POLACY trenują w Tajlandii! Obóz Nak Muay Camp! 14 dni, 30 osób treningi 2 x dziennie! Dobra zabawa!

Hello, today is 9.01 and we will start Nak Muay Camp 3, everyone got such a set, with the Polish flag here we have our shorts from Extreme Hobby our sponsors are written on the back, I'll show you later. We have a group of 30 people It's awesome, from camp to camp our project is growing all the time for the next camp in February we have sold all places, the next camp will be in March, June and probably in August So watch the episodes, you will see what a great job we are doing here and you are cordially invited. this is how the hotel looks like, everyone has their own room here, I'll show you right away if you're interested. In March it will be elsewhere but normally we have here there is a swimming pool, and that's where our team gathers that's where our gym is right away and we also have meals there and 200 meters to the beach I'm very happy, I'm happy that everything is going so well.

Because you know how to do something and it works out well, then you enjoy it later Everything is fine, but I don't know where I have my room keys Look, my fighter from the Netherlands has arrived What is the name of this famous club from the Netherlands? Golden Glory, yeah exactly We start the first day in Bangtao, check out these fighters Bangtao Muay Thai and boxing This is our room, everyone is gathering now But it will be a good camp, everyone dressed the same today to take photos and videos We have 15 trainers who will make the training turn around Paul Our sponsors, whom we would like to thank for their support, if anyone wants to join, we invite you We're about to start, it's going to be a great camp Nice team and you can also see that there are some fighters so it will be good.

There will be sparring, everything will be as it should be Hey, UFC Fighter awesome that you are here, we have two weeks of training ahead of us, twice a day. at 10 am we have our Muay Thai group, please everyone be at training And in the afternoon, everyone chooses their own classes, each day there is something else to train Sparring, wrestling, Muay Thai etc. you can also do fitness classes, there is a room next to it well prepared for it in the morning they are the same times as our training but they are also at 5pm But in the morning we have our special Muay Thai group, this is Thailand, here you have to train Thai boxing And the second training during the day you can do whatever you want And we will do boxing, twice a week too But in every Muay Thai training, there will be pads, technics, bags, sparring, etc We will divide you into 3 groups based on your skill level that you both train together at the same level so that everyone has a good time.

So now that we're a whole group of 30 people, let's split into a beginner, intermediate, and pro group Those who fight will be able to fight hard, hardcore sparring So let's split into these 3 groups now. Everyone will have sparring anyway, but let's divide it so that the level is similar We are doing a trip to Phi Phi but there is a return the same day but you can stay just have to pay for the hotel there and return then I recommend staying there, it's awesome.

And if everyone stays, we have a return included in the price you only have to pay for the accommodation. there, the hotel costs about PLN 100, for two people, it is very cheap The party is awesome so it's worth staying, today everyone has to decide whether to stay or not I suggest everyone stay because it's really worth it ok, let's split into groups and get started We are starting our first Nak Muay Thai 3 camp training in Phuket, Thailand We've split up into skill level groups everyone will find something for themselves, there are people who are just starting. There are those who have trained a little and there are those who are already fighting well this camp will be strong and very successful I believe that a lot of people will be at morning training, previously there was quite a party group. now it's a little different, we have our group every day at 10 am it will be awesome! The warm-up is over, now there will be pads and boxing bags and kicking Muay Thai is a lot of kicking, elbows, knees, least of regular boxing But we will train everything, now the knees How's the start? the pace is strong and this is only the beginning.

The worst is ahead. But I'm glad you're going strong. The worst and the best are ahead the harder you train, the easier the fight! and now finishing warm-up is over, now there will be pads there will be a strong squeeze, shields and sparring training will continue. 1.30-1.45 minutes so my hair ruffled, nice rooster I'm dead, it's very hard to breathe But training is great It's okay, two guys have already gone to throw up But the rest is fine, the first training sessions will be very hard but with training after training it will be better, temperature and humidity, its hardcore and that they hadn't been to Thailand before, and yesterday's party But that's what our camp is all about, having fun and training well.

Everyone is also welcome! Why aren't you training? I'm done, we still have one round left. now pads, and then our first sparring at this camp it won't be easy either come on, come on, harder! We put on all equipment, protectors and gloves, mouthguards later, we still have 4 typical Muay Thai techniques and finally sparring, stretching and abs exercises and the first training will be passed I won't have skin on my foot until the end of the trip, and also tooth fungus, will you help me with this protector? But respect anyway It's not easy, there's no soft game Sparring is behind us, training is almost done, only stretching is left.


Abdominal training and the first training will be behind us First training done, I think everyone did a good job. it was hard we start only at 10 am, but it was great, the group is nice, we'll see how many people come in the afternoon and we'll see how many people will be there on Thursday or Friday it will be harder from training to training, but it's great, we play together, eat, sleep, trainings We sleep together but apart, Alicja, I don't have anyone in the room, We invite you to the next editions for February it is full, but later March, June maybe August We invite! The first practice was awesome We'll see how it goes later who will come to the next training in the afternoon everyone does whatever they want, either Muay Thai or BJJ or mma gym, but the most important thing is that everyone is at Muay Thai in the morning because this is Thailand and Muay Thai, or Thai boxing, is trained here. we go to eat after training, we have 3 meals a day here, included in the price of the camp the team is here breakfast, lunch and dinner, all great This is what one of the meals looks like, chicken, rice and greens healthy Yesterday after the first day I didn't record, today we are after the second day of training later I'll show you when we go to the Beach Bar.

In general, you will see a lot more in the next episodes, we are doing Muay Thai tomorrow morning at 10am at 3 pm we do boxing and then we go to the beach bar for a party together We are all going to Phi Phi at the weekend, because the price of the camp includes a trip to Phi Phi. Phi Phi is a must-see when you are in Thailand, you must see this place. because it is the most associated with this country If you are wondering what to do during the day between workouts, there is no shortage of entertainment in Bangtao. There are nice beach bars, now we go to our favorite There is a lot to do, see how beautiful it looks here.

I love this place. A perfect place to relax between workouts you order something to drink and you can easily spend the whole day here. there is one more bar here, in general there are three bars I think here are tents that can be rented for the day. There's another beach bar next door, but it's better in the evenings But it's after the second training, you can see a nice sunset from here, you can stay at the party too. it's amazing how many people are here now, last time I was here in August, this beach was empty. it's only the second day of training, and I can already feel the tiredness. I wonder how it will be on Friday, but it's good that I came back to Thailand to train. I'm hoping to have a fight in the first half of the year, May or June. I don't know if it will work, but I will aim for it, I would love to fight in the High League now.

We'll see, there would be no shortage of opponents for me We came to another place, Maya beach club, newly opened In August, when I was there, this place wasn't there yet. Now there are few people, in the evenings it is supposedly more fun, because there are parties Of course, there are nice little restaurants everywhere along the beach Cool place, dj plays all day there is Bangtao Beach, there are local small restaurants and massages everywhere.

There is really a lot to do here, I highly recommend Bangtao to you That's it for this episode, thanks for watching watch up to date, I will try to make a lot of episodes so that you have up-to-date information show you beautiful and new places in Thailand, because after the camp we will be in some new places We are going on a trip around Thailand There will be something to watch for sure, but I'm tired after training, it's hard for me to talk sometimes I haven't trained in a long time, for 3 months I only did gyms.

And here is strong training, there is a nice group, but it's also hot I'm 13,000 people short of my coveted 300,000 subs, press this button please. and support me, thanks a lot, keep it up!.

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