BJJ vs. Boxing | MMA-Streetfight | DFC

My Name is Aslan Magomadov. In my third fight at Defend I will
face a very good Boxer, Who is taler and have longer reach. I will try to keep the distance
as short as possible and get him to the ground and finish him there. My Name is Keno. I am 22 y/o. I will try to stay on my feet during
the fight and knock him out.

I know that my opponent is a good
grappler and has won his first fight at Defend. Thank you for visiting us, you had a long way to get here from Cologne. Really good fight, unfortunately a loss. It was your Defend debut, how did you prepare for the fightand how do you feel now ? Preparation, as I said, I took the fight on short notice. I had 1 1/2 weeks to prepare. I have done a 7 kg weight cut in 1 1/2 weeks and I am a pure boxer, I never did MMA before. I just wanted to fight because of corona I cant get a boxingfight in the first round your oponnent took you down and dominated you, it was difficult for you, how was this situation for you as a boxer, how did you feel at that moment? it was something new for me, if iam at the ground as a boxer than its a big trouble for me, it was something different to take care of intelligent defending and also to show it to the ref. Really hard oponnent, good grappler it just was his element. Aslan, again a really dominant fight.You did a great job, a win in the second round.

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Its your third fight. Tell us, how do you feel and how do you like your performance today? Shortly before the Fight, I received the info that this guy is a really good striker. We saw that, he used his good long punches to keep me at distance. When I heard that he is a boxer, my fighter spirit was telling me to start the fight with striking. I did not take him down at the beginning. Yes, it worked. But when i noticed that I can measure myself against him in boxing it was time to run my gameplan, nothing new, take him down, ground and pound and try to finish him it worked in the second round, I am really happy and thankful to the opponent he drove a long way to get here, so much respect to him We see your left hand injury at the right hand.

Did that disturbed you and how did that feel during the fight? Yes, its a little injured of course it give me a little mental hit, but during the fight your adrenalin gets so high that you dont think much about it. Now after the fight I feel a little pain. I have to rest fewdays and than the show must go on….

As found on YouTube

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