How to Defend 71% Knife Attacks – Knife Stab Defense

all right so we're gonna go for knife
defense a lot of things happen when you do when you do knife. A few years
ago I started working for the French Ministry of Defense and I trained the
French Special Forces, French President Security in knife defense I'm not saying
that to be proud – I'm saying that because I had the opportunity to access some to have
access from Interpol Interpol statistics international knife attack statistics
and that helped me to completely redesign my knife program I had a
traditional Filipino knife program nothing wrong about it but when I
realized how real knife attacks in the real world happened I decided to change
everything basically 71% of all knife attacks starts like this. Left leg
forward, the right hand grabs push or grabs the neck, the knife is hidden among
the leg and the stab goes to the stomach, multiple stabs so that's 71% of all knife attacks
around the world so I've decided to make that my priority since in a seminar like
this we don't have time to see every possible attacks that the knife can do I
focus a lot on that attack knowing that if you ever need to defend yourself
against a knife attack it will most probably be something like that
the second stats that I want to share with you the average knife attacks the
guy if the guy dies if the guy dies there is 27 holes in his body
so it's no fun it's not like I slash you and you give me a wallet and I big guys
who go for knife they're crazy and when someone is crazy it's difficult to
control okay so what we're gonna do and I think that's something we have in
common with your art we're gonna work on structure I don't care what you do I
don't care how strong you are when you punch the bag if you can't take the other
guy structure if you can't take this Center if you can't take away his balance
there's nothing you can do okay you can punch like a horse
when you punch the bag some guy they won't feel it some guy will stand up
especially if they're using drugs but if they're out of balance slightly managed
to take the center if you manage to this disturb the structure then any punch
will take them down it doesn't matter if you a small lady or a big guy so that's
what we're gonna play with.

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First so whether you're left-handed right-handed
it doesn't matter we all gonna work on that 71% knife attack okay
so he's gonna be exactly in this position and he's gonna push me grab me
this hand sometimes grabs sometimes it's just here to understand the distance so
you have to understand that we are both under a huge amount of stress it's life
and death situation for the two of us for the defender but for the attacker
also when you're under attack and your life is in danger your cognitive
function goes down all the way down to the floor which means everything you
think you do in a knife defense situation you want except if you have
twenty five thirty four years of training and that becomes a second
nature for you that's why I train hard train often and train for a long time
five years of martial arts will get you nowhere
if your life is in danger no where ten years is kindergarten 25 years you
start college and you may have a chance to understand what self defense and
martial arts is all about so it's very important to know that our ability to think is almost zero when our lifes are in danger
so I'm here okay he's coming with a knife and in my head I'm training at the
dojo and I'm thinking okay I'm gonna take his
hand I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do that I'm gonna grab him and I'm gonna and
he's gonna change hand and if you change hand I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna do
that well he's not gonna change him even if we're here in the middle of the fight
in training he could but in reality statistics tells us that 0.01% of
attacker change hand even if they needed why because they can't think as well as
I can think remember when you're under stress your cognitive functions are
almost zero your ability to access what you know intellectually is zero
nothing 0.01 percent okay so what I want to do I want to use as little of my
brain as possible so my first reflex is gonna come to me keep pushing me apply
forward pressure and keep stabbing keep stabbing I'm gonna put a wall
between the blade and my body that's my first real place okay here I'm gonna put
a wall keep coming keep coming two things are gonna happen here number
one he won't realize that he's being blocked for a few seconds because again
he doesn't have the ability to think clearly just like me so it's gonna take
a few seconds average five seconds for him to realize that I'm blocking him he
doesn't really know it just goes crazy he's blind and he doesn't see anything
it's gonna take him five seconds average to realize that I'm blocking him and he
didn't touch me so during those five seconds I know it's gonna do the same
thing so I have an opportunity that's the first thing you want to know the
second thing is this is not a block because here I'm using several joints
okay it's a polyarticular movement it's too complex it's gonna take too much of
the little brain power that I have at that moment I need to save that brain
power I have maybe 1% of my personal knowledge intelligence intellect
whatever you want to call it I have one percent that I can access in this
situation if I use it to coordinate this joint this joint this joint to be at the
same speed as him and to be precise to make sure I never miss him if I use that
I have nothing left nothing left to elaborate to strategy nothing left to
survive all my brainpower the little that I have will be here making sure I
don't miss it making sure I don't block the blade making sure all everything is
aligned so I don't want that I don't want you to move your arm at all I just
want you to create a wall and you don't have to think about it anymore for five
seconds come on Kim keep coming keep coming keep coming
yes that's all I want you to do so basically this is Mexico this is the
United States and this is okay go because you still have tomorrow under
there I promise you you're gonna be all black and blue and paint and yellow it's
gonna hurt so don't go like a maniac for now we're gonna have a few moments with
high intensity so you can feel it you can decide for yourself if you think
that will help you in or in a real situation or as close as we can but
don't go 1 percent all the time ok so the first thing I want you to do is to
forget that wall – to build it and okay this hand don't worry about it from
now what I want is this my turn so you just make contact don't worry about this
and I'll tell you what to do with it later just create your wall but I'm
doing this so I'm really trying to get okay that's it only that don't go too
hard for now okay one more round

As found on YouTube

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