Road to Kiev: Israeli Team. TMS “Wall To Wall”, 2019.

Nimrod’s culinary journey. Sagi is the judge and Shlomi is the substitute.
– Shlomi substitutes? Suggest an idea. You suggest an idea. Ron, what do you think? It sounds good to me. It doesn’t matter any way.
– I actually wanted to be first. No.. What do you mean it doesn’t matter?
I wanted to go first. Saar is the only one that’s different, because he is heavier. That’s it. I don’t think it’s… I think, last one or one before last. Either Nimrod or I should fight last. If Nimrod takes a guy out, we take the lead. There won’t be a draw in the beginning. Maybe the match with USA, we’ll decide later. We have some tough guys in the USA team.

These guys mean business. Tough guys. They are wrestlers.
– The Ukrainian wrestlers oil up a day before. Sagi is the judge, he’ll check.
– It dries up and then the next day, it comes out with the sweat.. You know, they get slippery.
– Ohh.. Do you have a dipstick? I do.. We’ll get it from the car. The.. Thanks a lot!
Good luck to us, let’s kick ass! TMS!
TMS! Be back safe and sound, that’s what’s important. Bottoms up! Careful, maybe you’ll have to fight too.
– No way, I don’t even drink bro.

Wait wait, if they change it to 7v7, you go in with Shlomi? What’s that?
– If they switch it to 7v7, do you join with Shlomi? If you go in, I go in.
If it’s 9v9, you and Alon join too? Every scene Timur is filming I’m with a toothpick. Ezekiel, it’s more believable, yeah. Wait, I don’t have a lot of..
– Oh, Omer too, that’s why you said we should wait for Saar. Omer is here, let’s make a group photo. No, I went before Saar. I saw your match with the Jordanian. You had killer eyes while choking him. Like you’re trying to kill him. Look, I had 20 seconds, I knew he is going to win if I don’t submit him. Oh, really?
– Of course! I would totally lose, I knew that, that’s why I gave everything in this choke. In this kind of tournaments it’s smart, no points.

I saw the match with Ali, beautiful.
Listen, it was very exciting. Which Ali? My Ali?
– Last 30 seconds. His Ali, dude.. What are you..
I had an Ali in my category too. From his finals.
– What? We are waiting for another guy.
– In the bathroom. Wait a minute dear, we want to take a photo.
We are the “Israeli Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Top Team”. Let’s go.

Please respect the occasion. We’ll take a photo inside, let’s go.
– We are used to people disrespecting us. My name is Shlomi Vaknin, I train under the Cohen Brothers. I’m 18 years old. I came as a substitute for TMS, if someone gets injured. I hope not.. I’m so lucky I brought a coat. I’m dead. I can’t believe it. Welcome to Ukraine. What do you think about Ukraine? Cold! Timur, are you filming? Your phone is about to fall dude. And what if I put it like this? Impressive. Damn, you are so light I swear.
You can be 74 kg and I can stay 88. I’m about to die of hunger. I started Jiu Jitsu when I was 8 years old. I took a gold medal in the world championship. I know he’ll edit it out and delete it.. (With Brazilian accent)
When I was 16 years old, I remember the day, I want to be a world champion for sure, you know? And my father take a boat, you know, and..

Put me in the water you know, and..
– Bernardo Faria. (With Bernardo Faria impersonation)
I’m here with Nicholas Meregali, this guy, This guy so good in arm lock, you know,
This guy beat Muhammad Ali. This is “Honey Hole”, Omer Emanoely,
He is.. Model of Craig Jones. When you smile you both squint your eyes like.. Alan is first, I’m Second. Nimrod, and then Omer or Saar. Sounds good to me. We have to keep Saar for the end. Or Omer. Which team is first? Ukraine?
– Ukraine? So leg locks. Yes.
– It’s leg locks. So we need to order according to that, no? That’s right. That’s also correct. What?
– The first team we’re up against is Ukraine. They go for leg locks. We could put Omer first. Sagi offered:
Omer, Alan, Nimrod, Piter, no, Saar, Piter.
– Let’s do it. I’m last? What ever you want.
Maybe in the finals you could be first.

You need to know how to handle the pressure.
– I agree, I’ll do what ever you decide. If you are last it means it all rests on your shoulders. Are you sure that this is enough oil, Piter? It’s never enough.. It’s never enough. How do you do it? Like this? Is this the longest period of time that you had to stare at oiled up men? For sure.
– Yeah? Just don’t make eye contact. How much did you need to cut? 1.5 kilos. 1.5 kg.. How much do you weigh? 81.5 kg. Maybe 81.6, 81.7. Wish me luck! How much does everyone have to weigh? Hmm..

All of the guys besides Saar, need to weigh 78 kg. And me of course, I need to weigh 80. And Saar weighs 86 kg. He is the fattest of us. Fattest or buffest? Fattest. That’s it.
1.3 kg.. damn. 1.3 kg? Figures, you just ate like a horse.
– You just ate 1.3 kg? You ate 1.3 kg? No, I ate 0.5 kg. I woke up 800 grams above.
How much are you? Like me, exactly alike.
Yeah we are the same Alan. We are Siamese Twins.
No but I need to go to the bathroom. Me too.
Oh good, good for you Which means I need to cut half a kilo. How much do you cut on the toilet on average? That depends.. If I drank espresso earlier. If I did, it’s 1.5 kg. You need to cut? I have 600 grams to cut.

That’s good, after a meal..
600 grams? Some sauna to help the guys, I’ll cut a bit more so it’ll be easier for them. 87.2, before. Nature’s weight-cut. What’s the most you cut before a tournament? I always cut like a week before, The most I cut is 7 kg. A week before?
– Yes. Saar, what are we checking? How much I pooped. How sad! Wait.. It’s really sad Timur, I’d rather you won’t film this. 200 grams? That’s it?
– Yes. It was a hard day. Alright, now I have 1 kg to cut. How many saunas is that? Half an hour. How much should it be? 1.8 kg less. Well Piter? 1.8 kg.. Omer’s weight is 77.8 kg. 79.8 kg. 77.5 kg. 78.4 kg. And Saar Shemesh, 85.8 kg. Good day everyone. We are gathered to conduct the weigh-ins for our 4 teams, That we’ll see perform tomorrow with great matches, I hope. This will be the first international tournament of its kind in Ukraine. I think all guys are the best. We have the best guys. All five of them. For sure, I know this. Like all teams I think, we believe in ourselves, we believe that we will win.

This – No. You can’t lift from the floor and slam. No, slam no. And what about this? Lift, and go BAM! Suplex, no, not allowed. And you’re talking about hip turn. And what if I do like this? Yeah, that’s ok. That’s ok, right?
– Yeah. The discussion is about the reaping.
When you cross over the leg. Which is illegal, our guys work without it. IBJJF rules.
That’s what was agreed upon. There was a misunderstanding with the Ukranians.
The Ukranians want reaping. There is a discussion, if it is allowed or not. We need to decide what’s up. What do we do. Put a dollar in the.. thing. It’s Kosher here for sure. Hop on.
– Take the photo, let’s go. What are you crazy? You think I’ll get on that? It’ll break. We can get 3 in 1 of those. These are the penalties.

Everyone understood the penalties? Wait, explain the penalties to Saar. If I’m in a match with you, ok Saar? I have 1 penalty, I got 1 penalty,
You got 3 penalties. End of the match, after 8 minutes, I continue and you are out. 2 penalties is turtle position, it doesn’t matter. Yeah, right, that too. The penalties aren’t erased after a match? No, they stay.
The match starts with them.. ok? So my best mind-set is so everytime when I have a fight, you know, I always try to forget everything I have around me and the trouble of my family, you know, so I always try to focus on the fight, you know. try to figure out all my mistakes.

Before a fight, so, I look all my fights first, or a couple of fights of mine, and then I try to look at my mistakes, why I didn't win the fight, why I lost in some positions, you know, why I lost some techniques, and then I start working on these things. And then I start looking at my opponent, you know, then I start studying my opponent, who I was going to fight. So they kind of twist the knee shield, the angle, the knee goes downwards, so it blocks all your hip. You know what I mean?
– like him? like him. They want a cure to your guard. when you try to pass, yeah, and he blocks all the hip with the angle of the knee. Hi everybody from Israel, all the Israelis that train Jiu Jitsu.

They asked my to give you guys some tips to becoming a world champion, or, you know, becoming a high level athlete. I think it's very important to be confident in yourself, be smart, you know, always work on.. I like to do a lot of specific training. start in a position, or even a drill but with more resistance drill, you know. Specific training, start from the back, start from the Delariva, start from the 50/50, heel hook situations, I believe that specific training, even that it's boring, is very good to your high level, and also the Porrada.
(Brazilian slang for high intensity) Porrada Caralho. some guys, oh, too much porrada, yeah, too much porrada is no good for you, but also no porrada never, you're not gonna be used to the high level tournaments. Study Jiu Jitsu also, watch fights, study with your partners, with your coach, you know, go to seminars, watch a lot of Jiu Jitsu, I think a little bit of everything, that will help everybody. First time that Shlomi sees snow.
Shlomi, come touch the snow. Touch the snow. Wait.. how did he.. The door was open. It wasn’t close bro.
– Who is it? Hello!
– I’ll Timura you! You have a seatbelt, right?
– ok.

He grabs like this.
Or like this. Other way.
How do you call this grip? I like to put my forehead on the chin. You put the forehead like that.. it hurt like hell. Do you have a ritual that you do before a fight? Yeah, at first, I like to take a hot shower. Strong, black coffee. Music. Some deep house, something good. It gets me in the zone. I start to think about how I’ll open the match, what I’m going to do. And then I start to realize that I am going to fight. And when I get on the mat, I’m already warmed up.

I’m in the mood. I love it. I love fighting. Saar are.. Saar are you working? Me? Security guard. Security guard? Yeah. It’s hard to be a competitor. It’s hard to earn enough to live properly. But that’s ok, as long as I do what I love, I’m calm. It's all good. Here, you have a.. Good morning, how are you?
– How are you? How are you guys? Good morning.
– Good morning. How is the food in Ukraine? Tasty, But small.

Small portions? Not suited for the Israeli fighters. No, no, not really.
That’s why they are so small. I’m not Tripolitanian.
– I’m just kidding. Sagi, you are judging all the matches.. Are you going to tip the matches in favour of Israel? You better!
You better! I am going through polygraphs dude, I’m not.. I want Sagi to let me win by submission. Then they’ll ask me:
Did you ever tip a fight? In favour of.. Yeah? In the army they’ll ask you, if in a BJJ match.. Of course bro, it’s the first question. Did you ever tip a fight, In TMS Kiev In favour of Israel. Omer is going to win 3 matches straight tomorrow. That’s today. Oh, today, sorry, today. I’m willing to bet with you,
Omer wins 3 matches today.

Omer, are you fighting first? Yeah, I’m up first. I have a good feeling. I feel we are going to win this guys. Really.
– We’re going to break them. Listen, other than that guy with his finger.. That’s why we put him last. “I feel, feelings.” What.. I have a good feeling about this. I think it’s unfair. I think it’s unfair because Omer and Alan will take everyone out. And me, Nimi and Saar will rest all evening. Until the next team. The event is about 3 hours away.
At 19:00. There’s excitement, we just ate. Waiting for the food to go down. Relax a little, digest the food.

There is a lot of pressure, but good pressure. Pressure that.. There are days that there is bad pressure and there is good pressure.
Today I feel good pressure. Usually when there is bad pressure I’m more closed, by myself, Today I’m smiling more, happier. I feel there’s going to be.. Porrada. Going to be Porrada. Alan is here as well. Looking like..
How can you be sad when you see Alan like this? No pressure, no pressure, today we fight. Fight. No pressure.
There’s no pressure. Before every fight I try to step on the mat on the right foot. Because I think the event should start off on the right leg,
The match on the right foot, And everything will be alright if we’ll start like that. Of course I pray “Shema Yisrael”, I.. I am a man of faith, so “Shema Yisrael” is like.. When I pray “Shema Yisrael” it’s like.. It’s a kind of sign that either my opponent dies, or I die. I don’t have a problem like.. Dying in combat. It’ll be a show, that's for sure.
I will give everything I got.

And with God’s help we’ll get the trophy. We’ll get the reward too. I hope. Before I get on the mat I step on the right foot, I pray “with God’s help Naase Venazliah” I don’t know, eventually, Everyone is giving his best, that not.. There’s no one better or worse, it doesn’t matter. What needs to happen, will happen. Do you have a strategy with the fights? Yes, my game plan is well known in Israel.
I love.. I love leg lock submissions. I believe I..
Like, I believe, I’ll pull guard right away, I’ll look for the legs. I like to finish the fights.
Pull guard, submit. That’s it. I’m in the first match against Ukraine. My goal is to take out as many guys as I can.

So our guys will save their strength for the finals against.. Against USA.
That’s what we think, at least. Be there, be 400% ready. And just break them. You.. Take what you can against them. We are in the lobby now, as you can see. Ready for the tournament already. So we are leaving in about.. The bus arrives in about half an hour. Everyone in the team is very excited. And the guys are.. Ecstatic.
.והחבר'ה פה.. עפים The guys are ecstatic. Everyone wants to fight first. We arranged some kind of order of the fighters, And everyone wants to be first so they could fight as much as possible. They are really excited for this event. They put you last. Yeah, they put me last. Strategically, I thought I should be first or second, But I didn't want to impose anything,
I let them decide. I'll accept any decision they make. Maybe it's a part of their strategy to put me last. So I could maybe "save" the team in the endgame.

But, even if it isn't, I accept the decision. I think everyone is worthy.
I think everyone's level is very high. I don't think they did a mistake in the order of the athletes. But in the first round I'm last, in the finals we could switch, we don't have to stay in this order. So maybe we'll switch strategies.

We'll see how it'll work out. We'll see the order of the other teams and decide accordingly. But it'll be interesting, exciting, it'll be awesome!
I'm.. i'm looking forward to it. Thank you. Boom. Got the choke. Are you sure the bottle is big enough? Nah.. This? It's small for me. In between breaks.
yeah.. In between breaks. Before I compete I do what I do every day. I just listen to music, Don't think too much, – Eat a lot of bread! A lot of bread?
– He eats A LOT of bread. I don't eat a lot of bread.
– You ate a lot of bread before the event. Doesn't matter, anyway.. I get on the mat, do the best I can, And hope for the best.
I believe it'll.. I'm pretty sure it'll be great. Good luck to us. I trained with Alan yesterday. I twisted my finger, and today I have to pay for it. Even though they told him not to train yesterday,
And not going "Porrada". Yeah, even though Ron and Alon told me: "Didn't I tell you peter? Didn't I tell you?" That's because he trained with me.

I believe we have the best guys here. The team, I think we're the only ones that.. The level, The level of everyone, I mean, we don't have anyone who..
Everyone is good. We don't have anyone who is behind. They are really the top 5 fighters in Israel. Either way, I think it is a great opportunity for them. They are doing something that no Israeli fighter has done until now.
Which is to fight in such an international event. I don't think there were any Jiu Jitsu athletes from Israel that did anything like that. They are making history today, no matter what they do. First of all it's great to see where we've come with Jiu Jitsu.

I've returned from Japan, Brazil, all these years ago when we started the Jiu Jitsu journey, I got my younger brother into it. My brother became one of the best, he was a world champion. And now we see that Israel became a BJJ empire. All the academies in Israel became very high level.
We have international competition teams. Leading in europe and the world and we see it now. It's important for the kids. We have kids in the academy, and all the kids in Israel, they see how..
How far BJJ can go. That it can be professional, that you can get paid, that you can do it in the highest levels.

I have kids in the academy, we have kids that came here with us, Shlomi here with us as well. All these young kids see how far this sport can develop. The athletes and the professional level, it's great to see. And I believe that there will be a lot of competitions like TMS and other events, And the young kids in the academy will look up to these guys, and will want to be like them. The rules are a combination of IBJJF Black/brown belts, EBI and Quintet. The goal is to encourage engagement and submissions. The rule set is made to make those 8 minutes as action-packed as possible. No stalling, no time wasting, No stalling the positions, but always engaging and looking for submissions. Did someone see Timur's lens by any chance? Lens cap!
– his lens cap. I see it here.
– He keeps losing it all the time.

Did you find it Timur?
– That's the main problem. Take it.
– Here, we found it. Can you please be more responsible in the future? I will shove it in a place that I will never lose it again. Ok.. Great. Oss. This is a bun. Apparently it has cheese in it. It was quite a surprise. I just found out. Looking pretty good. As you can see, the guys are warming up for the big event. Everyone has their own way of warming up. You've got Nimrod here who prefers to be alone with his headphones, in his zone. Alan is also in his zone with his headphones. Drinks his coffee, his black coffee. Coffee.. There's nothing better. On the other hand, Piter likes to roll before his fights. Saar and Omer also like to roll before the fights. Every guy and his ritual. The least threatening person in this room is.. Nimrod Ryder. He looks the least threatening.

– But he is the most threatening. If you'll notice his warmup routine.
But in reality.. What they don't know is that he is the toughest.
– The secret weapon. Eastern European fighters are known for.. Sambo and wrestling and stuff like that, they are good in leg locks. We think he can finish 2 quick fights. I think that's what'll happen. Omer is a type of fighter that.. Of submissions. He finishes the fight quickly. Omer needs just one good entry to finish the fight. When he gets into his position he finishes the fight, it's done. I created the TMS Project thanks to my children, thanks to love for Jiu Jitsu. I fell in love with it about 9 years ago. I started training and loved it a lot. And then I decided to create a project like TMS. To give athletes the opportunity to compete in tournaments, in a format like we are doing here today. This format is more appealing to the american audience, it is very developed there. So I wanted to bring this format to Israel, Ukraine, Europe, to promote this sport.

TMS Championship Wall To Wall. Good evening dear friends. Hello ladies and gentlemen, We are proud to welcome you to the first international grappling tournament TMS Champion Wall To Wall Team Ukraine. Meet the Israeli team. Team Israel. Meet the American team. United States of America. Lithuania. In the first semi-finals, team Ukraine will face their opponents, Team Israel. Omer Emanoely – 77 kg. Alan Surmont – 77 kg. Nimrod Ryder – 79 kg. Saar Shemesh – 86 kg. Piter Taube – 78 kg. The first match will be between
Alexander Matviychuk And his opponent for today, Omer Emanoely. Alexander against Omer, Remember the ruleset.
00:39:07,200 –> 00:39:11,880
submission only. If nobody finishes, both guys are out. Let's go Omer! Porrada Omer! Omer pulls guard right away. Playing the butterfly. Going under.. Going for Leg lock.. Tap! Beautiful submission. by the Israeli team. I think it was under 40 seconds. Ladies and gentlemen, The winner of this match, by knee bar submission, is the representative of the Israeli team,
00:39:54,920 –> 00:39:57,520
Omer Emanoely.

The winner team is:
Israel. Dear friends, before the next fight 2 minute break. He said 2 minutes or 3 minutes? yeah, this is Omer Emanoely, totally, the next Craig Jones. Just a beast. Knee bar. Finished the fight in 30 seconds.
10 seconds of action.. Pow! super quick.
– Let's go Omer! Same thing. He seems very concentrated for the fight. Let's see what's gonna happen. Ukrainian guy pulls guard right away.

Spin under, beautiful spinning, goes to the foot.. he's going to the foot. Emanoely was able to defend. He has the foot. I don't think Emanoely is feeling.. He doesn't seem like he is in pain. Mytchenko is.. is on the path, he really wants the straight lock. Oh, now he defends, locks his feet together. He got the sweep, remember there is no points, submission only, but, he swept him. Mytchenko is doing very well, he pulled guard, he tried 1 attack already, got the sweep.

But now he is playing the Emanoely game, let's see. Emanoely, I think he gonna try to do the same position that he did in the first fight, seems like he wanna really lift him on the butterfly guard, look at that, the hook, but Mytchenko defends very well, very good footwork to pass. knee shield, half guard, Emanoely goes to the foot.. sweeps him. I told you guys it would be a foot lock match.. Berimbolo.. Mytchenko is trying the berimbolo, well defended by Emanoely. Both seem to have a very similar game. Mytchenko is doing more reverse De La Riva, spinning under, like right now, Emanoely has a little bit more butterfly guard
– Get your left knee inside. You have the back Omer.
– You have the back too. Mytchenko is spinning very well, wow, switch for a triangle, well defended by Emanoely. Let's go, Pick up the pace.

Put more pressure Omer. Knee shield, half guard.
– 6 more minutes Omer. It's very hard to work on the pass without the gi.
– Go, go for the leg. You know, especially when we go on the ruleset of submission only, you feel like you don't want to spend too much energy passing. Go for your submissions! Because there are no points allowed. But, you know, sometimes forcing the pass will lead you to a back attack, where it's very good for submissions. Mytchenko is spinning so well and he goes for the foot. Well defended by Emanoely.

And he got the sweep again. I feel like they don't care to get swept, both guys prefer to be on bottom, look at that, they really.. Doesn't matter to them, they prefer to play on bottom, I can clearly see that. Let's see how this butterfly guard for Emanoely is working on Mytchenko. Don't show him that you get tired. Breath normally. Mytchenko is doing a very good job shutting down the butterfly, and now he entered. He entered that position. Go for it, go for it! Leg lock again! Oh, tap! Again.

Good job. Like I said, that match would be a.. A leg lock war. And Emanoely goes again. He already beat 2 guys from Ukraine. Ladies and gentlemen, The winner of this match, by knee bar submission, is the representative of the Israeli Team, Omer Emanoely. The winner team is: Israel. Where is his bottle cap? If you get tired, stalling. You have to take him out. Team Ukraine representative – Zelimkhan Yusupov. If Emanoely keeps finishing the guy, he's gonna be the only one to fight. "Zelimkhan we are with you, let's go, we're with you!" Yusupov doesn't want that to happen. He wanna get the win, the first win of the Ukraine team. Let's see, I think Emanoely is going to pull guard right away, Because it's been working for him tonight. I feel that will build his confidence if he keeps doing the same thing that he has been doing. Here, you see, look at that. Pulls guard right away. Keep the right hook in front, try lifting his hip and go under. Look, lift.. He's very patient, he uses the knee shield.

To stop Yusupov from passing and then he puts his right foot between Yusupov's legs and try lifting him, look at that, and go around. Look, he's using that game all the time, he's already got it, he's already got him in his position. Watch out for the knee.. Yusupov has to cross the legs and pull the knee out, Yusupov defends the leg lock, Emanoely goes to the foot. Very well defended by Yusupov, the first one that was able to defend Emanoely's leg lock tonight. Be calm!
– Keep going, stay alert. Don't let him jump over your legs.
– Same thing, great. Don't let him see that you're tired. That's your game, you're in the zone, let's go! Don't let him pass.
– What, no penalties for that? Every pass he'll try will come from the top. I think everybody already knows what Emanoely is going to do, but it is very hard to defend. Yusupov working the pass.. Controlling the bottom leg, controlling Emanoely's neck, I think that was the closest attempt to pass Emanoely's guard tonight. But, Emanoely was just so relaxed and recovered the guard.

Actually he's been playing a very relaxed game, Very calm, using the De La Riva. Yusupov goes to the foot. Emanoely seems like he's not worried about it too much But I feel like the foot is there. Well defended by Emanoely. Step on the foot, excellent, step on the foot.
– Now Emanoely is on top. Be patient Omer, don't rush it.
– What I think is better for Yusupov. Because Emanoely's guard has been very hard to deal with, tonight. Five and a half minutes. He's dead tired. He can't breath, he's dead tired.
– It's nothing. Step on your foot.
– He's tired. Ahh.. Yes! Ah? tapped?
– Tap? Tap!
– He tapped! What happened? What was that?
– You are not letting go Omer. Don't let go next time Omer. He let go after he tore his leg.
Don't let go! Don't let go, Don't let go! Pass, pass, pass! Omer, he has no guard, you can finish from top too.

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Yusupov plays some butterfly. Entered to the X-single. Oh, switched for an armbar. Well defended by Emanoely. I feel like Emanoely is much more dangerous from his guard. So I think he's gonna try to go to a foot lock from top and land on the bottom to play the game. Remember, if nobody finishes, both are out and next.. Yes it's yours! Go for it! Close the triangle, close the triangle. He is very smart, Emanoely tonight. He really wants to play on bottom. I think he has more confidence to get his submissions from the bottom guard.

4 minutes and 10 seconds left. Yusupov was able to shut down Emanoely a little bit. Butterfly.. Watch how they really don't care about getting swept, they prefer being on bottom. Beautiful transition to the "crab ride". He has good hip control, he's gonna try switching.. He has to watch out, so he won't expose his foot now because it's Emanoely's game. Yusupov defends the hook very well. He got the sweep. Emanoely entered the "Sankaku" position again. Again he goes for the leg lock! The knee is kind of by the side..

Oh tap! Oh my god, Emanoely is on fire tonight. 3 leg locks from the same position. Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match, by knee bar submission, is the representative of the Israeli Team, Omer Emanoely. The winner team is:
Israel! Bro, he's the last one! Bro he weighs 65 kg, you can finish him in half a minute. Wait, no, no, no. Drink. Sit, sit down for a second.
– Omer, sit. Lean back. When you breathe, don't show him that you are gasping. Even if you are, don't show that to him. You are doing great, really. When you get in the guard, close it. Take him out. In every position you can stall a bit, you don't have to try to submit every second, ok? Don't get hurt, that's the most important thing, you're tired.

My leg hurts..
– I know. Chernetsky also likes to do a lot of foot locks, straight foot locks. I feel like Emanoely is a little bit bigger than him.
– Omer, after that we'll leave you here for a week to do seminars. But also he is a little bit tired because he already fought 3 times. Be alert,
Be vigil, be vigil. So if I was.. Let's see. If I was Chernetsky I would pull first. But he let Emanoely pull. I told you he's gonna try to go to the x-single foot lock all the time. I saw this kid training, He switches to a toe hold. He's really pushing the pace, Emanoely, see, Emanoely locks the triangle there, he did an amazing job defending the leg lock. That's what I think the others guys should've done before, Chernetsky is going full force on Emanoely's foot.

Well defended by Emanoely. Leg lock again. Well defended. I feel like Chernetsky is going full power and Emanoely kind of.. waits a little bit. defends, to try and play his game again, that's how I feel. Goo
Very well defended by Emanoely. Chernetsky tried 3-4 different attacks, foot lock, leg lock, all defended by Emanoely. Now he stopped a little bit to try realizing what he's gonna do to finish the guy. He's playing himself some butterfly with an over hook, Tries switching for a triangle. Chernetsky is coming to the kill. He's been trying to finish Emanoely from all positions. A lot of X-single. Going for the foot again for sure. The position is there, Emanoely seems very calm.. He tapped! He tapped. Beautiful submission for the Ukrainian team. After 3 finishes Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match, by toe hold submission, the representative of the Ukrainian team, Nazarii Chernetsky.

The winner team is: Ukraine. Like I said, I saw him training and he's doing a lot of x-single to the foot lock. Ok.. You were tired. What do you want, you were tired. Was it legit? Or you tapped because.. At first he did it barely on my toes. I was stuck at the end, I couldn't move. Was it a knee bar? What was it? Achilles. I mean, toe hold. It was legit?
– Yeah it was painful. Single X. He is looking for the single X. Watch your leg, ok? Alan, break him bro.. Listen to me, break him. Alan Surmont. That's Alan. 77 kg. It's going to be an interesting match up, let's see. I think Chernetsky is going to pull guard right away and working his x-single. Yeah, he pulls guard right away. Wow! Surmont tried to go for the guillotine from the top. Beautiful pass by Surmont. But again, there are no points allowed so submission is all you need to win. You have what we did in training. What you showed us Alan. Beautiful!
– What you showed us, yes, you have his arm too, that's right.

Punish him! Punish him Alan.
– Beautiful! Make him pay! Good recover by Chernetsky. Alan being very aggressive on the guard pass. It's very nice to see because normally in submission only I see Almost everybody wanna play on bottom. I like to see when guys play aggressive on top too. But look, Chernetsky is already working his game to the x-single. Well defended by Alan, bringing his knees to the mat, bringing the ankle back, didn't let Chernetsky lifting his hip. He's playing more safe now with both knees on the floor. It's a little bit harder for Chernetsky to go under him and enter the x-single. Yeah, Alan is a little bit more playing a little bit more safe, after he got the first pass. Pass and put a lot of pressure from the side.

00:57:25,480 –> 00:57:28,880
Well recovered by Chernetsky.
– Work, work, work. Chernetsky is spinning so well under his opponents. That's why Alan is working with his knees on the mat. I wonder what they are telling him.. Piter, if you understanding what they are saying.. It's a little bit harder to pass when your knees are down like that,
– 6 more minutes Alan.

But also it's a little bit harder for the guy on bottom. Actually, go under you or lift your hip to go to the x-single, to go to Sankaku positions or reverse De La Riva. Alan, pressure, pressure, work lower, don't let him get under you. Don't let him go to the legs.
– He wants to rest Alan. Beautiful arm bar! Davi Ramos's style, he got the tap? Yes, he got the tap by arm bar. Davi Ramos! Davi Ramos! Davi Ramos! Get him some water. Grab lower.
– Amazing, amazing. Down, here. You are saying it was worth it to go to the seminar, huh? No, it's my style. Lower, here. Drink some, drink. What, you jumped on him? I didn't even see, I filmed them. Omer..
– Me too, I saw the end, the entry. You didn't get in the middle. Very good Alan, amazing. Amazing work. Davi Ramos saw you, he jumped from his chair. He said: "That's what I showed yesterday, that's what I showed yesterday!" "Dima! Ukraine is counting on you!" It was nice to see the last arm bar, from the top.

Basically, all the fights ended with a tap, until now. It's been amazing. Amazing fights tonight. Let's see this one. Alan pulls guard, but didn't feel comfortable, stand up again. Some wrestling, a little bit, Hands fight, snap the head, fake a double. I think these both guys want to play on top. Oh, single leg. That was a takedown. Oh, a sweep by Alan. Very good scramble. One takedown, one sweep. But again, no points here. Golbaev works his guard. Control the neck. Playing the butterfly with the Russian grip. Wow, beautiful reversal. Beautiful reversal by Golbaev. Oh, he wanna go to the leg lock. But he exposing his foot a little bit to go Golbaev where it's kind of dangerous, but he defends, still on the leg. Wow.. From sankaku position, switches to a toe hold. Well defended by Alan. He's rolling, trying to get the leverage to finish the toe hold. But he's letting his opponent keep rolling.

Alan did a very good job in defending the toe hold. He's gonna try again, look, he's gonna roll again, he has to try stop.. Alan from rolling. Ouch! watch the reaping, hey.
The referee stopped the match, they went outside the boundaries. It's a very good match. The people like it. Golbaev pulls guard. Reversal. Tries a leg drag, well defended by Alan. Wow, works on a Kimura from that top, but.. Alan's arm slipped out and Alan switched to a leg lock attack. Well defended by Golbaev. You see how he takes his knee out of the range. What a leg lock exchange. 5 minutes left.
– Grab the neck! Grab the neck! It's a good match up this one. Very even.
– Take the back, take the back, take the back. Working the Kimura, watch out so he won't expose the back. He got the reversal, still has the Kimura.

Well defended by Alan. Look how Alan uses his left leg to push Golbaev's forearm. He is going for the knee! He was not able to get the Kimura but switches for a leg lock. Push, push, push, Alan. Switched for a leg lock but the knee is not in the right position yet. See, Alan has been defending this leg lock attacks very well, pulling his knee out and then roll.

Both are trying to attack the foot lock. You are working with him from top.
– Careful, careful. Watch the legs, stay there. Don't let him take your back.
– Here, go for it, go for it. Take it, take it, take the back.
– back, back, back. Watch the leg, watch the leg. Well defended by Golbaev. Push, push, push. Both athletes are going for the kill here. Very even match. Alan tried to set up the sankaku position. Working the Kimura from the knee shield, switch to arm bar, very good set-up. I think he has the position, Well defended by Golbaev, but he's still on. Beautiful attack and beautiful defense. Alan was able to conquer the side control. People really like the match, the back on forth non stop.
– 3 more minutes, 3 minutes. That's what we wanna see.
– You can get the mount if you want. Very entertaining tonight you guys.
– rest a little. Watch your breath Alan.
– Look for your choke.

You have his back Alan, he is turning to you, you have his back.
– Look for your choke. You can jump for his back, you have his back. Here is your choke, your choke is coming. Takes their time. Sometimes it feels like they're stalling, but
לפעמים זה נראה שהם תוקעים את הקרב They try to find a way to finish or control the match a little bit. But Golbaev was able to escape.
It is a very good match. Both are on their feet. 2 and a half minutes Alan. 2 minutes left. I feel like both athletes are a little bit tired, of course after that non stop action. You have great rhythm, beautiful work.
– Everybody would be tired. Great job.
2 minutes Alan, 2 minutes. Great show. Yes!
– Very good, very good, work from top, great, watch the legs. Amazing Alan, amazing.
– 2 more minutes Alan. Work the half like we learned yesterday, press him. Be on his lower half, exactly. Jump on his hand if he's like that.
– There's the hand, there's the hand. You can pass the guard from here.
– Yes, you are passing the guard! Alan he is tired, he's tired, you're passing the guard, yes, great!
– 1.5 minutes Alan.

Actually it's pretty hard. Working the pass, back-step. Golbaev was able to recover the right knee. Alan tried an arm bar, passing and going straight to the arm bar. But Golbaev was able to escape his elbow and come on top. 1 minute and 15 seconds left. It seems like this match is gonna be a draw. But, I mean, still have 1 minute left. But I feel like both athletes are very even on their skill. Alan is trying a back-step to go to the leg lock position. Now Golbaev is spinning, 50\50 position, 50 seconds left. I think that match won't gonna have a finish. Both athletes are trying hard but both athletes have very good submission defense. And they are still going at the same pace, that's crazy.

Oh, good leg lock by Golbaev. But watch how Alan locks his foot, and at least he gains some time but Golbaev opens the leg, the knee is there. 15 seconds left.
Well defended by Alan. He is even laughing. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 First match that nobody finished.
– Ladies and gentlemen, this match ended in a draw. I got tired bro.
Of course man, great job! Ladies and gentlemen, I invite both team to the mat. Team Ukraine, and team Israel. Ladies and gentlemen, after all the matches in the semi-finals, Our first finalists are team Israel! We welcome the team of Israel to the finals. Let's go downstairs, let's go. It was hard.. Whatever you want.
I say either Piter first, or Alan or Omer. What Alan? Alan is resting now. They are in the end.
– Alan can't. Now we don't touch them.
– They are the last ones. Ok then, Piter and then me.
– Whatever you want. Looking great.
– You got tired? Yeah, I'm exhausted. I broke that guy's leg. The big guy? Why did I yell in the middle of the match? I got the "Estima" like this, I entered, and suddenly I hear his leg go: "Khhh" Oh, that was the "Estima"?
– So I yelled "ouch!" You know, I thought it happened to him, like, thought..

It did happen to him. And then he said "no, I'm fine.."
And then when Safi said "go back to the same position" I got the grip and he just, what he did was this thing. Because he knew I was going to pull his leg again. That's why you saw him work from bottom.
– The second guy with the "Juji" (arm bar)? I felt a pop. And didn't let go.
– Me too, both of them, the first one, I definitely broke his leg. The second one, you saw, when he tapped I still kept going. That guy that you armbarred, he tapped and was like "no.. What happened?" And then he tried to get out.
– And Sagi told him He tried to get out, yeah, "I saw you!" One more moment of glory. Come on Kody! So now the USA team went up against their opponents, Saeed and his opponent were eliminated, next in line was Kody and his opponent, Kody won by submission.

Let's see what will happen in the next one. We are studying their moves, to see who keeps going. Who ever sits out in the USA team, will probably continue to the next round. Kody considered the best in their team? No. The one that sits over there. His name is William. Yeah? Is he better? He is a purple belt, no? I don't know what he is, but I know that he is more famous. They are both good. They both are the tough ones, and we have Lucas also. The representative of team USA is getting on the mat right away, Mike Khatchikian. He tries to play half guard but it's very hard to deal with the hooks. The butterfly hooks. Pass, pass!
Work, let's go, 2 more minutes.

In the finals we are opening with Piter. In his best shape I believe. After that we have Saar Shemesh. Saar Shemesh is warmed up, he is strong, very surprising. After that we have Nimrod Ryder, world champion. He recently took first place in the world championship in 77 kg. Very strong, Very surprising in his game. After that there is me, and after that, for a great ending, we have Omer Emanoely. Let's go, moving to the finals. We have 30 minutes, we are going to rest, eat something and get in ready to go. What do you think? You tell me. It looks like international refereeing to me. From the reception. Here. Here you go, superstar. How didn't we bring some sweets, something to eat.

Shay told me..
– Do you want me to bring Snickers and stuff? Want some Snickers? The next generation.
– Here, they went to get it. They went to get it. The next generation.
– huh? You are the next generation? yes.. You are the future of Jiu Jitsu?
– You have 30 minutes until the finals. The knee bar was..
– The knee bar was.. Was tough. I see you know, 20 seconds.. I said: "f**k it". But it's ok. Congrats man!
– The best seminar! They are very arrogant, those guys, you know, over there.

You will get them down. Yeah, maybe they are a little bit.. But it's nothing, really nothing. You are really sharp today, all of you look very sharp, so keep it up. Now all the fresh guys are up. Piter, you're a monster. You are fresh, ok? You are next after him, also fresh. After that comes the surprise. Ok? That's it, these are the last matches for today. If you ask me, I don't have to fight anymore if you want to take them all out.
– That's right. You are hungrier than them. Show that you are hungry for these submissions and break them and this is your day. This is really your day.
Oss! We are bringing it home. Oss! "Naase Venazliah”, let's go, oss! What do you say?
– Great event! Let's see what happens in the finals. Interesting. At least I have the best seat in the event.

You can tell me "go for the submission, go for this, go for that", feel free. Just don't stress me out, like, maybe at the very end and it's the last minute, I'll get through this. Save my energy.
– They are not hungry like we are. They don't want to win.
– They don't, they are not hungry, man. You are hungry. You are hungrier than they are. You need to eat!
– We talked about it. Money for food! The first fighter from team USA – William Tackett. And the representative of the Israeli team – Piter Taube. Be sharp! Piter, you pull (guard) first, Piter.

Let's go Piter, pull, good job. That's the final. Very good. Team USA against team Israel. Good Piter, yes! Tackett against Taube.
– You can do it, you can do it! It's yours, yes, go for it!
Both guys didn't fight in the first round. I also trained with William Tackett before, very aggressive. He's very used to the Ashi-Garami game that the Israeli team has been playing.
.הוא מאוד רגיל לסגנון לכידות הרגליים שנבחרת ישראל משתמשת בו But Taube is working a little bit more De La Riva. But Tackett took the knee out. Beautiful scramble. Taube wanna go inside, under his legs. Watch his right knee trying to go through. But Tackett is doing very well in defending that spin. He's gonna push the leg down, try to go to the other side. Weird position right there, he got the sweep but didn't wanna come on top. Yes, yes, yes, pull the leg Piter,
– Yes! You are submitting him with it Piter. Take it, take it.
– Piter you're submitting him, let's go.

Take the submission!
Push his leg down! Ok, now go. "Israel, let's go!" The referee was seeing Tackett was reaping, but I didn't see reaping there. Tackett's calm, He's trying to go to the foot lock.. The knee lock.
– You can roll into 50\50. Throw your right leg into 50\50. Good Piter, great. He tried to go for the leg lock, but was well defended by Taube.
.הוא ניסה ללכת על בריח רגל אבל טאובה הגן היטב Remember, heel hook is not allowed in this tournament. Both athletes are – Hug his head. very good Omer, talk to him. at attacking foot locks, attacking leg locks. Good Piter, pass it, pass it to the other side Piter. Piter don't let him pass the leg, you can threaten his legs constantly. Hide your right knee under his leg and take his back.

6 more minutes. Good! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! Finish it now! You got it, you got it!
– Take it! Take it now, that's it!
– Exactly! Break it! Take it home.
– Harder, Piter! Take the knee. Tackett tries to put the knee – Watch your legs. outside of Taube's hip line. There, there, there, you can do it, you can do it.

Taube really wants the leg lock. But William knows what he wants. He defends very well. He didn't let his knee stay on Taube's hip. Threaten the toe hold, stress him out. Again, again, again. They are in a kind of 50\50 position.. He goes for the foot and he tapped! Beautiful tap. A fast toe hold. Very well applied by William, and got the win for America. Ladies and Gentlemen, the winner of this match, by toe hold submission, the representative of team USA is William Tackett. The winner team is: USA. Saar Shemesh. I think he is one of the dangerous ones for the American team tonight. For the rule-set. It's going to be a very interesting match. Saar against William. 1-0 USA in this final. Saar pulls guard, very relaxed. William tied up the game right away, tried to get the underhook and got the mount.. I can't see from here if he has the full mount or no..

Yes. – Don't expose your arms. He is on the full mount already or his foot is still locked in the half guard? Saar was able to bring him back to the x-single.
– Yes go for it! working inside the hook there. William was able to escape his foot outside. William is trying doing the smash pass body lock. Beautiful back step for William, switching for a "Berimbolo" from the top. Controlling the hip, he tried to get Saar's back from the Berimbolo. Or maybe a calf lock.. Saar doing well defending.. He tapped! Beautiful on the calf lock. William is on the killing mode tonight. Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match, by calf slicer, the representative of team USA is William Tackett. And the winner team is USA. Nimrod Ryder! Now that's the third match here in the finals, William goes for his third match in a row against Ryder, from the Israel team. We didn't see Ryder compete today yet. I think William gonna go to his game that is submission right away, from top, from bottom. Oh, he got a takedown he wanna play on top. Beautiful mount. Very well defended by Ryder but he has to watch out from the armbar there.

William has the armbar, if he is able to push Ryder with his legs, create space to get the arm, he had the arm, maybe he's gonna switch for a Kimura. Very well defended by Ryder. Very well defended. Like I said, William been very aggressive in trying the submissions and that's very important for this rule-set. Ryder now has good hip control, tries to force the half guard. William is very flexible, brings the leg, tries working the "omoplata" there. Pressure, put a lot of pressure on him. He can't hold on like this much longer.
– More pressure. He can't hold. One minute passed. Keep going, keep going, Nimrod, keep going.
– He's tired. Very nice.
– Keep going. You have his arm too. It's his third match.
– Harder! More pressure.
– Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Careful with your arm, careful with your arm.

Careful with your arm. Careful with your arm. He is trying to trap your arm. He wants to go for a triangle. Careful, don't let him trap your arm. He is too small, too small for a triangle. Don't let him take your back.
– Don't give him your back. William almost got Ryders back. Get out of it. Ryder is doing very well in defending all of William's attacks, but William's now finally able to get the body lock from the back, and that's where he loves to be. He has 6 minutes to work from Ryders back. Get out, get out of it, it's nothing. It's nothing. Don't give him the grips. Alan Surmont! And let's go again. That's the forth match in the finals. William finished 3 guys from Israel back to back. Oh my god! Surmont goes straight for the guillotine, well defended by William, William with his body lock pass, He is doing very well with this pass, guys. Oh but Surmont was able to lift him up with his right hook. Working some Kimura from the half guard there.

Remember, in this tournament, if William finishes again, he stays in the fight again. If you keep finishing, you can.. If you are able to finish all 5 guys from the other team, that's it. Your team won and the other partners don't even need to enter the mats, but Surmont has the Kimura kind of deep. Lots of pressure with your arm-pit on his shoulder. Yes, yes, yes. You can roll him over you, you can roll him over you. Watch the arm, don't let him go for an armbar. Don't let him get your arm Alan.
– Roll, you can roll backwards. Watch the triangle. Let's go, it's yours! Let's go Alan, this is your place, let's go Alan. Go Alan.
– Let's go Alan! Confuse him, a little bit to the left, a little bit to the right, let him work, make him tired.

He should go for the "D'arce", for the "D'arce choke". Work a little, get some motion in there, don't let him rest.
– Let's go Alan you are exploding, let's go. He's resting, he's resting, he is tired. Strategically, we don't want him to rest, we want him to get tired. They should penalize him for it. Alan, keep working. Great Alan.
– Good, good, good. If you are going for my submission, get in from the heel, not the toes. If you are going for my submission from the previous finals, get in from the heel, not the toes. Good!
– Yes! Go Alan, Go! Alan likes those attacks from the top. Jump over the guard, going for armbars, now he tried going for a Kimura or guillotine.
– Go for it! That seems his style, he attacks submissions from the top, but now, Watch the arms. the guillotine was well defended by William and he ended up on top already on the side control.

Surmont tries to defend but William has been doing an amazing job in controlling the guys hip. Look, his arm is all the way, almost on the other side of his hip, under his lower back, but Surmont was able to recover the guard. Let's see if William gonna be able working on his pressure passes that he's been doing.
Let's go Alan. That's the team America there, hoping that William got another finish. If he is sitting, that means he is tired.
Pressure, pressure. Or maybe not, maybe they want to fight too. I'm just kidding. William's playing some guard, very relaxed.
– Yes, yes, yes, yes, again. Remember, again, Surmont is very dangerous from the top. Going to submissions, jump over the guy's guard, going to Kimura, guillotines, armbars. William knows that, he saw him finish armbar from the top like Davi Ramos did so I think he is very aware, of what Surmont is going to try to do. 4 minutes and 45 seconds remaining. You have Piter's submission.
– Go from the heel, the lock from the heel! My submission from the heel.

Get your hand from his heel. Not from his toes. Put him on his back, Pay attention guys how they're doing a lot of hand fights. Now Tackett locked on the half, put him back to the guard. Surmont tried a leg lock from the top again. Going for the submission from the top position, he is very dangerous from there. It's very nice to see Surmont fight. He's attacking submissions from the top all the time. He did a Kimura, guillotine, armbar, now he tried a leg lock, well defended by William. We don't want to be there, let's get out of there. Step, step on the foot.
– Jump out with your butt.

Don't let him pass your leg to the other side.
– Get out, get out. Careful, watch the leg there.
– Don't let him pass the leg. Don't let him pass the leg, keep your leg safe. Straighten it, hard. Straighten it, straight.
– Nothing. Straighten the leg, don't let him, straighten it hard.
– Alan, careful. Get up, step on it. Keep your leg straight. Leg's always straight. Leg's always straight. Good, it's good, put him on his elbow, that's good.
– He will roll for the knee now, careful. Get up, get up. He will do to you what he did to Piter, watch out.
Cross the legs, cross the legs.

Cross the legs, cross the legs. Roll, roll, rol, roll. It starts with this victory. It starts with a small victory, move forward, bring it. Let's go Omer, it's your time.
– This is your time. F**k. Well done. No big deal. Shlomi, what do we do? Shlomi. You gave him the hardest fight yet. Damn, this sucks. I'm proud of you.
– Great job. No.. I went into those legs.. Ladies and gentlemen, the final representative of the Israeli team Omer Emanoely. Let's do it. Emanoely has a hard job tonight, for helping Israel to get the first place tonight. He has to beat 5 guys. He beat 3 guys in the first round, so nothing's impossible. But William is on fire. He already beat for guys right away, he's maybe tired a little bit. So it's going to be an interesting match. They are in the 50\50 now. Remember, no heel hooks allowed. I can't see from here if William got his foot or not, He's trying working on the straight lock. He can't go for the leg lock, that's where William is very dangerous.

Emanoely rolled his knee to the right place and try getting the neck control. Tapped again! Oh my god. And 1st place for USA. William Tackett just finished 5 guys in a row and got the first place for America. William Tackett. 5 submissions. Damn it. It was fun. Our silver medalists – Team Israel. I didn't screw up in the Ezekiel. I screwed up where, I'm used to the gi, and when they try to take my back, I grab the lapel here and they can't get my back, but I didn't have a lapel so.. The Israeli that had the best performance in the finals.. Is me. He was the only one that wasn't arrogant. But if Saar would have closed guard on him, he would've submitted him.

If. That's the problem. Five matches, fast. If he fought 5 matches and pulled it, he is probably a very high level athlete.
– Wow, amazing. Amazing tournament, you know, especially for those guys. So.. I'm so excited for the next one, let's see. The heart hurts more than the body. But that's the beauty of these tournaments. You come back ecstatic. You want to learn. You want to improve. I think it's something in every fighter's character. After every loss comes the hunger that pushes you forward, bringing you to another level. Without these kinds of losses, you don't get better. Oss..

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