I've already welcome back it is Brad here again 9th of May 2019 I want to talk about the love of Muay Thai training in this video coming up and I just thought I'd open up this video to discussion for everybody who follows the video series for the Muay Thai content that I put out around tiger Muay Thai and even other places on that fitness street in Phuket so if you're looking at training in that area then this video might just be interesting is a bit of a talk video around my thoughts of why I love my Thai so much if you're already familiar with the series then yeah you'll probably maybe connect on a couple of things here but I'm curious to know actually first before we go on any further firstly if you have trained a long Fitness Street or Tiger Muay Thai let me know if you're going back let me know what your movements are and maybe we can bump into each other hopefully I get back their end of the year I have a back injury at the moment so I'm trying to get through that but until that's all good I'm not going anywhere so I'm not only talking about Muay Thai I haven't been doing any training for like months and it's really hurting my feelings but I'm curious to know if you're looking at going to Tiger Muay Thai to train where are you from what are you going you going for I also shot a bunch of videos that will give you some experiences that I've had with Robin who's in South Africa at the moment that will probably help you in planning a trip to to Tiger or somewhere else well done amazing work we're back in the house we trained together in the past now we're back November 2018 I know man you gonna beat me up this time just quickly because I can't do Muay Thai right now I can't talk about Muay Thai training in the area because you know I love it so much I am curious to know also what you love about Muay Thai training or even just you know kind of martial arts in general what is it how does it make you feel for me just quickly like I did Taekwondo and karate as a little kid growing up I think more or less because my dad was like the little boy needs self-defense skills we lived in a really rough neighborhood in Sydney when I was growing up before we moved to Queensland and there was one incident where I got like held up at knife point on I was like a eight year old kid and I got held up I'm not at knifepoint by some older kids and I wanted my money and it was pretty hectic so I think that's why my dad was like you got to do self-defense even though I don't think karate and talking to I would've but anyway it was you know what was going through my dad's head but at the time and I learned a lot but I think one of the reasons why I like more Thai so much is because it is like it is a skill set it's an awesome skill set you're learning real life skills and I I've only picked it up in the last couple of years and I literally only started learning when I went to Bangkok and I was staying in cosin road actually and there's a little there's a little more tired gym called called saw to call pour syrup in I think I can't remember the exact name I'll try it up anyway I'll try some old clips and so some people film me learning the very very big like fundamentals of Muay Thai back then when I first started one even they didn't even know what Mort I was I'm gonna die I'm gonna die come on old man is it champion oh god and then every time I've gone back to Thailand you know for just travel adventures I've done more Thai classes on the side now when I go back to Thailand it's predominantly only to train in Muay Thai I don't do I've done a couple of classes in Melbourne that I've not really done much more than that I usually go back to Thailand to do everything but in saying that like the one of the biggest things I love about Muay Thai is not only is it a great life skill to have if you're a lady watching this like I think it's I think I think all women should have some kind of self-defense skills under their belt you just never know what could you know it's just never know and I I tell Robin this I'm like you really do you know doing this more eat I think could you could really help you [Applause] get out of here because we travel to some pretty rounder places that I mean you just never know what could happen and so you know if you're a lady watching this and you're looking at going to Tiger my tire to train or even anywhere doesn't have to be Tiger than anywhere on that street or anywhere like to learn more tie or western kickboxing or whatever it is then you just never know when you might need it so I think there's definitely real-life benefits to get into learning more tie at least the fundamentals anyway she just kicked him in the nuts the second piece is well is that the fitness side of it is just unparalleled just quickly I did like amateur bodybuilding competitions like back in by 2017 I did like a whole season I don't know how many four or five competitions right and if you're watching this for the bodybuilding backgrounds you know by the way this is a natural Federation like you know no one takes steroids right and for me never having taken steroids ever in my life and worked really hard to just build muscle on a natural frame you know it was all about the look it's all about the aesthetics it's all about you know a quarter of an inch of extra muscle on your delt and it's all about proportion and symmetry and all that [ __ ] that judges look for I realized that you know when I started doing my tie I didn't have any decent level of cardiovascular fitness and so I couldn't even do there was no I couldn't even do a three-minute round I couldn't even do thirty seconds of a three-minute round yeah he's dead already there is is uneven okay look at him he's so good hey oh okay I've ever stood a chance it is anyone here like just come in and I [ __ ] hate kills you first because the focus with bodybuilding is all about the look and about the shreds but not about cardio that not about your heart muscle you know and so I remember when I first started my tide training the trainer laugh at me is like you have a six-pack dude like what's wrong with you like you should be bit and I wasn't like I wasn't fit like I looked fit but I wasn't fit so cut muy Thai has brought back the fitness part of you know off the equation so I can do you know three minute rounds probably not right now because I haven't been training for a few months but but I couldn't do that when I was at the peak of my my you know these beautiful pretty little photos that you know different photo shoots and stuff like that like it's all deceiving like it's all look you look amazing look shredded but you know you could you can't do any cardio I couldn't I couldn't so so anyway let me know what you love about Muay Thai and why you got into it why looking at getting into it and by the way like for me it's not even it's not about getting in the ring and beating people up like I know I can understand a lot of people are into that and I'm not I'm not into that I'm into Muay Thai to learn a skill that maybe one day I may need to use on the street you just never know but secondly and more importantly it's about maintaining a certain level of fitness that I love and I feel good about it when I do Muay Thai and I just love that it feels good those endorphins are amazing and and that's why I do it so I'm curious to know what your reasons are for doing Muay Thai or any kind of martial arts on Fitness Street if you're looking at going to Fitness Street I mean I had a couple of myths just come true this morning from some guys in the UK flying finally they're like Brad we watched your videos were finally going over to us amazing and then a couple of guys from Paris as well there's like a team of people from if you're watching this from you require there's a bunch of guys from Uruguay like a you guys through a profile doesn't know that I can't remember the message but it was like six of you from Uruguay and you saw the videos and you're flying it from Uruguay if you're those guys let me know because I thought was pretty awesome I apologize it takes these sometimes takes like three or four days to get back to people because I got into my flying pass license renewal and I shouldn't even be shooting this video it should be focused on that but I want to talk about more Thai and anyway so this bit of a ramble now thanks so much for watching guys and I hope you enjoy Fitness 3 and Tiger boy toy it is bloody amazing I missed that place so much I don't really want to just continue shooting videos from my living room about top muy Thai I want to be out in the field with a camera I'd rather do that than sit like this but it is what it is where you have a back injury and you're gonna do flying stuff so anyway thanks for watching and I'll see you hopefully back on Fitness Street if not in another video relating to travel or something else that I've decided to talk about see you guys [Music]