Lennox Lewis – Most Explosive Knockouts and Highlights!

🥊 Relive the Thrilling Career of Boxing Legend Lennox Lewis | Highlights and Knockouts 🥊

Join us in a journey through the illustrious career of one of boxing’s greatest icons – Lennox Lewis! From his early rise to becoming a dominant force in the ring, this video is a tribute to the legendary power, technique, and legacy of Lennox Lewis.

👑 Lennox Lewis, a name synonymous with greatness, faced off against the best in the business, including the infamous Mike Tyson, and engaged in unforgettable battles with the likes of Evander Holyfield and Tommy Morrison. 🥊

In this comprehensive documentary, we’ve compiled the most unforgettable moments from Lennox Lewis’s remarkable career. Witness his thunderous knockouts, strategic brilliance, and the unmatched determination that made him a true boxing legend.

From his monumental clashes against Mike Tyson to his extraordinary victories and heartbreaking losses, this video encapsulates Lennox Lewis’s entire journey in the ring.🔥

🎥 Featuring rare footage and expert commentary, this video is a must-watch for all boxing enthusiasts. Whether you’re a die-hard fan of Lennox Lewis or simply someone who appreciates the art of boxing, you’ll be captivated by the sheer intensity and skill displayed throughout his career.

Don’t miss out on reliving the legacy of Lennox Lewis – a true champion who left an indelible mark on the world of boxing. Hit that play button and immerse yourself in the electrifying world of Glory MMA!

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The 90s were the Golden Era of Heavyweight you had Tyson Holyfield bow And a bunch of other top-notch Warriors But the king of the pride the one who Wore the crown with honor was none other Than the Olympic champion himself Lennox Lewis Here drops his left hand being right on The chin that was a beautiful really a Beautiful one now it took a while for The world to recognize his right to wear That Crown but with his victories he Damn well conquered the skeptical America he came into the game towards The end of Tyson's era and exited just As the Klitschko era was Dawning and in Between folks he brought those titles Back to London defeated every man who Dared to step into that ring with him And left as a goddamn champion All he's doing is working When you have an opponent like Bridge Foreign [Music] Today we look back at the legendary Career of one of the most technically Gifted heavyweights in the history of The sport Lewis born in London but Finding his boxing Homeland in Canada Had a journey that was truly something To behold you see when he was just a Young lad of seven his mother moved him To Canada but it wasn't until five years Later that he finally managed to make

His way there those Canadian boys didn't Take too kindly to his London accent and To protect himself from their attacks Lewis sought solace in the boxing gym And my oh my did he find something Special there he became the junior world Champion and represented Canada in the 84 Olympics in Los Angeles now let me Tell you about those games they were Scandalous to say the least all those Socialist countries decided to sit it Out but before the tournament young Lennox had the opportunity to spar with A little someone named Mike Tyson five Days of pure unadulterated sparring and At the end of one of those sessions Tyson in his youthful exuberance Suggested that Lennox give him his best Shot but old castamato stepped in and Said no you'll meet him again and meet They did he's never been defeated Oh a booming right hand in the first Round of the Olympics Lewis knocked out Muhammad Yusuf but in the quarterfinals There stood the reigning world champion Tyrell Biggs waiting for him Lewis with His quick Jabs and sheer determination Fought his way to the top but Biggs Wasn't backing down he controlled the Distance fired back with his own shots And racked up those points Lewis while He tried to land some clean shots but it Just wasn't enough it was a good start To the third round I'll give him that

But good wasn't gonna cut it Biggs took The win and went on to win the whole Damn Olympics starting his pro career That very fall Team USA they were on Fire taking nine out of the 12 gold Medals and Lewis well he went back to Canada back to the drawing board ready To prepare for the next Olympic cycle Under the guidance of Arnie Bain and Adrian theater rescue he gradually Picked up the pace after a stumble at The 86 World Championships he bounced Back and won the Commonwealth Games and Then folks he reached the finals of the Pan-American games where he came oh so Close to Victory against Jorge Luis Gonzalez but don't you worry he got his Sweet Revenge at the North American Championships and with that background He made his way to Seoul for the 88 Olympics oh those games were a bit Easier for him you see Cuba decided to Boycott making things a tad smoother for Our man Lewis he started off the Tournament with a knockout victory over Crispin oder In the quarterfinals he faced off Against the European Champion Ulrich Kaden and while he ended up on the floor [Applause] His semi-final opponent withdrew due to Injury and in the fight for gold Lennox Went up against Riddick Beau that Brit Was moving forward ready to unleash hell

But Bo well he thought he had the upper Hand Little did he know that Lennox was about To hit him harder and harder [Applause] After the second knockdown the referee Said enough is enough and stop the damn Fight Oh he went on to become a world champion Himself the first man to stop Evander Holyfield but Lennox oh he brought Canada its first boxing gold medal in 56 Years yet deep down he always felt British and he soon returned to his Homeland it was a great time for me he Said I boxed twice in the Olympics Canada gave me that initial push into Boxing Arnie boom he was like a father To me but I always felt like an Englishman and just like that the Kingdom unexpectedly gained the best Heavyweight of the coming era Foreign Now picture this it's the late 80s Television is taking over the world the Iron Curtain is crumbling and boxing is Ruled by the one and only Mike Tyson Lennox Lewis he saw his goal clear his Day he wanted to become a champion and He wanted to face Iron Mike himself the Best promoters in the world came calling But you know what he chose The Eccentric The one and only Frank Maloney now Lennox he wasn't the most eccentric

Fella himself boring hair basic boxer Shorts a plain old nickname like Lion But he made sure he was damn memorable In that ring in less than a year he Racked up 11 early wins against Carefully selected opponents showcasing His skill and Power [Music] Left hook by Lewis In this deep before Lewis Then he faced the former heavyweight Champion Osvaldo Ocasio Lewis with his Mighty fists bombarded Ocasio in the Middle Relentless in his Pursuit he Pressed him in the clinch Hooks and Jabs Flying through the air but Aussie well He knew a thing or two about handling Big men his punches coming from all Angles managed to bypass the Brit's Defense but he made a fatal mistake he Planted himself like a Sitting Duck Leaving himself open for those Devastating uppercuts smile [Music] Read him like a book he passed the exam With flying colors now Lewis could have Ruined his record with a Disqualification but his opponent [Applause] Stepped up ready to face the inevitable Knockout and so it happens Lewis Unleashed his power his fists Crashing upon his opponent's vulnerable Frame and with each blow he extinguished

Any flicker of resistance from his Adversary but that wasn't enough for Lewis he had his sights set on greater Glory he took on Jean-Marie Shanae Battling for the European title and then He faced off against The Undefeated Harry Mason a Jamaican descendant with Dreams of his own this was the chance to Jump start their careers to prove Themselves in the ring and Lewis with His wedges and constant movement he Snuffed out Mason's activity Foreign But Mason he grew tired of running tired Of playing it safe he took risks opening Himself up in bursts of Bravery but Lewis ever the tactician responded with Targeted punches to the right eye the Harder that eye closed the more Comfortable our lion Leo became Mason Had his moment some of his lunges found Their mark But Lewis in his Relentless pursuit of Victory immediately returned what he had Missed And in the seventh round the referee had Seen enough the fight was stopped a Grotesquely swollen hematoma sealing Mason's fate 15-0 record Lewis made his way across The pond to the United States there a Hardened Warrior named Mike Weaver a Former champion who had faced the elite Of the 80s awaited him but oh this was

91. America had its eyes on a rising Star named Tommy Morrison Tyson was Under investigation and Evander Holyfield held all the heavyweight belts The veteran Weaver he couldn't handle Lewis's speed his Lightning Fast strikes The lion oh he pounded the former Champion with a heavy series of blows Deflecting any counter-attacks that came His way and in the fifth round Lewis Landed his trademark right cross [Applause] Foreign [Music] Oh the best heavyweights of that era Would soon experience the power of that Punch themselves [Music] But in the United States the fans they Weren't too keen on embracing the Brit Immediately they were so used to the Heavyweight division being dominated by Americans for as long as they could Remember but Lewis with his wins both at Home and abroad he began to earn their Respect he even settled the score with Tyrell Biggs the man who had defeated Him in the Olympics And he continued to rack up passing Victories leaving a trail of Fallen Opponents in his wake But it was Donovan ruddick who truly Challenged Lewis this Jamaican Canadian Bright in the late 80s had given a young

Mike Tyson a run for his money and Lewis Well he didn't come out dancing he came Out smashing he worked that forehand Kept his distance and hovered ready to Strike at any moment ruddick oh he Didn't have a minute to catch his breath He missed the Mark again and again and Then with a series of devastating blows In the middle it was all over Tyson had gone the distance with ruddick Just a year before but Lewis he finished The fight in just two rounds Three knockdowns sent ruddick crashing To the floor [Applause] Now here's where it gets interesting Lennox Lewis the WBC mandatory and Riddick Beau the man who Lewis defeated In the Olympic final they had a month to Agree on a fight beau's manager Rock Newman he made Lewis an offer three Million dollars but with Beau taking 90 Percent of the show's income or Lewis Could give up the title and have an Interim fight but Lewis with his manager Frank Maloney by his side didn't reject Both offers outright oh no they had Their own proposition they suggested Splitting the income 75 to 25 in favor Of the champion but Beau he called a Press conference and in a grand display He publicly threw the WBC belt into the Trash and just like that his career went Down the drain right alongside that

Discarded belt the meeting between Lewis And Beau it never took place Lennox won The vacant WBC title and became the First British heavyweight champion since Bob Fitzsimmons who had won the title Far back in 1897. he stepped into the Ring for his first title defense against Tony Tucker a former champion who had Endured the brutal battles of the 80s With only a decision lost to Tyson Staining his record these two Warriors They both knew how to throw a mean jab But it was Lennox who excelled at Closing the distance Tucker oh he found Himself in a clinch and as he tried to Escape Lennox hit him with a devastating Hook the American found himself trapped In the corner his defense exposed and Lennox he targeted that weakness with a Barrage of punches Tucker hit the canvas Experiencing his first knockdown in Years [Applause] Give up he fought back making it a quiet Affair under lennox's control Nothing seemed to miss until that moment When Lewis relaxed just for a split Second and Tucker sees the opportunity He Unleashed his own assault causing Lennox to lose his concentration but in The end the Brit emerged Victorious with A confident decision But those concentration problems they Would continue to haunt Lennox in his

Journey Frank Bruno Officer of the 80s a man who came oh so Close to the title The Clash between These two Warriors was dubbed the Battle Of Britain by the Press Bruno he played On his home turf using his English Upbringing as a weapon in the war of Words he refused to acknowledge Lewis as Truly British claiming his Canadian Roots and subsequent move to California Made him an outsider the local crowd oh They sided with the veteran as Lennox Made his entrance to the ring shouts of Bruno Bruno echoed through the arena the Fight it started with Lennox being his Usual cautious self patiently searching For that opening But Bruno oh he pressed forward Relentlessly throwing Jabs denying the Champion any space to launch his attacks Lennox he had to work hard to land his Punches after the second round but he Allowed his opponent to stay at a Comfortable distance but then a postman From Lewis struck Bruno right in the Middle of the fight Bruno moved forward Looking to score but alas he missed and When you get hit by a lion it's game Over Bruno found himself once again on The brink of Glory only to be denied and Oh the irony for his past conquerors Soon met their own downfall Foreign

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Stagnated under his guidance McCall well He was under the tutelage of Emmanuel Steward who had been brought in by Don King the infamous promoter but the Relationship between King and Steward Soured and that's when Lewis's team Reached out to Steward Don King Desperate to keep Steward in his stable Even offered him a job with Tyson who Was set to be released from prison yeah Folks those were the times the internet Was spreading its web Tarantino was Making his mark on Hollywood and a new Generation of heavyweight boxers was Rising to the occasion Lennox Lewis as He returned to the ring to face Lionel Butler Butler who had experienced a Series of losses early in his career had Made an impressive comeback with 16 in Consecutive victories but in the first Minute of the fight it was Butler who Struck first however the Brit quickly Took control Foreign The only notable difference was his Fancy dreadlocks flowing as he Unleashed Powerful left Hooks and initiated his Attacks with Precision crosses the lion As he was known sent Butler to the Canvas and skillfully maneuvered him Away from the ropes Emmanuel Steward Never one to settle for less felt that Lewis could have secured a faster Victory but Lion's training had only

Just begun [Music] Lennox went on to face Justin Fortuna Warming up for the battles that lay Ahead [Music] Suffered defeat at the hands of Frank Bruno and Tyson while he was whisked Away eluding lennox's desire for a Showdown But Lewis undeterred faced Tommy Morrison known as the White Hope in the Press a flamboyant knockout artist and Heartthrob with a record of 45 to 2 and 39 Knockouts Morrison was only 26 years Old but against Lewis he struggled to Find his distance Lennox saw his Opportunity and closed in gradually Increasing the power behind his punches [Applause] In the fifth round Morrison hit the Canvas managing to survive until the Bell but in the following segment he Appeared helpless and it was a powerful Hook that brought an end to the beating Foreign Little did anyone know that Morrison Would soon be diagnosed with HIV Bringing his career to a standstill and Tragically losing his life at the age of 44. As for Lewis his sights were set on a Meeting with Mike Tyson however the Wiley promoter Don King had other plans

Paying a hefty sum to arrange a fight Between Tyson and Bruce Selden Lewis Found himself facing Ray Mercer a Fighter with a record of 23-3 now Throughout his career Lennox Had A Peculiar tendency he would shine against The strongest opponents but struggle Against the weaker ones Mercer had done His homework and devised a winning Strategy of constant pressure sharp Jabs And control of the space Lewis tried Various tactics unleashing combinations Targeting the body and aiming with his Right hand but Rey remained Relentless Refusing to back down and the small ring Limited lennox's ability to move and Evade the majority of each round though Was claimed by Lewis [Applause] Mercer exploded in the second half Forcing his opponent to defend encounter He gets inside doesn't keep his hands up And Mercer started to get us one good Shot coach Steward rallied his Protege After the eighth round igniting a fiery Finish from the Brit Ain Lennox landed more frequently and with Greater power yet the crowd jeered at The decisions [Applause] But Lewis had his eyes on the WBC Title Which Tyson had relinquished for the Fight of the decade against Evander

Holyfield it was this very fight with Tyson that marked the beginning of Holyfield's resurgence Quest for the for the title he faced an Old acquaintance Oliver McCall two years Had passed since their last encounter And in that time McCall had triumphed Over Oleg masquev and James Stanton in The rematch with Lewis he started strong Oliver came at him with an offensive Onslaught while Lewis retaliated with Powerful blows it was a fierce exchange And McCall displayed an uncanny ability To absorb punishment with his unyielding Head however as the fight progressed Cracks began to show in the fourth round At halftime McCall shed tears and when He started staring at the walls after Missing his attacks the referee stepped In and halted the bout McCall claimed it was a strategic Ploy But the world doubted his sanity and Sent him to a mental institution yet he Would continue his fighting Journey Showcasing rare athletic longevity while The 31 year old Lewis continued to Dominate the heavyweight division next In line was the formidable Anderson Golota a man who had crushed all Opponents before him with an impressive 28-0 record golota had twice defeated Riddick Beau only to be disqualified Both times Emmanuel Stewart devised a Plan for Lewis to stun this bully and he

Executed it with precision On that fateful night Lewis's right Cross flew in like it owned the ring Overpowering Shannon Briggs a pile of Muscle with a 30-1 record the Britain Showcased the art of boxing proving that It's not just Brute Force but a Scientific dance The Undefeated zelkomavich went the Distance enduring all 12 rounds although He felt the sting of Lewis's powerful Blows thank you The time had come to fight for the Undisputed Championship Lewis held the WBC double belt while Holyfield held the Other two titles the clash between these Two Champions would Crown the Royal Division of the 90s Lennox unsuade Sought to crush his opponent with his Sheer size but Holyfield a former Welterweight used his agility to keep His distance and force Lewis to retreat His strategy was to close in quickly yet Lewis's defensive prowess denied him any Attacking Windows Holyfield managed to Break through with his combinations but The Brit encountered with Precision Strikes round after round [Music] But in the second half of the bout a Familiar flaw emerged in Lewis's Concentration from the eighth round Onward he fought passively relinquishing The initiative to the American warrior

It seemed as though the fight had Slipped through his fingers but before The final three minutes Emmanuel Stewart Reminded Lennox that he was losing Igniting a fiery determination within Him the Britain Unleashed a formidable Finish seeking to turn the tide in his Favor to the shock of the audience the Match ended in a draw one couldn't help But wonder if the influential Don King Holyfield's promoter had influenced the Judge's decision however just a week Later the fighters agreed to a rematch Though it may have generated less Initial excitement it proved to be a More enthralling Affair Holyfield Having Learned from their first encounter Pressed forward imposing a Close Quarters battle Lewis though he moved And met his opponent appeared somewhat Stiff allowing himself to be struck Evander seized the opportunity causing Lewis's head to spin and nearly knocking Him out of the ring in the fifth round But Lennox never one to back down Activated his trademark combinations Neither Warrior was willing to yield a Ferocious fight ensued [Music] With Lewis finding Success Through Measured boxing rather than brawling it Provided him with the chance to land Precise shots Holyfield desperate to Turn the tide intensified his efforts

Toward the end yet the Britain deftly Interfered with his plans and when the Final Bell told after 12 grueling rounds Lennox Lewis emerged as the Undisputed Heavyweight champion of the world Yeah No one in the division after Lewis would Be able to unify all the belts however The task for modern boxers became even More challenging for in addition to the Three main versions a fourth entity the WBO had emerged Linux didn't hold on to his throne for Long he was set to defend his title Against John Ruiz but before that he had A burning desire to face off against Michael Grant however that Sly Fox of a Promoter Don King snatched away Lewis's WBA belt in a legal battle Grant Standing Tall at two meters with an Undefeated record of 30-0 seemed like an Easy target for the Aging Lewis the Champion wasted no time and sent the Challenger crashing to the canvas not Once not twice but three times in the Very first round Grant that resilient son of a gun Somehow managed to survive the onslaught And made it to the second stretch of the Fight yet his resilience could only take Him so far in a clinch Lewis Unleashed a Devastating uppercut that sealed the Deal then came Francois Botha hoping to Defy the odds but alas his hopes were

Crushed in no time Lewis showed him no Mercy and the poor fella lasted even Less than Grant it was like a one-sided Dance Now let me tell you about the fight with The Samoan knockout machine David Tua it Was a war that went the distance Lewis Being the crafty fellow he is relied on His slick footwork and rode his way to Victory by a decision he fought smart You see not allowing to as power to get The better of him South Africa had given Birth to some remarkable white Heavyweights in the past Jerry kowitzi Corey Sanders and Francois Botha but After apartheid the country needed Successful black fighters to serve as Examples that's when promoter Cedric Kushner proposed a fight between Lewis And haseem Rahman in South Africa the Event was aptly titled thunder in Africa Drawing a clear parallel to the Legendary Rumble in the Jungle between Ali and Foreman now Rahman wasn't Exactly a form in mind you he came close To defeating moscayev but fell victim to A knockout he also nearly triumphed over Tua but fate dealt him another knockout Blow the only significant win he had Under his belt was against Corey Sanders But on that day Raman was in better Shape than the champ Lewis seemed to Have underestimated his opponent Dividing his training time with a movie

Shoot and to make matters worse he Arrived at the fight location just 12 Days in advance the arena was nestled in The mountains and Lewis appeared Considerably heavier than his usual self Nevertheless he fought hard bombarding The Challenger with long-range attacks But Raman that cunning Warrior had his Eyes fixed on a powerful right and in The fifth round he found his Mark Lewis tasted the canvas [Music] Now if you ask 10 different people why He lost you'll get 10 different reasons Some will say it was the wrong height The wrong place or the wrong time I'm Not here to make excuses but everything Seemed to go wrong for Lewis that day However the story didn't end there Rahman under the wing of Don King tried To evade a rematch but Lewis oh he Wasn't having any of it he took the Matter to court and forced the American To step back into the ring with him the Brit regained his footing showcasing his Impeccable footwork and he Unleashed a Relentless jab on his opponent round After round Lewis built up his Advantage Until he sent Rahman crashing to the Floor in the fourth round and you know What's poetic [Applause] The American fell right on Don King's Logo Head Over Heels it was a sight to

Behold soon enough the once Mighty Promoter would lose his grip on the Boxing world but there was still one Unconquered Peak left for Lewis since His loss to Holyfield Mike Tyson had Been riding a roller coaster of Performances he had a good scrap with Galata but his marijuana troubles got The best of him then he confidently Defeated Brian Nielsen and issued a Challenge to Lewis now here's the twist It wasn't Tyson who had been chasing Lennox all those years but rather the Other way around Lewis had patiently Awaited this Clash you see he may not Have had children of his own but he Possessed remarkable technique and fists That packed a mighty punch and Tyson Well he could feel it in the intense Stare down the tension was palpable this Was one of the most anticipated fights In heavyweight history and it took place On June 8 2002 right here in the USA Before the bout began the ring was Divided by a line of guards making damn Sure no conflict erupted prematurely 35-year-old Tyson determined to take Down his 36 year old adversary but Lewis Stifled his every move the referee had To reprimand him for a takedown but the Weapon he wielded wasn't a mere clinch It was a bone-shattering uppercut Tyson's Pace began to slow as early as The fourth round but you can't

Underestimate the danger he posed so Lewis bided his time as the fight Progressed it became increasingly clear That the incumbent champion held the Advantage and in the eighth round AN Uppercut marked the beginning of the end For Tyson Foreign He rose from the canvas but it was Feudal the punch is kept raining down on Him and he could do nothing but Mrs Marks and then Lewis delivered the final Blow a right hook that crowned his Victory doing a good job As he threw his hands up in the air Linux knew there was no coming back from That the Golden Era of heavyweights in The 90s was ending of this era The 2000s crept up on us like a thief in The night strauss's flashy tops Britney Spears ruling the charts and of course The Klitschko brothers making their Presence known Vladimir was in the ring Still finding his footing while his Trainer Emmanuel Steward worked his Magic on him molding him into a true Dominator but meanwhile it was Vitale Who was shining bright he had triumphed In 32 fights with only one going to a Decision the only hiccup in his path was A pesky shoulder injury he suffered in His bout with Chris bird now originally Linux was scheduled to face off against Kirk Jones with Klitschko set to fight

On the undercard but fate had other Plans the fight fell through and that Hungry Ukrainian just 31 years of age Seized the opportunity to take on the Champion Lewis stepped into the ring Weighing a whopping 255 pounds a Personal record for him and he had no Intentions of just boxing oh no he came To fight to brawl Klitschko found Lewis's bare knuckle style to be quite Convenient you see the Brit was skilled With his Jabs and didn't falter in the Heat of the exchanges Vitale managed to Stun the champion but Lewis oh he struck Back with Precision Jabs and thunderous Crosses blood began to spill from Klitschko's wounds but the Challenger he Wasn't phased by it not one bit he was Hunting for that knockout even if he Couldn't maintain the same intensity Throughout the bout the fight turned Into a Savage contest the cut over Klitschko's eye worsened with every Missed punch and every takedown it was a Gruesome sight and then during the break The doctor stepped in and called an end To the battle Vitale well he disagreed With that decision he believed he was Leading on the judge's scorecards the Man wanted a rematch you see But that 38 year old Warrior Lewis had Different plans he bid farewell to the Sport people asked me they wondered why I didn't make a comeback Lewis later

Recalled but truth is I lost the hunger Klitschko didn't threaten to devour my Children he didn't sink his teeth into My leg I had nothing left to prove to Him and he was right Lewis had nothing Left to prove what he did was selfish Perhaps as he walked away from his Champion status he shattered the Continuity but truth be told there was No opponent left who could have raised Him higher he became the bridge between Two eras the late 80s and the early Naughties it was up to him to decide When and how he would retire Lennox Suffered defeat twice in his Professional career and contested both Losses he stands proudly as the third Heavyweight boxer in history to capture The world championship three times with Muhammad Ali and Evander Holyfield being The only other two to achieve such glory In 2009 Lewis earned his rightful place In the international Boxing Hall of Fame Having defended the WBC Title a Remarkable 14 times and in the sweet 16th year His Image was forever Immortalized on the association's Heavyweight belt alongside the likes of Tyson and Ally hope you enjoyed this Video let me know in the comments who is Your favorite old school boxer see you Next week There we go bang on the side of the head Thank you

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