UFC Fighters’ FINAL PREDICTION for Jon Jones vs Ciryl Gane-UFC 285 picks(DC,Adesanya,Bisping,Schaub)

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UFC Fighters predict Jon Jones vs. Ciryl Gane – UFC 285 picks









00:00 – Sean O’Malley
00:42 – Bo Nickal
01:15 – Michael Bisping
02:11 – Anthony Smith
03:11 – Israel Adesanya
04:41 – Daniel Cormier
06:02 – Cody Garbrandt
06:43 – Brendan Schaub

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Background music: beatsbyNeVs – Bang Bang



All right let's get this show started What's up guys UFC 285 is tomorrow big Fight John booger sugar Jones is Backfight surreal gone gonna be a banger Of a card prelim Main Event Trev Joneser's Cody garbrandt I'm taking Trevin Jones Cody Cody's having a tough Time getting that winning bracket in a While Bo nickel Jamie picking I'm taking Bo taking gamra I'm taking shop car off It's not coming off Valentina And Jon Jones I'm not allowed to bet but If I was that would be my bet make sure You guys get yourself a bottle of howler Head And enjoy the fight I got Jones 100 you know no doubt in my Mind Um that he's gonna uh obviously had a Long layoff hasn't bought in a while but I think that he's gonna go out there and Uh perform really well he's a guy again That when the pressure's on he performs The best then he just knows how to fight So Um I know I was out of win and I think That is uh even bigger than being a Great fighter is he knows how to win and So I predict him getting the win Um and uh yeah doing in spectacular Fashion I am telling you right now There's a real possibility That John Jones Can get knocked out on Saturday night

And we all know this but consider that This isn't and with respect a Derek Lewis or a tied to avasa it's not a a Lumbering classic heavyweight big guy a Little bit out of shape kind of knock Your head off if he connects that's not What we're talking there's still guys Beautiful on the feet undefeated as a Thai boxer moves so well switches stance Is always on balance very very fast Knows how to use his weapons and his Range you know and he's is a true Heavyweight and he's got knockout power I do have John Jones winning I do I I do If you had to put Gunter who wins I said Jon Jones I said Jon Jones but there's Uh it's like a there's a definite threat Of a knockout for John as well though I Have the same thing Mike I I think that John is just he's too well-rounded he Has too many different ways that he can Win Um if he's uncomfortable can can John be Competitive live in the Striking for Sure what I don't think is I don't think John is gonna be threatening enough on His feet to worry Cyril gone that I I Think that yeah yeah I I just don't Think that The powers their Cyril's been in there With heavy-handed guys big kickers the Guys that are really really scary on Their feet you're Derek Lewis your Junior dos Santos you're tied to avasa I

Mean he's been in there with Heavy Hitters I don't think that Jon Jones has The power to really back him off so I Think that John is gonna have to check Down he's gonna have to start clinching He's gonna have to wrestle he's gonna Have to start being nasty fighting on The inside with some elbows and even the Threat of a takedown is is enough to Change how this fight goes so I do have Jon Jones winning but I do think this Girl gone is it's going to be Competitive and it's going to I think It's gonna be a close fight Three is away from the game is is is is A hard ask for any man for any man just To be away from fighting for that long But there's there's a few special few That can actually off and come back and Still look great and I feel like John's One of them but again we talk about Special few Fighters trust me Surreal is one of those guys as well Jones take him down and do what you do That's it do do do the drop from Heaven Elbows and control and you know all that Just take him down and drugs can take Him down guns kick his legs kick his Legs play with the range don't be scared To play with the range with drones it's Because he's he's really good at it but I know guns is one he's got good Footwork to avoid things Good eyes good head movement as well

From Guns Jones got gray striking as Well like I said he's he's maybe not as Pretty as guns but he's got like great Striking this is exciting the more I Think about this fight I get more Excited like as I'm even breaking it Down right now I'm just like oh that's Right he does this too but like you want To see I want to know what the training Is like what's his cardio like a heavy Weight what's his frame like like you Say you say it looks better suited for It also Jones like what's his what's his Mental like what's his lifestyle like You know well this is if you want to Wake up for a guy in the morning this is The guy throw guns His this is his game so this has got This is a guy to wake up for I think Because of activity to be honest and who He is I'm gonna go Sarah but I won't be Surprised if bones wins I think he's Gonna have to use a skill Ryan because I'll tell you this right now uh Jones Did not punch very hard like that was One of the things that stood out about Him now he need hard he kicked hard he Elbowed hard he did a lot of things very Well but in terms of his punching Ability he didn't have like jarring Power now gaining 30 pounds maybe he Gets a little a bit of a heavier puncher But he will never match surreal gun in Terms of the punching power he's gonna

Need a skill in order to do this here's The issue surreal Don possesses a lot of Those same skills he can stand on the Outside and fight he could he can pot Shot you from the outside and he does Possess jarring power when he does land Jon Jones always had a bit of a size uh Advantage over a lot of the guys he Fought at 205 too that's gonna be Missing bro when you look at Jones He looks bigger but a lot of the weight Is up top his bottom half still looks Pretty slim you look at surreal gone Yeah it looks like somebody stuck a a Air pump in that dude's mouth and just Started pumping he looks huge but he Only weighs about 250 pounds he's not Heavy he's just lean he's ripped and He's big and he's strong this is a very Big challenge for Jon Jones super Excited for this fight I think Jon Jones Is one of the greatest martial arts of All time Um just no matter the layoff he has no Matter what he's going through in life He just he always finds a way to you Know be Jon Jones and uh siragon is a Phenomenal fighter I really liked his Um his style and the way he fights I'm Excited for this you know I think that Even with the layoff I think Jon Jones Wins this fight Pretty handily I think that Jon Jones is A different breed and he shows up when

He needs to and I'm excited for him to Put another notch in his belt and go up And get a heavyweight title and really Solidify himself as the best martial Artist of all time if you're banking on Zero gone you're banking on the version Of John that showed up the last fight Which in 2020 February 8th damn yeah It'd be over three years by the time he Jumps in there so John's only 35 at heavyweight that's not Old Um You gotta Bank on two if you're a Cheryl Gone fan that John is still in that Motive he's done enough he's the Greatest of all time he hasn't been Working that much and there's gonna be Some ring rust and Cheryl Gunn's Athletic abilities gonna light him up on The feet and this will be a kickboxing Match I am not in that line of thinking I Think John is going to take him down and Do his thing and get him in that Crucifix and elbow his French face like Pate that's what I think is going to Happen whether it's in the first round Second round third round it's gonna Happen fourth and fifth I don't think Saragon makes it that long so I'd say John get to finish under three I see John either ramming his face in the Pate In the first three or he gets him down

Sir gun who's not a natural Grappler Gives John his back going to stand up And John chokes him out with rear naked Choke but either way John gets done via Elbows TKO or submission real uh rare Naked choke Thank you guys for watching if you liked The video please leave a like And Subscribe to our channel to keep up with The latest MMA News Foreign

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