soon where I'll be playing on fiber optics so like the craziest up down speeds ever playing on this like monster PC that could be probably doing like quantum mechanics or something like calculating like you know [ __ ] like that and and I'll just you know be playing my kind of games and uh I'm interested to see if it's going to make my uh you know KD just like instantly better like will I start like [ __ ] on kids like immediately and like I thought I would call it a box it didn't do anything it didn't do anything so you're on Fiverr right now too yeah I'm on fiber but your internet is pretty good though I guess this is for upload speed though yeah the internet's definitely good but like you've got to think fiber you got like a couple you got to have some kind of Advantage right you'd think but I still think or yeah that's true too it's not gonna fix like if you're you know making bad plays or whatever yeah yeah either way try it out you know what's up chat welcome back to nerd Theory hope you're all having a great day uh today we've got some stuff to talk about as usual like we usually do here and we're going to talk about uh Mando season three rumors which I three rumors and I'm like huh yeah you said both but you said it like in a way where I was like what is here like a book of what yeah yeah like a feet yeah exactly I was like dude that's not what I was talking about um but yeah no I'm excited I saw uh the first half of your video about Boba season two so do you want to start with that too and like maybe you illuminate me watch the second half I think something life or death came up so you know I had to I had to go take care of that whatever it was it was crazy maybe I just watched 60 of it you know for the retention you know okay um yeah so Boba season two if you guys haven't seen my video which I feel like a couple hundred thousand of you I think saw it um yeah yeah in the I think the Mexican version of Disney plus it's had Boba Fett season 2 coming soon yeah that's wild pretty dope yeah so that's really cool because I know that like tem definitely wanted to do more and honestly it's one of those weird cases where even though I you know really didn't enjoy uh book of buffet all that much um I would still obviously like to see more of boba and at this point they have the chance to like kind of return him to being more uh of a you know a badass more of the Boba that I think we wanted which was what you were talking about in the vid when I was watching season two can't get any more domestic no I can't I can't get any more uh uh stuck on Tatooine than that can't get any more what's the word docile yeah I guess yeah for sure because he doesn't do a lot of boba stuff um no he's just a boobie yeah yeah he's more like zoomy fat yeah so look I'm down bro and you know there are a ton of rumors in I heard you know sort of some rumors about even maybe a Mace Windu type thing and um Tim has actually talked about that too right he put it out there which is like I think you know Season Two uh he should be hunting down Mace Windu you know and uh that would be cool bro I would be I mean just go hard if you're gonna do bookable with season two like just please go hard you know could you imagine yes I can and I think the fan base would um no but they would have to answer so many questions like where the hell was Mace wind he mace would be the first dude trying to hunt like he would be ahead of Obi-Wan and and Luke you know when it came to hunting down Vader and and Palpatine yeah unless there was a good reason for it you know they're gonna turn him into like a Last Jedi Luke or like a Obi-Wan Kenobi in the Kenobi show kind of thing before he finds his Mojo again be like oh geez I can't do it the Jedi have lost it's like dude oh yeah no yes that would be horrible what if like he and Boba show up to like some kind of meeting for broken men and it's like that's even Fight Club it's like going in there and they're talking about let's just talk about our feelings yeah dude like oh yeah I don't know I uh I just think there's obviously some fertile ground there and it's one of those things where I think Star Wars fans can be critical you know of things and that's fine you know it comes with the territory but like you know what a in all seriousness like this is a feel-good thing for lucasfilm like if they do it again and make it just like listen you know what I mean like John said that quote was a couple years back where he said uh it's like stand up you got to feel the room read the room right well read the room John you know I mean like give us boba Boba please so uh hey if they do that I'm all in and I'll probably forgive uh domesticated uh Lawrence of Arabia you know what the thing was it's when you have Mando outshining Boba Fett that's when you're like eh something's wrong here yeah I agree and Mando goes hard like you know he cuts right through a freaking table cuts a dude in half within like the first five minutes of an episode yeah but then you have like Boba with a bunch of regular Rental rent a cop assassins with their like little Shields and he's like oh I can't get out I wish I had a freaking jet pack or something like that that yeah yeah I hope they remove those kind of weird scenes and the you know no more biker gang stuff please and and the music was also a little off um so if they can kind of write all those wrongs well just like I actually like the music of Boba Fett I thought so they have Mando music they're for the ones where it was like yeah well it's hard because there's almost two shows to talk about right whenever you talk about Boca Boba Fett you got to talk about the Boba Fett show and then you gotta talk about those two absolute fire Mando episodes that were in Boba and the Mando music is amazing you know and the themes and like the music with Luke training him and all that stuff like it's almost like can we do you give credit to the book of Boba Fett for that I don't know you know it's kind of tough but uh yeah it's more of the music I'm really thinking of was the um the music associated with the biker gang and also the the dude that fixed up fennec oh like no thanks like all that techno whatever that was like stuff yeah yeah not a not a super big fan of all that yeah yeah so yeah well this is what I think they're doing with all the new shows I think they're just gonna have a whole bunch of different characters like a cluster of everyone coming in like dude I bet you and or is probably gonna have the most Star Wars characters in a show that we've ever had so I I don't know like I I I definitely see it as a possibility but I also kind of think that Andor could be this like more mature show in a sense that like Gilroy and these people kind of want to do like really hard political thriller meets um you know action spy Thriller and they might be kind of resistant to putting some stuff in there like I heard I heard no Darth Vader um I Heard maybe a little bit of the emperor I heard Darth Vader you heard Darth Vader oh snap yeah okay they getting that going in England right now dude I'm all about a little Vader so once they cut it out you know there were supposed to be more scenes with with Anakin Order 66 for Kenobi but they got those out yeah or maybe they're gonna put them into Ahsoka who knows well that's another kind of thing that came out was that apparently in Ahsoka Vader's gonna have a very extensive work so there might be a particular sequence or a scene that was described as being really really intensive so he's gonna be a big part of at least one of the episodes so yeah I don't know um it's of course possible that they have them all over the place you know what I mean and I think for this time period why wouldn't you I just don't know if Andor is going to be of the same flavor that we're getting with John and Dave like the John and Dave stuff definitely feels kind of serialized it feels like anybody could pop up and I mean you got CAD Bane you got like all these different it feels great it's like a like a pulp um the comic book of like the Dark Horse you know it just has a good vibe to it but Andor kind of has a different vibe to me you know um I'm so into it like I think Android's gonna be really cool but I just don't know if we're gonna get that you know that same flavor as you get with the John and Dave stuff so I feel like we can see everybody in there I feel like you know Obi-Wan Vader Palpatine krennic Tarkin Vester a lot of those homies for sure I I would love to see Obi-Wan um could actually work as fulcrum she could be in the show um so yeah you could definitely see a lot of those characters yeah I think you're gonna see um you know some new characters too like some Senators people that we haven't met um either be a Coruscant or via some of the uh mid-rim Outer Rim planets too so I I think if you look at that trailer it's it's you know Grand in scope it's got a lot of different things going on or something looked really cool it looks really cool bro yeah yeah yeah there's a I'm excited for that episode I've you know maybe a like imagine a a crazy dinner party of like trying to find these Traders right like if you're moth um or no not not moff uh what's the lady's name if you're on Mon mothma in the middle of this Shark Tank right on Coruscant and you're trying to you know find out who's on what team you know are there other resistance type folks and also like discuss things without being found out right I hope we get to see that the Empire would like black bag people and like just take them out you know what I mean if somebody dissented like I I really want to get that fear uh that I think the Empire has had in some of the best Star Wars stuff I really want that to sort of permeate throughout Andor and uh I think it just might which would which would be really cool so yeah I mean it's you know the height of the Empire or you know they're climbing to the to their height yeah and uh at the point where I think the Senate is still in order and we're probably gonna see a lot of cool interesting stuff yeah I did I hope so I'm excited for it shoot me too man good so what's this Mando okay so this Mando stuff there's a couple of different things the one is like kind of Juicy and the other one is so dang juicy that uh I don't know I don't know what it means it's probably too early to tell for sure what it means but I think a lot could be read into it and a lot of speculation could be had so we'll start let's start with this like the basic one or whatever so apparently um moth Gideon is going to get a Mandalorian helmet in season three that's that'll be all black it'll have spikes like Maul on it oh cool yeah yeah so that's sweet you know what I mean I don't think it necessarily means much because of course he took the dark saber maybe he was in cahoots with some of the mandalorians and so he had the helmet made or whatever right maybe he's a mold DeLorean he could be a mall DeLorean I actually think he might be a maldolorian or at least associated with them or a version of them right yeah so that's sick dude and I hope that like he escapes you know from prison he could be a Mandalorian he's from Mandalore he absolutely could be from mandalor and it's funny you say that because I also heard that there was an older like there's going to be this older like black dude in the show that might be a a very old Mandalorian leader of like one of the tribes or whatever so I mean maybe that's like his people or whatnot but um the other thing yeah this is pretty well no I do not no this was in a previous League we gotta get Idris Elba in Star Wars yeah man I was just thinking like he hasn't been in it so yeah no um don't think so no he would be great dude I love that the closest to that caliber or I guess maybe even above that caliber was uh Benicio del Toro yeah well benicio's a stud man but unfortunately DJ just wasn't it bro yeah anyways yeah anyway okay so uh the other one and this one's really really juicy so I want to know what Chad thinks apparently like you know the rumor about the mythosar what rumor so there's a rumor that a mythosar is gonna pop out towards the end of the series okay of boba no of Mando season three a mythosar now the newest rumor is that Bo Katan is going to have a new set of armor that's forged and this armor is going to be mythosarian armor like it's gonna be either made of mythosar or like designed to no I think the indication is that she's the one that killed it uh when it attacks so just you know how the armor made the mud horn Signet for din that I think the implication is that the armor will make a mythosar armor but not for din for Bo Katan and so what the speculation is is that bocatin and not din jarin will rule Mandalore by the end of season three what do you think she would have to fight him she would have to fight him to get the darksaber it's possible she does that and then just takes the darksaber do you think there's a way that she well yeah let's just start with that what would you think if she beats him and Mandalorian season three ends with Beau with the darksaber again ruling Mandalore what would you think of that to be kind of cool yeah yeah why not yeah so I I'd rather Boba but yeah whatever I don't think he cares yeah he probably doesn't care so I think this is kind of wild because they're gonna play up I think for the marketing they're gonna play up like bow verse Dent man yeah yeah and so that's what they're going to be playing up and I think that like most people including myself just thought okay well that's fun but dim's obviously gonna be the one you know it's the Mandalorian he's the main character etc etc I think they're learning that they're going to go away from that a little bit Yeah well how Wild would it be if they sort of you know a little bit of a bait and switch and all of a sudden Bo is the one that's ruling and Dan and grogu sail off into the sunset because there were rumors that Mando season four if they do one will be like almost a different show and I also heard a rumor that they actually weren't gonna do a Mando season four but instead launch a new show after Mando season three do you know what the show is well it would probably be like I mean like something about this ruler of Mandalore and like The Wider scope of the Galaxy or something I don't know it's essentially just a new show but why would they do all of this right that's interesting so you're saying that they're going to season three would end with with Bo perhaps having the dark saber and ruling Mandalore yeah and then season four would be something entirely different yeah like what if they called uh the next show like Mandalore Mandalorian Wars or you know uh the new Mandalore or something no no no no I think it would continue with these characters yeah that's what I think yeah I don't well I mean they would have to still make a Mandalore in season four but um I think [Music] yeah dude chew on this for a little bit because it it definitely gave me a a lot of thoughts like I'm all over the place with it because on the one hand like yo bo is a badass well that's like Wants to Rule din doesn't even want to rule bro that's like Breaking Bad and then Better Call Saul um yeah yeah kind of yeah so except like time you know time a little different because I don't think they're going to do a prequel they would they'll just extend right they would but focus on somebody else yes I get your point though yeah and maybe release Mando for like around the same time or or something but I mean okay so if we want to get the tin foil hats on for a second right put everybody in chat put your tin foil hat on we ever take them off I don't think it's gonna take them off his hair is made of tin foil um put your tin foil that's right that's why I have no idea easily yeah dude um what if let's just say hypothetical here chat what if there was a an actor who was the star of your most popular hit show and he played a character that didn't show his face and he did a lot of additional audio work and there were stand-ins and doubles that did the majority of the work but what if this actor after a couple seasons and realizing that it was the biggest most successful show made a big stink out of showing their face more and caused this big crazy kerfuffle and pissed off John and Dave and maybe others to this incredibly extreme place and what if this said actor then signed a major contract to star in a completely different show causing your show your hit new awesome show to be delayed I mean like when's the last season of Amanda 19 2019 2020 two years ago right yeah two years ago so and imagine a world in which this guy doesn't shoot any principal photography yeah so what if this is all just some really big long con Fu to Pedro to sort of take back the Reigns of this world and story and and thing that John and Dave were doing and they're literally gonna sort of shove him out and have Bo like kind of take over tin foil hat what do you think that's just very tin foily it's quite tin foily you know I I mean I don't know the inner politics of uh the actors and and lucasfilm and all that um I hear things but you know it's all hearsay um if that were to happen I mean look who's to say you even need him he's in a he's in a suit the whole time with a helmet I mean we had Hayden in the suit no one even knew right right except for when his mask was open but half the time it was or more than half the time it was you know stunt doubles or whatever yeah so well he didn't shoot anything for book a bow with that he didn't shoot anything for principal photography for all of season three he didn't shoot anything for Boba really no no and the reason you know that oh yeah it was the John Wayne it was John Wayne's kid oh well he moved well oh yeah that dude is practically the character like that dude Swagger and like he's he's really really good yeah 100 yeah so um yeah he didn't shoot anything for bookable with it and then he didn't shoot anything for principal photography of season three like dude it just came out he didn't shoot a single thing what do you mean first season three Pedro he didn't shoot a single frame he might be shooting during the reshoots to like you know who said that who said that it's best been bulletin reported it how accurate are they they're they're pretty good yeah oh their own sources or whatnot yeah so yeah so basically like they're reporting that season three is going through reshoots either right now or soon and that um yeah Pedro Pascal because he was doing last of us he wasn't on set at all for season three so far I mean all of this stuff is like you start to add this I know someone that was in season three so I'm gonna ask I'm gonna ask him yeah 100 and so you know you start to like add all of this stuff up and it's like damn dude like this is super weird and um I I love the character of din Jaren and I wish that like he would just rule vandalor I like the idea of like a reluctant ruler that doesn't necessarily want it but but it's learning and stuff like that no I don't like that idea there's no conflict you don't want you don't so wait you don't want din to sit on the throne of Mandalore no because really there's only one possible way that the story could go after that is that if someone wants to overthrow him right now but if that if the show is going to just focus on that Conflict for sure I hope either way that the show opens up to a wider conflict whether that's thrawn or you know more Imperial Remnant or like moff Gideon because like you know I think Gideon is gonna pose a major threat to whoever takes the throne um we have to think who would want the throne more than anyone and why I mean it's Beau I don't think I would think it's Gideon because that's his claim to fame you know if he controls Mandalore he he has a way back in with the Empire and he's uh you know he can give them Mandalore yeah I love the idea of him being Mandalore too Mandalorian like that would be incredible I I think he is dude yeah yeah well I think I think the rebels you see uh you see a whole bunch of different kinds of mandalorians plus with the foundling idea you know what I mean like almost anybody could be brought in eventually to that did the mall Deloreans did they adopt people like that or no so they were different they were a different sect yeah so they weren't like death watcher well many of them were Death Watch right but they go after but death watch went away right yeah it was like it was Maul went after um uh previously who was the leader of Death Watch and he beat him and so he essentially essentially commanded most of Death Watch but then a lot of them like Bo Katan didn't like that and they went away sure yeah but then you had dudes like gar Saxon who were like his number one in command basically yeah yeah I don't know man I just think that uh it would be very wild and I'm really interested in how this the fan base would react to a big twist like this you know because I gotta say like I'll I really thought it was all just kind of like you know whatever like knocked into the star like din's gonna be the guy that rides the Mythos are fulfilling the prophecy and you know all that kind of stuff um and this this mythosar armor for Beau has like really thrown kind of a monkey wrench into that whole line of thinking you have three really important characters now you got Mando which you introduced who's new but you also got Bo Catan you also got Boba so boba's gotta go go on his own Journey probably yeah and be completely separated from the whole Mandalore thing like he doesn't give a [ __ ] right Beau wants it super bad din doesn't want it but has it yeah and MAF Gideon wants it and wants revenge yeah din just wants to be a Mandalorian again right he doesn't care about it he just wants it in the eyes of his people he wants to kind of get back in or whatever yeah yeah yeah so I I don't know uh it's it's kind of intriguing I think there's a way that maybe din still has the dark saber and something happens where maybe they lead together or like Bose considered some kind of military ruler and din is considered like some kind of other I don't really know uh I find that convoluted you know what I mean like if bow and didn't fought I think Beau would win hmm dude I mean she she has a bigger Army than him right she'd probably just get the night owls in there yes but don't they have to fight kind of one-on-one for the saber um yeah but I mean who's really left well I mean just it's like straight up but there do seem to be a lot of mandalorians in that trailer so I don't know where all these mandalorians are coming from but there's a ton of them in that trailer have you seen like the leaked images and stuff no I have not oh there's something away yeah there's a time there's like oh yeah it looks like looks like there's gonna be a bunch of mandalorians that make their way back to Mandalore for some reason so I heard the uh that that dude is back the guy who was passed yeah with uh no notepads the guy who's rolling with um Beau and Costco Reeves oh ax ax Wolves yeah yeah I think he's gonna be back yeah that's what I heard too so that'll be cool man that dude was sweet he like disappeared like halfway through it was in like one episode yeah it was cool and then he was just gone with no explanation see you later yeah yeah I don't know it's it's wow what does Chad think are they into it do they want Bo that's the ruler yeah what do you guys want do you want Bo or do you want team are you team Bo are you team din chat or your team off Gideon or your team off Gideon you team bow uh oh you team oh dude uh to Segway for a second did you see the um the theory uh regarding Thor Ragnarok I still haven't seen it oh sorry love and Thunder no what's the theory that it was super goofy because it was taken from the point of view of uh Court oh yeah I've seen that freaking Theory dude yeah nah it's just goofy because tyke is a child dude like he's you know what I mean like he's gotta he's he definitely has a Real Genius Like I wouldn't sit here and say he's not a genius but you know he's also a child and uh I I don't know man I I'm not the biggest psycho fan right now you know what I mean so we'll see uh hopefully he can be reigned in a little bit if he does indeed do that Star Wars movie because bro I mean if we get a if we get a love and thunder version of Star Wars like like that level of movie but with Star Wars I mean can you imagine well bro we've already gotten pretty much every other version of Star Wars so yeah that's fair that's fair but I just think this point after this many years without a movie bro and like taika like what yeah I don't know dude after what they did to Luke nothing surprises me anymore you know you're gonna have Darth Vader dancing in a tutu next day I mean I really would not be surprised it's nothing sacred Theory yeah it's nothing sacred anymore he's just dancing to The Nutcracker theme or something like in in Little Rascals I thought he'd have Korg be a big old pile of rocks that Jedi lift or just go for it yeah I don't know like that I don't know I'm a pile of rocks why don't you lift me like a Jedi with uh yeah I don't know bro I just think uh this shocked me bro this Bo Katan thing it really did I was like what that she's gonna be a ruler well I don't we don't know for sure but like just the idea of hurting the mythosar armor and like I was like bro they're not gonna do that and then I started to think about like Pedro and I'm like dude I can imagine John because like we joked about it right but like Mando season two like after things went wild like tinjan's ship gets blown up like yeah but I don't know how like I don't know how much of this like Pedro stuff I can believe I mean it's so I don't know either I I I know and it's like dude like I even told you about that one email I got from that guy who knew Pedro really well or claimed to know him really well and had worked with him in the past and was like saying all this stuff that lines up with everything the internet is saying about them you know regarding the whatever I don't know man it's hard to say right I mean from what I understand something definitely happened some people have said it was just a normal set issue and maybe because of the Rona tensions were really high and whatever it's fine you know what I mean it's fine other people say oh dude they hate that dude now and if you look at the fact that the show hasn't been on air in two years you look at the fact that Pedro signed to do this massive show with HBO you look at the fact that he didn't shoot for Boba he didn't shoot principle for season three I mean I don't know man I'm not like again it's tin foil right but you start to look at it and you're like that's a lot of smoke I there might be some fire you know so yeah who knows I mean hey just give me a good Star Wars show I don't really care about what you're you know in interior politics are we'll see what happens you know but um on a side note too about Pedro have you seen the Nick Cage movie with him and Nick Cage oh no no no I'll probably do a movie Bros about this this movie it's good phenomenal really is it on oh my God on Amazon yeah I rented it on it it's a prime yeah yeah oh [ __ ] maybe we'll watch it bro oh my God it's like it might have squeezed in I like the cage bro I always like Nick Cage you I've always liked love this movie bro I like Nick Cage I like Nickelback you know like would it say what you want but yeah together but I no I'm just playing put them all together I mean they're a little bit together um dude Spider-Man first Spiderman with Toby yeah yeah that [ __ ] was hot well I'm so high that's not bad Nickelback's got some some hits you know look at this photographs yeah so I get it yeah why not hey you love them you hate him whatever they're popular can't deny that but yeah that movie was sick dude so I'm uh fan of uh I mean Pedro's great you know what I mean like say what you will about whatever stupid thing he said on Twitter some people hate him now or whatever I don't hate the dude at all I don't know him I don't know at all and I think uh I think he's a phenomenal actor so I think he's okay I think he's pretty good Pedro yeah man you ever watched like narcos or um no no yeah I've seen a couple of different things that he's in I think he's I think he's pretty good I mean I've only seen him in Mando and Mando he doesn't really have range either yeah he's just a Buckethead that yeah tells the baby not to do stuff so it's like you know how can I really judge anything joke yeah yeah what did Chad say do we have a consensus is everybody everybody team uh team Pedro or team Katie Sako oh right now I did see him in Wonder Woman 84.
I Danny Game of Thrones right did you ever watch Game of Thrones or not I did watch Game of Thrones yeah he's pretty good in Game of Thrones too he's got the excuse my friend he's got these skews yeah chat scene team bow Jimbo really yeah dang okay well maybe people will be into it man people maybe people will love it I didn't I haven't seen dude I saw Elvis a few nights ago was that good it was interesting it was actually good yeah I kind of wanted to check it out I don't know too much uh about Elvis to be honest with you I was great but uh it was good if that kid doesn't win an Oscar I'm gonna be I want to be confused yeah dude I've heard I heard he's the best part of it he like literally becomes Elvis so I'll be into that yeah there were some moments where I'm like is this old footage or hmm does he do the voice himself does he sing he sings everything yeah wow it is insane so are you a Elvis fan no no not really I mean who isn't but I'm not like I don't like you don't like have his stuff or whatever no no no um yeah but I mean yeah like my parents all liked him and [ __ ] so yeah I knew uh one of my aunts or whatever was like super into I've had like a whole bunch of his stuff and people were obsessed man he was like uh dude this movie portrays I eat a lot of that people were obsessed with this dude like he was like the hottest the hottest [ __ ] dude though the movie like opens your eyes to like how popular this guy was with the ladies yeah yeah same I'm sure it was uh I'm sure it was a whole thing and did you get all fat at the end too yeah they did show that part yeah yeah he went through some stuff man oh he oh yeah he went through a lot poor guy yeah yeah yeah doesn't he die on a toilet yeah I won't spoil it for you but but I mean you know when anyone who knows knows Elvis's life they've been yeah you know how the movie ends you know doesn't show that but hmm yeah well maybe I'll check it out I'm kind of on like a run right now checking out the the big movies that are now coming out on dude yeah I highly recommend it I watched the everything everywhere all at once too did you hear about that one it's like no the Multiverse the Asian lady she's got like the she puts the on all the posters she has like a googly eye that she puts on her third eye it was good I I didn't actually love it as much A lot of people no no no it was uh it's like an independent movie um it was real crazy I didn't love it as much as other people kind of made it out to be this the Masterpiece I thought it was I thought it was decent but um nah I do the Nick Cage movie is way better yeah maybe I'll check that out I finished super okay what'd you think beautiful dude I loved it right the way that uh him and Frieza have to work together at the end dude I thought it was great so good how's 17 wins in the end yeah I did yep he's so powerful what the hell yeah it's wild huh but like I don't understand like are they so they're they're like they're organic but like they still have their Android abilities yeah they don't get tired yeah they don't get tired and they don't they have Infinite Energy so that's like your infinite key basically yes yeah yeah the Androids are crazy and I think you're gonna get even more I think in the new movie there's new Androids yeah yeah I'm so hyped to check out that new movie bro Android Saga was amazing Dr gero yup Android 19.
Oh yeah he was basically just Majin Buu he was Majin Buu is an Android yeah dude did you ever watch the Android 13 movie um Super Android free for Android 17. yeah in GT yeah with baby and all that yeah that [ __ ] was cool too dude Baby Vegeta was weird baby Vegeta was cool man yeah I like Vegeta with the mustache the dad stash I thought that was kind of funny yeah yeah it's good stuff that's the uh I'm gonna I think I'm gonna get Super Saiyan 4 Goku nice attack for Goku yeah it's pretty sick because I'm only gonna choose one of like certain characters right yeah well you're doing Majin Vegeta Super Saiyan 4 Goku yeah uh Frieza form two and then I'm gonna do uh Broly yeah and Broly's just raging out just raging out yeah no that's sick dude those are all those are all good picks for sure I'm uh I'm hyped man about Dragon Ball I'm hoping that anime comes back next year and uh might be the time to start making some Dragon Ball content bruh yeah yeah but thinking about it I just would love to have more time see what happens yeah we'll see you could do some like low effort stuff just do like some breakdowns of the new uh manga episodes and whatnot be all right think about trying my hand at it we'll see it's tough man that dude the Dragon Ball crowd is like they get they get a little butt hurt when you are ignore me well that's why I don't think I'm a normie I don't think either of us are normies when it comes to Dragon Ball I'm definitely not hardcore like Danny dude I wouldn't be able to oh he's been studying it you know yeah yeah for sure he gets all mad when I say stuff he's like no dude that's not what happened that's not how that works foreign geez man golly yeah yeah maybe I'll just make the content and make it like Normie more Normie as hell did you just like it just make it like super incorrect exactly yeah exactly be like oh dude this is Goku at his form 7 87 000 level power and uh you can see here that the the way that his hair is waving uh this is clearly a new form Danny just like loses his mind implodes yeah dude you can't say that they find them like convulsing like he's like transformed into another scene yeah dude dude you did it what was your motivation these guys man they they were on the internet they I thought they were my friends I've been putting work in for seven years these dudes just watch the videos they come in there with their million Subs now bam this is the new dragon Vegeta Danny this is we normally we are Dragon Ball yeah bro yeah she and then we'll do a live action version uh directed by Tycho call it just make our own dragon balls podcast grows bigger than our own that'd be hilarious dude yeah that'd be hilarious you could do completely abandon both our channels just keep focus on Dragon Ball go all in I mean hey yo if that's where the if that where the money's at I mean dude Dragon Ball has obviously a huge Global appeal I don't necessarily I just really don't get like the Japanese and the way they view business because like dude Dragon Ball could be doing movies every year every other year like I think it's that big like it could sustain that that I can't believe it's been like six or seven years since super was on the air like that's absurd dude like can you imagine like a big property like that in the west and just know I remember I remember when super was coming out and I was like that's when I had just started the channel I'm like I have no time to focus on this I remember that time very well man I would watch the simulcasts because they didn't even have it at first anywhere and then you could get simulcast on Crunchyroll eventually uh and I would watch them like Sunday morning uh words yeah yeah those were good times man sometimes I'd have to watch it before I went into work at the restaurant and I'd like go to like Wakemans and like set up my laptop and like watch freaking Dragon Ball super get hyped as hell before I went into work damn yeah those were good times man I used to come on TV when I was a little kid and uh my ritual was every time like the intro came on out I have to do like a million push-ups and like jumping jacks and backflips and I'd like jump off my bed and like move the wall and [ __ ] and like just punch the air as fast as I can until the intro was over dude that was that was how I like gave my patronage to uh to the Dragon Ball Gods dude and the the back in the day like the Toonami days when they would do occasionally they would do big marathons of Dragon Ball dude and just tear through it dude those were the days and then Toonami cut some killer commercials for Dragon Ball like the FUNimation stuff was really good like whatever they would do but then freaking Cartoon Network and Toonami they would cut some absolutely sick little like previews and commercials for Dragon Ball that would get me so hyped those were the days bro we got a big Super Chat we're going to read everyone's super chats here but I see this big one in red pop-up Josh Theory love you guys my B days tomorrow says endoscopic and I too have little boy do in August guess the air in November was hot if you know what I mean uh thank you both Theory and Josh for being real May the force be with your brothers hey we hope that your kid's gonna come out real healthy and happy and uh we love you buddy thanks for tuning in thanks for the big Dono absolutely and happy birthday tomorrow he said his birthday's tomorrow man hope it's all good when's your boy coming August 20 some yeah 22nd is the date we kind of feel like he could literally come at any moment now though because like he's pretty big and uh she seems ready she's ready to pop yeah so it could literally be any moment like I'm at that stage where like I can't there's no TR I can't really take any trips like without her just in case and stuff so we're kind of just buckled in already it's live stream delivery I know dude right I mean dude the one thing speaking of the Dragon Ball movie is that movie comes out the 19th in North America and so I'm like yo he neither needs to come out no like before that so that we can go to the movie or he needs to not come during the movie because I will drag you Lisa to go see this movie so while she's in labor yeah well that's the thing like he's gotta chill out I'm gonna literally just hold him back in I'll just hold him in for the rest of the movie no just haven't had them delivered and then and then Rush him to the to the movie like son you need to see this dude that would be sick can you imagine being born in like the first thing you see it's like like Just Amazing Just Dragon Ball anime yeah dude oh [ __ ] let's go I mean I actually did want to name him Goku that was the first thing I tried and she was just like no go uh so you know Liam's pretty good still but yeah so I'm hoping he actually comes a little bit early so that I can sneak out and uh go see this sick Dragon Ball movie bro because I'm pretty excited I'm gonna give my kid if I ever have a kid uh his middle name will be Anakin or Vegeta or both nice I like that Anakin Vegeta hyphenated yeah middle name no that'd be cool man yeah yeah I'm excited I'm excited for the the whole experience and uh yeah so it should be real chill and uh tons of stuff happening like right after that so that'll be like right when She-Hulk starts and then and doors at the end of August uh d23 in September is going to be wild bro because Star Wars was supposed to have a big panel and Marvel like Marvel and Star Wars both have a really big panel at d23 so it'll probably be tons of announcements for that and or runs all the way to November so it's just like a lot of work going on you know what I mean but it'll basically be for me it'll be like working and playing with him you know what I mean like working and hanging out with him like I get down for the day and then I just chill with him on the floor or something you know so it's gonna be it's gonna be awesome I'm really looking forward to you know the next uh six to eight months and then once he starts moving around it's like that's gonna be a different game you know because it's a sack of meat or something would you yeah a little uh uh hunk of Flesh or whatever oh God yeah yeah yeah well because that's what they are they're just like little piles of Flesh like you don't want to because I don't really do much bro you know they just eat poop cry sleep yeah that's pretty much what they're on that's their that's their rotation so yeah he'll just be kind of chilling and it's nice because he won't but I won't have to worry about him you know what I mean like I could set him in here in a little thingy in his little like bouncy thing or whatever and I can like work yeah it'll be fine but once he starts moving around that's when it's like okay we got baby proof the whole house we gotta like keep an eye on him we gotta make sure he doesn't pull the TV down you know like all these different things so yeah yeah I did a bunch of that [ __ ] when I was a kid I pulled a entire wardrobe on me whole wardrobe oh my God yeah my mom came in the room she said I was like stuck under it and I was just looking at her yeah so like all kind of stuff yeah dude it's like all that kind of stuff and it's gonna happen I mean kids are gonna be kids right but yeah you know gotta watch him make sure he's he's chilling so apparently one time I was running on like a concrete floor and I just my mom kept saying stop stop running slow down and I just kept running I tripped over my little feet and I slammed head first yep that'll definitely happen um I I don't want like that should explain a lot yeah I did no but uh I think we've all had like our fair share of accidents and stuff when we were kids unfortunately a lot of mine were like connected to my dad so like my dad did a lot of [ __ ] to me like he cut my he almost cut my fingers off with a chainsaw I had to get my fingers like stitched back together nice dude uh yeah so that was wild we got lost in the woods hunting and like this really secluded part of New York uh and you know just all these different things and yeah so I'm hoping not to lay those kind of things on him but um yeah he's definitely gonna have to get a few bumps and bruises himself and just you know get out there and experience the world so yeah what's with the finger thing why are fingers always like getting amputated or cut off I almost cut off my thumb when I was a kid well you're there's and like my friends sharp things in the world and yeah always the thingies yeah yeah man you gotta watch out for those fingers but that's really how we interact with the world a lot so it kind of makes sense you know so you just start using your tongue what are your yeah your teeth or your feet I'll teach them to use his feet yeah man it's the same uh like a European soccer player or something you know you could say soccer you mean football yeah whatever whatever they do over there real football yeah whatever they do yeah holy Americans like no no dude that ain't football but I don't know what that is man bro they use their feet they're out there yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but it's not even a football it's a ball ball when do you use when do you use your foot in factual American football like once yeah when you bring in the European person to do the kick off and to do the field goal and all the other things yeah they've done like soccer players the NFL yeah and when I was in uh high school and whatnot like we would actually literally bring the soccer players to come kick the ball crazy yeah yeah for sure and some of them were really really good so yeah kickers are kind of a wild part of football bro where like they're almost not really a part of the team uh and everybody like dogs yeah but they kind of win you a lot of games like it's crazy like the way the structure of the game is set up like how many games you see get won by a field goal so it's like weird because everybody like shits on these dudes like for sure like dude they don't get hit in practice they don't do nothing they just stand there drink water they barely drill but they also like literally it'll come down to them and their weird ass ability that has nothing to do with 90 of the game and it's like so important that all this work you just did for four quarters could hang in the balance of this dude kicking off oh it's crazy it's crazy it's crazy that's crazy it's kind of wild so what else we got going on we got any other Star Wars news um let me see okay I know some people were talking about the budget uh for Skeleton Crew is apparently bigger than Kenobi or book of Boba Fett or no it was bigger than mando book of Boba Fett and Kenobi I'm pretty sure which is kind of wild yeah that totally makes sense I mean I guess I yeah 136 million 136 million could be any smaller but why like why'd they make that on a shoestring budget makes no sense oh here's one that's kind of fun it probably did no like low-key I I bet it did bro I bet 100 did um Kate Huron the lady that directed Loki she's rumored to be directing the acolyte for Star Wars what do you think about I thought it was Leslie uh Leslie Headland is like the showrunner she's gonna like like bring it together and like kind of run it but it's rumored that Kate will be either directing the whole series or directing a fair bit of the episodes I feel like that's cool Kate was good Loki's good I don't know bro how well you know Star Wars you know what bro yeah but here's the thing uh Gareth or no not Gareth um what's his name Gareth Emery no no no not him uh uh the absolute Chad dude that's taking care of Andor Tony Gilroy Tony Gilmore Tony girl what he doesn't know Star Wars he doesn't even like Star Wars and he saved Rogue one and he's probably gonna make a dope show in Andor so yeah that's because they had Gary witta well yeah I mean you obviously have people that know Star Wars to like help pull it together but my point is like like like Pablo yes like Pablo no he probably I mean he's fine you know my point is just that though I don't think you necessarily like especially if you're a director I don't think you necessarily need to love Star Wars maybe she does and that would be great um but can she nail the tone and can she direct the performances in such a way that it translates to a really good show and then maybe like your show runner or your uh your writer's room would have to really make sure that it's Star Wars well they now said that Accolade is going to focus on you know the essentially the Sith that came before The Phantom Menace yes play games and his master and his master so it's but it's not really but it's a female-led show like it's I don't think those characters those characters I think will be a focus of the story but I don't think they're gonna be the main characters you know what I mean like it's gonna be I think they will oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no this is a female no yeah that's what I'm saying it's it's a few the female will be the the main character oh okay well then yeah we agree so I think it'll be yes so some kind of like acolyte of uh the Sith and of the dark side and then you'll get a lot of those other Sith Lords sort of explained or like some of that lore kind of explaining she's going to turn good at the end yeah like that probably you're probably not wrong which would suck damn it yeah and it takes place at the end of the high Republic right so does that mean we have to read these books now hell no we gotta read these books but my point Mike I guess well like what does it matter like does Accolade have an impact on the wider scope is there something else that's gonna like what is that's the problem with shows like this that go like back in time because we know a lot of how this all went down you know what I mean when it comes to the I mean Sidious was the Sith oh dude one to six I mean that's all you need to know but I mean now there's just all this yeah right before yeah I know I know so it's like it's it's trailing on the stuff that came before with the high Republic stuff that they wrote and then it's going to be trailing into isn't even Canon so right well no I think he'll I think he'll be made canon in this but my thing is this like what if the Accolade took place several years after rise and it's a some remaining characters that are still on exigol or something and it's like them rebuilding the Sith and doing something crazy well I think you're not gonna do that because they have that there's that machine that they were talking about in that book that came out which can resurrect like the chosen Sith or something like that so they can resurrect they could resurrect kylo they'll probably they'll probably get well I guess Kyla's body vanished I don't know all these dudes turning into Force ghosts now I don't really know he didn't turn into a force ghost no no he did not so his body's still just lumping around there does his body disappear or no I don't even remember it's been did his body disappear Chad did his body disappear does Kyla's body disappear or bet his body rather does it disappear body vanish let us know Chad I can't remember let us know waiting people are saying yes it does it does he transformed into the cosmic Force hmm yeah that's gonna be a that's gonna be a tricky one yes it's stupid that is gonna be a tricky one qui-gon's like you guys stabbing everybody in the chest and you live everyone's just Force ghost now all that training I had to do I mean I couldn't even manifest my freaking body for years like yeah you know it's just yeah yeah I guess I just the only point I was making forget training with the wills man you know just no you don't need that right you don't need that [ __ ] uh whatever dude I just would be more intrigued if like where was this going is this are the [ __ ] going to return in some sense because like it's just we know accolades Not Really Gonna amount to much impact on the next 30 years after it so it's like I don't know could still be fun no bro knowing them they're gonna probably have some character that will like survive and like jump this timeline and still be alive at the end of rise so they can continue the story okay well I mean honestly like that's weird but at least then I have a dude look what they're doing with everybody with every new show that they're making they have one character that like branches off and we'll see them later like with Boba we saw it with the with the Tuscan later Tuscan Tuscan lady sure yeah like where's she at where are we gonna see her again um Obi-Wan riva's off with like the most important information in the Galaxy she's chilling we're gonna see her again uh what else we got maybe Mando's its own show what are the shows coming out and or I guess uh Ahsoka but ahsoka's gonna hopefully know that I hope so because it should be just about soak up finding thrawn yeah isn't that what we said about Obi-Wan that is what we said about Obi-Wan yes but is a girl so they'll probably actually do it right and they'll focus on her true hopefully and it's Dave too so you know a lot of points and it's Dave so yeah so yeah I I hope that doesn't play that kind of a game but yeah we'll see man um I'm still you know I'm still riding I'm still riding with it I think Android's gonna be sick um I'm excited animated yeah I don't know bro like I like again Omega maybe that's what taika's movie will be just all the straggler characters they all just show up Omega Riva the Tuscan lady like why not fennec Shand have you seen Thor yet rad me you have you seen Thor no no I didn't think Chad May was pretty any good in that movie in McDonald's oh really why not I thought she was flat one dimensional oh not not good oh yeah I was disappointed like her acting yeah her acting yeah but I don't know she wasn't really given much to do damn work says Riva is better than fennec what I disagree I disagreed hard I disagree if I had a Nerf gun loaded and we were both sitting in the same pew at church I'd risk it and I shoot you right in the face uh maybe it was just her lines that were bad yeah I think so I think she was giving some pretty crappy material I don't really understand how she thought how does she have to put sheep oh you have to see uh is this an alternate universe no no no no no so this would have been Jane Foster from the first one and she becomes Thor yeah yeah how um you'll have to see it I I don't know it's really in-depth in detail probably see it until it comes to Disney plus and I can't just explain it but it's in the comics like it happens it's too in depth yeah it's even worse in the comics the explanation for it I think but not uh it's not bad that explanation it's just the fact that like there's nothing there's no like real serious like even her cancer story is not treated with any level of real emotion you know it's cancer yeah she has cancer in the movie which is part of why she gets the hammer but it's just like none of that is treated with like I think the sort of care and gravity um that it deserves it's all treated as just either a gag or something to sort of in a very plucky way uh just overcome you know so it wasn't very good my friend yeah I definitely want to see it I like the Thor movies I mean if you can kind of just take it for what it is I think you can have a good time with it like there's definitely some laughs in there and it looks mostly great there's some really cool spectacle stuff but uh yeah just wasn't uh well I'm a casual Marvel fan I'm not like yeah unless it comes to X-Men or Spider-Man you know I'm uh it's whatever I'm just there for a good time yeah I think you would like it then it's not like Star Wars where I'm like freaking anal as hell invested and like and like what you can't do this shooter or something yeah 100 man 100 I'm with you feel very similar about it but uh I'm a little more hardcore than you but mostly I'm just oh yeah you're you're all Marvel man I got a couple Marvel things around me yeah so yeah let's try out yeah Christian Bale was dope though he was cool he was cool um yeah yeah good portrayal it feels a little out of place but um yeah he acted the [ __ ] out of it as you would expect with Christian sales so yeah kind of looked like Voldemort he did he did apparently they changed his look so they look less like Voldemort I saw that yeah because in the comics he doesn't have a nose yeah so yeah yeah he was cool he was he was all right I guess that's the way I would say it he's I right right well look if they ever bring Hugh Jackman back as Wolverine you know I'll be a happy guy how would you feel about Taran egerton being uh um oh man have you ever seen the kingsman movies um he's the Izzy I think is his name he's like the main kid from the oh no sorry I have not seen the movies oh you're not okay yeah look him up look him up I think he could do it um yeah he could be a wolverine but I mean he's not a Hugh Jackman so no he's not but apparently he's been getting jacked good for him but I mean um okay why not you eggsy like I said why not you and uh and and Ryan Reynolds I think he will come back to the role maybe for like Secret Wars uh just for a kind of a fun multiversal thing but dude Hugh does not want to be Wolverine anymore he didn't even want to be Wolverine uh for Logan anymore just because it's incredibly hard to get that jacked and stay that jacked especially if you're older and you're not on gear like that's just tough you know what I mean so Hugh Jackman's a Broadway guy you know what I mean like as much as he loves that stuff yeah like as much as he loves being trim and all that like yo he's he's uh he's a showman you know what I mean he wants to be out there doing theater doing movies and he doesn't want to have to carry 25 extra pounds and sign these massive contracts and do all that you know they're playing Wolverine he was very good yeah yeah he was great yeah hey you know whatever he wants yeah it'd be cool to see him come back though just for like one more ride and like a big crazy like bring everybody back kind of thing like him and RDJ in a scene together would be incredible you know so hopefully we get it someday but I mean could they just give him like a muscle suit oh yeah for sure but you know there's also a little bit of ego in that right because he's he's like you know he wants to I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do this yeah he wants to do if he's gonna do it I think he wants to do it so he probably at least wants a good base and attack on some CGI how old is he now bro I think he's close to 60.
I think he's 53. oh okay so he's younger than I thought but he's still wild yeah ain't 40 anymore man no he is not I mean that's tough that's tough to uh keep that size on you know the worst part is eating you literally just gotta eat constantly it just stay that big you know I'm just tired of like cooking or having food ready all the time so I can imagine but like those guys are so rich and and like you know they could they have probably chefs just ready to go oh yeah how difficult can it be well it's just the process of eating it's literally just eating bro if it's ready for you I mean come on yeah but I mean it's the eating and I think also being super lethargic you gotta sleep a lot more like you know oh that's that's dope I mean it is dope all you gotta do is just get Jack tens of millions to get jacked are you kidding me I understand it he did it forever but he didn't like it that's the thing he didn't like it towards the end yeah yeah because he did it for like about 12 years yeah you probably get tired of that [ __ ] yeah give me a cheeseburger I don't care yeah dude like you want to get a little fat not worry about it you know not have to sleep for like 10 hours a day and not be super lethargic it can always be shoving your face like I'm not saying he's going into coal mines here you know what I mean but it is you know you you look at the the the real men out there that go to work and they're dangerous positions yeah oil rig or something and this dude's getting paid how much money to just go to the gym yeah yeah no I get everything handed oh I agree well that's why like on the flip side of that you get people like Pattinson right that didn't want to work out and put on size to be Batman oh man like that's just so disrespectful because like like you were saying like your job is plushy it's plushy and this one aspect of it that yeah you would have to struggle you'd have to go through this transformation like uh ah man like that I think it was um there was a female actress I'm really blanking on what movie it was but she like was getting into shape and she like made these comments around the same time of like how it's an honor to betrayal or to portray this hero and she knows that if she looks physically imposing enough that'll translate to the character and the fans and so for the fans she's willing to sacrifice and like do all these things just to have that physicality and I feel like that's the right attitude it's not like Jimmy Dean didn't lift weights so I don't have to I'm Robert Pattinson it should be like nah didn't play Batman bro exactly yeah so like you should do that to make the role more believable and so there's there's something about a person who trains real hard and has a sick physique there's a certain aggression that is applied to that body there's something going on in that mind and I think Batman is a very very complex character where the guy has a lot of demons and I think he's going to be taking that out on everything whether it be you know like mastering martial arts or science or chemistry or or just working on his body you know just getting those muscles going like he's the epitome of like uh the epitome of like what humans are capable of if like driven by a crazy drive right yeah like because Batman is broken but he uses his Brokenness as a weapon against evil so like yeah like he would be the most jacked he would be functionally strike so he wouldn't be so jacked that he couldn't fight yeah perfect yeah but he would be physically imposing like dude he knows that that strength and that durability is going to be important like like when you put when you put Batman next Superman I mean you can't tell the difference really physically the physique's very similar yeah if anything Batman might be a little more jacked he would probably be a little bit more Jack than Superman yeah and then uh Lex Luthor is kind of the same way like Lex Luthor is jacked dude and he's a [ __ ] he wants to to try to be the epitome of human of man to be able to compete against Superman and stuff like that right so like you're talking about these kind of characters and also like dude Comics man we drew jacked up dudes and beautiful bombshell women yeah and that's the best way it's you you look you look at gorillas and I mean they got big hips big booties because that's it's not because it's sexy that's just where the power comes from if you have big legs and big glutes you're able to run real fast you're explosive you're powerful you're stable on the ground you can do things that someone uses skinnier or smaller doesn't have that contractile tissue can't do you know yeah so yeah man we just went on a question nowadays you know having having a booty is like oh I'm Instagram famously I know but it's like it's actually like a form of performance you know yeah I agree bro anyways anyways we just want to see Batman's booty we just want to see Batman have a big old donkey truck just just the just the best ass you've ever seen dumpster dude yeah dude this have a cup of coffee on it a couple of Java Juice just sitting on that Haze that's the real secret oh it's only been an hour already talking about this weird stuff it's like we've jumped three hours ahead we jumped ahead we went in time near three doesn't get this crazy this early well we'll just see a couple out give it a couple hours we'll see how crazy it's even worse see how Wild it gets up in here no use your uh use your new machine what new machine can you do a Vader in there can you change the pitch you you didn't form this booty I did pretty good can you change the pitch no I gotta do uh I gotta mess around there's a software component yeah I'm gonna buy that go XLR crap right now and boom we're gonna have some fun next week boom there you go damn damn yeah it's kind of fun uh I know there's a stand that comes with it [Laughter] oh man that was almost crap uh bro elixir all right no I don't want your damn warranty yeah that thing will be sick dude you'll you'll like that thing I gotta I can get more stuff programmed into this and then like click through different effects and stuff like that yeah it'll be fun yeah it should be cool yeah we get no I don't want your warranty get out of here uh I need the cable there's a goddamn where's the Goddamn cable somebody said people with big booties are more intelligent according to science is that true I don't know about that dude dang bro I don't know about that have you seen some of the big booty people on Instagram they don't seem to be all that intelligent I mean I'm sure yeah I don't think there's a correlation with uh uh IQ and booty size you know what that would be an interesting experiment that I think someone should yeah for science I think we need to know yeah that's how that's how you judge someone's IQ there's a fairies I mean you got big brains well Kim Kardashian is becoming a lawyer now so that's true that's true maybe she's got a bunch of extra brain in there yeah maybe that's yeah it's just too yeah I don't know I always conversation I don't know either but it's fun it's for fun you know okay let me order this thing here ordered up bro can I brag about my Nespresso machine a little bit yeah oh my God guys if you all have never had an espresso let me tell you the nerd Ventures got together and they got us a little gift so that we could stay up when when the baby's going crazy and they got us an espresso machine and yo I love coffee I've been drinking coffee like almost my whole life I drink coffee every single day and when I first had this Nespresso oh my God bro it's like having a perfectly done espresso or an espresso coffee with like a perfect like foam top uh like every single time yeah I had I had one of those machines back when I lived with my ex and she drank coffee a lot um I just didn't like the plastic heating up constantly what oh well ours is not pods ours are like metal though I guess there's probably some plastic on there because it's not a Keurig it's like a um it's like a circle John and then it's got like a scanner oh interesting so yeah then I I bought a um a little espresso machine from DeLonghi yo that thing was nice yeah those are profesh bro those are like those are very expensive it was like 300 bucks what no way yeah all the ones that was never worse like 3 000 minimum no no no okay maybe I'm thinking of a different John or maybe you got a little one okay because yeah those machines are incredible I'd love to have one of those someday like an actual full-on like big espresso machine yeah like that would be sick dude I'm not a coffee guy so I mean yeah this stuff was incredible man shout out to the shout out to the nerd vendors for hooking me up because this thing is incredible it's changed my life let's change my sponsor next week Nespresso is the sponsor there we go you're gonna be nice hey hey why you guys are talking about it for free and I'll be like and I'll never do that again now thanks a lot for reminding me and we're cheaper than George Clooney not by much but a little cheaper than yours around yeah slightly less good looking but you know whatever yeah dude he's specimen yeah I mean can compete it's George Clooney what can you do yeah what can you do we got big glutes though there you go big glutes in that big old booty I gotta work on my butt I'm getting that Dad butt trying to look like a frog when you pull it up and the legs are just hanging down I gotta work on that dude I want to transfer a little bit to my calves that'd be nice but uh yeah yeah whatever yeah I don't have them Soren says Hey guys highly underrated scene is when Yoda throws his lightsaber through a clone in the temple I keep watching Revenge of the Sith and it makes the new stuff look so mid yeah that's true so apparently George didn't even come up with that scene that was actually added in by uh or it was um uh suggested by I think uh McCallum well that seems sick so yeah shout out to him yo can I uh I got an add moment here but I should have brought this up earlier I gotta tell you something crazy so you know Lauren from nerd Council yeah of course so her and my fiance are like homies so [ __ ] yeah so get this get this Theory Lauren had Kathleen Kennedy in the restaurant that she works at and she actually waited on Kathleen Kennedy I don't know why she she had the emperor right there and she didn't say this is treason she didn't ask her about you know what was going on she didn't try to shake her down she didn't try to she didn't try to tell her to fix star what she didn't do nothing and apparently Kathleen was just really chilling that's all I know now I'm sure she's a nice lady bro that's not surprising I mean I guess to the Baristas yeah geez but uh I'm just saying like George's Legacy yeah I don't know very nice not very nice and she had her right there and she didn't do nothing you know what I mean like didn't even try to low-key fart on her like Christian Harlock did you know so you know about that yeah yeah well Mark told we weren't supposed to see yeah laughs oh man so yeah no that was supposed to be in the vault I don't know what I don't even know what you're talking about I just blank I just blanked out I can't believe you said that I mean you know we're gonna be getting calls allegedly allegedly I'm just saying you know you could have taken one for the team Lauren you could have helped us out oh that's gonna be clipped hahaha okay we'll see you know is it really the worst at this point yeah whatever man humans humans fart yeah people fart yeah it's all good ah yeah dude Mark's probably gonna call like in the next five minutes uh hi guys I hope you guys are all good Josh your lightsaber has been shipped you should get it over the next few days thanks so much man uh and Theory congrats on a saber release love you guys May the force be with you thanks man it's very appreciate it thank you yeah so um chat the first 30 of 100 Sabers of theory Savers have been shipped uh to kyberphonic and he is programming it all so this is uh A Step Beyond neopixel it's a ghv3 uh Circle board and I'm very excited yeah I've already seen a bunch of the the first 30 and we're gonna have them all programmed by hand well obviously if I had no it's gonna be machines and then engraved by hand so yeah um and then I'll launching the site so I'll let you guys know when it happens it's gonna be sick yep super limited and um now do you guys want one of 100 on the Sabers or do you want one of 30 and then for the batch that is going to be just 70 we could do one of 70.
What do you guys want or do you want them actually numbers like one two three four five I think maybe actually numbered would be cool well either way because here's what I'm thinking is if you do it one of 30 or you do it one of a hundred it's technically still the same thing like those people that get those first 30 or whatever like that's still yeah but we're starting off with this batch of 30 and these are going to be the very first of what I hope will be a massive Right company eventually right but I think from a collecting perspective either way people will know that whether or not you change the second number or not you know what I mean like like it'll be one of those things where like people believe because the 70 won't roll out for a a long time like a Time Way Beyond the 30.
Gotcha okay so it's kind of like 30s even more exclusive than a one of 100. oh yeah of course yeah people are gonna be one of 30 of 100 I could do that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's cool man replicas used to do oh yeah will they take them up to like 5 000 or something how many did they make they would they would go up to 1500 2500 and then some were five some are even 75 I think some of the Vader ones and then they would just like in a new batch they would just kind of keep adding the number if they did more of them or did they do them all at once or if they did them all at once like they would introduce them but they would have different versions like artist proof I think there were only like a few of them they were not numbered interesting now when you initially bought them did you know which one you were getting but the master replica yeah yeah you did okay yeah so the lower the number the more expensive they are even like right away from them interesting okay yeah so a lot of people do that randomly right oh you got a check dude I always check the plaque yeah yeah but I'm just saying like a lot of companies when they sell stuff like that like you don't like sometimes you'll just get one and then find out what number it is and then like the secondary Market the lower number will be higher whatever you know what I'm saying oh I think when they were I don't know when they were first launching because they were too expensive for me at the time um I never actually got one yeah I'd like to know like how that went down yeah I don't actually know because yeah I don't know either they were like 500 bucks man when they were first launched they were like that cheap that was expensive man for like a kid well back there yeah but nowadays they're like aren't they more than that so like nowadays are like I think my most expensive one was like five or six grand yeah makes sense yeah they appreciate it like crazy I mean people are making so much money selling them yeah dude before Boba Fett came out there was a Boba Fett um ee3 blaster that was six grand I bet now it's probably like 10.
Yeah solo Blaster they have everything yeah I was looking at uh a dl-44 at last in Chicago celebration Master replica and then like dude when I heard the price I was just like okay put it back you know I was like I'm not made like that you know like damn yeah you have to be uh pretty you know if you're building a big collection or whatever like what was the homie that was on here back in the day Star Wars The Collection yeah yeah yeah yeah so he's got like a ton of stuff like that but that's kind of like his thing you know serious thing that's yeah yeah I mean he's got he must have a really good job right didn't he seems like in software or something I think he was a lawyer or something hmm yeah whatever it is I don't know he's got like a like a secret room in his house it just opens up like a door like a wall well you got to be doing well if you got a secret wall yeah you have to be or you're bad yeah we're Batman yeah Batman was doing pretty well too his parents were doing well his parents did pretty well yeah him now he just inherited it yeah that's fair actually yeah he's a trust fund baby true what are you even no judgment no judgment I'm judging this ass now what's up Bros have a few questions for you when will the green hats be available again and will you ever make a pink one I love you guys I will make a pink one yeah pink one sounds fun yeah pink one sounds real cheap one um green ones I don't know like we gotta wait until something exciting comes out that has to do with green yeah what would that be like the Luke returning or something yeah I don't know or kit fish though when the kids hits those shows announced if we see a green lightsaber I'll be like okay well maybe yeah yeah I mean Ezra had a green lightsaber no I'm not launching it for as well Ezra's awesome bro yeah but he's not he's yeah no you guys do I launched the green ones inspired by Boba Fett okay that makes sense yeah Ezra ain't on the same level as Boba you should have changed the Boba green to Pink at the end of the series wait what are you saying about pink bro because he's booba fat bro booby fat yeah you might as well put an apron on him damn tell him to go sweep up damn you what are you saying about sweepers bro I'm saying people's trying to cancel you know yeah I know uh Schultz he says you guys uh think we'll ever get a Star Wars equivalent to the Marvel what if series I think it'd be a great project for Luke's swim animation after tales of the Jedi I think that uh Visions two is gonna be way more like what if that's what I think yeah that'd be great I I have to look at this yo I think he asked me during a stream he's like give me a new pick for a bald U or whatever so damn I probably gave that to him there damn damn dog greetings fellas how was your weekend weekend was good it was true chilling it's where the fun begins with some rusty what's up bro what's up rust rustical Luke will be in Ahsoka gotta start strong amen Darth Zane how does he mean that you know how he means it you know it's a family show hey boys who wins bad badge versus Rebel Squad is crosshairs with the bad bash because then I say then I say back oh they got a record who cares true Pizza pure the boys morbin time baby cakes baby cakes love it's morbin time what if Obi-Wan not only joined Dooku but convinced the Jedi to join the CIS as well somehow I know you did the former for a video you could see maybe a split he's not gonna convince all of them but he could pull a lot of people away possibly possibly do you think Qui-Gon would have joined Dooku thank you I think it's possible it's possible it's possible because he was pretty disenchanted with the council as well yeah he was like yeah he's great triggers buttholes yeah hey guys love the content thank you for giving me uh some form of entertainment I'm recovering from massive foot surgery so this podcast makes my week well dang man I hope your foot heals man I hope that toe heals up yeah that's wild Cento picks nah y'all open a more live-action clone content of course yeah of course of course 100 blinkers for Babu yeah man Bobby Frick the real star of Star Wars he's coming back um so boys big fan do you guys watch any sitcoms like How I Met Your Mother and tbbt where the characters are Big Star Wars fans I don't know what that is the biggest thing okay yeah yeah yeah I'm not I haven't really watched those shows but um uh uh no I watch Seinfeld yeah Seinfeld's awesome but no I haven't really watched any shows like that I do like the movie Fanboys though okay just kind of like similar I guess yeah that movie's awesome dude they follow me on Twitter do they really yeah that's cool yeah I would Camp online for two days in the freezing cold to watch the midnight showing of the kai Kenobi cut in theaters it's amazing yeah I love that uh cut um I think that it is back up it was down for a while like he was getting some copyright issues on the site I believe they got him but I believe it's back up right now how is he even keeping that up is this is insane I don't know I talked to him just briefly uh here and there about it but um you know he was really appreciative he's a big fan of both of ours and he was appreciative of us talking about it last week and stuff so yeah I really like the cut so you know I think it's still up right now but it kind of comes and goes you know so yeah hey Theory and Josh how you guys doing what's up Nicholas how are you it's been a while I bet we will see Mando returning back to their home planet if they fixed boba in season two I hope they do too man yeah just show him a little more uh you know like how tomorrow wanted him to be badass yeah man that would be sick are you going to Celebration in London next year I managed to get tickets for Friday and Sunday we're gonna do Saturday you're not going outside yeah what the hell you got tickets for Friday and Sunday we're gonna go see the sights in England all right baby uh no I'm not going I didn't get any tickets yeah I don't know uh I I didn't get any tickets I'm not really thinking about it too much maybe if something materializes I would I I would I would want a VIP badge ticket and I would have to buy one of those and the last time I did I got scammed for a lot of a lot of dollars damn dog for real um yeah I don't know uh if you're out there if I was able to get free passes or get press I'd probably go but uh that's a long ways away too though isn't it again there's no way we're getting press nah probably not so no let's cover it from home yo excited for Comic-Con this weekend though bro she's gonna be sick though is that this weekend this weekend yeah no Star Wars stuff though no I don't think so no d23 for that which is right around the corner too though September is going to be pretty good for that so true what if Mace Windu takes the role of Sab eye off in the felony verse thrawn Story I'm down Zemo Zemo I'm down no you got the moves oh you can't make him a no you can't make him evil you can do it a window adds up with Mara Jade Ahsoka dies and that's how we end up with the Last Jedi Luke hmm wouldn't that be interesting negatory hmm negatory I'm in let's do it no Josh isn't anything look at severely injured giving us back to take flashback scenes of what's up boys any predictions on what thrawn's big plan could potentially be love you guys know the rules thanks man yeah I think Ron's plan would be at this point yeah so one of two things either he's just trying to bring the emperor back and run the contingency or he's legitimately trying to take over yeah well how would you do that then just storm horizont right just take over worlds let's let's just continue to take over worlds as many worlds as you can yeah so that would be dope bro if they go through this whole thing where he starts taking over worlds and stuff because you see there's a shot in the Mando 3 trailer of like starter stores seemingly being built I haven't seen it so maybe it's on corellia maybe it's thrown stay away from it until uh until it's out yeah I still can't believe they haven't released that trailer because now there's actually multiple versions of it that have leaked out online and they're not doing nothing about it it's crazy I'm quarter away from finishing mastering apprentice and place is next on my reading list Qui-Gon is officially my favorite hell yeah dude qui-gon's dope you get to see him in players too since I know you both love dragon ball have young animation that's been blown oh no I didn't watch it yet yeah I might watch it on stream tomorrow I've been meaning to watch it but I just haven't and then I have like an issue with my other mixer so I couldn't listen to the audio while streaming but now I'm all good so I should be able to do it [Music] no Gary the Stormtrooper petition is almost at 200 signatures yeah because you started 200 times uh put a goat Emoji in the chat if you want Gary Brady's been here for like a year she's like just that's all you got 200.
Now we're just gonna make fun of him remember there was that one dude that was like I'm gonna Super Chat you until you have me on the show oh yeah what happened to that guy he went broke dude he's living under a bridge now it's like well I guess you're not a man of your word I think you could see a young din John in Andor dude that would be fun bye it's possible it's possible it wouldn't necessarily make all that much sense unless I mean he did get separated from his family during the the Clone let's just throw Mando and everything I don't know about that maybe Rusty yo thanks too tough gaming appreciate that man uh Nicholas says Hey guys also can't wait for Coruscant yes should be fun it's Derek thank you dedic um act like Boba Fett and give up his Rancor Rodeo writer title before I give Boba Fett another chance yeah that's fair yes that is absolutely fair and maybe it'll happen Josh in book of fed do you think grogu left because he couldn't handle the training and hearing Luke Force clapping his name yeah that's probably a big thing no he goes through my grandpa's dying from hibernation sickness sent you the GoFundMe on Insta no response not surprise though thanks for nothing all love but have a heart dear God what up Josh are in Japanese um well I wish you the best with that man yeah and also we as a rule we can't really do stuff like that man because it opens up the door for everybody to uh do this and uh not that we think you're necessarily a liar but there's unfortunately a lot of people that do that out there so um oh man I don't think is hibernation sickness a real thing or is he like controlling us I think he's trolling I think he's I don't know what you slept too long maybe you are lying to us but that's also in Star Wars so yeah it's in Star Wars a bear he's strong the hibernates that's that's what happened to Han that is what happened on he's trolling bro but I funny enough I do get those a lot where like people are like yeah me too like yo share my uh art or something so I can sell these and or yeah man whatever here's my ego can't be all things to all people man you know it's like you have a moral responsibility to help people and I'm like what yeah thanks a lot Mr Christmas freaking butthole he's trolling bro yeah he had me in the first half yeah MTS says I love it if and or they refer to Coruscant as Imperial Center it'd be a nice callback to Legends and the books oh okay cutting down kind of fun I've tried so many times and I'm asking this I've been a member for months but never received a theory Discord link how do I join oh well hey taperware um every time you have asked that I've given you an answer you have to go to the community Tab and since you are a member it'll be unlocked so the link is right there you just gotta scroll down a little bit scroll down my man if you want to post a new link maybe just calm down and scroll down you know what I mean nah he's all right he probably just missed it so I think what happens is whenever people Super Chat we don't answer it for like an hour and a half so they're probably gonna turn away yeah and then they think we just never answered it but that's true you know that's true Rich says I would love to see boba's Journey post episode 2 in live action instead of post Return of the Jedi Boba would deal with his feelings toward Jedi and other clothes not sure if it's been explored elsewhere in Canon post episode two yeah that would be cool I think yeah they could even explain that via flashbacks or something like that in another Boba show I actually did generally think we were gonna get more of that kind of stuff in the uh Boba show so happy new I'll be Dion I'll be down for that hotness baby oh you down [Music] I'm gonna post it again here uh a new Fresh link for you dude surprise I could tell that link is fresh sorry that didn't work but I hope this one works it's so fresh bro doing chrysanthen Legends with no weapons versus a pack of Velociraptors three to five JP style oh dude chewy chewing chrysanthe are you kidding me we came over yeah they'd be ripping those philosophers apart 100 game over what if he does care and wants to bring all Mandos together then yeah it's possible I mean I'd kind of be down and then it'll be sad when Bo whoops his butt foreign so we'll just see thanks for your patience blonde taperware Tupperware Tupperware they don't know do us all a favor and live react to the new Legend a Dragon Ball tale fan film please for the love everything that is Holy I'll probably do it on my gaming channel yeah I might do it tomorrow it's I mean it seems fun I've heard a lot of good things so anybody else like super wet right now thanks Mason [Laughter] remember the last Saturday of July is international Cowboy day sirens sorry for cowboy is that true well you know who's gonna be coming out there freaking Dave filoni God damn good old Jedi where them single Masters at it's a character on my gaming channel I know well this character seems like he's gatekeeping and toxic so no actually so he's on the run I've done there's there's a whole series behind him so he's on the run from the um oh I've seen this [ __ ] with you it's the filter right yeah okay what if there's many different versions of it so okay so he's on the run from from he's living in a world where sequel lovers will literally hunt down with pitchforks and and guns and revolve revolvers against the prequel oven satanists so the real world so yeah the real world right so he is one of the last few that likes the prequels and he's uh he's he's running up from the sheriff so the sheriff's he's got signs of Jedediah everywhere saying wanted he's a toxic male he's a prequel lover and anytime he's out he's talking he's like well uh yeah I mean Luke Skywalker he was the best he was the best goddamn Jedi and The Last Jedi that was a real where are they going I can't stand that man stuff like that and uh it's a good time that seems super fun so he's back then next Saturday or last Saturday of okay yeah Color Me Red and call me Ron Johnson I guess I'm turning [Laughter] right on but now there's a bounty hunter after him and that's where the story ended I mean it didn't end it paused so the Bounty Hunter is a sequel fan or he's a huge sequel fan okay so he and he is badass dude so the sheriff hired him and he's like he's like this scary mo [ __ ] dude and he's going after Jedediah and Jedi's on the Run damn this seems intense dude yeah yeah I wonder how it'll end I'm passionate about the story yeah yeah seems pretty pretty good so it's essentially just like me like filming myself with the filter on like wherever I am out like sometimes I go out in the mountains like snowing and I'm like oh they got me on the ruin that anyways thanks he's popular over there yeah he's popping he's popular over there yeah all you you understand I feel like we all understand now I don't know really yeah you know you don't really get it if you get it you get it if you gotta ask you can't afford it you know I mean uh disa has been following you both since I was 16 18 years old I'm 23.
Uh took a b day trip in Cali and almost missed the stream eating at a bar in Venice Beach vibing dude that's sick Bro happy birthday happy birthday birthday man yeah I hope you're having a good time over there man happy vibing I love it dude he's vibing he's Vivint out of all the force abilities which which says the most rare to have keep up the good work love you guys um flatulence yeah Force flashlights very rare very rare I mean the emperor has the fourth storm which essentially like you can't see and like comprehend things you know four flatulence probably does the same thing I mean smell like rotten eggs everywhere I mean probably clear out a room yeah we're a battle station you know yeah I mean look at Casper there was a ghost that was his power was stinky that's true that is very true and it was quite effective and then there's the guy from uh Mystery Men I believe he was actually literally called the flashlight or whatever right yeah yeah um yeah yeah I forget who it wasn't Mr Bean that played that guy was it oh it was someone else right yeah yeah that too was funny though yeah he was just stinky or whatever you know so yeah it's nasty farts yeah right right right I wonder if that would be like the thing if a lot of fans would feel that way and be like dude screw didn't what a wild world scrutin scrutin scrutin scrutin it's good cheese I hate the reasons tails the Jedi is coming soon how do you review a Dooku would you do a review of Dooku's lightsaber I remember that you have it with you yeah and I never did because it was broken yeah and and the guy uh told me to send it back I just never did it's never had time it's never made time so kind of too late now damn so you can't do the vid it's a shame unless I have it somewhere the ship has sailed I I think I just would rather buy a master replicas Dooku yeah yeah it'd be cool do the video like with that huh with the legit one yeah everything happening now is leading to the sequels ffs kinda takes the whole excitement away for me what do you think also just read shadow of the Sith out of interest uh disappointed all over again ah really that's a shame uh yeah yeah I've heard I've heard good things about it um yeah man unfortunately the sequels are there I know some people like them but uh I think it would behoove them to move past it to do content around it um which means they'll probably do the opposite in episode 10 will be coming out so we'll see Josh you might be right man I'm kind of confused why some of these super Jets have these nice Graphics next to them oh so those are VIP super chats so now they're doing a thing where if you yeah VIP Super Chat so if I'm super if you super chat a channel often when you Super Chat them you'll it gets a VIP thing what yeah yeah and I think the reason is like if you're don't if you're not sure about a message or whatever and it's not VIP maybe you don't read it you know and or maybe if you're only reading VIPs you know something like that I think it's to help us as creators damn that's crazy that's a lot of uh it's a lot of work that they gotta remember yeah yeah it's all out it's like algorithm based but dude did you know that they've now changed the content claim system so that the people have to reply within seven days instead of 30 days now because it used to be a thing where like okay let's say I did a trailer reaction for She-Hulk and Marvel doesn't ding you up luckily but like Warner Brothers does right so like if Warner Brothers content claimed it bro you you think about anything Warner Brothers when they copyright claim it exactly yeah so if they copyright claim it and you appeal right this is the old system you would appeal they would have up to 30 days to respond dude all the views are gone in 30 days I mean unless you're doing something Evergreen right like a reaction video everything's done so then it would they would wait 30 days and then let it go through so then you could start making money on it now they have to reply within seven days which is great it puts pressure on these companies so they can't just do these bull crap claims there's a lot of good changes coming to YouTube that's still [ __ ] it's still [ __ ] pause the money and hold and put it in like a holding account they do they they can do that now they put in an escrow so they'll hold it in escrow and then uh the other company will have seven days to review the appeal really yeah so let's say they they don't review it then you get that you get your money you get the escrow money yeah but if they where'd you hear this oh no I've had it happen to me I've literally had this happen where I think it was it was one of the reviews I did or when it was one of the reactions I've done recently maybe it was even a Thor one where it get it got claimed because of uh the friggin uh Sweet Child of Mine and then I uh appealed it for fair use and then the money was put into escrow and then I eventually got it wow didn't know this there's a lot of good changes coming yeah because I mean I love gaming with music because like I don't want to turn the music off just so I can make money but like it's just more fun and it's fun to watch do you ever use it but like they get hit seller Jones no like if I Played Like a Star Wars game I'll play licensed music right from the game yeah yeah yeah that one's tough man it kind of depends on the company you know Nintendo will come after you for like anything so oh well they manually um they manually check my [ __ ] all the time yeah yeah the system is busted for sure man it does suck that uh they're able to take advantage of you like that but yeah like they actually will like have someone appointed and they go in there and like upon manual review and I'm like man you guys it's targeting me all the time yep in the Japanese will Target you too man they go after channels hard for like yeah Danny talking about that mm-hmm is what it is man and then the dude Paramount was going after people that were talking about Halo did you see what they did to to The Angry Joe Channel no bro they were like manually like claiming blocking doing all this stuff just to his stuff because he was going hard on the Halo show um and Paramount was literally like trying to single him out and just like smash him it was horrible yeah well whenever they do that it just puts more fuel on the fire and makes it even bigger that's probably the last thing they want to do yeah yeah it ended up blowing their stuff up for sure so yeah man yeah these companies are gonna eventually learn yep and I hope they change these policies man yeah well they'll they'll learn the easy way or the hard way I wish you guys would cover Mando season three leaks that Star Wars Mega already made a video on these 13 leaks on top of the few that Josh mentioned um yeah I don't want to cover leaks until they're out wait there's more leaks than what I covered Oh you mean it's not the trailer uh do I have to binge all this stuff because I thought I was talking about the most recent stuff I don't know the only time I want to talk about leaks is like very selectively yeah on Mondays which are well yeah exactly I mean I know you don't really you're not really into it I I would cover I would cover the [ __ ] out of them I just haven't been kind of checked out after Kenobi I took a little Star Wars Hiatus bro you know and Marvel right now with uh all the San Diego Comic-Con like dude there's a ton of leaks that's been happening recently so I've been just kind of focused on that but if there's more stuff I'll look into it I'll try to cover it nice Lacy lysi lysi lycy bro I don't know what this means my boy's back damn my other boy's back Texas question for you Texas tornado when you wipe after taking a dump do you guys wipe down her up dude who wipes man come on now just pull your pants up and walk away yeah man like a real actually actually of the day so I just spray all the poop off of me and call it a day no we tried the potato I'm actually not a bidet guy I'd rather wipe to be honest it was weird it felt too European it's clean bro I mean I guess it's clean quicker than spreading it but you know it's just not American especially when you're a man you got hair in your booty oh hell yeah it did that'll keep some of the poop out of there that hair you know hmm believe that dingleberries now that is American oh you Remember The Man Show hell yeah I remember the man show Jimmy Kimmel's beginning yep I think you and I would make a great man show yeah but the problem is The Man Show Can't exist anymore today exactly yeah that [ __ ] would be whatever why don't we just do it anyways oh man because you know I got something to live for I just don't care there's like there's gotta be versions of that show maybe I just know I just think it's comedy is it's comedy man comedy's comedy yo are you a fan of Andrew Schultz no who's that you know Andrew Schultz no flagrant you never watched flagrant flagrant flagrant too um uh he just did this kind of wild thing where he bought his special back from Netflix I think um because they were trying to get him to like take all these jokes out and he bought a special back and just released it on his website interesting kind of wild yeah interesting what yeah I honestly just don't care about cancel stuff anymore I'm just gonna say how I feel about stuff and if you have a problem with it well that's on you bro you know I I tend to agree um and I'll just say for the record that I think if ladies wanna be on a trampoline and be shaking their thing then God bless them that's all I want to say God bless him what you know the ladies on the trampoline and well ladies just any ladies on a man show they would do that on the main show put the ladies on the trampoline yes they did they did they did God bless them I remember man I was not even a teenager that was the best that was the best TV when I was a kid yeah it was great what prepubescent boy wouldn't enjoy that I mean you know there's probably a few they wouldn't but uh most of us yeah yeah yeah I'm talking about yeah all right would have been sacrifices himself to save grogu now din's dead and mandalorians need a new ruler sacrifice himself oh that would be rough bro if the homie's not even around anymore I mean I thought maybe it would be wild for him to not get to rule but you're telling me he might not even be around Rusty do you know something I don't damn dude you just blew my mind she unlocked another memory trampoline thing yep wouldn't that show air hold on I don't know where's Jimmy Kimmel not canceled for that oh man I don't know 1999 bro I was nine years old nine years old yeah nice so you were about to be prime time ready to go boy do you remember the movie blank check no actually I guess Justin Waters no I don't remember blankets oh my god look it up for research science yeah dude it's a Disney movie that's he makes that with a grown woman really yeah okay check it out yeah check it out check it out check it out yeah it's been getting canceled lately I just remember as a kid when I was Preston's age I'm like wow this is that's every kid's dream bro yo that's the lady he made out with yeah hot damn that's what I'm saying did you type it in I typed it in I checked kiss dude are you kidding but I mean if that was reversed like that would be just disgusting so it's kind of a definitely it is a double standard thing yeah for sure interesting play on player oh well Disney why how did how dare you Disney damn how could they do this damn would have been sacrifices himself just right Kroger should lead and unite Mandalore he might he will eventually yeah he might that'd be kind of funny I will I will I will uh well little do we know the prophecy of the mythosar is din riding Bo while she's wearing new armor this thing just blew my mind bro a prophecy that Miss red could have been while a woman as a leader woke dude old Mike you freaking bigot you freaking bigot what is this the 1800s yeah what is this the 1800s now let's talk more about the Mansion women can lead to you know freaking Mike uh would you rather keep how Star Wars is now or never have you getting that goddamn kitchen you make me a grilled cheese oh my God canceled uh or never have Disney take over and lose everything good and bad sequels Jedi Fallen order Clone Wars season 7 Mando Etc okay so in this hypothetical Noah would somebody else pick up the reins when we get different content or no content because I do prefer what we're getting right now to no new Star Wars content but if there's somebody else literally anybody else that would have stepped up to make Star Wars content like George for instance then yeah no I would rather it that way that's my answer you guys are Star Wars good cop and bad cop Theory being good cop and Josh being bad damn Nick thanks bro much love much love I think it was I was I'm the how am I the good one did because you because you're so good and nice uh I think it would be I think the armor is I think the show will be Den versus bow but the armor is truly the bad guy and will the mandalorians are having support the Empire breaks out moff Gideon yes James I think you might be onto something there that could be fun that could be interesting we'll see what really happens um by the way I'm probably gonna do a stream tonight everybody I'm gonna re-revive the old Theory talks channel it's just where uh I go in there I go live we just chilled the music and we just literally talk about literally anything like you guys talk about like you're dude it's everything from like super heavy stuff to relationships to just gay video games fun stuff politics whatever not really politics I don't really talk about that [ __ ] but just whatever so Theory talks tonight we're gonna do an after nerd theory if you want to go on there um it's a small community there but it's good it's just probably real fun though it is fun man it is a free reign you know it just basically react with chat the whole time anyways I think it will be the armorer but the armor is truly the bad guy oh I see maybe the armor is bad maybe armor is like loyal to Maul that'd be wild I mean she does have the horns interested to learn how Bo lost the throne me too I'd love to see a flashback like did moth Gideon just whoop her bro and if so like how you know what I mean so yeah I'd like to see that too probably there's something about moth we don't know yeah if Mary kills so could Pat me I'm not playing that I think we did this before I can't I can't be clipped with that kind of knowledge I'm just yeah yeah um quirky kyries who's that um what would you guys think of a potential Inquisitor Galen Merrick holy crap uh either way I think having a sandwich or character in Canada would be fantastic okay thank you Sam whitworth's 13th sock puppet account we get it bro you wanna come back it's fine we would all be okay with it too it's up to Disney my guy is Darth Maul and freaking Starkiller like yeah who else you want him to be yeah it's gonna be Obi-Wan Kenobi next yeah what's up Joshua uh you need me to get this one yeah you gotta go buoy pee no I got PBS okay uh hype Fernando season three I hope Boba season two is better and less Disney five than season one hell yeah man we're all hoping that uh looking forward to the watch parties Theory when are we getting the Sabers soon I think he said the first 30 are kind of like on the way um and then the other 70 are a little bit beyond behind that one but I believe the 30 are already in process so they're getting their sound work done or something like that so yeah should be real cool guys should I make myself another Nespresso and show you how delicious looking it is oh anything should I make another Nespresso okay cool when Theory gets back I'll go make one I'll go make one they're so delicious I'm kind of tearing through these pods too like At first like I was going slower and now I'm kind of tearing into these pods for real for real yeah second best day ever okay right on yeah right I will Josh hates me do what you want that's not true J slide I don't hate you that's not true brother ghost Theory bam hypermano three I hope Boba season 2 is better unless Disney fight in season one looking for you know what the thing is with these Disney shows is that every second like the season after the first one after that is just better two three four that's true yeah they have been they have been doing better like that yo I'm gonna make myself another Nespresso I'll be like right back Josh Theory loves time I'll show you no I do I mean dude it made me feel things no I think the Dragon Ball Kai oh Dragon Ball that made me feel things too I'll be right there I don't though Bruce Faulkner Bruce Faulkner he's not in Kai he needs to be new Theory Ahsoka will be no no you guys hear that you guys hear that what was Josh saying is it because condescending to his wife leaves the room thinks we can't hear I need another goddamn coffee give me a coffee right now but Josh I'm pregnant what are you doing you actually give me a coffee you want food on the table tonight yeah we know what's going on Josh we're going to talk to you about when you return oh [ __ ] she's probably watching this in the other room she can hear everything hi Lisa we hope he's not abusing you uh satine's nephew Corky is definitely Kenobi it's a teen's child definitely first time catching both live too hot to sleep here in the UK Josh which Star Wars character would you most like to light up and chill with Josh is uh making demands right now to his pregnant wife so um I don't think he can answer that question cancel Josh everyone cancel Josh also what is Mark's Channel if he has one uh it's Ron Rivage Ron revok you just did a cool new deep fake actually with uh Harrison Ford and uh spilbert uh Jake says so I've been wanting to ask this okay 25 fully equipped mandalorians versus one cities and I'm talking two saber cities who wins love you guys so much foreign did you see Sidious against Savage and Maul I mean you know yeah actually you guys got to do you got to watch the behind the scenes on behind the scenes but the the extra bonus I don't even know if this bonus it was like there were parts of it that were unfinished where he's like spinning around jumping off walls and eventually at one point mall captures him like puts him up against the wall and city is just like toys with them it was pretty wild I'm surprised they didn't put that in there but um book a Boba Fett Theory Boba finds out about Luke Soka and returns to sound like change your shirt dude you gotta look at this oh did she uh did she make it for you oh yeah I just yelled a couple times and it's like foamy and frothy like a good espresso bro oh my God oh is it good are you happy I'm happy okay okay all right all right it's amazing all right so so Lisa doing okay there sure yeah she's doing okay she could be a little quicker but it's so good we were uh you left and you were yelling and I'm like no way Josh would never do anything like that I know I I heard I heard that's why I was saying it no I did yeah I got I got it out in the living room so when I leave I can know whatever but yeah Monica has a question for you all right Monica what if this season bow takes the throne screws up as always next season Mando has an Awakening and fights her for it okay okay I can kind of get down with that that would be kind of wild right him to like realize she's no good and he but then again that would be what how many times is that of her losing the throne too many but I mean maybe a lot she would probably have to fight the armor yeah that would be tough I just feel like a very bad ass just feel like she does not lose is he armor Omega no I don't think so no the armor is probably uh she's probably like loyal to Maul look at the horns on her head she's strong whoever she is um she's strong [Music] oh no okay I haven't heard that remix damn dude what a bone didn't fight bow defeats din thinking she killed him grogu heals den and they escape season four is about then contemplating being a Mandalorian bro Danny did you make that art in your profile picture there because you need to hit me up if you made that art because that is pretty cool looking bro hit me up on Twitter let me require your services is he holding a it looks like either he's holding a ozaro head or that's just one in the background but even just like the design of that Vegeta looks really cool from what I can see it was really cool I like it yeah if you drew that hit me up too dude no hit me up first Theory's gonna steal all no hit me up bam so good hey I need a new animator God damn it I want yeah where's my animator Once Upon a theory animations I mean animators man what's the deal animators for qualified email me at tune theory66 t-o-o-n-theory66 so if you've seen any of the Once Upon A theories and you think you can animate those with the characters that we have you got a job yeah seasonal three will be the last avoid seasonal rot I don't know four either way yeah but you don't want to be Mando does not want to become Supernatural although I have a lot of fun memories of like Supernatural and all that absolutely man like did you even watch all of them because I know I think I fell off on like 14.8 how many seasons did they do I gotta look at this now I used to watch it with an X that I had like freaking 10 years ago man and that was pretty much it there were 15 Seasons okay so I fell off probably around 10 then yeah I think yeah but that's still a whole five other Seasons yeah The Arc with I think was like season three or four where Lucifer actually came back or whatever oh I love that that was incredible yeah that was incredible yeah it's so funny that Bobby's in the in the boys I know he's awesome has he ever called anybody an idiot in the boys no he should well did you know that's the same guy right there or Kripke yeah yeah cool yeah apparently spin-off with Dean Winchester now yeah but what's the drama behind that I don't really know bro there's something with Jensen and and um Padalecki I mean that show was literally that they did the same formula for practically all 15 Seasons like it's like I'm not gonna kill my brother you know what I mean like he's turning I can't do it I'm a good brother like I saw some clip on YouTube where like they they were both ghosts or something um really I don't know something like that I can't remember okay I have to look into that or maybe it was I don't know Vision or something who knows maybe I'll check it out I kind of ruined it for myself hmm wait there is a 16.
Guys did you like Supernatural yeah we got any Supernatural because that has they have a pretty hardcore fan base too yeah people read that show man they'd go to a lot of like conventions and your shop here or shop my hometown oh for real yep London is my city dude don't worry about me I'm just having another perfectly England is my city I don't know bro whatever it's like a revelation in every sip Seth says uh would you like to see Captain Rex and Darth Vader meet if so what do you think the encounter would be like hmm Invader probably just snap his neck cash a check then he's out he probably just remind him of Anakin and he would just go crazy Jensen didn't tell Jared about the show before it was announced and Jared got upset and went on Twitter about it yeah well that's oh I heard about that yes yeah there's an explanation for it though he was like he was because I saw like an interview he did an interview about that drama and apparently that's all good now so Josh to answer your question from a few weeks back on where this helmet 24 7 yes the answer is yes okay cool I thought so just wanted to make now we know where we're at so right on oh he said dude happy for you wish I heard about this some way other than Twitter I'm excited to watch but bummed that Sam Winchester has no involvement whatsoever is that what it was yeah yeah is Sam not in it I don't think so no Jensen Ackles and I had a great talk as we often do and things are good the show is early in the process with miles to go we've traveled a lot of Roads together and sometimes those damn roads have bumps bumps don't stop us once Brothers always run that's nice that is nice yeah they worked it up well of course they've been working together for 15 years man yeah crazy yeah yeah sometimes money can get in between things man you know it's um money can be weird for people but you know even then I don't know if I mean sure money well it's probably more like yo what I didn't know about this show you know what I mean like you're not gonna hit me up about this yeah because like you would think they have co-ownership of it a little bit right yeah it's gonna be like you and me doing like 10 15 years of nerd Theory then then like we find out that you're doing like a nerd Theory spin-off show or something like that that's good and you didn't tell me about it or whatever you know what I mean like that's what that would be kind of like so I get it you know he was just a little irked how would I even do in there do we spin off yeah I'll just be another show with somebody I know yeah and all comments all the time be like where's Josh be like yeah Emmett they'll be like where's Mark where's Josh yeah dude remember when you came on it was like where's Mark yeah yeah a couple couple months straight of where's Mark luckily Mark and I are cool though so it wasn't a big deal so well he suggested you yeah yeah he hooked it up he hooked it up after I went on the collider with him and uh Riley yeah right yeah Josh to answer your question from a few weeks back on if I wear this helmet 24 7 yes the answer is yes Lone Star did you see the leaks about Andor that they're bringing back a Legends Jedi to Canada and I think it's Master good good good try and no I have not seen the leaks which I now think were a fabrication it's not even cancelable master I it doesn't I don't think it's canceled I think it's just one of those got them no I don't even think it's a Gotham that's what I mean really I don't know some master nah bro I can see all kinds of ways that could go chat is it is it I don't think so say it then just Dakota don't try it yeah I don't know yeah I don't know about that one endoscopic we read this one thanks again man thank you brother appreciate it hope you're doing well very generous see yeah we didn't say it true you didn't say it much love project you can suck on ours yeah if they made what if animated series Clone Wars style what would be your go-to scenario for the first Archer episodes I always thought zombies would be kind of fun do something zombies like the flood you know what I gotta say about those nuts this is getting out of hand now there are two of them I see what you did there get it two nuts yeah yeah sometimes you get an injury though and then also you only got one so I got two I knew a couple dudes in high school won the wrestling something happened and he lost one can you imagine gentlemen thank you again for a phenomenal show if this rumor is true what's gonna happen with grogus Disney willing to just kill off that relationship between DIN and the child team Den uh Team girl no I don't think so so again you know you're probably referring to like the tinfoil hat thing we were talking about earlier where it's like what if they're really just trying to get him out of the way but maybe it's more like we don't want the momentum of this series to continue forward with him at the head and so therefore if we spin into a new show where Bo is the lead then maybe we don't have to contractually like maybe it's some contractual voodoo um maybe they'll just still have DIN jarin and uh he's a background character now so there's really no sort of rough negotiations there and Pedro still comes in and does his thing and everybody's Gucci with it uh I don't really know but they probably wouldn't just give up on Grogan I mean grogu is literally everywhere it's the most merchandised licensed thing Star Wars has ever done and it's everywhere so yeah well I think you know the direction they're going is they're going to make Rogue the the centerfold of Star Wars going forwards like eventually like after the rise of Skywalker he's going to be the one that's around for the next like a thousand years yeah and luckily for them if this all this stuff is true din will not be around because he's a Jedi and a Mandalorian no he's he's gonna be gone yeah so they can just do with uh grobu later on so yeah and it'll be all like I don't know let's say something happens and he's wearing like the best car he's probably gonna be an adult by then so it's maybe going to cover his like arm or something yeah a little bit bigger but Theory please do a live stream for the new DBZ fan film on YouTube called legend of dragon ball tale six million views in 12 Days a love letter to 90s kids yep we heard about it it's blowing up should I do that on the gaming channel or the uh or the or my Dragon Ball Channel dude do it on your dragon ball Channel just to spark it back up again and then hit hit the movie uh in a couple of weeks bro yeah that'd be cool actually get that momentum going okay Roberto says what was your gateway into anime for me it was Yu-Gi-Oh and my first big girl anime was Inuyasha uh seeing blood and cursy words blew my mind and I had to watch it before school every morning that's cool that's a really fun story uh 2000s kind of sucked uh but the tunes so good yeah probably Dragon Ball for me Dragon Ball was my intro and then I had an Anna or I had a roommate in college that was super into anime he hit me with Death Note um we watched a ton of great anime together man so uh that was sort of a a Gateway too for me so for me it was uh dragon ball it was Yu-Gi-Oh Digimon it was Pokemon um Sailor Moon yeah Sailor Moon was kind of dope dude yeah um unless you wanted them forgetting some more but it was mainly Dragon Ball Z yeah and then I think there was a version of escaflone that was on Fox kids for a while and I really liked that too um but then all the Toonami stuff was sick too like Big O um friggin uh Brotherhood uh yeah there's a ton of fun stuff man you guys remember Digimon Digimon was cool I like Digimon yeah a rest in peace to the creator of I think it was Yu-Gi-Oh he just passed away yes I do yeah I believe he passed away recently that's yeah for sure created uh crazy people love Yukio still to this day so yeah yeah hey Theory and Josh if Vader just had his limbs chopped off and didn't burn would he still have lost a lot of force potential or did the burning do most of the work that's interesting I don't really know what do you think about that go watch my fan fiction my friend what if later didn't burn oh you didn't what if Vader didn't burn I did two of them so you think the limb thing he would have been able to get over that yeah I think the burning was what really destroyed him damn okay I mean sure the limbs even messed them up or whatever but the burning destroyed him his eyes ears his lungs there yeah um you know that's where the majority of his injuries came from right but also if he's not burning there maybe Obi-Wan actually just strip kills him because I think Kenobi leaves thinking that he will die there right uh yeah but also he he couldn't go down because he felt that he would fall in and the emperor was coming so you had to leave ASAP yeah interesting pretty interesting there bro it's a good one it's a good what if I think the favorite my probably one of the most favorite ones that I did was what if Obi-Wan saved Anakin what if he took him with him like when he was laying there hmm Alexander Brown thanks bro I just hope you're doing well May the force be with you thank you princess gamer May the force be with you as well Vegeta and Anakin vegetanican I like it um tried re-watching Bonita with it if I have a girl named her Anita Anita nah uh I had to stop watching after two episodes it gets so laughly bad after that and I hope things improve yeah just watch the Mando stuff Amanda stuff in there is great the Boba Fett stuff is not so you know a little bit of column a little bit of column B you know Boba first two episodes were great I mean I didn't hate them and I was like okay I'll ride with it but I will say that like in hindsight it's not stuff I want to revisit do you know what I mean like I'm I'm not really trying to like revisit him not rewatch like getting like beat up in the desert and like that annoying kid and like all that stuff like I don't know man like there's just I don't know about all that bro no dude I'm Napa I love you both Star Wars Old public animations or visions I think they're totally different right yeah envisions is all over the place too there's like some Visions that's like oh my God and there's other Visions that's like what just happened so they're all different Studios endoscopic with another hundred to us thanks man hot damn thank you boys I think a little one is going to come early like when Luke first saw about to share this experience with you Josh I've been building baby stuff all week because I'm sure you have too Josh yeah man we're excited we got uh we got a lot of stuff set up and ready to go um Elisa just got some weird uh I shouldn't say they're weird she's watching but uh she got like his name that she's painting for the room and everything like that so oh no yeah no it's cool I think it's real cool babe they're weird yeah yeah she's gonna be mad but she's gonna rip them down no she's having she's having a lot of fun getting ready and uh I'm excited too so watch out what's gonna be in your coffee next time yeah I know right last meal I'd love to see you stream movie duels again new updates oh cool what's up Lucas that's a cool photo yeah that is cool yeah yeah indeed super cool my worthy of Prince Star Wars and Dragon Ball two IPS that got a Canon reboot that they didn't really need why do companies do this it feels like well I think Dragon Ball doing a much better job than Star Wars yeah but a lot of Hardcore people actually don't agree a lot of Hardcore people view super as pretty bad wild to me well I mean it's not Dragon Ball Z but it's just continuing a story yeah yeah I look I like it but uh yeah a lot of people really didn't like that and then um I don't know to me I think the movies have all been pretty on point and also you know we'll have to see I think the next anime will hopefully fix a lot of the problems that super originally had because they just they Rush Jobs super so bad and the beginning of it's pretty pretty poor in my opinion I like the Future Trunks Arc and from that moment on I actually really like super but um yeah not everybody feels the same way so I liked it I liked it what's Up Normally I don't catch you guys live but I broke my nose during harness fighting so I'm free greetings from Germany love you guys right on brother what's harness fighting I'm not sure it feels like something made with horses possibly oh wait you're putting a harness on a horse or something and it possibly feel better man kill that nose heal that nose man hey guys so Anakin slash Vader was an engineering a genius when pops built his suit for him why didn't he build it why didn't Vader rebuild it where it wasn't vulnerable to Force lightning and then overthrow palps it's a good question I mean maybe just because Palpatine would freak out Maybe he tried Maybe he just accepted his fate I don't know and was he really an engineering genius I mean I guess he does build the Pod racer but that doesn't necessarily mean you're an engineering genius I don't know what do you guys think harness fighting is a fishing thing oh okay what does that even mean he did build the repo that's true that's true he did so Anakin Vader was an engineering genius when palpes built his suit for him why didn't Vader rebuild it to where it wasn't vulnerable to Force lightning and then try to overthrow polyps probably because I would just get him in trouble yeah that's kind of what I'm thinking too uh it is kind of an interesting point though well in the comics he did Tinker with the suit oh he did yeah but I mean that's just Disney changing stuff up again when will they learn it wouldn't have really mattered because um he still never would have been as powerful um you think he could have overthrown the emperor with something like that or no no I don't think he ever could have um I mean that's what George said so I'm just going to buy what yo Darth demio this is what's wild about that did you watch the new rings of power trailer or not nope bro uh it had like a flash thingy with Galadriel so I thought this trailer was amazing okay and then I look out online to just see like what the fan base is feeling on and everything like that everybody just straight up hates this thing dude like the Tolkien fan base has completely turned on the show do you think it's worse oh it's way worse than stars at this point I personally think because it's way far out and they're already getting ratio the way that like Disney is getting ratio like Disney has like turn off comments and [ __ ] you know what I mean like when they talk about Star Wars yeah like that's where the rings of power is at and the show's not even out hmm it comes out and it slaps then I mean look amazing look that just shows like again that I'm like a really Normie with uh the show because I'll probably really enjoy it because I'll be like I don't really care you know what I mean um but uh if the show slaps I'll be really good for Amazon because right now things are not looking good for them so I think they kind of need it to slap I mean chat what do you think like if anybody really liked that anybody who's a big Lord of the Rings fan here yeah like what's the deal with the trailer is it is it dope or not you know what I mean like I saw some cool stuff in there I thought it was fun I haven't seen it yeah I'd love to watch yeah I mean Lord of the Rings for me is um I enjoy it but I I don't really know heads from tails me neither I talked to uh nerd of the Rings a little bit about it and like you know he's like iffy on it and then there's some stuff that he heard about the show that he's really triggered by and uh yeah so I don't know I guess I guess we'll just see you know [Music] see how it goes haunted Autumn says huge Lord of the Rings fan trailer is dope known as Tolkien but he's dead people need to get over it Fair um Stephen says it's so bad not dope hot garbage yeah I just like I I it's crap I'm trying to rings of power is garbage hmm interesting yeah a lot of people were super upset by that trailer which I was like shocked by again because I thought it was definitely the best thing they've put out yet um and I thought it was cool I mean it doesn't tell you anything it's like a teaser but uh the visuals look cool I was like oh damn they're using the music um so yeah yeah I wouldn't know I wouldn't know what I wouldn't know what is good what is bad yeah for Lord of the Rings hey dude did you guys really get me you guys really get me through Mondays I live in Belgium so it's 3am right now I always work nights and there's no JRE on Mondays so big thanks to both hey awesome man hope you enjoyed the gents hope you're loving living there team who plays from the photos yeah Belgium seems fun a lot of boats what's up guys Theory do you have any DBZ figures do you Theory dude yeah all minor in the basement used to have tons and then I uh donated them so maybe a few left yeah I've got a ton of those they're not like figures I guess you call them statues because they don't have any articulation um but uh yeah I got I got a good bit of those the Bandai ones or whatever they were like these I had like a million of these of like every character yeah that's sick um yeah and then I just you know I got them in Europe and I just uh remember when I moved I just got rid of a ton of them just years ago yeah they do some fun uh I mean Dragon Balls especially on the video game side and like figurines and just merch and stuff they've been killing it for years well I've been looking to get some really good figures like some good like like the sideshow collectible ones yeah but now of course Sancho doesn't make dragon ball so I'm wondering like where like what's a good website where I can order like really Primo figures of Dragon Ball I really don't know brother chat help me out God damn it yeah chat if you wanna look at how Bandai make some I know like figure arts or whatever I don't know if that's Pandora or not but um like I have one Super Saiyan 3 Goku but his head fell off damn sh figure Arts yeah but what website though like I don't want to get them on Amazon the Amazon only has a few of them so I'd have to find like a Canadian website that ships them or whatever whatever I feel like Disney's trying to get away from George's characters yeah yeah it does feel that way it doesn't yeah been a while been rough as hell but it's all good uh thanks for the content it kept me busy how can I send you something I make custom wood art and flags rustic Reaper Co oh dude sick let me check them out yeah man um yeah I got a PO Box you could uh yeah just hit me up and I'll give you the address for the P.O box and also Nick I'm glad you're pulling through man I'm sure that's been crazy yeah I'm sure that's been crazy but so when do you find out like when when things are good like yeah I think you're in remission yeah and he's going to be precautionary for a long time either way but um oh that's sick man check it out this is the kind of stuff he makes oh nice dude yeah I like that beautiful oh dude that's sick I'd put that right on my front porch man yeah that's really cool that's really chill bro oh damn dude look at this oh yeah man it's really nice I like that yeah it's good stuff my guy well done Nick it's cool man well done I check out the uh oh grogu there nice it's pretty chill yeah that's cool bro dope Well yeah if you guys want some of that stuff you know where to go get it hell yeah get it bro what would you all think of a series of Star Wars Legends movies but different second animation from Clone Wars yeah oh and Nick I'll I'll hit you up for wood art when I moved to the states yeah get yourself some wood art within the next six months I should have a place in nice I hope nice I hope see you sick Riva and Tuscan later the same person calling it wouldn't that be wild God no dude I mean maybe kind of seems like something they would do you know but wouldn't you just use the force I guess so why is she hanging out with the Tuscan doesn't make any sense but then again is she hiding maybe she's hiding and also protecting she was protecting Luke or something yeah oh uh maybe because of her maybe she saved the whole Star Wars maybe she's she won the star war well you don't want her to win the Star Wars what's it what I don't get it I don't understand why not because she's a made-up character they're all made up characters yeah but they're not made up from George she's she's [ __ ] just leave the timeline alone nope stop adding your little characters to make your own goddamn shows oh this isn't the He-Man Woman Haters Club hello don't worry Chad I got you on this I'm down with Riva all Riva all day you know Riva time that's what Palpatine actually meant to say they'll change it like mcclunky he'll be like it's Riva then yeah it's treason then yes that scene that scene shall be changed somebody please do a edit of that and then Riva spins like just out from behind him like spins at him and then it's Raven time nice I dig it Benjamin Steele says sorry theory for not making you laugh at my Luke Soca super chat but on an unrelated note my wife and I welcomed our third child on Saturday nice man nice I love that Steelers uh Steelers too man oh yo the Steelers just gonna suck for a long time now or what guys somebody help me out like are they rebuilding do they draft well like what's going on over there nah bro it's football sixburg six Super Bowl trophies hello I don't know who cares [Music] just kidding it's not soccer no I don't even watch soccer I don't watch hockey either well you just a hater then man I'm not too busy shooting my guns shoot my guns at the range that's all I do that's all I do amen uh project says on a serious note how would you feel about them canonizing the characters from BF Elite Squadron after the Force Unleashed Coda trains a clone of a Jedi named Falcon gray named X2 who fought for the Republic what I think I'll pass I couldn't I don't understand what he's saying so Ramkota was helping Starkiller he's essentially I feel like he's essentially who they made a new look in Fila after if you remember that guy from the comics no he took the bearish vow after Order 66 and he like survived and Vader had to go and kill him and took his life so the main dude that yeah yeah he was like super jacked yeah hmm yeah anyways uh Ramkota trans a clone of a Jedi named I I just think it's too convoluted for me yeah a little too convoluted interesting fan fiction though if you want to go ahead and make that just sending love and appreciation for the boys of nerd Theory before I hit the sack for Trucking in the early morning can't wait to listen to The Stream while cruising the highways hey right on brother if you're listening to this right now Night Owl 47 you drive safe you drive safe now you're here drive safe on them American roads yeah man he's rocking the American Order 66 hat too dude I love it pretty cool I love it by the way I hope you guys don't get offended when I do a uh a Southern accent like that so I might be moving to the South so no dude we're all triggered we hate it yeah whatever you can suck now you're American whoa don't cry about it listen all I got is my word my balls and my guns there you go dude you're gonna fit right in and I don't shoot them for nobody what it's just Juan says the people making these shows hate you and the IP you love so much that's why the fans and independent creators are the future I want Luke just took us on a wild ride there Juan okay that was a wild roller coaster of Super Chat one but thank you very much damn yeah have y'all read it's won again have you all read energized Comics thoughts uh I haven't ordered but no I didn't I read it dude I uh yeah I texted Jeremy I'm like yo congrats to your boy man like that's insane yeah it's huge Josh and I have been thinking of making our own comic for like a year now but yeah yeah yeah I mean I'm working on like a solo project or whatever but I don't expect to like make anywhere near I think he said like two five now 6.5 million I mean either way just absolutely crushing it um yeah and I'll be I'll make sure to check it out I I'm isn't it like a huge book too I think it's like 99 Pages or something I don't know um yeah I'm definitely down to check it out I know it's weird how do I find it the Ripa verse if you put in the into the thing the rip of it yeah how did it blow up well I think that Eric's been talking a lot about comics for years okay uh he's controversial figure but also popular figure and I think a lot of people uh 2.6 million dollars that's wild bro so like I was doing them so like I was doing the math on that at even like a million and it's like he's gotta have so here's the thing that I really wanted it's only 29 000 people that's a lot of copies of a book though to be honest with you like that so 29 000 but even if that was a hundred so if it was a hundred dollars a book at 29 000 people that'd be like about three or two point nine so it's not exactly that well looks like perks and stuff too like on uh right right and well you can also just flat donate too so I think that there's probably some just flat donations in there right but either way like dude shut the [ __ ] up that's crazy like that's a lot of money like that's huge I think um like I said even most Indie books or even like mainstream Marvel books don't sell like it'd have to be like an event copy of number one or something to like hit big numbers like that um so good for him man I hope the book's good too you know what I mean like to the cherry on top will be if it's actually right phenomenal and then it's like okay then you're like sort of Off to the Races um yeah I know a lot of the like retractors are like super butt hurt and upset and they also think that it's like a sort of like bubble money um you know who gives a [ __ ] if it's that much money honestly but if he I think what I would like to see with something like this is for it to kind of break through into the mainstream and if it uh because I think yeah I don't want to like go down like a complete total rabbit hole on it well I was looking at the trailer and it seems like it's a uh just a dude who gets super powers and like it takes us through a story about him yeah yeah I know very little about the character actually you know which I'm kind of excited about because pop it open and just see you know what I mean see what we'll find out how he's going to write it um well I think the world is is clamoring for new superhero story I think superhero stories are I think they haven't even entered their uh their prime time yet I think people want to see more and more and more you know it's like we see with MCU but you know what's the same old characters kind of thing you incorporate like a new villain then he dies or whatever it's like yeah we get we get it we know these characters you got DC but really those are like the two main companies Marvel and DC and it's like there are so many more superheroes with different ideas that that can be made well look at invincibles look at the boys that's what I'm saying and like those shows are incredibly successful and there's a reason for that it's because all of us want to be superheroes at the end of the day there's a reason that those kind of stories have just lit up the imagination of people for forever I mean even the Olympic you know gods and you know the Odyssey and stuff like that it's it's very super heroic and I think that that kind of stuff has been in our imagination forever so yeah superheroes and and uh that kind of stuff is super fun to uh to see so yeah I'm glad this comes up because I wanted to ask uh what's up Arlo I see you in the chat man um I wanted to ask you guys uh so I've been wanting to make a bunch of stories and like write a bunch of books and now I'm like I'm inspired to actually turn those stories into a comic first and then write the book I'm just wondering if you guys would be down for that but mainly I really is going to get taken out of context as usual but honestly I don't [ __ ] care I really want to take a story I have and make one of the most gruesome brutal violent comics that many people have seen and um I just I want to do it in like a graphic novel kind of thing yeah um I just think it would be cool I don't know or would that be a little too over the top I mean you guys have seen some of my fan fictions you guys know that I've always enjoyed like a sort of a Quentin Tarantino sort of uh writing when it comes to action sequences and stuff it's like I don't really want to leave any uh blood drops behind you know yeah so I don't know would you guys be down for that or is that a little bit too much a little bit you know I'm tired of all the let's move her down dude let's just say I I want to go a little a little crazy so anyways bro I have stuff in Invincible style you know yeah but I have stuff in like my first comic that I actually even regret putting in there oh really yeah there's some there's particularly one thing in the first issue that I'm like probably wouldn't write it that way now um but yeah no I love that kind of stuff too like that sort of Frank Miller stylized violence um Comics can really do that kind of stuff thing really no cool ways Invincible meets Mortal Kombat kind of thing meet Sin City exactly yeah that's that's the kind of stuff I really like was that like hyper stylized violence because the thing that's cool about Comics is like it's cartooning but some of the ways you can do cartooning via a comic book can be really crazy so like you put a very graphic page turn in something or you know it's a a certain sequence that follows and then you're like oh snap that's what that is it can be really really cool so yeah you should do it man you should go for it yeah I think that'll be cool I think it'd be neat yeah I Like Comics a lot man I'm actually really excited about the story that I'm working on it's taken a while to like get the whole production you know kind of handled well um but uh I'm super excited about some of the characters and the story so yeah people should do it people should uh I love the idea also of like the sort of Creator economy people making product other than content you know what I mean so yeah you know like making an actual story uh or trying to do like that's why I've always like I've liked the sort of Endeavors and the fun things that Mr Beast does a lot of his stuff is done to sort of fuel The Funnel of spectacle with the videos but uh even still like I love when people like will get into like Esports or you know make a unique product or something like I just love that kind of stuff for the Creator economy because a lot of this corporate stuff is pretty formulaic and played out and like even the MCU which I really like I mean dude like they they definitely hold back and it's I think more rare than not that you watch one of those movies or shows and you're like wow like you know what I mean like it I'm not getting wowed a lot with that kind of stuff and you know Boys season three definitely wild me Invincible season one definitely wowed me um so yeah people should create absolutely it should be great absolutely dude yeah I'm gonna take a leap and um you know I think if I could uh attribute My Success on the channel to something I think it's um just my fan fictions I think it's just making up stories um and that's what I enjoy the most when I don't have any confines sort of thing where I can just create what I want from scratch so to speak and so I would really enjoy that process with making my own kind of thing and making a bunch of different stories I think it'll be fun hell yeah hell yeah but yeah Big congrats there of July uh on his success I hope we can all achieve something similar with their passions I think that's how it should be done absolutely and just goes to show like like just put yourself out there you know take a leap and you never know what happens what the hell is this Juan espresso for people who've never had Bustelo I think I have had Bustelo but now I got us we'll stay away I don't know what that is wait at a big booty bro that's where we are in the Super chats where we were talking about booties huh oh no that's how far we are dude don't worry we'll catch up real quick what the hell is this coffee is dude you know which time I don't know what this man's talking about here but Stella Bustelo what's that it kind of looks like it ain't [ __ ] dog like I don't know what he's talking about this might be a troll but Stella looks like something that uh you leave behind everyone should know amaranth she turns over more money than top paid NBA and NFL players 31 million a month hot damn that's a lot of Hooch 31 million dollars a month it's not like that's not true what that's not true but she do be killing it though I think she made 31 Million last year good for her yeah good for him that's great may we all be able to make that kind of money yeah doing what we love so excited for the baby Josh much love joy peace prayers Health all that good [ __ ] to you and your fam that includes you too big Theory thanks man hell yeah thank you Elijah appreciate that very kind bro I'm gonna be like single crazy uncle to your kid I can't wait that like it's gonna be awesome we'll go visit Uncle Theory a lot he'll probably love you and uh you know just have fun going over there too so nah man it'll be awesome it'll be cool to uh to see how he uh I just don't want him to be like a spoiled little [ __ ] that's all you know what I mean like I wanna I wanna you know give him a lot and and and uh you know have a good life for him but he needs to make his own way and figure out you know that's the only thing he needs to learn the value of money he's learning value of money of hard work of uh yeah yeah we can mow some Lawns or something you know what I mean yeah in high school you know I I saw all the kids whenever they would get like um their license like a brand new BMW or like a new Audi from their parents and I'm just like what the [ __ ] is this teaching you like yeah no way bro no way like what is this bro gotta get an old jalopy bro I I my dudes Carl Urban as Wolverine come on perfect he would be good yeah I like him as Wolverine yeah yeah is there a reason why MCU films are not doing as well this year the past years outside of no way home Top Gun is doing well boxed up so Star Wars have the same fatigue when it gets back to Fair uh theaters so uh Multiverse man is actually doing really well but yeah Thor so far underperforming and a lot of the other MCU for phase four stuff underperformed as well I'd say that there's probably multiple things operating a little bit of fatigue a little bit of lack of Direction um and uh yeah I don't know Star Wars I think it really depends what that first movie is going to be because the first movie is going to draw a ton of people no matter what because it's like Star Wars is back in theaters but if that [ __ ] is like mid bro that's gonna be rough in my opinion for them so it's gonna be tough yeah don't be tough like damn bro the Deep versus all Skywalkers oh God the deepest yeah the Deep man what a funny character I'm dude yeah dude they couldn't have picked a better actor for that role I know he kills it bro he kills it in that role did you see the rumors about Andor dealing with what happened separates and how the Apparently tem will be playing famous Clone Commanders actually I did hear about that Tim might be playing a Clone Commander in Andor I did hear about that Chad do you guys want me to cover uh leaks oh [ __ ] he's coming back to leakedown let's go I guess I'm gonna cover that crap I mean like I'll do it for shows that aren't really like that aren't like Mando or uh Ahsoka or um Obi-Wan you know shows that don't really uh I don't say don't matter but yeah shows that don't have like Anakin or very like important characters in there that like you know I wanna I wanna see for the first time if if that happens nah everybody says don't do it that seems split yeah I don't really want to do it to be honest I want to go in fresh makes the watch party yeah I'm going fresh going fresh me and the the leak fiends will do our thing about it yo what's up boys how are you both and awesome I love the green hat variants I might have to pick one or three up to both of you oh thanks Rob thanks Rob keep on killing it man I'm gonna start the guitar again yeah nice bro wow you go you go no you go Legend stories Legends collections so fans of old and new can be satisfied I'd be down that'd be cool man look I think uh yeah they could do that with the animated we'll see we'll see how these next few go tales of the Jedi and whatnot you know we'll see we'll see what happens when Josh goes pee Mando no you will not see that what the hell is that what uh-oh I didn't see it probably not good all right who wins Luke in Return of the Jedi or Grievous in Revenge of the Sith also pancakes or waffles waffles waffles waffles oh my waffles yes waffles 100.
Yeah waffles no one asked for a content between episode one and two why not I don't know what do you mean between uh content between uh episode one and episode two yeah I don't know that is interesting why don't people ever want that I don't understand what do you mean younger younger Anakin like growing up before a attack of the Clones oh because Tick Tock only talks about episode three right now you guys don't give a [ __ ] Tuckers yeah okay trending yeah okay poke your butt out and twirl the lightsaber don't you yeah that's another way to I'm talking about you choco don't think I don't see yeah that's all it takes these days that is all it takes damn that's all it takes [ __ ] but hey as Anakin said well if it works yeah yeah well I don't think the system works yeah well you know what you got to do out there make a book Aaron says sup fellas I think that the Republic Commando novels would be great movies those are some of my favorite Star Wars novels and I think they could slap hard live I actually think that would be dope bro I'm kind of down hey kind of down oh dude everybody's mad and everybody's standing up for the tick tockers and chat and they're super mad at us okay sorry guys stay mad bro [ __ ] hey man when I go to bed I know that I made content off my Blood Sweat and Tears staying up late night and I didn't have to Toro lightsaber and show my booty yeah I didn't have to twirl Alexa able to show my booty either so so how about that whatever if the price is right I will I'll do what you want man what do you want price is right I'll do whatever you want yeah yeah what was the movie with Will Ferrell where he's like two dragons what was that movie oh um I don't know they're in prison and [ __ ] oh I think with Starsky and Hutch that [ __ ] was funny bro yeah do you remember that and then they go back to the station and they're all washing it on the security camera and they were laughing yeah yeah dude yeah it was funny um yeah hey thanks for everything I love you guys we love you too thank you Hannah appreciate you let's get some love for Shadows of the Empire train level talk about it uh I like Shadows of the Empire they kind of take a lot from Shadows of the empire in rise at least stylistically with the emperor coming back uh oh wait no chance of the Empire is the game with Dash I'm thinking of dark Empire they came with Dash was pretty dope bring it back redo it realized recently the Jedi basically used the rule of two to defeat the Sith Yoda and Obi-Wan to Yoda and Luke and then shortly Luke and Anakin what I realized recently the Jedi basically used the rule of two to defeat the Sith Yoda and obi-1 to Yoda and Luke and then shortly oh I see hmm dude that's a good video idea bro you should do that yeah but no because it wasn't by um choice yeah yeah but maybe it was the cosmic Force maybe the cosmic Force knows the rule of two is true you have the rule of two notches for the Sith but for everyone think about it well no I mean Anakin was made to bring balance and he brought balance think about it that's true so he did fulfill the prophecy a prophecy misread may have been it may have been but I mean they did bring balance you know like just I think it's an intriguing idea I think you should do a 15-minute long Theory video about it no it's okay hope you both are well Theory I finished reading the Dooku book and I enjoyed it do you both have any recommendations for Star Wars books you enjoyed definitely Plagueis um I actually like Catalyst too uh uh Master Apprentice the Ronin book is lit that's all I got that's all he's got um what's up boys I recently took the Deep dive into Star Wars EU and both your content has made it so much more fun thank you both for being the voice for those who want to keep Star Wars great much love and support what's up powder thanks man appreciate that that's kind of you it's quite calling what's your favorite EU content love the channel guys would you guys like to see din John with grogu and Boba Fett team up to go bounty hunting together or maybe go up for the Pikes or huts on a Disney Plus show I would like that and also is that Batman in front of a bunch of cocaine like the Tony Montana thing Scarface yeah but with Batman you more Anakin that Vader Anakin scene with both voices give me more of that yeah that [ __ ] was dope dude that [ __ ] was done we like more I would like to do another Kids Charity live stream yeah sure absolutely absolutely we've raised I think uh uh I think over 80 000 U.S damn yeah so Big Ups to everyone who joined and participated and donated yeah man pretty wild what's good and much love Django verse Amanda with the darksaber who you got dude Amanda with the dark saber although jenko's a badass are you kidding Chango would but he's got the dark saber wow oh it's Django true instead of petition for ball drops dang yo damn nice damn dude it's got the multi accounts I mean I do look good there can't deny it y'all can't deny it damn damn what the [ __ ] is that what the f uck what the [ __ ] is that [Laughter] oh my God holy [ __ ] oh my God dude what bro why is it veiny and [ __ ] oh no oh no no bro I'm much more Jack than that come on at least oh my god dude that is amazing wet doodle well done oh man that's gonna start a trend you guys gonna get me kicked off YouTube with your goddamn display pictures yep that is probably breaking terms of service no it's a it's a human body part yeah it just happened to be what am I doing there yeah it's a scene from uh uh 2001 where all the Apes find the obelisk well done sir I guess oh my God that's my life become it's like a scene out of the boys just about just about yeah Josh out of these Force users which Lantern crop would uh Corps [ __ ] you read it the Lantern Corps would they fit any characters Anakin Obi Luke Sidious uh Revan okay let's do this Anakin red uh Obi-Wan blue Luke Skywalker green Sidious orange Revan White nailed it still triggered yeah hot damn oh geez that should be uh my next my next line Theory dildos yeah there you go probably you probably move a couple units yeah I probably would yeah we've got a large light side and dark side version in more than ways than one you would move a couple units dude we could oh Jesus think about it we could do like a mall version where it's got like horns Nubs dude I that has to already be out there there's no way that's not out there already malls weebie yeah there's got to be Star Wars you know what I'm just gonna take a quick trip to Google town real quick oh you don't want to open up that kind of worms bro you're about to find some reaction here Star Wars sex toys are a real thing and you can buy them right now oh I'm not gonna pull it up I'm not pulling up on screen um hold on no I don't even type it because the next time I'm like searching something in a video it's gonna pop up as like a search thing and people are going to yeah it's too late for me son oh God yeah there's a couple oh Jesus there's a couple out there why are we talking about dildos um gee I don't know maybe it's because one of you sickos sent this crap that's why hmm but if you have mayor Jade one of the main antagonists of the Ahsoka show how do you think it would implement introducer oh that'd be neat um well I don't think you could do Mara you definitely can't do it the way she was I don't think you could yeah because I mean it's it goes against so much of it doesn't line up with the sequels basically no it doesn't like you would have to implement her in between episode four five and six I mean you could do it she just can't be the same as she was uh in the end of the empire just abandons his saber company Theory dildos I'm sure there's money there I mean somebody's got to be making some money off there's money there but what I do I really want to go to bed thinking man I can't wait for my dildo business to take off not really what I envisioned for my life no that's true I don't know I mean no judgment if that's what you do you know you're pleasuring the world but um I'd rather do it with with my fan fictions and uh future comics and stories I mean yeah like Mentor might rather stimulate you mentally than true you're you know what you're providing an incredible service because you're allowing the the content that they play loudly so that their parents just think they're watching Star Wars videos so you provide [Music] you provide cover so in some ways you're you're helping out more than you know that reminds me of the I was doing a live stream I think it was like made a name reveal or something the guy was like uh I lost my v card to your videos so he had he had my lore videos playing in the background while he well that's one way to do it I suppose Different Strokes for my man that's the tales of Darth Plagueis the Wise oh God oh God oh [ __ ] son I'm sure his partner will never forget that hmm or never hear about it interesting interesting where your videos are played and wait yes yes as you guys can see I've been busy a bald angry meh has given me enough for a few months of solid gold Theory I had a rumor you had a gaming channel your game channel got redacted or demonetized or some such thing um well my gaming channel doesn't make money unless it's super chats because it always gets copyrighted because of music and stuff um but no I don't not that I know of it's got months of bald me that's commitment it's commitment nandler I can't even I can't even be mad at it I'm impressed as you guys can see I've been busy why do I got a dent in my head like Tim the tat man on this one oh God Thor's OG here love you too what you think of Tia Claire to me as Leia 30 years old series on the front lines as the best warrior Rebels using her Forest strength I mean I always wanted to see Leia you know do that but she doesn't do that in Canon man she doesn't do that she uh she just does the politics thing so yeah would have been cool if she actually did yeah it should have been very powerful thanks so much for the new link and sorry about not seeing the other responses oh don't even worry about it Theory will you be doing a vid on the Shadows of the Sith novel I haven't listened to it yet um yeah I know a lot of you want me to read it um so I might listen to it while I'm like on the plane or something that might be a good time yeah I don't know I was more interested before but now it's just it's just all yeah it's just you know it's just all about the sequel Trilogy and it's tying into that and explaining that and um while many may find that interesting and cool uh yeah I'm gonna sit on it for a bit you know if you think about it and I just I'm sure it's cool but I I feel like I've been like removed from the Matrix a little bit like I'm just it's just a bunch of writers that I don't know man they're playing with very important characters and um in my head I know these things didn't happen but like in some way now they did so I'm having a hard time under um accepting it yeah yeah not the not the most intriguing to me that's the problem with it yeah I looked it up an international Cowboy day it's actually this Saturday on the 23rd it's the fourth Saturday of July dangerous saving the day so you know when it actually is Hotmail hi guys I'm rewatching bad batch and I'm confused how the chip affected regular clones it seems it changes their entire personality and makes the callous and completely new people is that right uh yeah it would seem so yeah it kind of does seem like that's what's going on messing with the brain They Don't Really retain their same personality it's more so about following orders Josh how would you rate our parasocial friendship 10 out of 10 Matthew you could take that to the bank yeah he's got two shades on he does have two shades on nine out of ten Kev says did you know there is a teaser that talks about how Darth good try bro you will not get us so happy to finally watch nerd Theory live love the show thinking of getting into Comics what's your favorites my favorite Comics oh man um tons of books man uh if you're uh if you ever want to read like a really incredible Superman story read All-Star Superman by Grant Morrison absolutely fantastic Watchman by Alan Moore of course everybody talks about it's fantastic um I really like a lot of Frank Miller stuff like Ronin 300 uh Sin City so I like a lot of those books if you're going for sort of mainstream Marvel stuff the best run I that I've ever personally read in Marvel Comics was Jonathan Hickman's time runs out and his secret Wars which I think ran it ran like from 2012 all the way to 2015 or 2016.
It was like the best four years in comics of my life bro damn so yeah um for me would have been spawn sick Spawn comics are really big for me when I was younger Spawn comics were pretty fun did you ever watch that show on HBO I did the cartoon animated yeah dude that [ __ ] was full that thing was cool yeah yep spawn's still going man if you can believe it it's still going yeah dude you're so cool they're doing some new fun things with uh with the suit and everything right now too so yeah I just wonder if that would like ever be put into like like you know how like Mortal Kombat adapts like uh I don't like Darth Vader or no what was the Soul Calibur Darth Vader and Yoda and like link and all that stuff if they could you know marvel could do that they could take spawn put him in there yep that'd be cool they actually do have a McFarland character in Marvel uh there's a character named Angela yeah there's a character called Angela that I think it's actually from Spawn maybe um that was brought into Marvel via Thor it was the 10th there's like a tenth realm with like angels and [ __ ] like that where did she uh I wonder if she actually did come from Spa this year is it the uh yeah she was from Spawn no she's in Marvel Angela Angela and spawn I mean they change her up a little bit but yeah it was dude Neil Gaiman created her in McFarland's spawn number nine yeah that's the one and then she's eventually brought uh into Marvel so they've done it before which is kind of cool so happy if dude if spawn got put into the MCU I mean it would be game over he's pretty strong that suits pretty wild yeah pretty strong I mean he's already dead so I can't really get any worse I hope until the Jedi we see rail avaros yo that would be awesome I mean lady yeah yeah how's chat tonight anything sus lately you just missed it you just missed it yeah somebody was being a real dick about this yeah a real prick I have arrived you guys see the Roku helmet what no dude what are you talking about bro bro don't say that what the hell is this how did the Clones know not to kill Anakin during order six six oh cause Palpatine told them they were following the orders of the emperor and obviously the emperor said do not kill the obeda he wasn't Anakin anymore he was Lord Vader Kenobi episode six why didn't the Star Destroyer use a tractor beam to capture the refugee ship with Obi-Wan in it if it can capture a corellian Corvette and a new hope it should be able to get that ship it definitely should and there is no good explanation for that man they just don't think about it too much bro yeah exactly don't think about it too much because they certainly did not foreign my 13 year old daughter said she lives arrives she loves rise of Skywalker but her favorite movie's new home New Hope I'm not sure how I should be about it any help oh dude if she loves rise of Skywalker let her love what she loves man exactly yeah I love what she loves and then she's the older sit her down you know [Laughter] it's all good that's what Twitter won't show you I say yeah true True Crime Josh I tried to Tinder match with Susan in the tower what should I say she over check yeah uh what is she into you see the back of your head in one of her picks oh snap well that's kind of cool also I have no idea what Susan's into because I don't give a [ __ ] dude I just wanted to do her job and that's it and stop being weird and stop farting in the lobby and maybe you can talk to her when you go on a date with her so there you go foreign a few years ago I bought one of your Obi-Wan ads and I still wear it to this day I wanted to know will you make more hats like that for Qui-Gon I'm thinking also going to New York City hey when is New York City come it's actually a good question I don't know excuse me I would love to go to that it's fun I would love to go to that you're really good October 10th so the channel has a whole bunch of different demographics but you know the top five countries are like America UK Germany Canada Australia um anyways but the two biggest cities in the world are California and New York well that makes sense I mean big Theory presence in New York oh dude I believe it I mean well Manhattan it has 10 million people alone I think just in one city bro New York is killing it's huge yeah it's huge they're thank you guys a big shot big shout out to all of you everywhere in the world but I mean um yeah California and New York always show up as as number one and two which is probably why I get yeah anyways probably get noticed so much whenever I'm in Cali true true double true a lot of people on the coasts no we don't bear golly man trust me in six May the force be with you thank you Rusty think of course of course Anakin versus bro correct now and you're sounding like a separatist Andy Milonakis was on the band show back then oh yeah he was didn't he is he still around unfortunately don't know if he's around yeah I see his tick tocks here and there oh Pharrell okay cool he does not age yeah that's kind of the thing huh hope he's doing all right that's all what do you mean this thing that's his thing he doesn't age right doesn't he have a he's on Twitch too well that's cool doing this thing bro what he was born in 1976.
Mm-hmm what yeah he's got it's I think he's got a disorder or something foreign Jesus her mind's blown dude I thought he was like late 30s nah man that was the whole thing was that he was old when they did some of those skits that send them into like the liquor store and stuff and he was of legal age but he just looked so young Jesus yep you can't say he was born with a congenital growth hormone deficiency [Music] 1976 what the hell wow man it's crazy that's not like fatal or anything is it well that's why I was kind of I didn't know if he was still around but if he's still doing good like no he should be fine then if he's just so he just popped up on my Tick Tock like you know a month ago okay nice well then he must still be good to go huh well then he must be good to go it's mind-blowing dude I used to see him on YouTube back in the old days I'm like wow this kid's doing great like little did I know okay she ain't a kid yeah for sure dude as well though that's awesome yeah right okay yeah dude I remember those episodes he was like yeah he would right you would go in the liquor store or or was there one where we went into like a yeah and I always remember seeing them like oh like how did they get him in there as a kid yeah it is kind of funny you know it wasn't Patriot celebration hyping up the show I think it was right oh yeah yeah I hope yeah I think so in Mendel 3 but not Harrison the other one probably not brother um probably not my guy I don't know I don't remember Kathy said that the reason solo flops was because of the deep fake Harrison's face yeah I mean if they would have done that it definitely would have made The Last Jedi better yeah favorite part of the show is listening to How wrong Josh is on expectations about newborns and young children best of luck oh damn really bro Justin it's like that what are you talking about oh yeah I know I know bro he's like Josh is like yeah it'll probably just be tough for a few weeks I'm like but he thinks he's getting a goldfish or something like bro your life is over no let's just put it that way no it's fine look forever we're gonna teach him how to do chores really early bro and he's gonna start pulling his weight around here look I know everybody thinks look he's gonna be fine okay how do I even know this I don't know I'm just saying it's gonna be chill he has a little bro it's gonna be tough for a couple weeks yeah it'll be right yeah tough for a couple weeks damn dude like yeah life is over baby no no say goodbye to things Josh likes to do in his life I just like to work mostly as long as I can do that say goodbye to that better not I'm sure it'll be a little more challenging than I'm assuming but also that's gonna be fine I'm sure it's going to be probably the most rewarding thing that you could ever do in life to be honest yes yeah yes yeah um and don't worry guys I'll let you know if it's a little more difficult I'll be like yo so about that Dad thing it's kind of tough yeah kind of challenging you know he never does what we want him to do it's always crying pooping yelling vomiting punch me yeah pre-canceled and tick tocks hating on there yo that's all they do they just hate on me you know I talk about Star Wars they like to talk about me oh let him know go ahead let him know keep talking bro you you need me for your views go for it oh [ __ ] let them know keep whining bro I ain't going anywhere when I'm at 10 20 million Subs Y'all Gonna Keep crying keep crying take that energy and make some content and don't make content about me yeah and keep actually make content About Me Maybe maybe you'll maybe that's your thing maybe you know maybe that's what you need to do I don't know bro keep I'm on my path yeah yeah I ain't looking around who's doing what and what what's saying who you know 100 hey dudes hope you're well what would your dream casting be for a coach or a movie series thanks for the great content much love May the force be with you Keanu bro it's Kiana and he has Keanu in his thing he set us up gonna go to the window you're gonna jump out get on the ledge get on the ledge oh like oh [ __ ] oh she's reading the other chat I think Bo katan's bloodline will help her out maybe maybe maybe will grogu speak in season three are there any lore of his species regarding that yes I think he will speak and I think it's going to be the Back to the Future guy no it's not um yeah I think it might be I think it might be top G love Josh loves Andrew Tate I'm not sure who that is now you don't know no he's a pop G Ives you top G is he like a quarterback that's uh Steelers uh he's got his Bugatti sitting outside he's got his Bugatti sitting outside well guess what if you know it's not about it it's not he's not it's it's Bugatti Bugatti okay it's Bugatti it's the best car in the world hmm this guy kind of I don't know best car in the world is he the quarterback for those Pittsburgh Steelers taking us to another Super Bowl no well I don't care about him he said something about Star Wars fans one time I want to find that video again and I want to do edit and just or like react to it or something like that I legitimately have no idea whose guys oh you don't no yeah his clips maybe I'll check them out let's go down the rabbit hole yeah they're interesting see if he's any good some of it is Extreme extreme yeah but he's a top G he can say whatever he wants oh she's one of those guys what do you mean he's the guy yeah I bet he is he's the guy I bet he is the guy I think we'll see Yoda in the Accolade I mean that'd be kind of dope but also no but maybe yes the shittiest answer yeah oh [ __ ] yeah we should get entertain on the channel no okay well yeah let's do it see I don't know who he is but seems like people he's the top G he's the top G I'm just asking like dude so how much of a [ __ ] are you really though because nobody in the real world that calls themselves top G could even hold my jockstrap but he lives in the real world oh yeah do you think he would be a fan I actually said something like that I actually think I would get along really yeah yeah I think we would have a good laugh things I don't know I'd have to see like what kind of content he does I just want to see him fight Jake Paul he's gonna fight is he a fighter he's a fighter yeah he's a pro fighter he's a pro fighter but what he did he did Pro uh no he won championships in Muay Thai or something like that really okay so maybe he is but that's not his that's not his like profession that's just what he did in his 20s it's 20s is he from Thailand no it's from the UK but lives in Romania who is this guy who are you you're describing like a very mysterious intriguing person that's that's the top G my man that's the top Gene that's the top G dude Chad's gonna be so bad if like I come into my stream tomorrow and I'm just like I'm the biggest Andrew Tate fan ever now and now it's all I agitate all day and we'll just react to Andrew Tate he's like a uh he he's like the does he call himself the top G really yeah he's like the super villain version of Dan Bilzerian the oh a villain version of Dan Bilzerian yeah a villain version of Dan Bilzerian yeah yeah oh dude I probably I don't know he's like he's like The Lex Luthor Dan Bilzerian Lex Luthor Dan Bilzerian that knows Muay Thai yeah he's an interesting guy yeah I don't know what to think of this you're vexing me I'm terrible I'm terribly vexed it's interesting interesting dude now I'm kind of interested and is his real name Tate yeah so it's not like a made-up thing don't think so I mean I haven't researched the guy but you know and let me just ask for the third time does he really call himself the top G I'm the top G Jesus Christ I give him I give him uh six more months of relevance tops I think he's been around for a while you think so I bet six months I'm putting a timer on it six months of relevance what happened to the um here in my garage remember that guy oh dude you know what's wild about that guy have you know or did you notice that um Radio Shack has did you see the Radio Shack tweets no no yo chat if you know um what I'm talking about put a one into the chat where Radio Shack was going Savage on some people uh well apparently the engine like dude yeah they were like going hard bro um really yeah apparent Radio Shack yeah yeah so apparently that guy Tai Lopez who was the in my garage guy he bought Radio Shack so now he he like went around and bought all these brands that were dying yeah so he owns Radio Shack now and Radio Shack I don't think they have any more physical locations uh but yeah because he thinks he can rehabilitate brands and so his attempt to do that was to have them do like really dirty jokes and like troll people on Twitter and it worked I mean they got some cloud and stuff like that so I can't tell and this is just this is honest to goodness not fooling around I actually can't tell if type Lopez is genuinely one of the dumbest human beings on the planet or if he's literally one of the most intelligent human beings on the planet because he very well could be either in my opinion um I've heard him say some stuff where I'm like damn that's like quite insightful um and then I've heard other things that he says and I'm just like bro what well I used to know someone who uh knew him oh yeah that's interesting yeah I uh yeah I don't know I just don't know ledge bro did you know that that video that he made that knowledge I'm just here in my garage video is one of the most viewed videos in the history of YouTube well it's because he put ads on it just as well organically viewed there's no organically viewed videos and then there's paid for videos I agree with you but there are also the ability to pay for other videos to get watched and uh it does way better than a lot of those other videos it was an ad that also became a meme so it was shared Beyond like it kind of got earned media on top of paid media um so it's literally one of the most like it's one of the most brilliant pieces of marketing probably ever we all know it's because today how how memes are made is it you just you gotta see it enough it's got to be cringy it's really all it is if yeah he probably got lucky in that regard because he was probably taking himself seriously and it did become a meme because people were clowning on him but ultimately um either way I still think that's uh probably successful right I mean get it sure everybody knows that guy bro yeah I mean it works right so yeah his point was to get his product out there to as many faces as he could and he did yeah and from what I understand he's he's doing quite well but I mean you never really know what these Instagram guys you know what I mean like even Dan Bilzerian like how well is that guy actually doing do you know what I mean like we don't know we just know the stories better than us yeah but yeah probably but like even his story about making all that money in poker like have you ever seen the videos of people that like break that down or basically like this dude's completely full of [ __ ] well whatever bro these people are just has his buddy plates and dates ever done any videos on that because they used to do a podcast together didn't they they did an interview I thought they had a show together no no they did a they did a couple interviews that's it I just wondered oh okay yeah because I like that more play it's more dates guy like that dude's real he's real as [ __ ] and he's like really down to earth so he'll tell it how it is so like I would just love to get like his take on uh a blizzarian because he seems like a fraud to me why oh because I've seen videos that kind of break down that uh he's a fraud but imagine someone taking the time to gather research with the premise on like the whole goal is to basically just say someone's a fraud like yeah no if that's the angle you're going on I mean like yep no you're right look a lot of that stuff is kind of like like I don't really mess with that energy I don't give a [ __ ] about the guy like guys living his life and you know that's great good for him but uh I'm not going to say he's a fraud just because he's 10 times more successful than I am like he's doing great and I aspire to be successful like that one day I mean aspire to be successful but I don't aspire to be Dan Bilzerian you know what I mean like I'm not trying to be that guy that's my that's my path though you know I mean like if that's you know I don't know Dan's kind of an interesting one too because sometimes like I've seen him do interviews and stuff and you're like nah man he seems like really genuine you know what I mean like he seems like he's he's being honest and he'd be a hard dude to read um but his story is just ridiculous and outlandish um and we live in this like weird age man where it's like it's almost like the Tai Lopez thing where it's like maybe Bilzerian is a genius and he just created this Persona and did all this stuff to create this brand with all this story and he's just kind of like writing that out I don't really know um so I think I think those things just kind of happen on their own like you be post something and um it just kind of snowballs and you just keep going and uh you know people have people will always have their own idea about you and you know all you can do is just post whatever you want and you know what all those posts are and what they mean and what they're intended to mean but you know people will always spin it a certain way and have an idea about you and I don't think that's you know is that the real him people's perception of him or you know if you actually talk to him face to face you'll probably get a much different answer I bet yeah yeah I don't know yeah you know it's fine like I'll probably never meet the guy ever um but yeah like my base level opinion of them is like it's probably not legit you know what I mean like it just doesn't seem it seems like a a brand it seems like a calculated uh move to me but um but that's basically about like uh garyvee you know what I mean like I feel the same way like I feel like it's uh yeah I used to like him way more I just I think that it's to a lot of these people like it's a it's a brand and and who they are becomes a brand and then it's like they have to just feed into that you know what I mean and just keep doing that and this just kind of lacks authenticity for me but I don't know um you know if being on the internet has taught me one thing it's that uh people will have the craziest of opinions about you and that's really made me kind of realize that like the opinions I may have had of people that I would see on the internet I can't have those opinions because frankly I don't know I mean I've I've seen and read the most outlandish stuff about me right and no one knows me better than me so for me to go off on a limb and say like oh like my perception of this person because of his posts this is really who he is it's like no I I don't know you know that's that's my perception of where my mind goes when I see those photos or those posts or whatever I mean you can have a general idea about somebody but to know for sure I mean I've kind of stopped thinking that way just because of [ __ ] that's that's um happened to me yeah that's fair to you I think that's fair yeah man that's totally fair to have that perspective [Music] who knows for sure you know only the oracle only the key master only the key master only Morpheus yeah did you see the new Thor I saw some sense that oh some sets that look like the Jedi Temple the story was good and the director was thumbs up he should do Kenobi because that's depressing feeling in the new Thor 3 episode Stewie I'm sorry bro I barely understood what you said and I don't agree here's another one see exactly what we're talking about theory has sort of a victim complex and thinks every other person with an audience online is being persecuted as well it's like okay what do you think whatever whatever floats your boat man like if you think whatever you want about me at this point I've heard it all bro and uh I'm not here to correct your thoughts about me just I just want to talk about Star Wars so whatever yeah well I'll tell you this I am with you on the ideas that like when you watch like videos like if you were to watch a video that's like talking about Dan being a fraud you do have to understand that that video is basically propaganda and it's trying to to get you to think and feel a certain way it's like you do have to ultimately like make up your own mind about it and at the end of the day it's I mean who would [ __ ] knows like it's just a guess right yeah um so like I I do get you on that because I'll find myself sometimes watching a video and getting like super fired up about it and being like Oh my God you know and then like I'll think about it a couple days later and be like uh dude who knows you know [ __ ] like that could be you know what I mean we're emotional beings and that's exactly I've been guilty of that too you know I'll see a video that's really well made and I'd be like oh my God this is actually happening like what what and then I like sit on it like wait man is it it was like the music and the video just really getting me going like exactly exactly it's [ __ ] propaganda dude like it really is um people know what they're doing man you know yeah it's 100 that's how you rally people and and I think today a real problem is there are so many followers out there that follow blindly oh yeah you know I think before social media like in the 80s and the 90s before the internet um kids would have like where would they learn their values you know from their parents and their parents would learn it from their parents and and perhaps friends and their own life experiences um maybe you read like a magazine you know or you read a book or you read a biography or something about somebody but uh now that is a little bit of propaganda though because like I see where you're going with it but I would say even then people people have a weird way of like just co-opting others opinions as as their own yeah and like and then that makes makes them feel good and confident about it but there's not actually like an original thought there yeah and you know whereas now like every child is basically learning how to be a person by the things the trends that they see on Tick Tock and what Garners the most attention and the most likes and I think it's it's you know parents got to step up now more than ever to kind of maybe instill some actual values into their child um that aren't predicated on likes and Trends and attention and you know the release of dopamine in that sense yeah but alas here we are yeah here we are for sure and it also kind of feels like like I really do think we'll probably look back at this maybe in like 10 20 years and just think of how crazy this particular time period was because I think that I mean things are crazy in the world but also like this social media thing is just amplifying the mental health problems of like the entire world you know and uh we just definitely didn't evolve for this [ __ ] and we're not equipped for it for the most part you know what I mean so it's a wild time man you know it really is like this whole this whole experiment that we're doing together that none of us signed up for and we're all lab rats in really you know it's kind of uh it's kind of wild I think we just need to be aware you know that's all you just need to be aware of um not everything we see on the internet is real it's legit is the way it is you know it's it's it's it's it's all just coming from people like us that have their own ideologies about life and their own agendas right yeah so true and then people send in wiener pictures too so you know yeah it's a mixed bag yeah but hey I got a new uh you know career out of it so whole new bridge there is a dog nice little cutie yeah do you think we'll see moff Gideon and Mando season three and if so what will he be up to yeah I think we will and I think we're gonna see him probably maybe in like his backstory and then we're gonna see him maybe kick some ass I want to see him uh break out of jail or whatever that'd be sick dude oh thanks John Boos he misses you guys interviewing authors but he loves me too yeah I missed that too man I heard more videos dude it's Morven time that's what I think it's Morven top Obi one's long-lost brother is wedge Achilles I like it maybe you meant Antilles what are y'all guys thoughts on the new Peter Ramsey interview on Ahsoka where he reveals I printed it out and I'm hanging it in my fridge cooties Boba knows Vader's Anakin Theory uh new of Anakin Skywalker during Clone Wars season two Vader later to track down Luke Boba learns Luke's name and realizes Vader is obsessed with Luke I mean he could have put those two and two together he could have but but I mean it makes sense for Vader to be obsessed with Luke because Luke destroyed the Death Star yeah foreign basically Bruce Faulkner can suck it it's time for Dragon Ball never see that it's time for talking about okay no we didn't watch it bro but we won two did you guys watch Dragon Ball legend Fan no we did not yet but we want us we did not Carol I want Mandalorian and then a new show ruler of Manila like Conan King Conan we know he will become the ruler but it's in the future okay I like that it's kind of fun it's kind of chill how do we get into your Discord ah sadly become a member because I don't have it open for public anymore there's just too much [ __ ] going on [Music] I had like three discords that were open every time it always just ends the same yeah [Music] yeah unfortunately there's some bad eggs out there you know I might just open up a public one and be like yeah whatever Let It Rain let it go it's just mainly people you know like they'll fight and they'll come after and then they'll say like hey like Theory like you should be splitting this up or like you're saying this again I think yo what's up boys you guys are done taking a fat dumb do you what you already said you sent this twice bro you said this twice damn it I'm disappointed for Super Chat I've been a long time fan of you both thank you Mr Nova my question is e-girls or I ladies I I ladies nuts um [Music] I think somebody got me with that before yeah I'm pretty sure it was clips yeah where's the pie I'm afraid to say anything now yeah I know right I'm afraid I'm afraid I'm afraid this joke will be quite operational got a dealership buying it are you buying me a car damn bro you better buy me a car too yeah otherwise I don't want to hear about a Texas tornado sorry guys I'm sorry I sent your Super Chat twice I'm out of the dealership you find a Ferrari right now yeah geez man freaking butthole thanks bro hey guys hope you're doing well Theory I was surprised you weren't part of Mark's interview with Nick Gillard Fugue so yeah mark yeah Mark we're all surprised by that Mark yeah mark why don't you guys go tweet Mark right now why don't you go tweet it up Adam what sweet Mark be like yo why why wasn't theory in the interview with Nick Gillard why don't you tweet it all over his face looks like you're gonna have a second kid coming soon getting a little horny over there oh we want to probably wait until we have another one but uh I do want a little girl maybe shove a big brother watch out for it could be good bro just watch it's gonna be bigger than this yeah she's like massive he gets he gets yeah yeah hey man maybe she'll protect him I'm down yeah what are you saying Josh no what are you saying yeah what are you saying mop just just let's just beat Twitter to it oh geez oh that's gonna be the thing no you agree let's do that no I don't I'm gonna do I'm gonna I'm gonna do it till you till you chime in oh yeah well check this out this guy's trying to cancel you already have you ever thought of doing a pirate theory Channel foreign [Music] never thought about doing a pirate Channel no have you no Pirates are cool though foreign [Laughter] why did you not watch it Rusty because then Yoda would take over the whole universe bro take Batman oh [ __ ] let's be some ugly kids we'll still have the Clive back of it KK talked about wait what oh okay yeah yeah and have it play out I think didn't grow was over the center of the whole story yeah maybe uh maybe that'll happen in a movie huh you remember this when KK said that uh there's gonna be a crazy climactic event of the mandovers bro what is she even talking about I can't believe Lauren had it she's too she's too busy drinking coffees yeah she's too busy hanging out with Lauren Lauren was probably like sucking up to her man yeah I love the new Star Wars oh my God amazing so good thanks for nothing Lauren thanks uh have y'all seen the Manser show if not do it okay I have to check it out all right we're gonna get canceled for that too probably who would win in a fight Josh or pickle Rick dude pickle Rick would beat my ass bro are you kidding me he's pickle Rick I think if Dragon Ball is doing better with the new Cannon than Star Wars but I just hate that super came at the expense of GT super is also devaluing new forms yeah probably a little bit probably a little bit dude ego Alter Ego uh sorry Ultra Instinct was yeah ridiculous yeah it is how do you even beat that well they do beat it it's you know it's the only time thing yeah it's a time thing you can't hold it forever whatever so I hate that yeah yeah but then he's gonna break through that eventually like what color hair have they not done yeah I don't know purple well I mean there's no purple here he kind of does Vegeta kind of does purple when the newest form of blue it adds in that like dark blue a little bit and it was like a dark blue yeah I was hoping that it would be purple but yeah but apparently he's gonna go Ultra ego now right yeah maybe Alter Ego will be purple that'd be dope that'd be sick dude yeah do we even know what it looks like it would be sick uh no it's only in black and white so far in the manga and I don't think they've done a color cover or anything so wait so he goes Ultra ego in this in the movie no and no no no manga maybe in the new show when it comes out where do I get the manga can I get on Amazon I'm actually not sure I know Pages come out translated on certain websites so it's like a oh it's like a um I see what would be the latest what's the number of the latest one I think it's 83 chapter 83 but like you can uh you know Skip there watch some of Danny's videos he has good breakdowns I'll read it myself okay fine then I'm gonna read myself read it yourself but Danny posts them uh yeah he'll do breakdowns of each one you can actually post them he doesn't get sometimes he doesn't he'll put some panels and stuff on there sometimes he just describes it from what you were telling me about them they yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah for sure I think uh yeah it kind of depends I've seen him post some stuff here and there but dude why why did they decanonize GT's my question GT was I just think not as popular don't say I just don't think it was oh GT was cool I liked it I thought it was cool but I don't think it slapped the same way a lot of people didn't like it so what deep sea opening theme is better dragon soul or Cha-Cha laughs oh my God bro what dude y'all degenerate boys gotta check out Reacher on Amazon it's so great okay cool bro you're like five months too late I'm just kidding you're too late bro too late but not sure what to expect because I'm not overly familiar with that era of Middle Earth just excited to see you oh carry on under Moss the token describes in detail every race character and their lore characters as minor as one would think even get their own lore Amazon decided to ignore all the source material well I think the truth is they don't even have access to the source material right if I understand it correctly when they did the licensing they cannot like there's only certain things that they have the even the ability to make so I think in some ways it's not even that they yeah right Chad am I right chat chat am I right I don't know that I don't know anything I Don't Know Jack about Lord of the Rings there's Frodo there's Bilbo there's Legolas there's there's Aragon there's Gandalf there's uh smog there's uh they can read a book but can they Daniel is that Frodo didn't I can they there's uh Orcs works and stuff yeah elves elves yep what was it what was the dude's name the thumb rear a film rare but what in the film rare not nothing rare the town I don't know talk about wild ass Tom build the dog no it was like an elf whose name was like I don't remember all right I don't I'm gonna help I'll get back into my account Amazon should have just bought brought in Peter Jackson uh yeah I wonder why they didn't actually well at least chat's getting a good laugh out of it yeah who wins night sisters or Undead Geon ocean books keep up the Epic sexy talk boo-boos I feel like Luke listening to Bae Soca my man nice sister brother is so powerful not a gene ocean Undead bugs come on man you can't you can't mess with the zombie horde what are the knights just gonna do to a zombie horde die that's what they'll do I saw a photo of Snoop Dogg and Mandalorian armor I don't know if it was cosplay if it'll be in a future show no that's for a music video bro and also how dare you not have already watched that music video it's hilarious no that was a music video yeah yeah the trailer looked great visually but a lot of questions about the law that seemed to be ignored on many crucial aspects Middle Earth has built on Law and mythology created by talking what I'm gonna go out you know what I got a new stance on this anybody that says stuff like this is toxic anybody that cheers for the show is a show pick your boys and you sound like everyone else now yep your boy says hey yo what up y'all are you guys Resident Evil fans and if you are are you hyped for the Resident Evil 4 remake much love Colorado my boys Resident Evil 4 a lot I didn't even know they're making a remake though damn it was a little fast [ __ ] give you a B on that I don't even know they're making a remake though I don't even know what I'm making a remix though yeah see yeah yeah we're getting old a little bit someone say it's Riva time it's Riva then riva's the force looks so goes away my man thank you Mr waffle um they love you boys Josh congrats at least I I didn't hear this uh but yeah this makes sense man we thought that they were fairly uh far along on the ranger show so yeah makes sense makes sense do you think that the Empire after the events of Jedi Fallen order and Kenobi that is perhaps maybe they'll finally get better security Jersey nudes that would be a probably pretty good idea so they will not do that I think that's a spot on badass southern accent no offense taken here it's a spot on ah spot on yeah well you know what I could say about that is uh laughs I got me some Southern blood damn I you're gonna you're gonna do great over here can you wish me a happy birthday happy birthday donut films no no I'm in I'm in a I'm up with the Yankees but I was born in North Carolina but above the Mason did any of my Southern brothers and sisters down here in the chat bro that's a southern Palpatine there's a southern valve team should I started doing Southern Palpatine uh absolutely 100 sure how would you get he's got a light he's got to light the grill with the lightning oh my god dude yeah dude how do you ah Jesus welcome uh no welcome that's very hard that's a tricky one huh welcome to my new Empire today we will reignite it's very difficult that is a challenging one yeah that's very challenging Lord Vader why don't you come over here and that's a tough one you'll crack it you'll crack it maybe maybe one day I'm gonna give you flowers a couple hours in the mirror you'll figure it out execute oh the 66.
[Laughter] for every syllable she just flip back and forth just keep going back down man yo got my yellow 66 hat two weeks ago as a late 13th birthday present I'm loving it so much I wear all the time love you guys keep it up thank you Star Wars archive glad you like it amen thank you that's that's unique that's different most people get the red you guys are awesome by the way and make my Monday evenings hopefully get some good content started with Andor May the force be with you Nespresso coffee is the way Josh yes it is it's so damn good oh see you're getting Southern too I don't know what you're talking about here we got a bunch of Southern Bales up in here what's up they're bad so don't we look at the beautiful what state would I want to live in well that's a good damn question right there Tania gray I see my favorite state would have to be probably this data Hawaii please say it like that when you move there that's probably where I'd move that's going to be sick dude they're gonna love you thank you guys so much I know in two months if I'm clear as far as Star Wars please move on to new timelines Kenobi was only nostalgic even the cut version just feels Bland Elvish Jedi would be sweet well Nick you know keep us updated man definitely you're not going anywhere so uh you know just keep us updated on your health yeah 100 man keep strong I love you man yeah a lot of a lot of energy coming towards you man a lot of power flowing to you A lot of that southern energy coming to you out of that southern barbecue fart so hard you'll shake your pants yeah that's the Texas way um invisible is super violent also Berserker by Keanu Reeves isn't that a violent comic yeah that might be I don't know too much about this one actually yeah he's gonna be a Comic-Con true true my love foreign what would you guys think of hard R rated Star Wars content tough with Disney for obvious reasons but it could be refreshing depending on the context it could be cool uh yeah it's not really gonna happen you don't you don't need that you know I mean the first six movies weren't R-rated they were PG page 13 so I mean yeah George was really against that too by the way yeah but he pushed the envelope a little bit the beheading the be handing the the you know the burning I mean it's it wasn't like it was yep so you wanted to leave it uh hopeful you know what I mean of course so that's a story all those movies end hopeful even Empire just got Jedi versus Sith issue three Bane cover for a steal at a comic shop I visited never been more happy let's go to Austin sick dog my man how's callous doing uh I think he's doing well I haven't talked to him in a good bit but I think he's doing well he had that uh yeah he had that children's book thing that he was working on right I wonder if that ever uh what Jay came out no Jay's doing one too but I thought uh I thought kallus had one Josh has clearly never had Cafe Con Leche and it shows I bet you drink Shirley Temple what you shut your your bath Juan Shirley temples are a delicious drink uh no wonder why it's called nerd Theory nerds wow looks like she's so good yeah I've never had a Shirley Temple remember Shirley Temple never had a uh martini never had a uh you've had a martini nope oh damn yep you ever had a Lemon Drop Martini nope those are good pomegranates I never had any damn Martini of a white russian White Russian uh what is it it's vodka Kahlua heavy cream if you're doing it right probably not I had me a pina colada a few times pina colada you like those gotta say it was pretty pretty succulent that's that's a word pretty good pretty good damn good right on how many dwarves can you fight before getting overwhelmed oh that's a good question probably five the fifth one it would just be a little too much because you could like Bap and then there's one on you you could throw it off and bat bat but it's like if they're just you know coming on man it's like that's tricky that's tall oh wait what was that what was that uh Goliath David Miller giving Goliath no the one where the the the God damn it remember pagemaster but it was taken out of an old story where they trap him down [Music] yeah is that it okay and then they just keep kicking in the balls and they just keep cutting you right in the pee pee if you had to sell Lambo GT3 RS or 650 LT ah you know what bro I don't like uh uh I don't like I don't like Porsches and I don't like McLarens so damn I ain't either of those kind of people you know what I'm saying damn you don't like them so I don't like him I just um yeah I don't yeah I don't like I don't like them I [ __ ] hurt them yeah I don't I don't know they just don't do it for me I look at them and I'm like yeah they look like nice cars they drive really well they drive really beautifully really nice engineering for whatever reason I myself driven a 720s it's a cool car but it just doesn't do it for me I the the the turbo thing I just I I can't stand it I can't stand it I say yeah I'm not a car guy but I do like to go fast well then you're a car guy what you like to go fast no I'd like to go fast yeah I mean you're a car guy nope you like fast cars slingshot could go just as fast if you pull back hard enough or you're more likely get into a fast car or a slingshot that you like cars your car guy if you like if you like anything cars can do you're a car guy that's fair you're a real American I'm real American you're wrong get a Dodge what's up Valerie hey guys for Super Chat here although I would love for din to be ruler of Mandalore I don't think it will happen he's going to live a normal life with grogu and settle down I think he deserves it well that could be maybe they sideline him and give him that kind of a story but that's boring it is a little boring but then you turn the camera over to Bo and she's doing bow things you know bro din's gonna die eventually it's because they're going to take grogu's character to the next so he's gonna have to die and sacrifice himself somehow eventually when we're done with the Mandalorian like the grogu show or something and it's going to carry on with his journey it's going to be like a Saab Fest the whole time I am changing beautify my opinions here I'm teamed in all day and if that stanky ass bow comes in and tries to take my man's throne were rioting in the streets picket signs he has to die he eventually has no if they ever want to make a grogu story like it's the man DeLorean Theory not the woman DeLorean too too far too much did I go too far oh I can hear them already bro oh no it's Twitter oh I can hear them already means god and it is all ham dude everyone pray for Josh wait I thought it was a good joke I thought it'd be okay how can you do this this is outrageous it's unfair oh no oh no fun begins I gotta formulate an apology oh my God oh they coming finally it's not for me they talked about the man show Once yeah I know right we'll see oh [Music] [ __ ] oh no everybody's man did we even answer her first Super Chat we did that's what led to the uh let it be known Valley with your first Super Chat you canceled Josh first Super Chat canceled me sorry oh God I love you guys appreciate all you do for us look forward to Mondays keeping you much love thank you brother keep being you man we love you too man yeah I will remember [Laughter] oh if you're saying about you are you an angel what yeah yeah uh wait what you'll be dead I'm kidding yeah no you take Josh you take all of us yeah it's like that scene in Spider-Man 2 yeah you want him by the way how hilarious is that it's amazing somebody needs to do an editor that was where he says some more Joey Diaz things when it like turns the kids we found something like Joey is just going off in the background like you [ __ ] yeah for sure that'd be great Trev here says if you only look at the Grand Scale of the Universe as a microcosm 25 years or even 50 in the case of Rey then yes one of them brought balance quite using them big words bro like you know what you talking about Trev damn bro did you know this man Trev made me do a whole watch party for this absolute ball sack show called X-Men Evolutions my man was in the chat and he was like dude X-Men Evolutions was better than the 90s X-Men show I was like shut your [ __ ] [ __ ] mouth that's what I said I said shut your core mouth and also we're gonna watch it we're gonna give it a spin just want to thank you guys for all your content me and my girl have gotten so much closer Ever since we started clapping [Laughter] once again you've proved if you'll excuse me God dang you're actually rule definitely the maniverse ah thanks man DeLorean freaking big woman DeLorean who am I gonna live this one down I'm not part of this one for once why does it feel like this might become a thing bro we'll just watch them attach it to me just just watch I'm gonna say it you said Theory said oh hell yeah that was Theory come on that yeah whatever and everyone will believe it too yeah whatever [Music] hmm whatever bro have you bought any new Sabers I recently purchased a new Darth Maul neopixel uh saber also Grievous kill Obi-Wan love you guys what if Grievous save your money on Sabers goddammit three Theory Savers is about to make his goddamn debut yeah Theory Savers coming out better save up your freaking piggy banks save up you bottles okay freaking bottles actually I think I'm going to have one of 100 oh you're gonna save it for yourself and then I'm eventually gonna sell it okay no but I need to make a video okay 69 out of 100 bro I bet you're 16.
I bet you 66 is going to be the most sought after that's true actually the 69 will be up there bro they're gonna be like fighting over it and like selling it on eBay and stuff for so much more ah maybe I shouldn't do that no you should yeah whatever yeah that's what Master replicas did I'm gonna do yeah do it do it do it do it do it mm-hmm do it um [Music] fart so hard you hit Force lightning my man Tom looks like that's exactly what you're doing in your picture nice nice damn it [Music] I'm scrolling uh you going to attack a guy for making a sexist joke you gotta go through all of us woke mob gamut Josh how are you not canceled you have baby cakes oh you know check in tomorrow see where we're at you know what you're most excited for news wise of the Marvel panel oh man there's so much probably you'll see male superheroes oh only maybe uh so we'll talk about it he's not having a daughter oh my God no I just said I want a little girl um no we'll be streaming uh on my live streaming Channel guys on Saturday it's actually going to be a pretty big Stream So if you're curious about what Marvel's doing for San Diego Comic-Con come on by nerd vendors Tower I think we'll be live around seven on Saturday should be a really good time I'm actually really hyped up I think it could be our biggest dream ever so uh p.m yeah p.m yeah yeah because the panel starts at eight but there'll be some animated stuff that we can go over before that because they have a animated panel on Friday where they'll talk about the new X-Men show and stuff like that did you know they're continuing the 90s X-Men show no oh my God bro yeah X-Men 97 .
Really let's go yeah let's go I'm quite excited you tried Black Rifle coffee oh that's awesome brother congratulations on the baby now I have not tried Black Rifle coffee heard good things though but I gotta be honest after this freaking uh Nespresso I don't know [ __ ] dude I mean guys it's like a revelation it's a nation said I missed some Super Chat Square it's a good theory I wish I still lived in Hawaii myself moved to Savannah Georgia what makes you choose Maui not Oahu could Josh beat you in a fight Josh would beat me with his male toxicity um his his misogyny would would Prevail um Oahu is too city-like for me I mean it's basically like a prettier version of California is that so yeah I think so Maui is just like the perfect balance between Kawaii and Oahu in my opinion so um Maui and I have some friends in Maui and I I know the island decently well so I mean been there so many times nowhere to go chill chill dude that's gonna be so cool for you yeah man I'm excited I'm excited for you wanna get off grid a little bit yeah yeah plus it'll be good to get out of you know Canada I'm genuinely a happier person when I'm there there's no other place on Earth that I'm like that happy uh maybe in the Old Village that my mom grew up in in Germany actually but um maybe one day I'll get it a place there too but um you know yeah yeah grandma's grave is there too and it'll be nice to see all that again hmm that'd be cool man appreciate you boy just finished the cut so I'm sitting here with a large pizza watching the stream can't wait for God of War dude dude we are gonna play the crap out of the game I cannot wait yeah man a few years ago when I was playing um God of War 4 holy crap I had the best time of my life that and Spiderman they're some of the best streams bro it's gonna be fun best streams yeah when there's a new game that comes out like I just love life because it's just all I do it's awesome just stream on the gaming channel and just like it's the community's the most fun it's just a great time yeah I did I know a lot of people are hyped up for that one too so it's gonna be cool I'll come in I'll come in and see what you're doing when you got it going out awesome whatever you do don't move to Montana it's way too cold nothing should be approved do you know where I live is Montana colder than Canada it could be I'm from the north I know um when I lived in the Twin Cities dude that was so cold but it was cold because of Canada and then it was like this uh system would just dip down in there dude it's crazy very cold if you don't move to Hawaii I'd recommend either Texas Tennessee Florida or South Carolina I was looking at Florida as well [Music] Mark's there yeah I got a bunch of friends there so yeah me too actually I've I thought about Florida before yeah yeah taking from different Universe where beerus never woke up from his nap is that true or is that just like fan Theory stuff that's kind of cool I guess that could be true then because they do have like different timelines and stuff huh are you gonna have all this cool stuff in the shows then have Ray movies that have none of it in them they'll figure it out and I'll figure it figure it out that's a cool uh spawn that's that Sideshow isn't it I don't know maybe it looks cool hello there how are you I'm doing well a lossius Kellogg underrated Sith Lord yeah doing officially gte4 for life it is life wait what it's purple officially how do you know that he's a Christian's making of it oh maybe no no no no it could be the homie made a sketch Akira Toriyama maybe he like made a color sketch of it could be I'm gonna look it up no way it's Wendy's what I didn't even read it so joke's on you CAD Bane versus Han Solo when everyone is shipping your son with Ahsoka bro how do I miss all these man stupid stream for labs yards can you make a top 10 r2d for moments you all know the best time to go to Wendy's ah damn it maybe they did it on a cover for one of the mangas and they showed it being purple because I don't know yo dudes brought up spawn earlier I have a spawn number one signed by McFarland my dad knows him a bit and he's the nicest dude apparently just rewatched the animated Miss Industries and it's top tier dude that's so good yeah that's super cool that's awesome man yo McFarland is rich rich too is he yeah dude he invented McFarland toys you know how much money those shits make yeah Seth MacFarlane is [ __ ] loaded dude oh he's Seth MacFarlane yeah but but um all right no I'm talking about Todd both of them are loaded yeah I'm not talking about Seth MacFarlane Todd you're talking about Todd mcfarrell yeah Todd McFarlane he's loaded too his net worth is say I don't know it doesn't say oh [ __ ] 300 million dollars that's what I'm saying like his toy company dude is one of the biggest in the business what yeah yeah roughly 300 milli yeah I told you bro he's like loaded loaded it's all from McFarland toys mostly they're incredible dude because he because if you ever heard him talk about McFarland toys no dude like he's he came into a space when at a time when figures sucked and they were just Mass producing and all these companies were doing all this stuff and he came in and was like really want to put Artistic Touch nice uh just he did a lot for the for the industry yeah I have the Violator uh I don't know if that's from him or not but I mean I know it's from dude McFarland toys still slap bro you can go get the DC Multiverse Jones and they are still awesome so yeah it's good stuff for sure I have a Superboy Prime by him yeah kind of reuse as a Jedi please yeah I'd be down he's good big booty Thanos he has a big booty Thanos or potatoes top G Cobra Tate wait his name's cobra I think I saw an aqua ball in one of your Vlogs do you box any I love boxing workouts oh yeah I used to when I was younger and then I got into [Music] um strong man of powerlifting and those are so different Josh it's over over no more marble snap hang with the boys for tournaments no more naps it's worth it but it's over man dad of 18 months three weeks oh no what no a part it's not true it's over bro no it's not bro my parents have lives now that I'm like 32.
Damn well I mean no they had lives when I was like 20 something but I'm just saying say goodbye to the next 20 years bro Chad do you think it's over for me let me know yes or no is it over am I just a dad yeah right right yeah but the ship was in Taco Donna yeah um plus Mando flags at Ma's Castle will Moz play a role in Mandel 3 or Boba two uh probably bro foreign you're done bro for the most part so in the comics Luke went into Cloud City and he went to the the garbage Central sector or whatever and there were knots there and he found it and he was like you know what this lighter was responsible for so much pain I want nothing to do with it and he did the [ __ ] again they did it again dude again dude and um thanks so much so stupid just just yeah anyway so I'm pretty sure one of the ugnots gave it to miles yeah uh Kratos for stanos with two stones who wins depends on the stones and also Thanos Kratos dude he's a God of War got it ball sacks more like a god of war you kidding me bro cradle come on is it Kratos or creative soy oh that was that I'm working on my dad jokes you know I think it'll get better when he's here you know thanks for making my work days less boring guys thanks Nikki thanks man appreciate you thanks for sending two bucks man besides besides for work do you guys rewatch any Disney Star Wars the guy are you kidding me all right probably watching one to six that's it that's it full stop forever um darbin versus Darth Plagueis both Force powers and lightsaber I'd say Bane dude what up fellow kids that's true the top G and Aiden Ross it's true him and Aiden Ross is comedy oh did he is he the guy that did the thing with Aidan Ross yeah who is this guy what's his name again something Flappy Andrew Tate dear Josh my son about to turn two on the 22nd and man being at that no this is definitely not the person I thought it was the newborn phase is tough but it flies by so cherish it congrats bro yeah that's what people keep telling me for sure hey guys love your videos Galactic Empire versus the Imperium of man from Warhammer 40K who's weaning ah bro I gotta say the Imperium of man from Warhammer just had shitty Stormtroopers but I mean they had the Death Star and they had weapons and they had Vader and Palpatine but honestly Vayner Palpatine can't really take take on all those you know this would be a good question for Rahul isn't din's cult the remnant of Maul's Death Watch um oh man this uh Andrew Tate dude his most recent ly racist yeah what no that just could be real bad what do you mean that probably just tell you offline his recent what he's in a bit of trouble it looks like is he yeah okay tell me offline mm-hmm could be bad it's a weird looking animal I am not seeing anything I'll I'll share with you later anyways he's an interesting he's an entertaining guy I think it's it's uh it's it's comedy when he gets together with Aiden Ross guy and when the when the when they pop up it's I think he's definitely full of himself yeah 100 percent he's like a he's like a character mm-hmm what if assaj survived the events of Clone Wars and the OT where do you think she would be chilling in the unknown regions with Ezra and thrawn I've got a big head will your hat be big enough yes CT probably one seven seven oh I like that 1776 Good Year oh Josh about to get canceled again probably Secret Wars didn't happen until 2015.
Okay right um still a good run in comics yo boys my beating nobody better way to spend it than watching another thing happy birthday for him appreciate you man happy appreciate it bro have you guys checked out air to the Empire fanfield no okay that's actually quite cool we had a good day Theory Josh see you tomorrow I thought and my Thor shirt someday oh I got you bruh it's already being shipped out y'all pass the three hour mark and y'all was talking about those instance I think not damn that the future of the darksaber will be um well it'll be destroyed yeah better be one clip that that's probably gonna happen except it says I am excited about tells the Jedi man let's get it just want to thank you guys for all the content me and Mike well looks like we're caught up nice hell no Misty come on man I'm trying to trying to scroll okay I got that one too Tommy Boy Tommy Boy I think there's a new 20 spot here by Gray Goose all right we got that one too we got that one for Shout I got that one too got that one too no we got it now you gotta know have you seen the Ahsoka Anakin see you again music video [Music] I might have to not he knows what it is uh what if Ezra starts his own Jedi award in the own reasons well then I guess he uh you missed Mr back and no we got it I just went all the way we got it okay now we're going forward now we're going forwards all right relax leaked tales of the Jedi trailer looks amazing the shot of Ahsoka with that dark side user looks cool I wonder who that is and I have not it's Riva and I'm excited it's rather than wow I can't believe this guy just said that there's no need to continue the 90s X-Men shut your mouth when you're talking to me Sandra it's treason then X-Men 97 show will be amazing and you will like it yo deep sauce okay it's interesting yeah it's an interesting wiener yo boys figures are the best bang for your buck also what music you guys listen to I like the uh the I forget what the line is but there's like a new line where they look like they're in little VHS things they're pretty cool for Marvel or for Star Wars rather um and what music do you guys listen to I'm on a I'm on a nice little hippie hoppy uh hippie hoppy Vibe right now um rocking like Old Mac Miller Wale I actually you know what I've been rocking a lot recently is the soundtrack to Samurai Champloo there's this video on YouTube that has a vinyl it's a vinyl player playing the soundtrack to that anime and I love it dude so I've been jamming to that a lot I love it [Music] not to worry Theory you put money aside to buy your saber how will pre-orders work we announce it here also favorite DBC so I'm gonna do a countdown we're gonna do a countdown on the website and we're gonna have like art and all this stuff for them which you guys could probably access before we go live with buying and then there will be like a countdown where uh I will do like probably a live stream and I'll count down like a few hours out or an hour yeah maybe a few hours out and then um we'll see what happens yeah and once once that design once that is done that design ain't coming back yeah bro and uh I'm a Vegeta guy yeah nice uh my Underpants are now brown smelly help me oh you'll be fine man you'll be fine let's go in the shower uh toyotaro real super oh toy Taro release the art okay cool [ __ ] sick Christian thanks for the clarification man appreciate you I gotta see that hold on what dude pretty sick he has no eyebrows yeah his eyebrows go away oh you saw it you looked at it well no but that's in the the manga too it's like super saiyan 3.
He actually got purple hair dude so cool why are we named the form Ultra ego it has a similar meaning and feel on Ultra Instinct but with a different undertone plus ego fits the character so well and that's how we got alter ego um I did worry calling it Alter Ego it was a bit too obvious um dude that's so badass yeah oh like let Vegeta just go crazy man come on yeah man come on it goes crazy in the end I'm surpass Goku in the anime maze for longer than like two freaking seconds right blown up by Frieza yeah Josh do you think Halo infinite can go back strong I mean they gotta do the Battle Royale at this point I mean at this point it's they're dwindled so bad until Battle Royal comes out it's not gonna happen entertainers Doctor Doom doesn't make any sense Luke said that the saber was responsible for so many evil Deeds yet the reason he forced projecting himself in tlj with the saber was because that's how he saw himself as appeared good with that saber oh interesting point that Gray Goose I like way ahead sad so the comic was round but so was Ryan Luke said the saber was responsible for so many evil Deeds at the reason he forced rejected himself in the Last Jedi with that saber was because that's how he saw himself as yeah that's yeah Ahsoka series is six years after uh Return of the Jedi Mara J could very well be hunting Luke and thrawn did put a bounty on him right or am I wrong I mean we don't know if Trump put a bounty on him we don't know I saw that Matthew Stover interview and it does kind of change my thoughts on Luke attacking Ben but a wiser and older Luke certainly would not hide for that long shame thoughts uh yeah no absolutely and you know Matthew felt like that's the only thing that makes sense so I feel like even he With His Brilliant Star Wars mind was coming up with reasons as to why Luke would do such a thing but at the end of the day you know I I just don't think Luke would ever do that even as a fleeting shadow tough one I don't think we'd go into hiding yeah it's tough that he would just mean that everything after that a band and his sister yeah stuff I wish Josh was my dad Alexander thanks bro should the megaforth trilogy after episode six and before seven or do you think they'll you think it'll come out poo poo pee pee Kaka like this it could be better I don't think it could be worse like legitimately I don't think it could be worse so yeah I don't think it could be worse at all yeah so take your shot shoot your shot man negative one butthole points for shipping my shirt thank you too bad there was 5 000 Plus for canceling on us or Avengers today hey my bad man I had a real busy day holy cow did you have 5000 life no no no no no no no he's just saying he's mad that I didn't do a member stream I usually do a membership oh plus five thousand points right right what if Ash secretly blinded birthed a child to Luke why who's Ash what are you talking about Ash Ketchum huh love you guys always an interesting and dynamic duo yeah thanks thanks brother appreciate it amen Vice has new icon docu Series starts with George Lucas in A New Hope Oh sick dude okay I have to watch that Vice still in the game huh damn are they making good stuff Boba first Batman in a 1v1 my bro says Batman dude yeah it would be Batman probably yeah I'm smarter than boba famine is ridiculous family either of you apply to be a Founder for Doc's gaming company didn't get chosen with my kid but I'm soaked for him I uh I did get chosen man but I just I have so much going on right now I couldn't really I decided not to Mint one um but I'm gonna be watching everything very carefully just I have too much going on like I couldn't actually provide any value with like testing and stuff like that so I decided not to I don't know anything about this just Doc's new gaming company do you think it's gonna hit I think it has a serious chance I mean they're doing some really cool stuff with it I think the nft thing is like people hate nfts right now so you know he probably designed that before people hated it as hard and uh we'll just see you know but yeah I think they got a real shot man vocal following the angel path Vegeta the god Maybe B yeah that's the interesting interesting thing I mean the Angel's more powerful than the god yeah totally other than uh what's his face the God above everything because he could just instantly delete everybody right Omni God Omni King yeah those guys are annoying yeah I know I know such a goofy little [ __ ] son yeah but I like how like their children and Goku makes friends with them because of course the children a child would like Goku because yeah he's like a child so wow I can't believe Goku's winning now I know he's incredible I know right no with this thing God also I'ma keep bugging you guys to read njo do it New Jedi Order is that what it is well keep bugging keep bugging dog and do better next time because I don't even know what you're talking about it'soka and Luke uh had child upcoming show yes all right well let's uh that's the end of the super chats here and uh it's a good one to go out on you know oh no it's not uh y'all still I can't wait to listen to Network tomorrow yeah man five hours I understand how much does your butts hurt from sitting uh it's not dude I'm not about a fire yeah this chair is amazing my butt actually doesn't hurt it's more of my hips and I actually do need to get a better chair where'd you get that John is that just like a like a office chair or whatever Herman Miller Herman Miller so after going from like chair to I think I've bought I don't know okay not like seven eight chairs um maybe more I've had like every chair uh this has got to be if only this had a head rest it would be the best chair ever the harmony comfortable it's her yeah Herman Miller the Aryan Logitech makes a Herman Miller or her Miller makes a Logitech collab or whatever um but it's great for my back for everything it's it's been awesome yeah I need something like that I've been thinking about getting a new one yeah the gaming chairs are too rigid um but this one is uh it's good maybe if it was a little bit like bigger I got a a big badonkadonk so it's I need a little more room in this to like shift around sometimes but it's pretty good man like I don't no complaints really just just the head rest why don't they just have the prices on their freaking website dude [ __ ] I you're looking at probably like 900 us okay but it's worth it it's saving my back yeah um you know I mean we sit in these things all freaking day so yeah we do we sure do we shall do and it's cool like it's it's like temperature wise you know it's like it's it's um it's like a trampoline uh material it's great nice yeah McFarland toys has always been ahead of the curve because we're trying to be get re get a rebooted movie off the ground for years now because my stuff is made but the man can't get a spawn would be going oh damn it's Hollywood it's Hollywood brother yeah whatever I am Hollywood no what is hotter Who's hotter Padme or Leia I think Padme uh Batman for sure big fan what do you think the is the end vision for Star Wars and like Avengers no no I just want it to be good I don't even need necessarily an end game how about just making this [ __ ] good hey Theory I love your videos I just want to ask a what if question what if Loop turned Ren to the Light Side before episode nine yeah that'd be cool man that's what I was hoping would happen and then they would have to like fight a possessed Ray yeah it would have been absolutely amazing actually but no remember guys go to uh Theory talks I'm gonna be on there in a little bit talk it up chalk it up baby this new Jedi Order would you revisit Legends sure maybe I'll check it out man New Jedi oh New Jedi Order yeah yeah I'll check that out yeah but the high Republic I was saying no have you read the rydencon oh no is this one of those damn it hey Theory I know you said you enjoyed the first loss of us do you plan on playing the remake for PS5 I didn't care for part two but I'm hoping they put gameplay from part two in the part one remake um I loved part one it's really beautiful game I don't think I'll replay it ah I'm open to it yeah I might start going back and reading this Legends Jones let's do it New Jedi Order yeah it seems fine dude yeah let's go fight in the usan bong and [ __ ] yeah damn it let's go no [Laughter] riding this damn it so uncivilized hey y'all crazy sick twisted he got you Theory God what was that is that jabus damn hot damn hot damn I'm gonna kill you show them oh damn tell you something to tell you what sequel of ambassadors ain't coming after me have you all heard of Ray Park is out of the doghouse or whatever drama he was in bro I hope Ray Park comes back to Star Wars uh he is Darth Maul and he's so talented and uh he's honestly my favorite Star Wars actor uh just because how legit he is and and just like down Earth he is with fans the guy is successful the guy is uh freaking Darth Maul and actually takes the time to like talk to you and like actually cares actually gives a [ __ ] you're not just like another fan and I'm sure he's seen so many millions or at least hundreds of thousands that like you know could he could be a dick but he's just genuinely such a nice guy I met him he's legit man so I would love for him to be back um I would love for Maul to be I don't even know if he's out I just want Maul to be uh back in Star Wars you know yeah I don't know I don't know I haven't heard anything about it if they if they if they recast him I will oh you've never seen me angry before oh I mean honestly like I will totally understand if they recast him no yeah no no no no no dude yeah no way it's Disney bro can't fool around with stuff like that yeah no I mean honestly even if it was like Disney yeah but uh as a company man you uh you have every right to uh yeah they have everybody to do whatever they want to do but uh you know what Ray Park is a nice guy and he's a good guy and and I think we all have things in life that happen and um we all move past it and um he is one of the few I don't even think a legit dude that's that's not I don't even think if he worked at a burger joint and something like that happened they wouldn't they'd probably still fire him do you know what I mean like I think literally any job if something like that happened they would absolutely fire him I think people can look past people have looked past much worse this is true that's true I'm just saying like companies I mean around with that I don't know if you come forward I'm just saying bro if they recast them I'm I am going in you can go in I I'm gonna tap out on that one I'll I'll fight I'll fight for my boy fight for your boy and you have every right to do so yeah I'll just kind of be over here being like fair enough for you and you and many others but you know what yeah look I'm all about Rehabilitation I'm all about uh people uh you know being able to learn from mistakes and and all that I'm all about that but I also think just as a company like there's a couple of things that you probably can't come back from unfortunately so listen bro listen okay if your Vader can can come back from what he did to the Younglings and to everybody else in the galaxy and it turned back into the good then I think a little clip on the internet of your you know as inappropriate as it is can be redeemed you can be redeemed you can change as a person and people you know that's all this life is a journey and people can look past it man okay chat Kate do you want to see Ray Park return as Darth Maul I'm pretty sure there's a ton of people in the chat don't even know what happened to be honest with you yeah they don't need to I think that's a better option for him if nobody knew uh then maybe I could see them looking past it but uh bro I'm looking past it whatever oh dude I don't really care you know what I mean like I don't think he's a horrible dude I just think that God no I'm just from a bird's eye view reading the terrain there ain't no goddamn ways coming to Star Wars he's coming back and if they don't then you want to see toxic Theory hey toxic toxic Theory away my brother toxic Theory away I will actually be toxic I don't think they'd recast though I mean there's no there's no real need to you know what I mean I don't think people are necessarily clamoring for uh live action while they need to be I think they are [Laughter] yeah you go wild on this bro I feel like if you like prime stars I'm telling you njo Plagueis dude that's how I praise man Josh you were a meanie Boo Beanie beanie boo baby I'm sorry whatever I said to you I'm sorry God damn it change that photo I'm not showing your face again uh Mr Wilson you're on the point I want to end the stream but can't find the right moment uh so yeah no it's just you guys keep sending supis yeah who is the most underrated character in The prequels kid Fisto 100 Coleman's rubber what freeway Park also my bad for spelling love you know but I don't know it's all good brother thoughts on Jedi Survivor and thoughts on Tucker what TT doing next Star Wars movie also would you be down to see them bring back Mall video game 13 13 get made in some capacity yes for that no ferteka and Star Wars Jedi Survivor is probably gonna be lit so there you go dude I wish we got 13 13.
Yeah it would be sick though for sure I really hope Ahsoka shows includes grogu training with Luke and we see Luke teaching his students the ways of God damn it yeah I knew it dude I could smell that one a mile away bro I knew that one was coming we all fall in love with the solo kids I'll take a peek man I'll take a peek peek lost faith in Vegeta during the cell Saga all the man had to do was beat semi-perfect cell right there and be the hero damage yeah for sure but that's that's him though you know what I mean he wanted to he got tricked man he wanted to fight him at his best but that's that's Vegeta that's the same Vegeta it's also Goku too Goku does that [ __ ] too they both do this ap5 a chopper and Rebels doesn't get enough love Chopper is cool I like Choppa and Chop's cool Chop Chop man well either of you or have you read the Star Wars Visions Ronin novel band yeah I'm about halfway through yeah Jack I'm about halfway through and I think it's awesome dude what's up I love the mythology I love what they did to it I thought you finished it no I haven't finished it yet yeah me either I'd love to but where did you find the time I'd love to see Ray Parker with Sam as his voice huh no I want to see Ray park with uh God it was the original voice in The Phantom Menace oh yeah I like that guy too that was the voice bro yeah that [ __ ] was cool that was the voice yeah I agree I agree like no disrespect to Sam he's doing a great job and he's obviously super successful at it but for me that was the mall it lost people have Revenge that was the perfect role you know it was um the mo like Sam whitburn's malls I I don't know hey uh Theory should play mall for obvious reasons what I think he's saying because you're bald is Star Wars he still is free yes it's morbin time dude can y'all do it to your list of all Star Wars content something yeah I think I did for the movies oh for real you did yeah nerd Theory looks like he just took the fattest dump nice thanks I wish maybe maybe I will after this maybe after all that coffee Josh had yeah an espresso is about to get espresso through his booty exactly solo did so bad I actually enjoyed the film Haley uh because it was after the Last Jedi people were pissed man yeah people were super pissed about that theory is such a Thanos dude you're such a Thanos bro why I gotta be such a Thanos bro do you all remember when he made that horrible sexist joke earlier [Music] yeah check out Atlas headrests their former design at Herman Miller and make the perfect headrest for the eight oh damn look at that bro but this is not the this is not the air on gaming chair this is no that's the style of the that he's talking about the Aeron gaming dude my nose so like just crawled up there maybe something did was it a lizard are you tripping I don't know are you tripping I have to pee real bad uh oh it was consensual act with his wife accidentally released unfortunate but why should it cost him the rule Ray park is small love you guys that's debatable actually yeah yeah I don't know either but uh I don't think uh I don't know if that was the case by the way I forget it's just to never speak about it but I will say this if that was the case and that was provable and like his wife came out and said that too then it would be a totally different story and I would amend how I feel about it but I don't believe that to be true [Music] okay so okay giggity perfect it's true all right well um that's it I think we had a pretty good nerd 34 hours 56 minutes yeah we love you guys check out Josh's Channel at the den of nerds his live Channel at the den of nerds live check out my podcast on Star on Spotify Star Wars Spotify yeah and then uh see you guys in tomorrow's vid love you all it's gonna be a chill summer I mean um yeah for sure comes out I'll be bringing back the old stuff fan fictions Comics um versus battles fantasy battles you're gonna be bringing back uh bonus DVDs a whole bunch of stuff take it easy yeah man you have the Herman Miller air on oh wait what was the company called damn it you've lasted forever Atlas had rests oh all right Atlas headrest why would you be sad about that I just feel foolish now because I said you lost it and then you found it and I just feel silly now sticky I still want you to have the headrest I just wanted to be right in the moment to be uncomfortable you won't be uncomfortable all right well we love you guys uh um see you later much