Classic Collar & Sleeve Kiss of the Dragon – Andre Galvao

– So we're gonna start with
the reverse De La Riva, okay? You gotta understand every time that your opponent put his weight on you, I gonna kick him up, okay? So every single time that I'm fighting him and I feel his weight is on me, I gonna start lift him
and working with my shin that's between his legs,
under his hamstring to push him forward, okay? Over me, all right? That way, I make him post
and then I can start having all my variations as we
learned this week, okay? So here, Rolando start
putting the weight on me. I control his wrist or the sleeve, okay? So I gonna start bringing
his shoulder on my chest and then start kicking
the leg up like this. Sometimes, I can get a roll and sweep or I can go under his leg as we learned in the last
class, okay, yesterday. Or I gonna force him to post and I go for the X guard
sweep, okay, come-up sweep. So every single time that I'm fighting and I feel my opponent is
putting the weight on me, right? I'm trying to push him, like usually we only trying to push, okay? 'Cause we want the space
to recover the guard.

But you gotta take advantage
of the weight of your opponent. When he stat putting the weight,
you start to kick him up, then you can start get underneath of him with the kiss of the dragon or a leg trap, underhooking the leg going
for X guard, the Y guard. We have the modified version
of the kiss of the dragon that we learned on Monday. So if he grab my collar, it's hard for me to
break this collar here, to break the grip.

And also, he can use this
hand now under my collar, but when I bring him up, he can post the hand on the floor, okay? But I have my hand under
his foot, right here, controlling his foot, okay? And as he try to put the weight on me, I can start lifting his foot off the mat and I can start work
for kiss of the dragon and doing all the scrambles
that we learned, okay? But today, let's say
when I'm fighting, okay, with my opponent, he got a knee cut here. But instead of putting the weight on me, he moved away, he dropped
the knee on the floor, he start to pull the weight back. He's just relaxing here
and chilling, okay, until he got a nice opportunity
to pass my guard, okay? So he goes away from me, it's easy for me to just
bring this leg to the floor and start going for a single leg.

Yeah, I like to do that a lot, okay? It works really well, okay? It's very simple and basic. But the way you're gonna work
here today is a modified way for you to go to the
kiss of the dragon, okay? So remember that, go back to the leg up, so remember that when we
learn the technique yesterday, we kept the forearm under the leg, okay, the arm under the leg.

So I don't let my opponent
put my thigh on the floor, so that will protect me and also make my frame
really strong, okay? And I need to bring his
shoulder to my shoulder, so that way I can put my (hand taps) my left shoulder on the back and that's the side I
gonna roll over, right? I'm gonna roll over the
shoulder that's outside. This is the inside shoulder,
this is the outside shoulder. So I need to roll backwards
over the outside shoulder, okay? So here, it's the same thing. One thing that I like to do, and actually this is how I started doing
the kiss of the dragon. 'Cause back in the day,
people loved to pass with the knees on the floor like this. And still nowadays,
people are still trying to pass with the knees on
the floor or just like, in a moment of the fight, they
just wanna relax here, okay? So what I do, I control his sleeve, keep the frame here, okay? I control his collar. Now instead of bringing his
shoulder to my shoulder, because it's really far and
also his weight is back, so when I try to collar
drag him and pull him, it's gonna be hard for me to bring his shoulder on my shoulder.

So what I do, I bring this
hand right here on the collar to the floor, okay? I make his head go down like this, so it's so easy for me to do it, okay? Doing it fast, I go like this, okay? So when I do that, I
can kick my leg, okay? So I go one, and then I
can start kicking the leg and getting on top of my opponent.

But if I simply do that, it's gonna be hard for
me to come up, okay? Look, I go one. Kick, two. Now, I need to come up like
I'm rolling over this shoulder. You see, he can underhook
my leg, he can fight back, and then he'll start the
knee guard pass, okay? He can start passing my guard. So what I do here, when I bring him down, I need to put my outside
shoulder on the mat to come up. Look, I go one. Now look, I turn like this. Now, my outside shoulder is on the floor. Then, I kick him and get
the underhook, oh sorry, get the underhook on his leg, okay? As I mentioned yesterday. Again, so I'm here. We're just gonna work on this today, okay? So step one, I bring him down. Step two, look, I need to spin. I need to do the kiss
of the dragon like this. And then I put my, you see that my (hand taps) my left shoulder is off the mat? So when I roll here, my
left shoulder touch the mat. When I get here, that's when
I kick and then come up, okay? So it's gonna be much
easier for you to come up and also you create a good scramble.

So when you come up, you gonna
be in a very good position. It's super hard for him to defend this. Okay, so I'm here. I have the knee shield, right? It's very important to have
the knee under his arm here, the top knee, right? Very important to have my
arm under my leg, okay? So I gonna load him up. And the way I load him up right now, instead of bring him over my shoulder, I gonna bring him to the floor, okay? So we go, step one. Step two, I turn. And then step three, I kick
and then underhook his leg. I sweep a lot of people like that and it works for real. So you see when I go for
the kiss of the dragon, I'm not underhooking his
leg or doing anything.

I'm still the whole time
controlling his arm, here on his sleeve, okay? So I go, step one. Now when I turn, I pull the collar to me. That's when I pull to
roll, look, like this. And once I get here, I pinch
my knees, kick the leg, and then I come up. You guys got it? Yeah? All right. So here, Rolando
is doing the De La Riva hook. He's gonna get the frame here, of course, before he's gonna control my
sleeve, bring my arm inside. So I'm on this position here. Now, he can't pull me over him. So he pull me down. Now, he's gonna roll. Roll under, roll. Now, he put this shoulder on the mat. He's gonna roll over this
shoulder here, you see? Kick. Roll. And then, okay, come up. Okay? In the fight, it's gonna look like this, and that's the goal, the
way you need to drill after you repeat a couple of times. It's gonna be like this. Okay? Again, go. One, two, three. Why you underhook? We learn yesterday if
you underhook my leg, he can't come up.

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If I sweep and put my hand here, he's gonna start going to my back, okay? So I need to underhook his leg, okay? It's very, very important. Do you have any question? Yes, Judd? – [Judd] Can this be done, like let's say you're defending
the the sleeve, collar, and you didn't have it, can
it be done with the head? – Wit the head, like? – [Judd] Yeah, like almost
like a (indistinct). – Oh, the no-gi? (Judd mumbles indistinctly) – No, no-gi is different, like I don't control his head. – [Judd] Is it like blocking the head? – You know what I do? I do like this no-gi, look. All this technique that
I show you, I do no-gi. Like for example, the one
that I showed yesterday is I go like the arm drag. I grab like this, right? This one here, okay, I
don't grab the collar, but I go here.

I go like this. I feel like if I go like this, he can underhook my arm, right? So I prefer to be here. And plus here, he can put the weight on me or he can go for an armbar on me here. Yes. Just do the armbar, like,
yeah like this, you know? So I don't like to grab the head. So when I go, I go like this, okay? And no-gi, you can't bring his head down, but you can with the kiss of the dragon. So you just extend your leg a little bit, put your arm under your thigh here, underhook his leg, turn, now you're gonna be in this position. So now what I do, I sweep him here.

I use my hand outside of his knee. I do like a knee tap like this and then I kick myself, you know? And you can do that what the gi too. So you knee tap him if
he's still having the knee on the floor like this. So like,
(hand taps) I do this and then kick my
leg and come up, all right? Go. So here, I go like this. One, so I can go to the crab ride or I go here.

See? And then from here, sometimes
I start putting my frames underneath of him. I change my leg here and then
I start attaching the back and then you have different variations. You gotta understand how to
start the kiss of the dragon, you know? So now you know, if
his knee's off the mat, you have a huge chance to go under his leg and underhook his leg as well, but look, because I didn't kick him yet,
he's too far from me, right? So first, I need to
bring him this way, okay? If he's there, right? But if he start putting the weight on me, I just simply kick. You see, I just extend my
leg up like this, okay? But now, he put the knee on the floor, I go to the kiss of the dragon
that I showed you right now.

Send his head to the
floor, turn, kick, right? This turn is the most worthy
thing to do when you go, okay? I swept a lot of people like this or I sweep people like that as well. I put this leg on the floor.
(foot loudly taps) Since his weight is not on me, he's not like trying to
kill or beat my knee shield, I go like this, okay? But if I do that, I
need to use the momentum to come up. Like I go, and then (groans)
like this, you know? But sometimes, he's faster than me.

So I prefer to create a scramble, okay? Listen, even the other position, put your weight on me similarly. I go here. With no-gi, I go like this. I frame here. This is like my collar grip and actually, when I put
my forearm under his jaw, under his chin here, I can bring him up, look? You can see? It's like having my
forearm under his neck. Because he's trying to put
the weight on me, I just, you see? Now, I can knee tap, I
can put the leg over. I can start going to the back, like trying to get the scrambles, right? So just to answer your question, I don't like to go like this, okay? Yeah, because he underhooks. So I go here. Try to underhook me now. He can't underhook, see? Plus, if he try to put the weight on me, I can keep him far, okay? So I just, I use this a lot. I use this hand like this
under his neck a lot, okay? Rolando, do the maneuver.

So that's the technique,
we gonna do, okay? Then, we gonna roll. Person on top, just stay like this, okay? Rolando, he's gonna drag me down. One, turn. Two. And then three, kick. Okay? Let's do fast right now. So I go here. Okay? And just go on and on, back and forth. Two, spin, you go. Okay? I think it's really cool.
It looks really cool. All right.

One, two, three. (hands clapping).

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