Top Tier Fight Scenes! Ong-Bak: Muay Thai Warrior (2003) Movie Reaction & Review FIRST TIME WATCHING

hey everyone and welcome back to our channel 
we're watching another movie today this is   ongbok so this is our first thai film that we're 
watching we do know that it's a martial arts film   but other than that we don't too much about it 
but we really enjoyed watching different foreign   films on our channel here i do know that this 
one involves muay thai which is a very popular   form of martial arts just not in thailand but all 
around the world i feel like that's my favorite   to watch even though i don't watch martial arts 
but like i've always like been intrigued by muay   thai especially because they use like their 
elbows and stuff i feel like it's really cool   i feel like i don't know much about it all right 
well if you haven't already don't forget to like   and subscribe and check out our patreon if you 
want to see our full-length reaction to this film   we also do have a second channel dos cavazos 
irl where we do vlogs and other non-reaction   content and if you want to check that out link's 
down below all right let's jump into this movie they have dirt on them or clay 
there's a lot of them what are the oh   okay i feel like somebody's up 
there right unless they're race yeah oh my gosh you could break something 
break something yeah for sure   can you die from that height 
yes especially depending on like   what you hit when you land gosh 
like if you fall on your neck oh his pants this is intense or maybe it was like it looked soft when it landed 
they mean you know was it for the movie for the   actors to be so soft oh okay the flag that was 
on top okay that's what it was capture the flag it's like an extreme version of capture the flag i feel like this would be fun to play 
as like kids on a playground you know that's nimble oh i didn't realize they had 
like a crowd watching them so you're our main character didn't realize it was an event i 
thought it was just guys being guys oh the festival wow that's a long time that means people only 
probably see this like once i mean not once two to   three four times in your lifetime would be pushing 
it because you're like almost 100 at that point so are you entertaining him boy see how this guy is see the type to 
kill you know to take it you know that like the name of all the moves i 
guess so what was the meaning of friend one sticky water i would not be able to remember all this i think 
like the titles of it maybe the moves i was gonna   say something i think um i don't know if that like 
this is true or not but i think muay thai is like   the deadliest form of martial arts let 
us know in the comments or one of them what if one day you need so he doesn't want him to make the same mistake i mean he still thought it to you so i feel like that dude's gonna steal the amulet 
hm yeah probably i feel like he might kill that   guy as well like i feel like we're setting up a 
villain that would cause some drama for the story and a ting is our major oh the head just moved they're knocking it off oh oh my gosh it might not kill him but they're going to send ting or he's going to go 
on his own i feel like he might go on his own oh he's going to volunteer my volunteers tribute how's he gonna feel about that you know 
his fists are deadly weapons probably is he heading to bangkok because that's 
where the guy said he came from right what a nice like village they're all like 
tight-knit they're sad about this but like   they're all but they're all getting help 
and like oh i like the sense of community   yeah me too oh they're all giving 
something like anything they have oh oh is he gonna oh i thought he was 
gonna give him the amulet oh is he no no it's just a lot of money well 
that's supposed to be for your son yep bangkok this reminds me of fast furious 
like the first one i think right   yeah when they were having 
drag races and stuff family oh you look very young to 
be racing in this lifestyle type of pills are these can't tell if 
this was intentional or not you know   like what if they're just like to kill 
them all and he like saw this coming i thought he was like really going to be messed up are they going to help him three days i'm curious like if they find out he's a fighter   like are they going to try and profit off of that 
like have him like fight you just said the name oh so that's his sister coin so is his dad the one that 
is saving the amulet for him he's gonna take his money yeah oh he's too interesting oh he took it yeah he realized quicker than 
i thought he he's gonna go to bed the money   yeah and he's gonna go to this he's 
got a gambling problem and then   probably fight i'm expecting fighting and then i 
feel like that's where he's gonna like see a dang   parkour some like money symbols like cha-ching 
like he's gonna think oh i could bet on you she's just like down that seems like you wasted alcohol with that pore oh this is a dude right yeah my he's going to end up in the fighting 
ring yeah against ali i'm assuming oh my gosh ow hit him with the bane treatment oh well he has some fight back in him yeah that means the other dude lost his 
money too because he bet on molly pearl harper your money's gone oh he's gonna step in the ring oh 
yeah they're gonna okay here we go this is where you fight and this 
is where you prove and this is   where everyone loses their money because 
they're probably betting on pearls yeah oh just trying to get my money back he just 
like that was so crazy how quick that was   how does he get this oh okay okay 
i feel like it's probably more   like it seems like the village like well they 
gave like rings and stuff you know like wait why oh okay they did it well that was good 
they could have been like made it difficult so now you care to talk to him but if the the boss guy doesn't even want it   what's gonna happen to it you 
know it's like can you just get it   it's not gonna be that easy yeah because i just 
wanted the amulet right but he refused to sell oh oh that's just a letter in the wind 
i think that she probably pushed it was   it was just the letter he left 
there and now he's reading it for the village oh   is that a crab that was crab probably yeah this 
guy seems to only care about himself making money so this is probably where he 
developed his love for gambling feel like you're gonna start winning is this 
all trying to make money yeah it's like a ploy   they do yeah i feel like he's gonna like start 
cheating cheating in like the way to like lose   it's for them to get money like the 
house is going to lose this time but can he do it with him there 
probably i feel like he's probably   sleight of hand a good slight handle is that yeah these little scammers yeah i feel like you should 
have just done it so much   back to back to back you 
couldn't like sprinkle it around then there are scams oh oh yeah i feel like he's gonna kick ass save him he's like no you screwed me over oh but he might help her 
yeah he's like i deserved it effortlessly oh [ __ ] well that was like a head block his sunglasses glasses now you're gonna pay me you paid some he probably can handle himself you're not gonna be able to do 
[ __ ] even with that freaking thing come on ting you could take it no that's the [ __ ] uh the cards 
guy right um and he's with her oh my gosh they're all gonna take off but yeah 
they're just gonna think that he's with him   and he also kicked their ass 
earlier oh no there you go this guy's so out of breath oh she could probably take him no maybe not oh wow they're just gonna run through 
him yeah oh there's a spike oh whoa oh my gosh oh yeah could have lost your manhood someone sanitary oh my gosh they just stepped 
on all their shoulders oh my gosh the funny thing is he's just like on 
defense right now he's like running but   like i feel like he could kick all 
their asses if he really wanted to   he's just probably like listening 
to like the words of his master   trying not to fight if he doesn't have to 
you're gonna go under oh oh my gosh split oh so cool it's like this is like parkour 
fighting is hey he can't do that no he's   gonna he's gonna help him he's your cousin if he 
disagree over here oh oh he was he keeps walking no that's you keep saying that 
though but he knows where he's at is this the same place yeah is he 
going to want to make him a fighter big bear is that the guy with the hair   or someone else i feel like he's the 
guy with the hair like this is his next is that a british accent i can't tell if it's 
australian or british sometimes i have trouble   distinguishing the two when it's 
quick come on oh my god oh my gosh oh my gosh big bear can get 
his ass beat come on ting oh he didn't even move get in there he's just like here i wonder if he's actually going to 
like fight fight or he's going to   be like one punch man on his ass yeah like one pun last time was one kick yeah he's putting up a little more of a fight but was that his real hair i thought it 
was a wig i thought it was a wig too oh you played dirty on him that was the guy what the 
[ __ ] are you doing maybe bet on him   she's gonna check on like being respectful [ __ ] you too oh he does splits too your hair looks stupid   they're like forcing him to yeah why don't y'all 
just go bet on him then you know make money that looks like a wig come on that has to be a wig   we've been fooled once oh he's like 
on his thing can we go to his feet he's like the definition of never 
let him know your next move yeah that footwork please knock 
him out with one move oh i mean i think he's gonna win 
so yeah hopefully yeah i don't   see him losing not to happy feet over here yeah oh my gosh he like went in between 
the kicks yeah that was cool oh my gosh this is like some of the coolest fight scenes 
i've ever seen in a movie to be honest yeah but   it looks so like natural no you know like it's not 
it doesn't look like super like it's not like over   produced it's just like speak for itself 
yeah okay here's the tattoo guy tattoo whoa he looks like shawn mad dog oh mad 
dog we've seen a mad dog before the raid   let's see how this mad dog is that mad dog was 
an awesome fighter oh yeah oh he's like i feel i   don't trust it don't trust it he's gonna try and 
[ __ ] do some [ __ ] yeah the people here suck they keep having up the ante i know they're like   next time we're gonna have to 
use deadly weapons or something how is this like a laptop 
anything goes this fight club through the chair he just keeps breaking and then hitting 
his ass nothing on the other mad dog   yeah he wouldn't need to use plates yeah oh there's an upstairs these people are like i just wanted to get 
away from the fighting the refrigerator he like will use anything in america enough this yeah oh i didn't even need to a coin what what i'm good okay okay you're like 
two-face just like i don't have to decide how we feel the entirety of 
the group we're a hive mind wow he's going to be the ultimate fight team just wants the statue 
no there's a guy oh yeah it's like happening oh she looks way younger than college she's 
going to try and [ __ ] over the chopsticks he just wants him back um oh 
he just wants to see his son is that drugs i think oh it smells weird she does not seem into it yeah   i can't tell what's going on i mean well yeah i 
mean you can tell but i know what's going on but you like the leather oh my gosh i feel like he's 
gonna give her more money no   no he's [ __ ] [ __ ] she's gonna like oh my gosh you get what you deserve 
get the girl save the girl is going to leave her oh my gosh it's kind of messed up she needs 
medical attention no you could like   get the head later we like called an ambulance they just like left her there and did nothing they did it all slow they're like i saw 
what could happen in this turn oh my gosh oh no it's gonna flip can you go on to his   but i don't know if george 
will be able to make that jump okay now don't get it oh 
[ __ ] he did like a wheelie go get him ting go get him run his ass over with this cab ah that's like my worst nightmare is 
driving off one of those things oh [ __ ]   you got so [ __ ] lucky now 
back up and go oh [ __ ] oh that was a lot that happened that 
dude's body eyes so there's no top oh wow what are you gonna oh oh my gosh that one like ons oh my gosh 
you better move whoever's down there   okay that'd be so unlucky if you just like 
all spell on me as i was like having lunch oh is he finally gonna get him hopefully i feel like this is going to end 
though with like him having to fight   the the boss's guard oh my gosh oh 
they're going in the water they'll be fine beat his ass down there oh i thought they were gonna do it i was like are 
they gonna do it oh he's still chasing you though catch him like a fish what's 
he doing what's he see oh are those like statues 
underwater it looks like it right the head wouldn't be here would it 
because these are like full statues they captured these from like other like i was 
just a head over there like a single head i feel   like they do that like maybe i don't know 
why they would keep them like maybe like   they go to these villages get what they want 
or like steal like their statues from them okay yeah oh yeah wow i'm guessing that this was all that 
dude yeah so they were taken pissed now he's gonna have to go fight i feel like he's going to be 
a badass though this other guy   too like i feel like he's going to 
be an expert like the final boss this dude right here is like freaking king's 
favorite fanboy you made him so much money i can't help himself is that where people normally do it it's 
like that's where he's [ __ ] doing it it's like right under like the peck i know it's 
like in between the ribs or something like that i feel like he's finally 
gonna have a formidable flow didn't really do much to him though oh come on no no oh damn oh goodness oh you like pushed him out of the way he knew he's gonna tell him to like kill him oh no no no 
george no no you don't want a part of this [ __ ] oh that was it wow i totally did not see that   outcome i thought he was 
gonna put up more of a fight how's ting gonna feel about this 
i mean you got it back though he wants to keep doing it he like 
wants him to pay it back over time why didn't you even feel the need to put 
the silence oh cause the just the noise yeah   but i was like the other one didn't have one [ __ ] he like knocked him all 
the way outside the other side oh [ __ ] fire his feet i saw that they hit the 
friggin oil but they saw that too i was like   are they gonna pay that off yeah get those [ __ ] 
pants off put it out stop drop and roll oh my gosh   stop kick and roll with like a flaming 
kick prominence burn okay convenient water oh the helmet came off it like is it dawn like 
who it feels like this guy had more significance i guess whatever is making more menacing hmm there's a dude who shot up i feel like that's 
the guy he's going to have to have a rematch with again did you see the game behind him oh wow oh they have swords but he has a stick i'm imagining him in like a star wars 
film with lightsabers this is so cool no one else could have taken 
them out up to this point   you weren't gonna have any luck oh they extended are there they're like digging this up 
like because you know him he likes to like   desecrate things oh it's rematch time not 
a time for him to shoot up oh there it is well if you take them out 
these guys could be freed   if they're like doing this damn 
they're just cutting it off right yeah oh oh he got kicked his kicks are the coolest thing 
but then after the kick yeah   it's like i'm gonna psych you out with 
this kick and hit you with my other leg gosh that's so crazy how we can do stuff 
like that oh goodness take this guy out [ __ ] yeah it's like a very floppy you should have kept those freaking 
metal things yeah oh my gosh this is   making me like cringe so bad oh my 
gosh oh the pain oh [ __ ] george   george help out now now's your time 
i regret making fun of the floppy saw deadly weapon why would you not use the 
sharp side there we go george be careful george figures first like sneak attacks but i 
don't really trust you in a one-on-one fight   get like one good hidden and then frank is like oh [ __ ] he did he's like that's what you get what'd you just eat for the tinger that's the other dude because the other dude the other dude really 
likes to cheat by taking things before fights take about one kick i'm not holding back my kicks this time yeah   i didn't realize that's what he was 
doing the first time to be honest wow he's just like so calm 
cool and collected like yeah   every move is like very calculated and i thought 
they were like being forced to do it first no now i'll kick him out of his chair 
oh my gosh what the [ __ ] you're   gonna kill yourself with whatever the 
[ __ ] you're injecting yourself with   who just carries that on them too they have 
like six of them ready in case i need a fight he's gonna do something no you can't pass 
out he's getting money get motivation i wonder if he's gonna have to kill you know 
yeah i don't know what he'll feel like after that oh the fire in his eyes oh i think he killed him   i don't know that was like i mean that was 
his skull oh you [ __ ] [ __ ] this dude with one arm oh who else oh crap oh it's oh it's him again it's like 
freaking turning into a zombie or something oh   my gosh it's the drugs i could see he's gonna 
break it he's gonna try to yeah he's going to   it's going to fall the other one the big one 
oh sh jar no oh my gosh no he's still going   oh my gosh roll off oh oh it's going to happen 
roll jordan roll roll roll away get out of there stole the head and i had killed we shouldn't go just cutting off giant heads oh no i feel like he's george so he's gonna say like tell my dad he redeemed himself i fixed it i wonder if she came back with ting or 
not or she just stayed there in bangkok i don't know oh now you have to tell the dad he probably knows 
actually that like you know heads already back   still sad though wow i thought it was really good i really enjoyed 
this movie i thought um probably some of the best   martial arts i've seen since the raid yeah now in 
thinking about it there were some pretty badass   fight scenes in the raid specifically we mentioned 
them in this movie but uh mad dog there was a mad   dog in the right as well too who was a amazing 
fighter um and those fight scenes were awesome   as well but there are some pretty cool things 
here and i feel like mixed with the choreography   i think really took it over the top for me yeah 
like some of the scenes were so long and you would   think like okay you know uh how did they pull it 
off but like it literally was like him running   through the street was just like so crazy how long 
that scene was and it was just like constant um   and then even like the funny things that happened 
like him having to go through the things and stuff   like that like it was still really fun to watch 
without being like too you know just like cheesy   or anything yeah i think i mean this is hard to 
say but like just based off of like looking at   it it looked like the guy who played ting which i 
think his name is tony right here in the credits   i think he did his own stunts i think he does 
because i think i've heard that name before and   people are like oh he's like insane in this 
movie and i mean those are crazy i'm pretty   sure george didn't because when there was like 
the guy who jumped through the wall when before   they went to like the final battle it looked like 
his hair looked a little different so like a stunt   double yeah i feel like we always make the joke 
because there's like a scene i think in iron man 2   where uh black widow is like fighting and then he 
does like this she does like this front or black   backflip and then i i thought it was funny i said 
she but he but like it was a dude clearly a dude   doing the background dude wearing a wig so yeah 
but anyway this was an awesome movie i thought you   know it was a pretty um you know simple plot but 
i liked where it went and like meeting characters   that redeemed themselves like george from like 
going like leaving his village kind of like going   against what his father had wanted for him and 
then kind of having that little moment there at   the end i thought was really good meeting up 
with his cousin ting and helping him out and   of achieving like you know getting angbok's head 
back i thought it was a really good journey and   uh the fight scenes like i said were really really 
well done and like you said it was like a straight   straightforward plotline and i i really liked how 
the fight scenes like i mean you know they added   some kind of i guess like dramatics occasionally 
but for the most part it was pretty like like   almost grounded in reality and i like 
that like it felt like natural like you   were actually watching two people like 
you know fight like uh like a fight club   i don't know um but i really liked like how 
effortless it looked even though obviously it   was like definitely not effortless um i feel 
like that was just like a great job on tony all right well thank you so much for watching 
and if you haven't already please don't forget   to subscribe and hit the bell so you can stay 
notified for our future movie reactions and   also head over to our patreon if you want to see 
our full-length reaction to this film we uploaded   it over there the links down in description 
below okay we'll see you next time bye everyone

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