, – We did. – Once, twice, I think we used it. So there's a swim-up bar
– Off days. – here which is pretty awesome, right? And they've got a really
good cocktail menu which by the way, we just had two cocktails
the whole week like, so of course you are here to train you're not here to drink
cocktails at a swim-up bar, but it's a nice little park
for Friday or Saturday night if you're staying here over
the long over the weekend. But they got protein
shakes at the swim-up bar, which we did have so we had
protein shakes almost every day.

At the, around the swim-up
bar there's a restaurant. So that was really cool, really nice. The facilities is super clean, very new. The equipment's very clean, the stuff very attentive to, you know, cleaning all the equipments, cleaning the floors here, cleaning the pool, like, I'm quite observant when
I stay at these places like quiet observant. That they're just super, they're on top of things around here. The staff are so friendly. They go above and beyond. They really care. They're super polite. You know, one lady just loaned
her scooter to us last night, her personal scooter. You know, to get to
the Barbecue beat down. I'm like, I would never lend my motorbike to anyone back home, yet this person who doesn't even know us one of the staff here has just kindly loaned
her motorbike to us. So yes, steam room and sauna. I mean, the steam room
wasn't working yesterday. There's a sign that says you know, not working and the sauna is nice, but it's actually hotter
outside than in the sauna (laughs) Just so, you actually got a sauna In Thailand, you don't need to go into
the little sauna here, but it's here if you want to use the sauna and go between the sauna
and the steam room.

They got a little water
refill station here which is pretty cool. You can refill your water bottles here, which is a big thing like
you drink water all the time you're gonna be refilling all the time at the water refill station. The one of the biggest things
that I love about this place is that it's so exclusive, it's away from the hustle and bustle. And I know one of the
biggest questions I get about whether you should stay here or stay on Fitness Street
'cause I should mention that this is not Fitness Street. When I talk about Fitness Street, Fitness Street is like 15 minutes on a scooter from here right? Even though these videos are part of the Fitness Street series this is still in Chalong, but it's not on the training street that you would have seen
all the videos from.

It's away from the hustle
bustle, super quiet, guys, there's no one here. Like I know it's Sunday, but it's actually like this during the like weekdays too like, when there's no training, there's no Muay Thai classes or anything. There's literally no
one walking around here. It might be one or two people around here. – It is relatively new though. – It's very new, it's very quiet. – People are still probably don't know about this place yet. – It's super quiet so like
it doesn't have the energy that Fitness Street has. I know some people watching this you've never been to Thailand
you want to meet people, like all of that is on
Fitness Street right? But if you want quiet and
there's some of you like, you know, you wanna have
a private resort feeling away from the hustle,
this is perfect for that.

But in saying that, you can just hire a scooter and you can go between the two camps. – Or ride a bicycle .
– Or ride a bicycle. – We've been riding
bicycles every single day. – Yeah. – It's been amazing. I would suggest getting
a puncho or something because these thunderstorms
will come out of nowhere. And we'll be cycling and sure. It was quite an experience but so so nice just to
ride these bicycles around. – Exactly, and they offer the
bicycles here at beach side and we've been doing
that the last week or so.

Just been jumping on these bicycles and riding over to Fitness Street and riding around the streets here and it's just really nice. You come into a fitness camp what's wrong with the bicycle? (laughs) – The other thing that's pretty
important to say to you guys is that there is no beach here. So when (mumbles) this
places like beach side, there's a bay. – yeah there's no beach. so it's this particular camp beach side is located right next to Chalong Bay. It's a five minute walk to the bay itself, with the bay you know the water and the little visible
pathway around the bay.

That I asked the staff here
you can't swim in the water. I looked at a low tide. The water is dirty and has plastic in it, like I personally would
not swimming it personally. I googled it.
– We've been told not to. – And we've been told not to and Google says no don't
swim in Chalong Bay. (laughs) However, in saying that, you can hire a scooter, whether you staying on Fitness Street or staying here you can hire a scooter, and you can ride to the
beaches like Nai Harn beach it's beautiful like there's
quite a few really nice beaches you can go to. Phuket Island is super small
you can get around very quickly so like don't be put off
like yeah it's near the bay, but if you want to get to a beach, you can just hire a scooter from here and go to Nai Harn beach
or something like that so.

– And how far is that away? – I don't know, it's 20
minutes, 20 minutes so.. The next one on my list there though is that there are no ATM machines in this particular training
resort or anywhere nearby except the Family Mart, it just come to mind. The Family Mart which is like a.. – It isn't even a Family Mart. It's like, you are talking about that little convenient store down there. – No the one down there.
– Oh okay. – Yeah, so there's an ATM machine, but you know you jump on a bicycle. It's like 15 20 minutes
to get to the ATM machine. At the Tiger Muay Thai main campus, I've noticed they've
installed ATM machine there. But anyway along Fitness Street there are plenty of ATM machines, if you need cash but just a heads up, there are no ATM machines at beach side. – And you do need cash here.
– Yeah Yes, you can't bill to your room here, they should you know if
the guys are watching this like that should definitely be an option.

We should be able to tap to our room. It's just makes it easier if you're downstairs, in the
restaurant or in the bar, you should be able to say, you know, I'm staying in room number.. It just makes it easier
if you have no cash. So make sure you bring cash
with you before you come here. The next one is there's
one convenience store, small convenience store, it's like a two minute
walk from beach side. They got all your basic stuff shampoo, – Very basic.
– conditioner, coffee tea, all that stuff. Water you can buy all
your water from there. I talked about that in other videos. This one is here is there's
less than half a dozen places to eat around beach side
within walking distance. If you've seen the daily videos you would have picked this up already.

There's a seafood market just over there, but we haven't eaten there
yet, but it looks quite good. We ate at a restaurant two nights ago, we did a video on that place. It was phenomenal.
– Really nice yes. – Dmitriy's fish,
– Yeah. – 250 baht, amazing. Really good.
– Really local. – It's a two minute walk
down the street, you know, amazing place, is a lobster place, which we haven't been to,
but apparently it's good. – It's a great coffee shop. – Great coffee shop.
– The coffee and – The bistro
– Coffee bistro. – Bistro place, yeah. So there's like less
than half a dozen places. But all of your main eateries, healthy eating places are
all on Fitness Street, which you can get to
by scooter or bicycle.

And the next one is that
it's not child friendly. This one that Rob's brought up. I said that most people coming here, are coming here to train and are not bringing their small children. – Although we have seen, – But we have..
– We have seen children running around. – But you wanna add to that,
'cause that was your point. – Yeah I know, it's just it's not I mean,
there is a swimming pool and there are sort of no
bars around the windows and the rooms like you can
literally just open the window and you know. – You could fall out of your room (laughs) – Yeah, so, You just gotta keep an eye on your kids. – Yeah. – When they are here.
– If you bring them. If you bring them – We have seen children but in our view, it's kind of like an
adult training facility. – This is literally for 1%
of people watching that, they thinking of bringing
the small children. – Yes. – 99% of you are like, I don't have kids (Robyn laughs) That's true though. Anyway, so we talked about that there's a different vibe here.

We've talked about this. It's exclusive, it's quiet. If you want hustle and
bustle go to Fitness Street. But as I said, you can stay here, but just get a scooter and go
over there and then come back. And it's was quiet and I love it. – We've been doing that quit a lot. – We've been going that and it's amazing I love it
– And we've even been doing, we've even been doing our
laundry on Fitness Street. And doing like sort of
bits and pieces there and then coming back
here and it's quite nice. – I'll be brutally honest
with you, I love it. – It's quiet.
– I love this place. It's quiet. I love it.

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I mean, I love the people,
I love socialising, but sometimes I just want
like roosters in my ears, not roosters (laughs) not waking me up but sometimes it's like we get
the whole pool ourselves here. Like no kidding, like, literally, there's only been a few times as I've one or two people in the pool, but there's like the pools
have these amazing fountains and we had the whole thing to ourselves, it feels like a private resort here. And that's why I love it. Like it's.. – Yeah and it's just,
– It's great. – It's so convenient I mean, the training facilities are right, like super close to where you stay and so. – You are literally staying there, and then you walk across here to train. Like everything is here. You know, like, it's great. And then what else is that, the shipping containers and the noise.

So (laughs) as we talked about.. I did a walkthrough room video tour, I took you to the shipping
containers are refurbished. It's pretty awesome like,
– Great concept. – It's a pretty, it's pretty ingenious idea
to take a shipping container and make it into a room that people can like,
spend their holiday like. It's pretty cool. But in saying that, like
we tap it on the walls, and to be fair, like, the 74
rooms or something like that, there's only 13 as a three days ago, I asked a staff, only 13 people staying
here a few days ago. 13 people out of 74 rooms, not a lot of people, right? So to be honest with you, I've had really good
sleeps like, you know, last night there was a
loud bang and I woke up, but that was one night out of six nights. But every other night
I've had amazing rest like 10 hours sleep 9 10 we've
been sleeping like babies. We've been sleeping like babies, but I'm thinking like when
this place really gets busy, and it's all full, like those thin walls, you gonna be able to hear, we did hear
– You can hear a mobile, we could hear a mobile phone.

– Yeah, we hearing..
– Like an alarms on a mobile phone. We could hear that
– Yeah we could hear that. – So if you can hear that
you can imagine like, yeah you probably need to bring earplugs or something to drown off the noise. (bus engine roaring) – Okay guys you definitely
gonna need earplugs now. – Yeah (Robyn laughs) All right, sorry. So, two big buses went past. So, anyway so what we're
trying to say is that if the rooms really fill
up and I'm sure they will when everyone discovers this place, everyone's gonna hear everything.

I'm thinking like, this is my hypothesis. – And we started staying
in the quiet side. – Yeah we started on the quiet side so.. – The side that overlooks the
Buddha, that's by the road. – Just get some earplugs,
bring some earplugs, I'm sure you'll have an amazing time. You know, you won't hear anything. But earplugs just bring
earplug you will be fine. Yes, some rooms have three beds per room, so if you're a bunch of
guys watching this video, or girls even and you're coming as like a bit of a posse of three. You can just stay in, they got rooms here which I've
seen one room, three beds, like side by side. Plenty of room like to put this stuff, really really nice.

So it's a luxury camp
so we've noticed that you're paying a premium for pretty much everything out here. So laundry is a premium, your private sessions are 800
baht as opposed to 700 baht if you do private sessions at
Tiger Muay Thai main campus, everything is a little more because you paying the price
for staying at a luxury camp. Like you're paying for that amazing waterfall
pool thing you know, like you're paying for these beautiful, like the equipment's really
kept and it's really nice and it's clean.

Next one is our room we'll
talk briefly about this. So remember I have another video on this. Amazing air conditioning. I'll just run the list here. No drying racks on the balcony, now, – That's really important (Brad groans) we train in the training and.. – You know if you guys
been training at Thailand, you know, your wraps, you
know, you hang them out, you hang your clothes out to dry, your clothes, get wet sweat and all that. And, or you go to the beach, whatever, and you wanna hang your stuff, here, on the balcony,
there's no to hang you stuff. So we're just drying up
things at the chairs, the balcony rails like, you know, it'd be nice if there were like, pull cords or like collapsible
racks or something. – Yeah washing lines, like a
line which you can pull out. Anyway, it's more, that's more like a thing that
they should have here but, maybe one day they'll bring it in. However the room is amazing,
like, very new fittings, the mattress is extremely comfortable. Like, you don't have
to worry about bedbugs 'cause like,
– The fitting is really it's very clean, very clean, lovely bedding
– Amazing, amazing rest, mattresses
oh men comfortable, crisp sheets can't complain, it's amazing.

They come in every day,
they clean the room, they change our towels they.. – They change the towels daily. – Daily yeah like
– Which is pretty nice. – Amazing, super clean, crisp
can't fault, can't fault it. Privacy for rooms facing the gym floor. – Oh yeah. (laughs) You don't, you want to be careful with how you are like getting dressed, and (mumbles) basically
the gym is right there – Yeah that's right.
– And anyone can look in – I'll be right about in, yeah – There's no blinder or anything.
– There's no blinder, there no – And if you close the curtain it's like a black out (mumbles) it just gonna be okay
– Yeah yes there is a curtain – that you are gonna be exposed so just.. – Yeah, there is a curtain but
it's complete like darkness. You pull this thing, they are like if you have the curtain open
and you are getting changed, everybody that is doing
dead lifts could like, (laughs) I'm not (mumbles) I'm not kidding you.

Like it's straight across the
same almost the same level. And it's just there
like it's like there is. By the way that wasn't a problem for us because you are not in
the room during the day you might just be there
like having shower like the shower is fine, privacy, it's just the room there's a curtain you can pull the curtain across. So you do have privacy just make sure the curtains pulled across and you'll be fine. – But you are not hidden
away. You're exposed. – You are exposed when
you pull that curtain out. So, anyway, you can request rooms here I didn't know like you can, it's a circular building, it's be beehive, you can request rooms facing the Buddha, if you want to wake up and
see the Buddha every day, or if you want the quieter
side of the building, 'cause it's just like roads on one side and (mumbles) road on one side? Yeah, so just make sure
just bring your earplugs.

We didn't bring them. We didn't need to, it is very quiet here there's barely anyone staying here but I'm sure with popularity,
it's gonna get noisier, and those rooms are
probably will get noisier, probably I don't know. But just bring earplugs
anyway, just in case. And finally, let's brush this video off and finish it once and for all. There's no shuttle bus
between the two camps. So Tiger Mauy Thai beach
side and the main campus. – Unless you going to
do training on the beach like if you book something
on the other side they come and fetch you
in a little shuttle bus. – In a little shuttle bus but, – But that's for an activity. – That's for an activity like doing the Big Buddha
run or beach training.

But to be honest with you, I wish that they had a shuttle bus either complimentary or you pay 50 baht. So you easily move between the two, you can easily move between the two camps. Right now they don't have that and that would be
amazing if they did that, because you could do all
of your training, you know, here or at the main campus, – Especially if you buy the package. – Yeah if you buy the package so, anyway, I've confirmed
this with the staff, if you get the all
inclusive fitness package with Tiger Muay Thai, you have access to both camps equally. So you get the all inclusive here, or the other place, you have access either or. I've checked that with the stuff already.

Now if you get the all
inclusive at the main campus and you want to come here and use the steam room and the
sauna and the swimming pool and the swim-up bar and all of that there should be a shuttle
bus that brings you here and takes you back. That's my personal opinion. And.. – In fact it makes more sense
to get the full package here so you can use both sides. – I would do that. – Because if you just go for the Muay Thai – That's right – We actually knew someone who couldn't join one of the activities. He only joined the Muay Thai package – That's right, keep that in mind. The guys that I've spoken to they've just taken the
Muay Thai only package at the main campus. And they can't come here, they've got to get another
Muay Thai only package to train here. Whereas as I said before, I'm
sorry, I'm repeating myself, but if you get the all
inclusive here or there, you have free reign to
use both facilities.

So the staff told me that – The only difference,
– unless they change it, I don't know. But just
that's as of 2019 October. That's how it is. – But the only difference I think between here and the other
camp is the privates, the cost of the privates. Here the private are is it 100 baht. It's more expensive – If you book your privates here, it's 800 baht per hour for the trainer, if it's the main campus is 700 baht. The scooter hire is a little bit more than
getting it from the other side.

So as I said, it's a
premium training facility. It's brand new they got great facilities you just paying a premium for it. Like What can I say? It's like the (mumbles) but you know, it's you paying a premium for it so, So I don't have anything else to go a few other things on my list
like the buffet breakfast, which is 150 baht per person, which is really good. We've been doing that every morning.

– You can either get it as part of, – It's really good
– room – 150 baht, – Or you can pay for it separately. – It's worthwhile. Anyway, that's it guys. If you have any questions, let us know Robyn Whale, online pilates instructor if you pilates or wanna to get into it, she's the lady to go and
check out or link her up. And otherwise if you are coming here, and you if I'm here, we're
here at the same time, let me or Robyn know, and we could definitely meet up somewhere. But yeah, you'll love this place guys. It's absolute paradise. We're super happy to be here we're checking out – In one minute
– Now. it's 12 o'clock on a Sunday.
– One minute. – We're checking out now
we just packed your stuff. We're leaving beach side, we're going back to Fitness Street. We've been here for a week.

Yeah, we're super relaxed. And you'll have the holiday of your life if you decide to come out here and train. But yeah, DM, message, email, whatever. And enjoy, enjoy your time and see
you in another video. – Have a great day. – See you guys. ("The Goths-Bonnie Grace").

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