he left right Bailey today I will use the new 56 1.2 the hope is to get some good like close-up portraits when we requested to photograph the fighters in the gym we were actually directed today's nutmegway challenge event I've never watched a real Muay Thai match before this electrifying because everyone was you know really like rooting for their friends it just reminded me that hey I actually like being in the vicinity of people or I actually like sports I actually like going to events so it just like clicked my name is Mustafa Kamal I'm the owner of PFG Muay Thai originally known as Prime fight gym you shot one of my Fighters he just won his fight last weekend he started with me 2016 he started off as a student he was fed he was 90 kg he told me he wanted to become a full-time fighter it's hot in Singapore it's very tough to be a full-time full-time biker in Singapore he was a very shy kid now he is one of my best trainers in the gym many people love him one of my best fighters one of one of my one of one of my fittest Fighters we understand that Usher is quite tired now he has a few injuries from the fight as a crew we can go in and take our time to direct the shot so that we can take portraits of him a shot you've got other t-shirts [Laughter] the new 56 has a weather seal weather resistant one of the ideas that I had is to spray water across the land while a shot is fighting hopefully not too action-packed and sparring so that I can go really near to catch his sweat his Expressions well sure if we spray water in your face is it okay but the floor will be wet there you're right yeah a little bit in front or a little bit behind okay let's try that they reduce the minimum focusing distance to 50 centimeters it means that everything at the back becomes creamier because your relative distance has become more contrasty now so if you're only 50 cm from camera to subject the distance at the back increases by another 20 centimeter it would be easier to achieve the bouquet can you shout something else out like what do you say when you are fighting My Thai do you say something okay just just say whatever you would say yeah louder louder [Laughter] what is nice right it's like the intensity on your face so it can like it can be slower like stop it stop a bit yeah show me the move okay let's try it go with the sound also yeah yeah yeah [Music] okay go yeah if if got any other sound [Laughter] like uh just come a light slightly just okay that hand move was nice that's nice [Music] water now water it's gorgeous nice nice all right so let's review the photos how we are not too tired I think we got a range we definitely have something there it's good let's let's wait for most to be done and then maybe we can get a shot of like him coaching you there are a total of 11 blades now from previously seven blades so what this means is that um in the bouquet the hexagon has become a circle so now it is as nature does it is round so um I want to try and get that so what I'm trying to do is to really get a nice like a composition of new guys all right [Music] anyway [Applause] if a person comes to me says he wants to become a wants to become a fighter or wants to become a trainer I want to at least say no because it's opportunity for me to pass down my knowledge it's opportunity for me to to groom a person and me as a trainer when I grew a person I feel very satisfied there's no credit required you just feel yeah I'm happy for you something else I learned through through my through my journey started off with no experience at all just passion I thought passion can fit my family but then in the end yeah it just I was told them wrong so from there from the all from all these challenges then uh okay I find the strength to bounce back up eventually we become become that strength now the 56 is actually a very interesting lens it gives you in a way The Best of Both Worlds because when you go really near it's almost a macro lens but not it's perfect for shooting portraits it gives a lot of leeway for artistic shots there's no Distortion when you should have body or when you shoot shoulders up or you want to hit portrait it's a great lens for doing that and when you go a little bit further or very far out it becomes a little bit of a telephoto lens you can fit a few things in the frame you can start to tell the story but not very close up so it gives you a nice range even though it's a prime lens foreign [Music] having a dream is one thing but first of all you have to believe in yourself
[FUJIFILM X-T5] : FujiGirl Muay Thai by Mindy Tan