Muay Thai Chronicles: Chapter 1 – The Intro

For over a century,   Muay Thai has been the quintessential 
combat sport of Thailand. Fist flying,   shins cracking, knees piercing and elbows slicing. 
These are the trademarks of a Muay Thai fighter. But Muay Thai is more than just the pre-fight 
rituals and competitions between fighters.   In order to understand Muay Thai, we need 
to talk to all the major players who make   up the Muay Thai community. We need to go back in 
time and discover how ancient Muay Thai evolved   into modern Muay Thai. To the training 
camps, where young fighters are chosen   and bred to fight in the ring. And although, 
some of the people and places may have changed,   their stories remain as powerful today as it did 
back then. These are the Muay Thai chronicles. So what do you think of the stadium? I think it 
looks very interesting and when I look at it I'm   wondering and I'm excited about what is 

And what do you think about Muay   Thai? I think Muay Thai is a great sport. 
It's not just sport it's discipline, it's… even modesty, it's power, it's energy ,it's 
beliefs and that's why I'm quite fascinated   with the sport. And that's why i would like 
to see it tonight. I'm very excited about it   and i can't wait to see it here in Bangkok. In 
the motherland of Muay Thai. So it's kind of   getting close to the roots. Is this the first 
time that you're gonna watch the first time in   Thailand? It's my first time that I've 
going to watch it live, not just on tv. What do you think of Muay Thai? I don't know 
that much really but, I mean, from what I know   about basic boxing, it's really interesting sport. 
And I like it because it's head-to-head strength,   like it's not like you're playing with a 


It's just two guys like fighting.   So there's is there anything specific about Muay 
Thai that you enjoy or you like? Once again,   I came here because I didn't know anything 
about Muay Thai and I'd like to learn more,   But it sounds, I mean, it seems like 
it'll be fun. I don't know that much yet. Do you think of Muay Thai? Muay Thai..I 
don't know that much about it. It   seems like it can be a pretty cool and brutal 
sport. It's very similar from western boxing.   Usually, there are safeties, you can't use your 
feet, you use gloves and there are zones that   you can't strike. Muay Thai seems different 
because it doesn't have the same restrictions.   So is there anything specific about Muay Thai that 
you like or enjoy? Just everything, everything.

Crazy, you know watching their fights..intense   and the kicks and knees are just nuts. And you 
know, the crowd goes nuts when they go crazy too.   A lot of things going on out here too, selling 
food, drinks whatever. I don't know what that is. I had a feeling those punches 
where going to get in…

As found on YouTube

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