Kickboxing Steps | Muay Thai

General movement. Once I've established my stance, left foot
forward, right leg behind, feet shoulder width apart, and hands up, I need to now move in
a controlled way and a way where I keep my balance the whole time forward, backwards,
to the left, and then to the right. Easy, first rule of thumb, when I'm moving
forward, my lead leg, which is my left leg, goes forward first. Then I bring my rear leg up. When I bring the rear leg up, I'm not going
to bring the rear leg where it's almost right on top of the left leg. I step with the left, I bring the right leg
in, and I bring it up, maintaining shoulder width apart. When I go forward, I go with the left leg,
one-two, maintaining the shoulder width. When I go backwards, I go with the right leg
first, bringing the left leg, maintaining shoulder width apart. When I go to the left, again, I go with the
left leg first, bring in the right leg, shoulder width apart.

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When I go to the right, I go to the right
leg first, one-two-three, maintaining shoulder width apart. You can go back and forth, nice easy draw,
go up, come back, go to the side, come back to the other side. Move around like that for a minute or two,
and then move onto the next part. You can move forward, draw a punch. You can come back, you can block, you can
block, move forward, side, punch again, and then block. That is just a bit of the general movement..

As found on YouTube

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