UFC Fighters REACT to UFC parting ways w/ USADA! UFC chose Conor over USADA? Costa on withdrawal

MMA news today:

ISLAM MAKHACHEV reveals why Khabib won’t be in his corner at UFC 294

USADA explains how McGregor’s re-entry to the testing pool led to a ‘untenable’ relationship with UFC

MMA COMMUNITY react to UFC parting ways with USADA

PAULO COSTA reveals the real reason why he’s pulled out of UFC 294

MERAB DVALISHVILI sends a warning to Henry Cejudo

00:00 – Islam Makhachev reveals why Khabib won’t be in his corner at UFC 294
01:44 – Paulo Costa reveals the real reason why he’s pulled out of UFC 294
03:50 – USADA explains how McGregor’s re-entry to the testing pool led to a “untenable” relationship with UFC
06:07 – UFC fighters react to UFC parting ways with USADA
07:40 – Merab Dvalishvili sends a warning to Henry Cejudo
09:01 – TOP 3 MMA memes

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All right let's get this show Started in today's video Islam maev Reveals why khabib won't be in his Corner at UFC 294 Paulo Costa reveals The real reason why he's pulled out of UFC 294 usada explains how McGregor's Re-entry to the testing pool led to an Untenable relationship with the UFC UFC Fighters react to UFC parting ways with Usada and morab Vil sends a warning to Henry Cejudo in a recent interview with tsn's Aaron Broner Islam makev explain why Khabib magedov won't be in his corner at UFC 294 despite making the trip to Nearby Dubai to prepare him for the main Event you know he said before I'm not Corner no one because man how many Fighters we have in the team how many Like 30 35 and everybody same for him Everybody same we don't have some I'm Champion but other guy fighting other Organization he is not like great Fighter everybody same for him if he Corner me he have to go everywhere and Corner everybody you know us Australia Or I don't know Dubai doesn't matter but We understand And we just I have to just say him thank You because he joined with us to the Camp and with him it's a of course Different Camp because He push us a lot you know so for khabib It's a matter of principle I mean khabib

Is a very principled man when he says Something he sticks to it so it's just About principle to change his mind to Change his opinion it's very hard Paulo Costa has released a statement after Being forced out of the hamah shimaya Fight at UFC 294 in a recent Instagram Post Costa explained what really Happened writing unfortunately I had to Do a new surgical procedure and I'm Hospitalized I will need another Sur Surgery on Friday on September 18th I Had my first surgery to remove the Bersa And clean the infection staff with the Full support of the UFC here in Abu Dhabi even after the surgery we did Everything possible and impossible so That I could stay in the fight however This week the infection returned and I Needed a surgical procedure again I'm Sorry for the fans I know this fight was Highly anticipated and I'm sorry for my Team and for myself is I'm the most Interested in fighting after all it Takes months of training and money Invested to be here I would really like To thank those who support me and Especially the UFC for all the support Given to me from the first surgery until Now they put me in the best hospital With the best doctors daily monitoring By doctors here and Dr D which is a UFC Doctor I hope to be back soon and that This fight can be held in the near

Future here you go Again Unbelievable two weeks ago I did a Surgery and Today doctor say probably need to reopen This cu the effect come back so you need To reopen and clean Everything and this is the B news you Know I was so focused so confident to The fight to this fight you know to came To this fight I came AB Dhabi 50 days Before the F bring my whole thing spend A lot of money investing Because I know I could be this Guy and then they did a Presentment but he is Anyway I need more you know more time to Recovery in real to heal usada has Announced that their business Relationship with the UFC will come to An end on the 31st of December 2023 Usada claims that the relationship Became became untenable over the Conor McGregor situation the stunning news was Announced on Wednesday with a statement From usada CEO Travis tigar after Confirming McGregor had officially Re-entered the drug testing pool Following a long absence from the Program tiger claims that the talks were Ongoing for an extension between usada And the UFC until talks broke down the UFC then opted to end the partnership Starting in 2024 the statement reads we

Can confirm that Conor McGregor has Re-entered the usada testing pool as of Sunday October 8th 23 we have been clear And firm with the UFC that there should Be no exception given by the UFC for McGregor to fight until he has returned Two negative tests and been in the pool For at least 6 months the rules also Allow usada to keep someone in the Testing pool longer before competing Based on their declarations upon entry In the pool and testing results Unfortunately we do not currently know Whether the UFC will ultimately honor The 6-month or long retirement because As of January 1st 2024 usada will no Longer be involved in the UFC Anti-doping program despite a positive And productive meeting about a contract Renewal in May of 2023 the UFC did an About face and informed usada on Monday October 9th that it was going in a Different direction we are disappointed For UFC athletes who are independent Contractors who rely on our independent Gold standard Global program to protect Their rights to a clean safe and fair Octagon the UFC's move imperils the Immense progress made within the sport Under us leadership the relationship Between usada and UFC became untenable Given the statements made by UFC leaders And others questioning usada's Principled stance that McGregor not be

Allowed to fight without being in the Testing pool for at least 6 months one UFC commentator echoed this recently Declaring that usada should not oversee The UFC program since we held firm to The six-month rule involving McGregor And since we do not allow Fighters Without an improved medical basis to use Performance-enhancing drugs like Experimental unapproved peptides or Testosterone for healing or injuries Simply to get back in the Octagon here's how Fighters reacted to The stunning news Sean Strickland said You guys did you hear we're all going to Be Juiced up soon laughing my ass off Usada any recommendations I'm kind of New at this let me tell you one thing Yada is only for Americans LOL Kevin Holland I was trying to get that usada Jacket though what the Jon Jones man I survived usada first They said I was guilty of having Picograms then they considered me Innocent next picograms became legal Guess what I'm still here still unbeaten That BS no contest over DC needs to be Taken off my record I've never cheated This Sport and I will stand by that Until the day I die go J Hooper tweeted This picture saying me in January after Usada goes away damn they better give me My t-shirt you're supposed to get one After you passed 25 tests and I just did

My 23rd one in August why else am I Peeing in cups for these dudes that show Up un announced at 6: a.m. in the Morning if I'm not at least getting a T-shirt out of it face pal BR shop Tweeted yes no you out of starting January 1st 2024 let the games begin Mike Chandler tweeted wild Demetrius Johnson y'all about to start seeing some Super athletes elel Megan Anderson wow This is definitely not a good look at All is it really that hard to wait 6 Months and follow the rules RS and Ali Abdalaziz sent this message to McGregor Now you can take everything you want Legal and illegal and you still going to Lose because you have a chicken heart Rob vaj has fired back at Henry cejudo Over recent comments Triple C took some Shots at morab in a recent YouTube video Here's a clip so let's talk about morab Davage villy if I'm even pronouncing That thing right I mean what does this Guy think he is do you think him calling Out shom M hey come on bro let's fight Let's do this you're the champion I'm a Champion I'm the one Contender what a we Fight but guess what Shanel continues to Keep calling out Cheeto Vera you're not Getting that buz morab or should I say Morat you're not getting that buzz with Sha sha is not going to wake up nor is Dana White going to wake him say Hey you Are this week's uh sweep steak winner

Boom boom boom you get the title shot That's not the way works now Mor Rob Responded tweeting hey Henry s hudo First of all put respect on my name stop Your [ __ ] Disrespect you may be humbled again next Fake news there is no contract what Should I sign since shom Mali doesn't Want to smoke with real Contender and of Course UFC give their boy what he wants I'm not going to sitting around and Waiting I'm going to fight with you I'm here ready to Go here are the top three memes found on The internet today third place was found Over Reddit and it was posted by user Named smash kill laugh RFB the second place meme was found over Reddit and it was posted by usern named JPEG 000000 and the top picked meme of the Day was found over Instagram and was Posted by usern named as shaed as it Gets thanks for watching ing if you like The content smash that like button and Don't forget to subscribe to stay in the Talk