Two-Point Stance | Modern Muay Boran

In Muay Nam the two-point position is the second fundamental position to study It is used as a training stance, in some wrestling scenarios, and in some throws  this stance lets you resist forces from the sides and both the oblique lines but its blind spot is in the front and the back it lets you push evenly with both legs let's study how to get into position place your feet together   make them point to the outside pivot on the ball of the foot to make it straight   now your feet are shoulder-width apart point them again to the outside and pivot  now your feet are slightly wider than shoulder-width slightly bend your legs if you didn't already now you are in the two-point position depending on your preferences you can use a shoulder-width apart two-point stance or slightly wider than shoulder-width apart one  to practice the stance get 30 times in the two-point position then, from the 2-point position step back to a 3-point position go again to a 2-point position and now step back with the other leg do it 30 times lastly, start from a 2-point position step forward in a 3-point stance go back into the 2-point position and step forward with the other leg do it 30 times

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As found on YouTube

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