Coach Pushes His Fighters To Their Limits! – Muay Thai Fight Camp – Episode 2.

some bodies are hitting the floor 
today yeah power power damn power power oh good harder than these guys are you ready what's going on my 
name is chad mueller works right almost 11 years that helps for the first like nine 
years we were like a cardio fitness gym because   that's where the money was at and i always heard 
like you can't make money with the fight gym uh   but we just started the fight team like two years 
ago so we've got a really good group of guys here   training really hard twist each other and it's 
just a fun atmosphere that people want to be at   yeah okay you know i wanted to do what i wanted to 
do i like i wasn't passionate about like helping   people lose weight i wanted to teach people to 
fight and find confidence in that and go travel   the world and do cool stuff get progression 
of aaron of the first round so look how fresh   he is let's see what happens always fresh he 
ain't got [ __ ] from him bad bad bad hit ready get out get out go away up uh and after two rounds feels good sometimes three he's definitely taking all of us 
especially trey me to the next level   let's go i'm gonna i'm gonna whoop trace assassin 
by the way i don't know if you saw the last vlog   he was he was talking smack because sometimes 
you have to let your fighters kind of beat up   on you you kind of get their confidence 
up and uh we're gonna break them today oh two kicks oh i just came back from thailand 
lived over there for a couple months   um i just uh won one of my fights over 
there i fought a guy in competition and i dislocated my right knee this was 
the fourth time it's happened so it's been   15 years since i've done it so 
i thought i was like over it   my knee is just not the same like 
it's not strong like it should be kick punch power tower all right look like four never show your opponent you're tired that's the 
biggest mistake you can make in a fight and show   them your tire they're gonna take advantage give 
them fuel like it's like a shark smell of blood   they see you're tired they're gonna go off you 
have to have a poker face when you fight i [ __ ]   some people up didn't get hit once i feel great 
honestly best night in my life even if you get hit   you can't show it hurt if you show a hurt show 
you're tired it's gonna be a bad day in the office so one of the things i don't want is for my buyers 
to have regret you know look back 10 years from   now and and wish they would have done more with 
their life and wish more they they would have   trained harder and gone further and fighting and 
seeing what they were doing um because i want them   to have no regrets in life that's why i ended up 
going back to thailand and training and fighting   over there is i didn't want to be an old man 
laying in my death bed and wishing i would have   done the things that i wanted to do and i don't 
want that for these kids so that's why i pushed   these kids so hard that's why i i make them work 
and push through pain and adversity is no regrets


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