Usman Nurmagomedov: Meet the Scariest Version of Khabib

the winner [Applause] meet the scariest version of Habib do you remember when Maradona was considered the best Argentine football soccer player and one of the best of all time it was Highly Questionable whether someone like him could emerge on the football field again still nevertheless Argentina got a new Rising Star a name everyone knows today Lionel Messi not only Maradona got a successor but the new Argentinian star surpassed him in every possible way no MMA fan could stay indifferent when Habib Nur muhammadov hung up the gloves staying undefeated and dominating everyone the UFC had put in front of him fans were almost sure there would be no one like him in the future the argument was reasonable who could take the place of such a dominant Champion that never lost a fight in his professional career however just like Maradona got a successor we might be looking at a fighter who could become an even better version of Habib this young undefeated Prospect ran through anyone he fought up to this point and recently proved that he is also Championship material meet the scariest version of Habib Usman Nur mahamadov who is usmanur mahamado with the first name Usman reminding of kamaru and his last name Nur mahamadov indicating on Habib it almost feels like this fighter was a lab specimen a prototype created for one purpose only to dominate the MMA stage would anyone be surprised that the fighter comes from the southern part of Russia Pakistan this part of Russia proved to be a factory of talented MMA fighters that rule Combat Sports worldwide the people in Dagestan and chechnya are built differently physically and mentally Hamza schumayev once said that only women don't wrestle there in the village where he comes from in chechnya if the same mentality and values apply to the town of gizuriyut Dagestan the birthplace of Umar then we should not be surprised that he started wrestling when he was only 8 years old was he wrestling little bears like khabib did when he was a child we don't know that for sure what we know is that Usman was following in his older brother's footsteps a UFC fighter who's also undefeated and arguably as dominant Umar Nur mahamado his older brother will be the reason why Usman started training Muay Thai at an early age too that explains his deadly knee combos from a clinch but we will get to that later with time wrestling and Thai boxing were not satisfying the appetites of this hungry youngster so he will move to mahatchikala the capital of Dagestan where he was trained by his uncle and legendary coach Abdul manab nurmuhammadov as the old proverb says as iron sharpens iron so one person sharpens another in mahatchikala Usman had the opportunity to train with his cousin Habib Nur muhammadov and the current lightweight champion Islam not to mention all the other Elite fighters who were also part of that group in this gym Usman was introduced to Samba the Russian martial art that dominates MMA fighting style usman's style is primarily based on [ __ ] a martial art in which specifics are the closest you can get to our real MMA fight [ __ ] is so lethal because it was a combination of the most effective martial arts today Jiu Jitsu wrestling and Judah implementing the best techniques of each of these Styles into one Superior martial art of [ __ ] it focuses on takedowns a variety of throws sweeps and most importantly submissions techniques that can be found in the three most essential martial arts we just mentioned combat Samba on the other hand besides grappling techniques includes strikes and kicks as well that's the reason why Usman could quickly emerge and make a transition into MMA the scary thing about this fighter is that he is not only a [ __ ] specialist but his Mai Tai credentials make him a superior fighter in every area of the sport [ __ ] Fighters like Usman prefer the chain wrestling style of fighting the difference between Ensemble wrestlers and classic wrestlers is consistency the American wrestlers tend to look for the perfect opportunity to duck under and shoot for a takedown if the takedown is unsuccessful they wait for another good opportunity to try and execute it again [ __ ] wrestlers on the other hand prefer chain wrestling they would constantly move forward keeping their opponent Under Pressure executing one takedown after another if their first takedown is unsuccessful they immediately shoot for another and another until their opponent is tired and finally gives up his position this technique is used mainly by Islam which is the style Habib preferred as well however what makes Usman so scary and different than the two is that he is as good on the feet as on the ground if this man goes for chain wrestling and fails he can finish the fight standing his Mai Tai is so deadly once Usman gets you into a clinch you can say your liver goodbye because he would kick your organs with his knees until your body gives up you can ask Ruslan to Yakov and Manny Moreau two of usman's previous opponents who felt the power of his knees getting knocked out by body shots is not just technically higher in every aspect of MMA but a brilliant fighter with the High fighting IQ he is 183 centimeters about six feet tall which is relatively tall for a lightweight he controls the distance in the fight picking his opponent apart with various kicks and punches if he realizes he is in danger he can easily switch to his wrestling Ensemble credentials and take the fight to the ground being as tall as he is you can keep the pressure without getting hit but if a fighter keeps the pressure on Usman he is also an excellent counter-striker such was the example of the Ukrainian fighter Roman golovinov who kept the pressure on Usman only to be met with counter punches and get knocked out in the first round Usman is so complete as a martial artist with various techniques that it is impossible to fight him out and know what fighting style is best to defeat him he throws spinning back kicks lead high kicks spinning back fists knees from the distance and if you die for a takedown he takes your neck into a deep Guillotine and forces you to tap Habib was a perfect example of a chain wrestler his pressure wrestling and ground and pound are too much for anyone to withstand many people believe that Usman is a scarier version of Habib but because besides wrestling and Superior ground and pound Usman is even more complete of a martial artist than his cousin Habib which leads to the question what lies in the future of this young Prospect on November 18 2022 Usman fought the Bellator Legend Patrick not only did he win the fight but he dominated the Brazilian fighter so much that it didn't give any headache to the judges about how to score the fight his current coach Xavier Mendez will comment on that fight praising lizman's Victory simply putting it as he made it look easy that being said if Bellator offered Usman their best fighter and Usman destroyed him already that leads to the question what's next for Usman Nur muhammadov he's only 24 years old and already a Bellator Champion the most likely scenario we will see in the future is moving to the most elite MMA organization in the world the UFC why would he stay in Bellator and embarrass all those Fighters when he has the potential to fight in the UFC and even become a UFC champion he has Habib as a mentor he trains with Elite Fighters like makachev Umar to kugav Habib and moving to American kickboxing academy AKA to train under coach Xavier Mendes would improve his skills even more sharpening him towards becoming a UFC champion will he be as dominant as his cousin Habib we don't know that for sure but if someone has the potential to succeed and even surpass Habib that is undoubtedly Usman or muhammadov I think I'm playing chess I see a king I met his neck I'm through steps ahead at every move now that's a Check Yes they wanna know my secret it's because I never slept on my nightmares a mere 40 likes of wreck see my dad he in debt in my mind she upset that's way back when


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