Experiencing A Muay Thai Training Camp in Thailand 🥊🇹🇭🥊

if you're interested in doing a muay thai training   camp specifically here in thailand 
then this is the video for you i'm currently here at rawai muay thai training 
camp it is in khao lak which is a beautiful town   in the province of pangna in southern 
thailand and by the end of this video   you'll know not just a little bit more about 
muay thai but exactly what it's like when you   do a muay thai training camp in thailand and all 
of the beautiful experiences that come with it this is going to be a great video so 
strap in roll the intro and when we   get back we'll be doing our first lesson 
and learning a little bit about muay thai   my name is paddy doyle and this is my little 
honda dream and welcome to next level adventures   right now we are attempting to visit 
every single province in thailand we've had some incredible adventures already but 
the best part is we're only just getting started so subscribe and join us as we discover this 
incredible country together okay welcome now   it's the middle of the day okay so everybody 
is napping and getting out of the heat because   normally the trainings are in the morning the 
afternoon and you can do additional one-on-one   lessons now the way this video is going to work 
is firstly let me just show you around the camp   so you can expect to know what you get for your 
money because basically everything is inclusive   right your accommodation the facilities the gym 
the muay thai training the incredible location so yes let's talk about the accommodations 
when you sign up to a muay thai training camp   your accommodation is included and it's not too 
shabby you basically get your own room but apart   from having a really big comfortable bed a smart 
tv an outside balcony to dry your clothes and   your workout and stuff you also have a kitchen 
full fridge freezer microwave sink pots and pans   so you can take care of your own diet you can buy 
your own ingredients from the supermarket down on   the beach and just take care of your own nutrition 
being able to make yourself feel at home is really   important because you might be here for weeks 
maybe months it really depends on yourself so   the accommodation was quality okay we're about to 
start our uh first group training and uh they're   coming any minute starts at four and it's so less 
than ten minutes so what i thought i would do   is walk around the gym and show you a little bit 
more in detail what there is here so there's 15 of   these bad boys punch bags and they go all the way 
down actually there's even more there's probably   25 because there's even more on the other side 
and then in the middle there are four full-size   rings with boxing gloves and plenty of pads and 
i'm going to go over here because it looks like   there's a gym as well yes there is a huge gym here 
light air con lots of machines lots of weights   and the the people who are going to be training 
in the group session uh five of them are girls and   then there's a couple of guys that i've seen and 
one of the interesting stories i was speaking to   a girl last night she's from holland and she just 
flew all the way here and she's quitting drinking   she's eating healthy and she's just training for 
a month and because she just told me she can only   focus really on her health and on her mind when 
she's away from work when she's away from home so   she's flown here and she's yeah she's killing 
it she did two training sessions last night   went for a run this morning went for a training 
session again this morning so these girls are   extremely passionate and the guy who's here 
as well they're extremely passionate about   fitness about muay thai about losing weight about 
getting technically good some of these people are   professionals that train here full time so that's 
going to be great to learn from them to look at   their technique and copy them and uh what else 
have we got here yeah previous travelers who've   come here trained here and then gone on to 
fight and win their own professional bouts okay that was a quick look around the gym and   shortly after it was time 
for the training to begin   we started off with just a few bits of running 
skipping and stretching just to get warmed up i can't even skip okay warm up complete wraps complete and now uh 
we're just gonna i don't know what we're gonna do   and because it was my first training session 
the trainer wanted to just test my knowledge   on boxing if i had any so he asked me 
to throw a jab a hook and an uppercut   low kick high kick and then he 
taught me some extra moves okay   i'm straight in the ring apparently so we're going 
to do some shadow boxing and he's got the pads   you will sweat buckets it is an absolute guarantee 
here at 4 o'clock in the afternoon in southern   thailand and i was having so much fun and the 
best part is everyone else around you is all in it   together and everyone's at different levels there 
are absolute amateurs and beginners just like me   there are people who are out here training 
semi-professionally even professionally   but together as a group we all just i don't know 
there's a sort of camaraderie there's a real sense   of togetherness and a real sense of motivation and 
it's it's just great and super fun to be around so we've practiced some of the basic moves i 
did okay actually i did okay he's like yeah okay by far my favorite part of the workout 
is the pad work you get to just   let a bit of your frustrations out practice your 
kicks and practice your technique muay thai has a   very different stance to traditional boxing 
and i was finding it a little bit difficult and the hardest part is i 
always want to go sideways on   and jab like that yeah why is that western 
boxing i don't know good yeah great it's amazing how much better you get just within 
the first few hours to be honest the trainers are   really good at correcting your form and giving you 
the specifics to muay thai and i quickly realized   that it's actually kind of like a dance and when 
i did realize that my trainer was not best pleased   the second hour you just basically do drills you 
go from one section of the gym to the other three   rounds in the ring or three rounds on the punch 
bags running around doing weights doing circuits   pad work shadow boxing lifting things throwing 
things you are gonna have a workout and you're   gonna sweat and you're gonna feel great and 
like i keep saying because everyone is there   together there's a real group vibe and i'm 
one of those kind of people that needs to be   working out with other people for me to work 
hard otherwise i'll just get lazy and go home okay so the uh the training session is basically 
finished and now the semi-pros and the pros are   just sparring and it's really good to watch 
the first one is the small girl from germany   and she doesn't stand a chance but i think the 
whole point is to teach her to never give up um okay yes okay that was awesome what an experience to watch 
those guys spa and uh so anyway after the training   you can come to the beach because obviously the 
best thing about doing a muay thai training camp   on the west coast of thailand is it's sunset 
every single night into the andaman sea and it   is just this crazy golden color and the sea is so 
flat and calm and there's people skating out here   in the back and a lot of people come down from 
bangkok for the surfing season which has just   begun so don't worry i'll do a whole video later 
on this channel about this surfing scene and this   entire area because it's so cool i just all of 
a sudden feel like i'm in bali or something or   sri lanka people's surfing out to the sea throwing 
frisbee volleyball hanging out at this incredibly   beautiful beach here in caulac and this is a 
stone's throw from the muay thai training camp so   um i actually i kind of fancy going for a run 
because even though i got to sweat a lot um i   didn't really get enough of my energy out so 
i actually feel like a really nice long run   i can see i think i can see cows at the far end 
of the beach so i'll let you know if it is cows   and there's all these hot people from 
bangkok with like dark skin who you   know thai people normally don't go in the 
sun but these guys live in the sea surfing   and they're so bronzed and beautiful 
so i really like this place okay day two group session four o'clock let's 
do this i'm a bit late okay and then after   our warm-up i'm back in the ring doing more 
pad work and it's amazing just one day later   my footwork is on point i'm still making a 
little bit of mistakes here and there but   yeah i'm i'm loving the technical side to it   and getting the footwork right and doing the 
counting and just getting the basics right first   and then if you were going to be here for a month 
if you were going to be here for longer once you   get your timing once you get your technical 
side and it becomes drilled into you you're   going to see a massive improvement i can see a 
massive improvement i've only been in one day right kick one all right it is the end of my experience here 
at rawai i just want to say a massive thank you   to you guys for watching i hope you learned 
something and i hope you are interested in   doing a muay thai training camp and i hope it's 
dispelled some of the myths that you don't need   to be willing to fight someone in the 
ring it's purely fitness it's purely   mental health physical health group bonding just 
togetherness and if you do want to come here and   learn how to knock someone out and then get in 
the ring with someone then that's also an option   but the highlights which you'll see in the next 
few videos is in the evenings and on days off from   training going down to the beach at memories and 
surfing and enjoying all of the amazing sunsets   and as you'll see in the next video i spent 
two days on a massive fishing boat a charter   adventure with everyone who works here trains here 
we had an incredible time going to the silliman   islands and that's just another example of things 
that you can do as a group when you're working   out here at muay thai but you'll see that in the 
next video thanks for watching i had a great time

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