História do Jiu Jitsu pelo Mestre Mansor – Episódio 2

To better explain the Jujitsu story to you I have to go back to the past. It's not too far from now but by my age you know that… it was just when I first started the Jujitsu practice. After a while practicing and the years gone so fast it was wonderful because… I had a teacher that… for me was not a teacher but a father. He… didn't like history so much [grunts] "my thing is Jiu-Jitsu training" and that stuff. I… I went to research Everywhere I went the story was the same. It was an unreal story that was unbelievable.

Which had a Japanese doctor on the window watching the snow falling on the willow tree branch as long it endured the amount of snow the branch folded like that let the snow fall on the ground and came back again. I was no convinced at all with that, so I went to search everywhere. Every country I went for competition I always searched for but it was always the same story so I had an idea: "I'll go to Japan's embassy" but when I got to the embassy I knew more about the country then the guys who worked there. So I went to China's embassy when I arrived, the Chinese were looking after number one saying that Kong Fu was born first, when I arrived, the Chinese were looking after number one saying that Kong Fu was born first, that Jujitsu came from Kong Fu and things like that. So, I had a student that his father was Indian and he gave me an idea "Why don't you go to India's embassy ? Because all they have is in writing, "Why don't you go to India's embassy ? Because all they have is in writing, you will like it." So I went there and only if you could see how welcome we were.

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Each book was four fingers thick and big like this. And maybe because of them they lent us… lent us the books and we started to study. The most part was written in Indu but he translated to me and I talked to him. The time was going by and we started to build a real story, which is the story that I will tell you right now.


As found on YouTube

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