Darren Till GETS SUED for $1.4million + loses ‘Raw Dog’ company! Danis FLAUNTS his new physique!

MMA news today:

ROBERT WHITTAKER gets honest on Israel Adesanya’s recent antics

DILLON DANIS flaunts his new physique two weeks out from Logan Paul boxing match

ANGELA LEE explains her decision to retire from MMA at the age of 27

DARREN TILL gets sued for 1.4 million

SEAN O’MALLEY participates in dance class for the disabled people

JAMAHAL HILL breaks down Jiri Prochazka vs. Alex Pereira

SEAN STRICKLAND runs into his fan at Starbucks

00:00 – Angela Lee explains her decision to retire from MMA at the age of 27
01:41 – Robert Whittaker gets honest on Israel Adesanya’s recent antics
03:22 – Dillon Danis flaunts his new physique two weeks out from Logan Paul boxing match
03:48 – Fan runs into Sean Strickland at Starbucks
04:31 – Darren Till gets sued for $1.4million
06:01 – Jamahal Hill gives his prediction for Alex Pereira vs. Jiri Prochazka
07:37 – Sean O’Malley participates in dance class for the disabled people
07:56 – TOP 3 MMA memes

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All right let's get this show Started in today's video Angela Lee Explains her decision to retire from MMA At the age of 27 Robert Whitaker gets Honest on his rod ass signing his recent Antics Dylan danis flaun his physique Two weeks out from the Logan Paul boxing Match fan runs into Sean Strickland at Starbucks Darren till gets sued for 1.4 Million Jamal Hill shares his prediction For Alex P verser Pro hoska fight and Shan Elly participates in a dance class For disabled People one Championship Champion Angela Lee announced her retirement at Friday's One fight night 14 in Singapore the Announcement came days after Lee Revealed her ongoing mental health Struggles including a 2017 attempt Before and after the death of her 18-year-old sister Victoria who took her Own life in December of 2022 now in an Interview with ESP ESPN MMA Angela Explained why she decided to retire from MMA at the age of 27 ultimately why did You decide to retire you know the whole The whole reason why I started fighting Is because I loved it and I still have a Lot of love for the sport uh but just in A different way now to be honest with You I I just don't have the heart for it I don't have the heart to step in there Again you know it might sound corny or Whatever but if you follow your heart it

Will always lead you in the right Direction and that's why I know I'm Making the right decision um you know Choosing to retire now at this moment For me I I'm really proud of everything That I've done and I don't have you know Any regrets it's been a really great Career so I can just look back on it and Smile and just look forward to the Future now when asked about fans Supporting Shan strin over isra asna and Sydney Australia Robert Whitaker said During a recent episode of the MMA hour That he wasn't surprised according to Whitaker the fact that fans R behind Strickland instead of adagia didn't come As much of a shock to him in his words No I would have been surprised the other Way I don't know and everybody knows I'm Not friends with Izzy I don't hate the Guy but I'm not friends with him by any Means we just rub each other the wrong Way and he seems to rub a lot of people The wrong way and I'm going to say Sean You know he was wearing the crocodile Donee hat he was wearing the Hat that's Something maybe that's all it takes wher Continued everyone has done silly things You know I guess Sean's been I think Very offensive to a lot of people right But not to us in Australia yet Maybe we've been out of the crosshairs a Little bit so maybe that played a role But another thing is like the fans and

The guys that showed up on Sunday at UFC 293 they like seeing hard fights and They like seeing good fights Shawn went Out there and gave his all and had one Of the biggest upsets in the Middleweight division Robert also gave Advice to other fighters in reference to Osan's recent Antics saying that's the Thing with how you conduct yourself Because don't think for an instant and This is to all the fighters on the Weekend don't think for an instant they Can say something today and then 10 Years down the track it's not going to Come up oh it'll come up you know There's someone behind the computer Screen that hates your guts and he saved That clip or that short and he's going To throw it in your face when you make Something when you're a big enough name For it to hurt it's there that's why You've got to conduct yourself Professionally we're professionals we're Athletes we get paid for this do so Professionally despite the pending Lawsuit and hints of pulling out of his Upcoming boxing match against Logan Paul Dylan Dennis recently took Twitter where He flaunted his physique just two weeks Shy of his scheduled in ring debut he Posted this photo captioned I am boxing What do you guys think of Dylan's Physique two weeks out of the boxing Match with Logan Paul do you think this

Fight is going to happen or will danis Pull out for some reason let us know in The comments below Sean Strickland is Back at it again he recently took a shot At some dude in Starbucks for wearing More jewelry than his girlfriend Tweeting let me tell you lady boy some If you go on a date with a woman and You're wearing more jewelry than her you Might be gay the man approached Strickland asking for a photo when the UFC champion asked him about the jewelry Here's the clip so guys I'm at Starbucks Right and I'm posting about this guy on My Twitter oh yeah he just came up to me He said what's up yes so my question was Yes when you go on a date with a girl And you're wearing more jewelry than her Like what do you think about that I Don't know man sometimes you want to be Flashing I got you yes You're inspiration man Darren till got Sued for 1.4 million for trademark Infringement of his brand raw dog for Those unfamiliar till owned a clothing Brand named raw dog offering a range of Products from hoodies to t-shirts with Worldwide shipping unfortunately the UK Based brand gar raw holding the Trademark for the term raw issued a Notice to till leaving him with no Choice but to shut down his raw dog Brand in a recent interview with Kai Media till had a chat with mik Perry

During which he surprisingly shared how He got sued by gar ra and then you made A beer and you never even sent me a raw Dog beer I got I got shoed for $1.4 Million they Sho What what what happened what happened B Do got shed did you not know no who sued You and Why so it was going well and I was Actually saying to the guy we need to Give ad some per Perry and then there's A brand in England called gar raw and It's trademarked and they own the rights To the name raw so they sued us and we Couldn't trade anymore they sent us a Seas assist letter and that was the end Of Rawog but but you sold it for a little Bit and you didn't have to Pay well I yeah we don't like two month Withth yeah like a Minute during a recent interview on the Bym podcast former UFC light heavyweight Champion Jamal Hill shared his Prediction for the Recently announced Title fight between Yuri prohaska and Alex poda Hill believes that this fight Could go either way but is leaning Towards prasa as he's the more Well-rounded fighter and has more Experience in MMA I think that one's a toss up if if I'm being if I'm being completely Honest I think that fight can truly go

Either way I think Yuri jurri the way he strikes And like yeah he has like the the wild Like kind of loose outy but for for that Like Alex isn't going for that he's not Going for the tricks he's not going for The for the all the all the out there Because he has a specific Mission and Specific points in places he wants to be When he's striking and when he's Engaging and I think Alex is better at Getting to those spots than Yuri is Um but I think physically I think Yuri Will be the more physical more Physically strong fighter I think Yuri Has more MMA experience I think if he Can use his unorthodox this to instead Of trying to strike actually get in and Mix and be rounded around and mix Martial arts clinch him up beat him up In the clinch dragging to the ground and Um I think that'd be his I think that More so be his best his best way of Making in an allaround mixed martial Arts fight if I honest the guy had my Choice I had my pick I would would have Not gotten hurt I would have had them Both be in the position that they are And i' have whooped they ass one by One UFC champion sha Ali participates in Dance classes for disabled People here are the top three memes Found on the internet today third place Was found over Facebook and was posted

By a user named mostly MMA a second place pick was found over Facebook and was posted by a usern named MMA Pack and a top picked meme of the day Was found over Instagram and was posted By a usern named as shopped as it Gets thanks for watching if you like the Content smash that like button and don't Forget to subscribe to stay in the top [ __ ]