UFC Generates RECORD BREAKING revenue! Alex Pereira TURNS UP at Adesanya’s rival team! Crazy fan!

MMA news today:

RAMPAGE JACKSON meets a crazy fan

ALEKSEI OLEINIK suffers brut4l knockout loss to fellow UFC vet Oli Thompson

MICHAEL BISPING weigh ins on Jon Jones vs. Tyson Fury drama

ALEX PEREIRA turns up at the Melbourne Storm rugby team – the direct rivals of Adesanya’s team

SEAN STRICKLAND gives his honest opinion on women’s MMA

THE UFC generates record revenue in 2022

0:00 – Sean Strickland gives his honest opinion on women’s MMA
0:55 – Rampage Jackson meets a crazy fan
1:26 – Aleksei Oleinik suffers brut4l knockout loss to UFC vet Oli Thompson
2:00 – Alex Pereira turns up at the Melbourne Storm rugby team – the direct rivals of Adesanya’s team
3:19 – The UFC generates record breaking revenue in a year
4:01 – Michael Bisping weigh ins on Jon Jones vs. Tyson Fury drama
5:39 – TOP 3 MMA memes

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All right let's get this show started Here's the thing man there are some Great women women fights but it's like [ __ ] you know it's like even like you Know who's like even if you take a small Champion a small Champion could go [ __ ] Up an NFL player like what's this what's It like what's that little Mexican guy That everybody managed what's that guy's Name what's the guy's name the champion I love I love the guy I always come to The pi There's that guy it's highly likely that Guy goes and [ __ ] up an NFL linebacker Highly likely highly likely now Brandon's good but Brandon's like five Three again I still I still put my money On on Brandon Now you take Amanda Nunez And you have him go fight NFL linebacker The linebacker you're like did I just The wind hit my face Rampant Jackson he's a euro Hey what is this statue how do you leave Colombia with this statue I got fans Everywhere who is this let me see please Look at the chain Hey it looks like you're dead Hey can I take a picture with your dad Please [Applause] All right [Applause] [Music]

[Applause] All right [Music] [Applause] [Music] Thank you Talking last week obviously everyone was Talking about it was a big story Tyson Fury came out and he was kind of fuming At uh Rogan talking [ __ ] to Robin your Bowl daddy little [ __ ] Um and then and then Jones came and said Oh I touched the nerve that I did I uh And then obviously they were talking About fighting each other well I know We're rehashing a conversation from last Week but But I'd like to see that all of it that If you lock those two guys in a room Jon Jones is coming out of that room oh I'm alive [Laughter] No 100 is not even a question it's not Even up for debating in the UFC it would Be one of the only fights of the Magnitude that could somewhat rival in Terms of interest and star power Of the Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather match up you know I mean that Was lightning in a bottle you know McGregor was on top of the world he was A promotional machine he was he was you Know that that's why he is Conor McGregor and it was Floyd Mayweather

49-0 at the time you know what I mean so I don't think because obviously Jon Jones is a massive star he's the baddest Man on the planet if you will uh he's Not in the pay-per-view monster that Conor is but in terms of Fan appeal for people that know I think That would and I'm not saying it would Do those kind of numbers but it would be Uh it would be a success for sure let's Just put it like that and here are the Top three funniest memes we found on the Internet today Thank you guys for watching if you liked The video please leave a like And Subscribe to our channel to keep up with The latest MMA News