What is Muay Thai Chaiya (Muay Chaiya) ? What is Muay Boran? And 5 Styles of Muay Thai

sorry crap I'm Carl from Mala Channel so what is let's start with the word that you more familiar Muay Thai actually Muay Thai is the general term for calling Thai boxing but in fact they have so many Style so many schools of Muay Thai we can categorize Muay Thai into two categories one ancient Muay Thai or muy Boran and two modern Muay Thai or Muay Thai that you can see from the fighting ring today okay let's go back to my Boran in ancient times each city state in Thailand they have its own Muay Thai style but when the time passed many Muay Thai style are developed mix combined or disappear today they are five point lifestyle recognized by a related organization known as foreign foreign perfect stance and technique of moishaya fast technique of Muay thasau and muy Palace combine techniques from other Muay Thai style founded in 1954 and this style developed two modern Muay Thai today [Music] at best it's a brief story of Muay Thai and if you want to learn and train moishaya don't hesitate to contact with and train with the best muayshaya trainer we also have online class for you I'll put the link Down Below in the description thank you thank you for watching stay tuned [Music]

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