TYSON IS FURIOUS! This is the Scariest Fight of Mike Tyson’s Career

In this episode, we will tell you about the most scandalous fight of Iron Mike’s career.
Mike Tyson vs. Evander Holyfield, billed as Finally, was a professional boxing match fought between Evander Holyfield and Mike Tyson for the WBA heavyweight championship on November 9, 1996, at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Paradise, Nevada. The bout was Tyson’s first defense of the WBA title that he had won from Bruce Seldon on September 7 of that year.

The referee officiating the fight was Mitch Halpern. The fight was promoted by Don King Productions and carried on pay-per-view by Showtime.

The bout was the first fight pitting the two boxers against each other and it would be followed up with a controversial rematch.

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[Music] What happened here What this is unbelievable [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Lightning speed unreal strength and Unbridled aggression all these qualities Once made Mike Tyson one of the most Intimidating champions in boxing history Who made his opponents rattle in fear Just by looking at him But Iron Mike often had no power over Such kind of aggression and it always Made him really chaotic both in and out Of the ring and today in this show we Are going to discuss the real case when Mike Tyson totally lost the control over Himself during the fight And what happened after that you'll find Out in this episode so be sure to watch Until the end [Music] So the madness that we showed you at the Beginning of the video and the whole Story that we are going to talk about Today started back in 1996 when ironed Mike Tyson and tough boxer from Alabama Evander Holyfield stepped into the ring To challenge for the WBA World title for The first time This fight was a real sensation in the

Boxing world because both Fighters were All over the news at that time and were Considered the best in their weight Class The factor in such hype before the fight Was that our boxers were supposed to Fight each other six years ago But iron mic injury has prevented them From meeting in the ring then Tyson is Behind the bars on the charge of rape as The result of which he will spend three Years in prison and will be released in March 1995. Iron Mike would quickly regain his lost Belts in almost a year defeating such Boxers as Frank Bruno and Bruce seldo [Music] Evander in his turn at the moment of Their first meeting with Mike Tyson was A big 22-1 Underdog because his previous Performances were failures and the boxer Was 33 years old so everybody was Skeptical about his chances but what Holyfield did on the night of 1996 will Go down in boxing history forever Tyson in 96 was no longer the Iron Mike Of the 80s The time Behind Bars played its part but His fearsome reputation still filled People with fear but the 33 year old Holyfield that Knight did not even think Of backing down The MGM Grand Arena was packed to Capacity and broke ticket sales records

And our main characters ended up earning Nearly 30 million dollars each From the very beginning of the fight People couldn't believe their eyes Because Evander Holyfield who almost Nobody gave a chance to was noticeably Superior to Mike and his physical Strength He easily pushed his opponent away with A rope and was not afraid to engage in An exchange It was immediately clear that he did not Care about the reputation of his Opponent [Music] In the second round the picture of the Fight became even more amazing Mike Tyson found himself near the ropes Something that just a couple of years Ago was unimaginable in one of these Moments Tyson misses a clear left hook From Holyfield Foreign Beginning in the third round Holyfield Began to take full advantage of his Strength Advantage literally forcing Tyson to wedge The alabamian also remembered to work on The short range which seemed quite Effective for him Iron Mike also had some successful hits In the moments but his opponent just Wasn't taking them Faithfully continuing To do his job

[Music] Foreign [Music] In the fifth three minutes Tyson still Managed to pull himself together at Least a little bit showing his former Self so he takes this round confidently [Music] Okay [Music] Round six Iron Mike starts very Aggressively but Holyfield quickly Changes things to his side Later both boxers bump heads causing Mike to have a cut near his left eye After that it's as if Tyson gradually Begins to lose it and ends up on the Floor a couple of seconds later [Music] Holyfield towards the end of the round Seeing Tyson a little confused increases The pace powerfully finishing the third Minute [Music] Round seven It was clear to everyone that Mike was a Little tired but Holyfield seemed to get His second wind and was knocking out Powerful combinations one after another Mike tries to respond somehow but the Alabama man doesn't feel his punches and Keeps going Look at my Feet

[Music] With only 20 seconds left in the 10th Round Evander hits Tyson with a brutal Right hook that makes Iron Mike Go Berserk and miraculously saves him Thanks to the gong [Applause] [Music] The fight ends in the 11th where Holyfield cold-bloodedly finishes off a Still shaking mic creating a real Sensation [Music] [Applause] Welcome [Applause] After this fight Iron Mike's career will Never be the same again and he will Gradually go downhill [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Thank you Look I fought him with all my might but I got tired very quickly and he kept Fighting and shipped me time and time Again so he earned my respect Thank you so much Evander it was a Really good fight I'd like to thank Mike Tyson for the Opportunity to fight him To be the best in the world you have to Fight the best so I prepared for this Fight like never before

On June 28 1997 the long-awaited rematch Between Tyson and Holyfield took place The public's expectations from this Fight were even greater than the first One if the first fight was able to bring In a total of 100 million dollars in Profits the rematch managed to raise Almost 200 million dollars Just so you understand how high the Excitement was The boxers were guaranteed 30 million For Tyson and 35 million for Vander Because he won the first fight and was The reigning champion in the rematch Tyson was still considered the favorite But only on a two to one basis One of the key factors in this fight Which many thought should have been in Iron Mike's favor was the replacement of The referee from the first fight Mitch Halperin This referee at the first fight of the Two fighters allowed Holyfield to work a Lot in the clinch and frankly he turned A blind eye to the boxer's dirty tricks Such as hit kicks which according to Tyson's team was the key factor in their Boxer's failed performance Replaced Mitch with the legendary Referee Mills Lane The replacement according to Tyson's Team was supposed to help him work in His favorite style more easily and the Referee already in the first minute

Showed that he was going to be tough to Stop any clinch At the beginning of the round it seemed To everyone that it was a completely Different fight than the first one but When there was only 45 seconds left to The Bell Holyfield started to attack Hard and Tyson obviously was not ready For that [Music] [Applause] [Music] Right here [Music] In the second three minutes Iron Mike Managed to pull himself together and Started taking risks but it didn't last Long as the boxers collided heads again Resulting in a split near Mike's right Eye An interesting fact is that Mike Complaining to the referee a lot in this Fight He had every right to do that his Opponent did some really nasty stuff but It turns out that Tyson puts everything On Mills laying shoulders too much Generally Tyson's Entourage his team Failed to correct their mistakes after The first failure and put all the blame On the ref when the matter was with Iron Mike himself with his lack of Preparedness both physically and Mentally

[Music] [Applause] And that cut over the right eye is Lancetta Pushing [Applause] [Music] Over the top The season And then the gong sounds for that Legendary third round which will go down In boxing history forever The Furious Tyson starts it very Actively and leaves almost no chance to His rival Conversation However with only 40 seconds left in Round three something happens that ends Up shocking the entire Sports World During another Clincher Holyfield very Dangerously lets his head down which Just puts Mike out and he bites his Right ear in return [Music] The referee of that fight Mills Lane Takes two points off Tyson and our hero In turn wants to convince him that he Didn't bite his opponent and that Holyfield is bleeding from a head-on Collision The room arrives in real shock but the Fight was continued and both boxers Furiously into the fight but not even a Couple of seconds pass when Tyson bites

Holyfield again but this time in the Left ear The referee does not notice this and the Boxers continue to fight [Music] And then the gong sounds A bloodied Holyfield goes to his Corner Showing the referee that Tyson has Bitten him again and after Mills Lane Notices the bite marks from Tyson he Abruptly stops the fight disqualifying Iron Mike Hearing the news Tyson is literally Blown away and starts throwing himself At pretty much everyone By the way the very legendary shot of Our hero where he made the guards rattle With fear was taken at this very moment The doctor said he could continue so That it continues can he beam or the Other here I told him I said one more Time like that that's it you're gone I Told them both not to rust off up and he Bit him again I said that's it you're Gone that's Holyfield leaves the ring The condition of the Year could he have Continued and did you disqualify him Because of the Fowler because he Couldn't continue oh no I disqualified Taking for the second foul I told him do Not do that again you do you're gone so He could have continued the physical Condition of Evander Holyfield was such A view that he could have continued had

He not disqualified Tyson well I didn't Ask the doctor I didn't I never I never Reached that point I wasn't going to ask The doctor [Music] After such chaos Tyson immediately Apologized a few days later saying that He didn't understand why he had done it In the first place But the apology wasn't enough so the Boxing committee fined him three million Dollars and stripped him of his boxing License for 15 months This fight will be the beginning of the End for Mike Tyson and afterwards there Will be many scandalous and sometimes Even sad moments with his participation But still by the end of his career Tyson Manages to pull himself together and he And Evander become good friends which Can't but make him smile I'll ask you to make sure you like this Video it's only two clicks for you and Force the motivation to make more videos Also do not forget to subscribe Thank you [Music] If you like my channel and would like to Support me you can donate me on patreon Link in the comments [Music]

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