if you're looking for an amazing and exotic destination look no further than kosamui thailand [Music] everyone my name is human and in this video we're going to talk about the top five things that you must do when you're out here in koh samui thailand for number five on the list we have temples now you cannot go to thailand without going to some of the most amazing temples and in kosovo there's some great ones today we're gonna visit three of the popular ones here so the most known landmark in all of kosamui is definitely the big buddha so just off the corner of kosambui on its own little island is a 12 meter tall statue buddha made out of gold so one tip when you're coming here you do have to take your shoe off as you're going up to the big buddha so i would definitely recommend bringing like a sock because these the floor really gets hot and whenever you're visiting a thai temple just make sure that you're following the dress code which is no tank top no shorts no revealing clothing and as you can see i'm wearing pants here and it's actually my first time in maybe two months that i'm wearing pants so here you could help the temple by donating 50 baht and running your name on this brick and donating it to the temple to continue the maintenance of it and the next temple that you must visit when you're in kosamui is wat plailan which is about a five minute drive from big buddha and this very colorful temple is actually fairly new it was built in 2004 and the architecture is a mixture of a thai and chinese style it's so peaceful and beautiful out here this water surrounding beautiful architecture it's absolutely incredible the vat plylam temple houses two giant colorful statues that will immediately catch the eye the first is the huge image of guanyin the chinese goddess of mercy and compassion who has 18 arms she's said to have so many arms so that she could help as many people at one time and here we have the 30 meters high impressive fat buddha which represents wealth and prosperity alright so as you can see thai temples are something that you definitely must visit when you are in thailand and kosamu is no exception now so far we've been to two temples today we're gonna go to one more temple that is very unique so let's head out there and the third and final temple of the day is which is also known as the mummified hmong temple lon prabang was a buddhist monk and in 1973 he died while in a seated meditative position ever since his body has been preserved and has been on display in a glass case most buddhist ties are not frightened of dying and they believe it to be one step closer to enlightenment therefore seeing the dead bodies gives them something to reflect on and the next thing that you should do when you're in kosomoi is to take my tech classes [Music] so i typically try to come back to thailand once a year and the reason one of the reasons for that is to participate in mai tai and i usually like to do two weeks to four weeks depending on time and just to like intensive training here and you just feel amazing you feel focused you know you feel fit and it's a really incredible workout one mai tai session on average burns between 700 to 1000 calories and here in my opinion it's one of the best mai tai gyms to go to so if you're in koh samui i highly recommend d-day mai tai gym and uh it's uh the trainers are amazing they're very nice and very helpful [Music] okay so you put that it's really good it like gives you a kick wakes you up great thing to have after training and i'm going to leave the contact information for d-day multi-gem in the description and they have both group lessons as well as private lessons available so you can go and contact them for the price information number three is taking island hopping tour and seeing some of the nearby islands today we are doing one of the popular island hopping tours here in kosamui and we're going to be visiting three nearby islands and uh should be a fun day so our first destination which is called wrap or wrap island [Music] so this is a wrap island turquoise blue waters [Music] this island is absolutely gorgeous it's a white sand beach very calm waters very clear so now we are at the second island of the day and it's called komatsun or pig island [Music] and there's a reason why this island is called the pig islands and this is the reason why hey buddies all right so now it's time for the third and final island which is called coten and we're going to be heading there for some snorkeling all right snorkeling is ready all right time to head in and see what's down there and we are back in costa mui for now if you're looking to do the same kind of tour that i did the price is roughly between three to four thousand baht per person now there are options where you could go as a group tour or you could do a private tour a long tail boat tour like i did and uh and yeah you could go and book that through several different agencies that are here or you could actually come out to tong crude pier and talk locally to the fishermen and negotiate a price at number two we have checking out some of the most amazing viewpoints here in koh samui so there are some incredible viewpoints out here in koh samui and jungle club is one of the best ones so let's go check it out [Music] so jungle club has all of these bean bags that are laid around the restaurant and it's an amazing place to just hang out relax grab a drink and just look at the incredible view by far this is one of the best viewpoints in all of kosamui and i got myself a watermelon margarita which was absolutely delicious and the price came out to 285 which for thailand standards for a drink is more an expensive site so you definitely pay for the amazing view here but it's highly highly recommended one of the most amazing views in all of kosamuri alright so the next viewpoint that you have to check out when you're in kosamui is le my viewpoint the cost to get to le my viewpoint is 50 baht if you want to walk and the walk is roughly 10 minutes now if you want to take the cable car it's going to be a 100 baht good little workout look at that side tires tired cable car and yeah i'm a little bit tired so it says call the call the car [Music] i guess that's what we do this is interesting i see something going up there look at that it's coming down all right so let's go have a seat we're gonna go up here oh yeah this is definitely much more preferred than doing that ten minute high time wow that's nice as we're going up more of the view is opening up to us i see more of kusamui here and the view from here is absolutely breathtaking it's just amazing seeing kosomovi from up here incredible all right so the next viewpoint that you have to visit is waterfall farm which is a restaurant that's overlooking hinlad waterfall now this restaurant is on the western side of the island so it's a little bit out of the way but still only about 25-30 minutes away if you're in the north of kosamui or if you're in chuwang or la mai this is not too far all right now this is quite strange i don't know where the restaurant's gonna be here it's literally like a hike oh i think it's over there though this makes no sense i don't know where this restaurant is [Music] waterfall farm the farm restaurant all right so apparently when i was saying the waterfall farm they thought i'd say the waterfall fall and they kept saying that it's about a kilometer there so i think we're still gonna find it it might be that one that is over there yeah amazing yeah sorry cub we have made it to the waterfall farm beautiful and this place is absolutely incredible you are sitting right next to the water streams and enjoy food enjoy drink and just hang out here the price actually is quite reasonable i'm getting an appetizer uh which is called myanchom and that came out to about 180 baht and the italian sodas came out to be about 70 baht so given the location that you're right next to this beautiful place it's definitely a very reasonable price this is myanchon which is a famous kind of appetizer or snack over here in thailand and basically what you do is you take this leaves here and you mix all of these together and uh yeah that's that's the food and it's really really delicious and here you go and number one is hanging out sunbathing or chilling at some of the most incredible beaches in thailand so this is chuwang beach and this is definitely by far the most popular beach here in kosamui and when tourists arrive here they tend to often stay in cho wang yeah and this treasure sand is filled with different kinds of beach clubs and restaurants and from my understanding this area has recently opened up to tourists so it's definitely starting to pick back up this is elephant beach club i actually come here quite often probably by far one of my favorite places out here in chawang and uh yeah really fun place to grab some food grab some drink and uh grab your laptop or just hang out on the beach and this the beach is very nice here as well as you can see right over there they got some uh bean bag kind of thing on the water so le my beach is another popular beach here in kosamui and it tends to be very popular with couples compared to chowangwi which is more of a party and nightlife kind of area le my beach is much more quieter here you have white powdery sand beautiful water and when you come here you have all the amenities you need so as you walk along the beach you're going to see a lot of different restaurants and cafes and they all have these benches in the front where you could just relax have a coconut it's really nice and some of the best species in thailand or anywhere in the world can be found here in kosamui and it's really one of my favorite places in the whole world alright so that's a wrap for today's videos and i hope that you liked it and in the comment section i would love to know have you been to koh samui already is there something that we missed in this video that you recommend and if you like this type of content go ahead and subscribe to the channel and i cannot wait to see you in the next video you


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