Why Yodsanklai Fairtex is known as “The Boxing Computer” – Muay Thai Breakdowns

In the past decade Yodsanklai Fairtex has been one of the most dominant Muay Thai fighters in the world. He possesses a potent mix of skill timing and power that has allowed him to
dominate Muay Thai and kickboxing. With the nickname "The boxing computer" Yodsanklai is known for his high fight IQ and ability to win. He knows how to use his
power speed and footwork to maximize his advantage against other opponents. Watching a highlight reel of Yodsanklai's knockouts, doesn't do justice to the talent behind the knockouts. Behind all the power and aggression lies a
fighter who has mastered the art of timing and understands how to exploit
weaknesses in his opponent. Hey guys, it's Stephen here from muaythaipros.com and today I'm gonna break down why Yodsanklai is known as the boxing computer. one of the reasons why Yodsanklai has been so dominant is because of his ability to read his opponent and exploit their weaknesses. In this breakdown we're gonna look at three different fights and see how Yodsanklai was able to adapt
his fighting style to each opponent.

In this fight against Chike Lindsay, Yodsanklai starts off slow and lets his opponent reveal his game plan. This is a
commonly used tactic in Thailand where fighters will use the first round to
gauge an opponent skill level and fighting abilities. From the brief
exchanges, you can tell that Chike has a good jab and likes to fight on the
outside of Yodsanklai's punching range Chike fights better when he is the
aggressor and pushing Yodsanklai back after one round of action Yodsanklai already has his opponent figured out without even thinking he knows he needs
to be aggressive against Chike with punches and pushed into the clinch. Right away
you can see in the second round the strategy is working. Notice how frantic Chike looks as Yod turns up the heat and starts to apply pressure.
All of the previous confidence Chike had in the first round suddenly disappears as
he realizes that Yodsanklai is superior in the clinch Watch how Yodsanklai utilizes the the crossface position to push away Chikes head and use his left
arm control to land elbows.

Yod knows that the key to dominating the clinch is to have the inside arm position which gives you control over your opponent Yod's constant pressure forces Chike to
either risk getting knocked out by punches or try to survive in the clinch. Relentless pressure can often panic a fighter and destroy their confidence For the rest of the fight Yodsanklai would go on to dominate his opponent with
punches, elbows, and knees in the clinch In this next fight,
Yodsanklai is matched up against the very dangerous Marat Grigorian. Having knocked out top Muay Thai fighters like Jomthong Chuwattana and Superbon Banchamek, Marat is
known for his aggressive punching power Because these fights are under kick
boxing rules Yodsanklai doesn't have the ability to dominate Marat
inside the clinch or use elbow strikes In the first round of this fight Yod
and Marat trade blows. As you can see Marat has powerful punching power and
likes to rush forward with a flurry of strikes, trying to catch Yod with a
knockout blow. With Marat's size and strength this is a fight that Yod is
not going to win by trading punches while Yodsanklai has the boxing
skills and chin to trade punches with Marat that is not a smart fighting

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Instead of staying in punching range Yodsanklai uses his jab to keep his
opponent at a distance and blasts Marat with body kicks throughout the fight
besides scoring valuable points, kicking the arm starts to wear down Marat and
slowly drains him of his punching power with this perfect timing Yodsanklai
is able to land body kicks at will and make it difficult for Marat to find his
punching range. When Marat rushes forward with punches, Yodsanklai utilizes good
head movement and footwork to avoid getting stuck in Marat's punching range. Watch how Yodsanklai uses footwork to control the fighting range and
continue blasting his opponent with body kicks As you can see, Yod puts on a
clinic and destroys the arm of his opponent winning the fight via decision in this last fight Yod is matched up
against Luis Regis on One Championship. While Regis has a good height and reach
advantage over Yodsanklai, Yod has more skill, experience, and knockout power. Wearing four ounce MMA gloves, Yod understands the importance of
staying just outside of punching range and making regis miss with good movement. Notice how balanced Yodsanklai is and
how he slowly stalks his opponent, and ensures he doesn't get rushed into his
opponent's attacks.

See how Yodsanklai moves with his opponent and react
everytime Regis tries to rush forward by walking back with him and ducking out of
the way. Yodsanklai uses the lean back to stay just out of Regis his range and to
quickly counter him with punches of his own. As you can see once Regis gets stuck against the cage the fight is quickly
over There is a reason why Yodsanklai is
known as "the boxing computer" his fight IQ, power, and skill have made him one of
the most dominant fighters in the world if you guys enjoyed watching that
breakdown make sure you give the video a like and hit the subscribe button below
to let me know in the comment section what you thought of the breakdown and if
you think Yodsanklai Fairtex is the best fighter in the world.

Bye for now..

As found on YouTube

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