MMA Community SLAMS Conor McGregor for calling out KSI, UFC donates $1M to Hawaii relief effors

In Today’s MMA news:

Dana White: UFC donating $1M to Hawaii relief efforts

Derrick Lewis chills out on a yacht

Cub Swanson reacts to his win over Hakeem Dawodu at UFC Vegas 78

Cody Garbrandt is out of UFC 292 fight against Mario Bautista

Conor McGregor calls out KSI

MMA Community roasts Conor McGregor

Michael Bisping agrees with Dana White about Stephen Thompson’s money requests

00:00 – Derrick Lewis jumps off the yacht
00:43 – Cody Garbrandt is out of UFC 292
01:09 – UFC donates $1M to Hawaii relief efforts
02:34 – Conor McGregor calls out KSI
03:28 – MMA community roasts Conor McGregor
04:09 – Cub Swanson reacts to his win at UFC Vegas 78
05:42 – Michael Bisping gives his thoughts on Stephen Thompson/UFC situation
07:35 – TOP 3 MMA memes

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All right let's get this show started In today's video Derek Lewis jumps off a Yacht Cody garbrick is out for UFC 292 The UFC donates 1 million dollars to Hawaii relief efforts the MMA Community Roasts Conor McGregor Cub Swanson reacts To his win at UFC Vegas 78 and Michael Bisping shares his thoughts on the Stephen Thompson UFC situation Derek Lewis the Beast has shared a clip Of himself fearlessly jumping off the Roof of a yacht here's the clip [Music] [Applause] Um Fans of Cody garbrandt will be Disappointed to hear that he will not be Able to fight calm ufc292 at TD Garden In Boston on August 19th garment was set To face off against Mario Batista but Unfortunately he sustained an injury During training that has forced him to Withdraw from the matchup as for Batista He must not wait for a new opponent to Step up on short notice stay tuned for Updates on the situation UFC president Dana White has offered Assistance to the people of Hawaii in Response to the devastating wildfire That has swept through Maui Island Reports indicate that the blaze which is Said to be the worst in the Island's History has already claimed 80 lives in A video posted on Instagram white

Announced that the UFC has made a Donation to support the affected Communities hey everyone UFC president Dana White hair it's been horrible to See the wildfires raging across Maui Causing Devastation to that beautiful Place and the amazing people who call it Home my heart goes out to all of you who Suffered so much loss but I want you all To know that you're not alone the Hawaiian people embody the warrior Spirit like no one else and we stand With you and that Spirit UFC is going to Make a million dollar donation to Support Hawaii relief efforts we're also Doing this limited edition T-shirt with A hundred percent of the proceeds going To those Hawaii relief efforts so please Please visit today pick up A T-shirt and to our friends in Hawaii We love you and we have your backs and To everyone else UFC sponsors anybody Affiliated with the UFC I ask you to Stand up to donate some money reach out To me or Buy a t-shirt Let's all help these people in Hawaii Thank you guys very much Conor McGregor made an appearance at the Boxing Showdown that just went down Between Anthony Joshua and Robert Hellenius in London following Joshua's KO Victory McGregor congratulated him But then shifted his Focus to KSI whom

He called out saying I know your man KSI Is in the crowd yeah and he couldn't box Eggs if he worked in the night boxing Factory so if he wants to get in here I'll give him a fight at Barrel if he Wants Mystic Mack also predicted what Would happen if the two boxed Snap job KSI quickly took the Twitter responding To Connor's call out writing laughing my Ass off just seeing this Jake Paul must Be crying and I've got Connor on my dick Already and I didn't even have to fight An MMA fighter laughing him out After the call out the MMA Community Roasted Conor McGregor one fan wrote Damn dude's Dead behind the mic these Days the counter has to stop drink Desperate for a Payday instead of Fighting Chandler Connor wants to fight KSI embarrassing bro is calling out Everybody and fighting absolutely nobody Laughing my ass off Conor's career post Alvarez has been such a massive Disappointment the Floyd Money really Destroyed what was once such an epic Tale of Triumph and this man said he Wanted to fight gay Chi what a joke Connor is washed completely Conor has Fallen off worse than Britney Spears Conor is embarrassing himself every week In a UF UFC Vegas 78 matchup Cub Swanson Emerged Victorious over Hakeem dawadu With a unanimous decision in an

Interview with UFC news Swanson shared His reaction to the wind revealing that He believes he had lost every round and Was surprised by the final results yeah I just I'm always hard on myself uh I Had to ask my team like did I did I win And they were like I thought you won uh Two out of three just like they had it And I was like man I was being really Critical I thought I was losing every Round just because I wasn't Landing some of the stuff I Wanted to land I knew that I was like Hurting them when I did throw but I Wasn't throwing enough Um and so I knew that he was like Outworking me a little bit but It wasn't really Landing not a lot of Shots hurt me Um so Um and then I knew I was bleeding so I I Just all that my knowledge was like man I don't think they were going to give That to me so ultimately I was just Trying to have fun out there and and I Did it was blast I appreciate it I had To be a little bit more strategic as far As like switching stances and coming at Them from different angles because I Felt like he was starting to catch my Timing Um In in most of my career people couldn't Do that so I had me have to really go

Back to you know start thinking and and And go okay be creative out there and uh Once I started having fun again I think I was able to to turn things around for Myself and uh so I was really happy for That as we reported last week Dana White Shut down one of the boys wage requests After his bout with Michelle Pereira was Canceled now speaking on the believe you Me podcast Michael Bisping explained why He agrees with Dana White's decision Check out what he said but you can't Just say that you're not gonna fight and Expect to get paid a quarter of a Million dollars and I've got to say and This is where I know I'm probably going To get abused but I think when you look At the cold hard facts of it I Kind of agreed they did give a 20 or 30 Percent reward incentive they did offer Him a new opponent and he still chose to Not accept it Um and I feel like that's a fair Um situation it's a fair uh balance What's the word I'm looking for it's a It's a fair compromise as to the [ __ ] Show that Michelle Pereira created by Missing weight wasn't the UFC and then And then and then now everyone's Slagging off day and slagging off the UFC and all the rest of it think about This if they paid him and if that was The rule that they'd pay him his his Full show money any time a fighter is

Facing an opponent that misses wait all They've got to do is say well I'm not Going to fight I don't have to go Through the hardship I don't have to Have God for the grueling fight I ever Got to risk my health I haven't got to Do anything and I'm still going to get Paid that's it if you're running a Business you can't have that written Down in the in the contract because That's just wild and it it's open to Manipulation it's open to people not Adhering to what they're supposed to do Because they have a loophole to get out If they're a part of Mrs wait and still Get paid it's Bob situation are Sympathize with Wonder Boy do you guys Agree or disagree with Dana's decision Let us know in the comment section Here are the top three memes we found on The internet our third place meme was Found over Reddit and was posted by a Username Spencer Our second place meme was found over Reddit and was posted by a user named Hole up And her top picked meme of the day was Found over Facebook and was posted by a User named Robert Thank you guys for watching if you liked The video please leave a like And Subscribe to our channel to keep up with The latest MMA News Foreign