Muay Thai Knee (come imparare la ginocchiata muay thai) – Lesson 6 / Muay Thai Tutorial

welcome to this new video! before starting I invite you to subscribe to the channel ✏️ and select the bell 🛎 so as not to miss the new videos today we will see the muay thai knee strike as the elbow very effective, because the surface is not protected by a glove and also because it is structurally very resistant it can inflict considerable damage the target is the lower part of the torso not the genitals as in krav maga ribs, solar plexus or even the face can be brought to a short distance as can be seen very often in clinch it is rarely seen at medium distance we will start with this very effective last we begin! let 's start with the right knee considering a normal guard for those who are left-handed will have to reverse the position before reaching the final blow as always we will do some exercises that will allow us to fine-tune the technique the first exercise is the classic lunge position with which it is performed in the gym it is important to have the back straight for the moment we do not want the guard from this position we go up when we are up, we bring the thighs in contact not going too far forward tibia parallel to the ground, higher up is fine important not to let it fall down this position we project the pelvis forward as much as possible we go back down and repeat the movement it must be a sharp blow of the pelvis we try not to move too much checking the body we see from the other side the position is always the same I go up, quadriceps in contact, tibia high, I push the pelvis forward we see in front I go up and I bring a sharp blow of the pelvis we try again this exercise from enter mbi the sides then we will add another piece we continue with our inevitable stick we see the next part we point the stick to the ground for greater stability put the right foot in contact with the left knee get used to keeping the left hand near the chin from this position we go out with the pelvis as in the previous exercise should not be pushed down but upwards the calf should be kept as close as possible to the thigh for the moment but let's concentrate on the movement of the pelvis it could also be done without a stick but to begin with it is better to use it foot adherent to the knee and I go out with the pelvis as much as possible as you can see when the pelvis goes forward automatically the head goes backwards and is more protected contrary to what one might think seeing performing a knee is not a blow to the knees but mainly to the pelvis it allows us to enter the as much as possible and to do damage we see on the other side point the stick, foot v close to the knee, back straight remember that we must never swallow to be protected and to be able to avoid the blows we see in front of the stick point, foot in contact and I push with the pelvis as always let's try it again, from both sides ok now let's see how to bring the blow by combining the technique learned with the two exercises we start from the guard position as always the first thing to do is to extend the right arm to look for the opponent's right shoulder this allows us different objectives I protect the chin obviously by taking the opponent's shoulder and pulling it down I can impart a lot of strength and I am more stable I can also projected in the direction of my knee furthermore by stretching the embrace I get the maximum torsion of the pelvis and the maximum distension of the leg that allow me to load the blow as much as possible as it happened in the exercise to learn the hook where I extended my arm to shift the weight on the leg while the other was completely stretched out another detail to take care of is the posture on tiptoe so I can gain several precious centimeters to go and impact the face that is why the first exercise is useful because we must understand that the blow must be carried upwards not forward by stretching the arm, tiptoe and hit upwards, exiting as much as possible with the pelvis, returning to the stretched position, pelvis, returning great attention in pushing as much as I can with the pelvis OUT and UP I grab the opponent, throw him down, tip feet snap back and pelvis always on guard I do not have to fall in a balanced way should it happen I immediately go back to guard I stretch out and back ….

I stretch out and back …. watch when I enter, the head is protected behind the other side try to keep your foot down as much as possible, to be able to enter better from the front, see how the pelvis is super charged to be then projected forward trying to go further high and as deep inside as possible let's try it in front of the mirror many times I realize that it is not easy so we can proceed with the rest ok let's see now how to perform the left knee to be able to do it you have to make a change because obviously the left leg must be behind to to be able to start the knee in the meantime I will show you the final blow and I fall back on guard it is essential to learn this change there are those who say that one step forward is enough to be loaded I am not a fan of this because if I am a normal guard with a step forward I am on the opposite guard in an uncomfortable position in which I am not used to what is advisable is a very quick change , among other things, unexpected for the opponent we learn to make the change, we will also need it for kicks left foot on the right tip well planted on the ground when I make the change both must be on the tip also because the right then becomes the basis for the knee try again Drape several times until it comes natural only then start doing it faster now I will not interrupt the video we will see the final blow directly so after the change I go to look for the opponent's shoulder in this case the left shoulder if I make the change and I extend my arm the pelvis is super loaded ready to be thrown up and inside we assemble the shot, we start from the gear guard I take the shoulder, I push up and forward falling on tiptoe in the guard position I'm ready! I do not recommend initially to go back until you are still accustomed to the movement better to be on guard ready to face any counterattack change and go out we learn to go out after each technique remember lesson number 1 I complete and go out I go out guard and wait for the right moment I change and go out we see from the front as always we try again in front of the mirror on both sides we see the combination, if we have done the first two well the combination comes natural we start with the right knee followed by the left on the other side I stretch out …

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At the end I conclude with an exit we see left knee followed by right I change and then start observed, when I bring the left automatically I already have the right stretched and loaded to deliver the blow try the combinations having the foresight to get out as much as possible with the pelvis and up there they are variants … jump, diagonal, lateral, clinch, etc. .. we will see them all packed, that what we have seen is already a lot for today final recommendations as always remember that the blow starts from the pelvis so try to get it out as much as possible let's focus a lot on the first exercises the first makes us understand that we must go high the second makes us understand that we must go out the knee should be performed with the pelvis more out and as high as possible by projecting the knee at 45 degrees I recommend to always take care of the guard with the chin protected and upright posture the invitation is always to subscribe to the channel ✏️
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