welcome all this is tawan chai's
terrifying Muay Thai style my first time watching this guy this fighter so
without further Ado let's get into it he's like not phased at all he's literally
not phased it looks like he's sparring oh well it's great knock down tree four five
six it looks like he's just playing Pitty Pat with him good you know like sparring sparring
with the novice beautiful body kick there oh oh wow okay body shot right hook left straight wow he's got solid defense beautiful combo was that an inside elbow beautiful head kick he loves those elbows reminds me of umbak oh wow wow he loves those elbows I'm telling
you the head kicks as well foreign how was his opponent taking these shots but in
saying that I mean this is what Muay Thai is about right like they just keep coming and coming
until they fall inside elbow inside the right hook wow you can hear the hits slapping off the body gets out of the way loves the head kick wow oh he doesn't even look tired he he
genuinely looks like he's sparring looks like he's playing around wow
right look at his opponent foreign oh that heat kick wow seven eight step forward
step forward step forward step forward goes for the head kick again where's the
elbow oh well beautiful lift straight to perfect six I love to keep the reaction
videos flowing with highlights wow yeah where is they there is how old is
this guy I wonder how old he is I need to check out more of his fights he loves that body kick as well beautiful well oh beautiful kicks beautiful body kicks I love his
teeth kick as well his push kick his head kick oh well okay just missed let's see him drops up beautiful yes beautiful body kick I want to see him
do his inside elbows again there we go oh are they allowed to follow-ups beautiful oh they're slicing elbow is he going to get up he
looks rough man yeah he's done beautiful man look at that right hook left
straight bang on the chin picture perfect boom beautiful technique eyes rolled back
in his opponent whether you have it that was Taiwan tries terrifying Muay Thai style I'd
love to see more of this guy if there is a fight someone would recommend me watch please
let me know in the comment section below I want to wish you a wonderful
day as always much love thank you