How about my YouTube buddies, how are you? Welcome to this your KINGJRONIN martial arts
channel. Today we bring the following question to the
channel, is Muay Thai useful in a street fight? Well, we will see it next. You already know what this is about but for
the new ones, I'll explain. What we do here is analyze the characteristics
of a martial art or self-defense system, to rate its advantages and disadvantages in a
situation of real aggression in the street, such as a fight. It must be clear that martial arts and self-defense
are not strictly the same, although they can complement each other very well. If you want to be prepared to defend yourself
on the street, it takes more than just knowing how to fight.

I remind you before starting to subscribe
to the channel and activate the notification bell so you don't miss future videos. With nothing more to say, let's begin… Muay Thai is among the most popular combat
sports today and is a fundamental complement for all mixed martial arts fighters, but let's
start by talking about what Muay Thai is and for that, there is someone who can explain
it a lot better than me.

Muay Thai, also known as Thai boxing, or traditionally
as the art of the eight limbs, is one of the most dangerous contact sports out there and
is therefore considered one of the most dangerous extreme contact sports in the world. It is based on Muay Boran, which is developed
standing up through blows with combined techniques of fists, feet, knees and elbows, as well
as some sweeps, holds (to hit) and throws. The word Muay, which translates as "combat",
"fight" or "boxing", comes from the Sanskrit Mavya meaning "to unite". The word thai is the equivalent of the adjective
"thai", whose meaning is "free person" The term "muay thai" is frequently translated
into Spanish as "thai boxing" and into English as "Thai boxing". This martial art has a long and rich history
that unfortunately I cannot cover in this video, but it should be noted that it is currently
considered by many to be the most effective contact sport in terms of stand-up fighting.

But speaking specifically, the advantages
of Muay Thai for fighting are the following: 1. Variety of techniques: Although the main characteristic
of this style is its use of elbows and knees, the truth is that it has a variety of kicking
techniques, punches, knees, elbows and even some sweeps or takedowns. to counter the attacks
of the opponent. 2. Resistance to impacts: being such a hard and
rough sport, those who practice it develop a strength that allows them to resist blows
quite well, although of course this is something rather relative, since not all fighters are
the same. Even so, its impact hardening is comparable
to that of Kyokushin Karate. 3. Short distance management: Unlike styles such
as shotokan or Taekwondo, Muay Thai favors the use of medium and short distance.


Because of this, fighters are more comfortable
exchanging short blows and taking hits to wait for the moment to counter with a sweeping
elbow strike to knock the opponent down. Although of course this is in general terms
since each Muay Thai gym is different and each fighter has his own way of training,
his own way of fighting and his own strategies. In addition to the fact that the circumstances,
the place, the opponents and the contexts in which a fight can take place must always
be taken into account. However, like all martial arts, it has its
drawbacks, the main one being the fact that, in general terms, Muay Thai fighters tend
to be more methodical in combat and usually receive the blows in order to hit a good counterattack
and in a situation of aggression in the street this can be very disadvantageous, since street
fights tend to last a few minutes or even just a few seconds, which are vital to get
as little harm as possible.

In addition to the above, his grappling work
both standing and on the ground is null, so he would be at a disadvantage against an opponent
who dominates these areas. For the rest, due to his strong training,
his excellent distance work, his powerful techniques and his variety of weapons to hit,
I consider him a very good combat style to start on the martial or self-defense path. Still, as I said at the beginning, martial
arts and self-defense are not exactly the same thing. Martial arts go far beyond just learning how
to fight, and the philosophical aspect of it should always be taken into account. Likewise, it must be understood that the street
is a scenario full of infinite variables and dangers, so just learning to fight is not
enough to be well prepared.

That's why there's alwaysto remember the rules
of this channel. 1. Avoid any unnecessary confrontation
2. Use violence only when necessary
3. And not to fight if it is not strictly necessary. This has been all for today's video, please
give me a like and share it so that it reaches more powerful warriors like you. Take a tour of the channel where you will
find more analysis of martial arts and fighting styles, and subscribe so you don't miss future
videos. I am King, this is King Jronin. See you next time..

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