you're skating on guys I'm Jacob Rey and in this video I'm gonna be sharing some ground offense tips offense is that how you say no ground defense ground offense tips with you guys in EA Sports UFC – shout-out to Dylan Lester for suggesting this subject thanks to you bro let's get into it let's get into it so first of all my first tip is based around getting to the ground because remember every fight starts standing up so don't go for the takedown immediately that's just gonna alert your your opponent to your tactic and what you're going to try to do and then it's going to be really easy for your opponent's block that takedown stay patient and learn your opponent's style look for an opening for the takedown like when he's throwing a high strike or better yet go for a takedown when he has low stamina or is rocked because you you get it's much more easy to get the takedown when your opponent's got low stamina or he's rocked it's much harder for him to be able to block it you don't have to wait for these opportunities exclusively because at times you might be fighting someone who isn't good at blocking takedowns at all or has terrible takedown defense that's when their fight our defense stats and like ground stats really do matter in this game if they matter a lot defense stats will will change your ground game completely if you've got loads of it I mean if you've got low ground stats and you're getting on the ground with a certain fighter it it probably won't work out great for you if your opponent has a better ground stats so make sure you check out the steps of your fight if you do want to play this way if you do want to get on the ground that's all stuff so just remember that failing the takedown could put you in a bad position and drain a bunch of your stamina so be very aware of your stamina when going for takedowns and be careful because being strikes while going for a takedown is very punishing so keep that in mind guys and next tip is be patient look for opportunities to block your opponent's transition this is about when you're on the ground obviously not when you're actually trying to get them to the ground when you're actually on the ground make sure be patient and you look for opportunities to block your polish transitions then transition yourself when you have grapple advantage if you just spam transitions and you face someone who's competent at the ground game you will end up getting reverse it's just it's just going to happen and you'll find yourself in a bad position blocking transitions also sets your opponent's stamina while getting yours blocked SATs yours so try and maintain stamina advantage on the ground being in a top position with low stamina is almost as dangerous as being on the bottom and if you're facing our opponents skilled at the ground game you'll find yourself in a very sticky situation very quickly go to practice mode and learn each position learn which directions you and your opponent can transition to from each position and how to block your opponent's transitions from that position of course you don't have to learn every position at once I'd suggest you learn at least three and try and stay in those positions online just remember you can always come back into the practice gym if you ever start running into trouble and our third tip is use transition fakes when you're facing a player who's skilled on the ground going for transitions consistently will get you reverse it's just going to happen in order to counter at this you can do transition fakes to do a transition fake start a transition really briefly but don't go through of it you can just flick the retinal stick in the direction of the transition that you you don't want to go in and then do a proper transition in other direction because if your opponent goes to block it his pad will vibrate and then he won't be able to block the next transition it's really really annoying trust me it doesn't know where they get stun to you so definitely use it and not your opponent of course if you're facing someone smart they'll adapt to your technique so you should change up your strategy if they start catching on for example go for one transition fake at first but if your opponent catches on and starts blocking your transitions or reversing them consider going for to transition fakes or even none keep switching up your tactics don't always go for the same ground position either sometimes it's better just to hold a position that risk getting reverse trying to transition into a better position by the way facing someone who just spams transitions when they're on the ground go ahead for transition fakes will only allow them to transition where they want so only use this technique if you know your opponent knows how to and is actively blocking and reversing transitions my fourth tip I think it's number four I'm gonna stop using numbers because I keep on forgetting them next hit punch your opponent while he's trying to transition blocking transitions is a great way to hold a position but sometimes especially if your opponent has low stamina you can use a well-timed strike to stop your opponent in their tracks I like to use this method in full mount and back flat mount wait for your opponents to try and transition and when he does throw a quick strike this works one is in the mount as a few strikes can end the fight really swiftly so some players start spamming transitions and panicking this is a great opportunity for you to get some strikes in and if your opponent has higher ground stats than you though they may be able to transition before you feed them a fish sandwich so be wary of this if your opponent has no stamina though you're home free make sure you don't expend your stamina trying to end your opponent unless you ascertain you will win otherwise you might end up getting arm trapped and end up in a bad position with low stamina and no one wants to be in a bad position with low stamina it's almost over when you get there like you're just gonna put your hands up and be like you know what take me out it's gone I'm ammo Vilas let's just go to the next match so next tip go for submissions when your opponent sorry my voice just went out there go for submissions when your opponent has low stamina when your opponent has low stamina they're really vulnerable to knockouts and submissions try locking in the submission if you're mildly confident in your submission abilities I suggest you go for a submission that isn't the armbar as many submissions can transition into the armbar and lower the amount of submission stages you need to pass in order for you to win be warned though failing a submission can have you ending up in a bottom position so be careful okay I hope this video helped you out guys hit that like button if you liked this video and be sure to subscribe because I'll be putting out low of UFC to tip videos every Tuesday and you don't want to miss those if you want to check out the rest of my UFC 2 tip videos you can click on the place on the screen also leave a comment let me know sorry leave a comment letting me know what tutorials or tips you want next down below or share some tips of your own and help out the community remember ground stats matter check your ground stats will check the stats of the fighter you're using before you try and get on the ground because having low ground stats will make your transition slower and it will really harm you when it comes to blocking transitions and whatnot it will be much harder for you to do that so check your ground stats if you want to play on the ground if you've got terrible ground stats stay off the ground because if someone takes you down to the ground and you've got terrible ground stats it's going to be terrible you're not going to enjoy it it's going to be a terrible time so keep that in mind thanks for watching guys I'll see you guys in the next video he's posturing up here Oh Oh big right hand flip them Oh some heavy shots he landed a huge barrage of strikes all night long and finally got the TKO it's pretty cold when Iran is lost if far too long so for this if I share with you
EA Sports UFC 2 – Ground Game Offense Tips – DOMINATE ON THE GROUND! – EA Sports UFC 2 Tips