guys like my new teeth pretty awesome huh yeah I need the front lines on the side [Music] all right so about to start an intermediate Muay Thai class here at Tiger muy Thai is three o'clock in the afternoon 26th of November 2018 if the to our class previous two videos did a private one-on-one session with the guy once named Pat amazing session a little bit burnt out from that it's only have one hour to recover nevertheless doesn't matter we're here now intermediate Rob's gonna film this for me at this training session here tiger muy Thai she show it that's all right anyways look at your highlights of this class and you'll get some highlights of this class and you'll see what this medium or Thai here at Tiger Woods height is like good job man very fun yeah am i anyway I believe these are odd anyway let's get to it okay [Music] [Music] [Music] as is why he told her we should be concentrating okay [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] body like it body [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] guys like my new tape pretty awesome huh I said yeah I need the flat lines on the side way back through some way that wasn't very pretty we're about to do some more time sparring I don't have any shin guards so I'm gonna take it really really city and get diesel mouth cup of hopefully how to get hit in the mouth [Music] a couple of gun there's a couple of guys here that is just like too much testosterone [Applause] you gotta come here you gotta test this out to yourself it's amazing it's great [Music] we're finished thank you thank you oh you don't they don't alright just finish the intermediate more tight session here at Tiger muy Thai just behind you on your left it's about 5:15 in the afternoon it was a two-hour class pretty wrecked to be honest actually tip shin pads Monday Wednesday and Friday I didn't bring them and mouthguard yeah make sure you bring that if you decide to intermediate boys high class at Tiger muy Thai people get pretty angry in the class actually what a testosterone in that class but nevertheless if you come here to definitely try it we're gonna go and have something to eat and tai tai we're gonna take you in again show you quickly what we're gonna eat and then we a job at a pool the pool that we just we just checked into another place called Bora Bora young sweet I eat so we'll show you a bit about like that place can't get my words out we'll show you what that place looks like tomorrow another video but we'll go for a swim and then chill out it's been a massive day training tired yeah and then tomorrow another day training come along and come along and get some dinner let's go my friends we're at Thai Thai restaurant here in story tides just finished our training tigerboy Thai for the day it is 550 at night is day 7 of our training adventure here at Tiger my tie and suit ie in Phuket Thailand if you ever come here and try to take the title Muay Thai definitely come and check out Thai Thai we've been here a couple of times already this place is really really awesome way to rob this point we're talking about how Rob said that this is a family-run business and so all the kids are running around here and like you know yeah you feel like you're in someone's the mom is like yeah and imagine it means just open eyes yeah this is just some like really good strong family podría go out here in summertime Robinson Canyon introduces to the food that's just come out this is chicken cached yeah that's 80 but think about and everything [Music] what's next some cockeyed coconut milk soup and and the next one [Music] just vegetables on the side vegetables yeah we just say Jesus with mushrooms and I she thought the same thing out twice yeah put the same thing out we're up to the same thing I'm not complaining alright let's see let's see down that's late our $10 Australian dollar meal oh there's more pretty coming are the Morning Glory oh yes this chicken this chicken skewers [Applause] [Music] the chicken skewers Rob's oh no this is the same got peanut sauce yeah alright yeah it's like super hot have been my mouthwash try that really really hot then it's gonna be funny to watch it nice is it not so hot so tender I'm the second French peanut sauce is it better than the one last over here damn stop it stop it all right Big Dave training is now over let's get a massage Rob's to get out of here many outside as well let's go that's the way [Music] how cool they look really nice I really like I really like them yeah so we bought them from India little shop Under Armour all I can dorama yeah so the company because people obviously lose them a lot for them yeah they're really nice training mm-hmm so yeah we told you that we would take you to go like with us with like the whole massage thing is ready anyway there's a 25-minute wait well I'm not a very public waiting 25 minutes how about we get frozen yogurt from this place here needed tiger Muay Thai so we're not here for the first time check this out Roz is going to show you what's on the menu perhaps what have you discovered like Ambani protein brownies two-fifty [Music] hey peripherals get out of here [Music] Oh get out that's the Frank it down ah that's what is that for you know all that there we go I'm happy thanks rose [Music] [Music] you [Music]


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