The Correct Way To Throw HOOKS in BOXING | Thumb Up or Thumb In

thumb facing up or thumb facing towards you this 
is a question i got asked in the comments on my   last video from dan thank you for the question 
dan and this is a topic that is hot in boxing   what's right what's wrong which 
way should i throw the hook   is it this way or this way and on this video 
i want to tell you exactly what i think my name is tony jeffries olympic medallist 
boxer former undefeated professional seven   times national champion european champion welcome 
to my youtube channel before i give you my opinion   on this i'm just going to show you both the 
styles of the hook first one thumb facing me   next one thumb facing up as you can see they're both great solid punches 
under the exact same technique from the ground all   the way up this one and then this one the only big 
difference is is the positioning of the hand and   the arm when i was an up-and-coming young fighter 
amateur boxer i used to always love to throw   the long lead hook like this with my thumb facing 
me i would get a lot of power in it and as well   if i threw a long lead hook with my palm facing 
up see what happens it kind of turns into a slap   and in amateur boxing at a high level you will 
get warned for slapping so we used to always get   taught and used to always turn our hand like i 
said you can get a lot of power and leavage in   that punch and later in my career i switched that 
punch i started throwing it with my thumb up top   like this and the reason why i switched it it 
just feels more comfortable to me personally than   this way but that being said this way
as well thumb facing me is good as well   so basically the answer to this question is 
which is better thumb up or thumb facing you   the answer is whatever you prefer whatever you're 
comfortable with that is the correct answer   now when i'm teaching boxing i will always teach 
boxing with the thumb up like this because it's   less rotation with the wrist the elbow on 
the shoulder compared to this one and with   less rotation there's less chance that you can get 
injured or hurt yourself throwing it so i always   teach the hook with the thumb up rather than thumb 
towards you but the most important thing from both   these punches is the weight transfer from your 
front foot to your back foot no matter whether   you're throwing thumb up or thumb facing towards 
you again thank you dan for the question guys   if you've got any questions any videos you 
want me to create leave them in the comments   below in the next video might be dedicated to you 
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