Brazilian Jiu Jitsu – mehr als nur Kampfsport

You must learn
to remain calm in bad situations. Your decisions must be well thought out. You must use the simplest and
most efficient methods. You have to prioritize …stay focused. Train until you trust yourself enough to intuitively move
without thinking. Act at the right moment Know your strengths… but also your weaknesses When you make a move,
you must believe in what you are doing Be open enough to
learn new things but also consistent enough not to forget the basics. As your circumstances change, so
must your plan
Jiu Jitsu gives you confidence
no matter what role you are in But also humility and respect Strength and compassion Jiu Jitsu is not just a sport
It gives you a free and open mind It is a disciplined code, a philosophy.

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and this is deeply rooted in us.

As found on YouTube

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