– This is what happens when you do a private Muay Thai
session with a Thai guy. You end up on all fours begging for mercy. (soothing music) I'm just walking down
the end of this street, to Tiger Muay Thai, to do my 10 o'clock private session, so join me on that, it should be fun. (hip hop music) Alright about to start my
private Muay Thai session, right now, we're gonna jog
around in a circle, let's go. (hip hop music) Alright, I'll show my boxing moves. (hip hop music) A fun little one-on-one session
with this man right here. Been a while since we've trained together. Been a while. (hip hop music) This is what happens when you do a private Muay Thai
session with a Thai guy.

You end up on all fours begging for mercy. ("Summer Love" by Jessie Villo) Ow, that hurt. ("Summer Love" by Jessie Villo) This is the best, this is the best, everyone else is getting their
private sessions as well. Right now, check this out,
I'll take you for a walk. (banging)
(chatter) ("Summer Love" by Jessie Villo) So 50 front kicks, 50 sit-ups, 50 push-ups. (speaking in foreign language) Everything's 50, man, alright. I'm kinda tired, I can't do the push-ups, 'cause of my shoulder. Doesn't matter. Even if you have an injury. So I just finished a one hour
session with this man here, he's punishing me right now.


And his assistant behind
him has encouraged him to punish me, a hundred sit-ups. I got 10 to go, I think, eight. Seven. Six. That's it, hundred sit-ups, it's the end of the one hour session. I'm wrecked. Talk to you soon. ("Summer Love" by Jessie Villo) Just finished a private
Muay Thai session here at Tiger Muay Thai, it is just past 10 o'clock in the morning, and 700 Baht, incredible session. Hope you enjoyed the
highlights, last couple minutes, otherwise great session,
great day, super hot. Super exhausted, great
session, good for fitness, good for learning a new technique. I fly out tomorrow, back to Melvin, and come try it out, Tiger Muay Thai. Great place, great
trainers, great experience, great weather, go by the pool. And enjoy the sun. That's it, it's my prepaid card, 700 Baht. Alright guys, hope you enjoyed the video. ("Summer Love" by Jessie Villo).

As found on YouTube

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