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8 Kickboxing Safety Tips | Muay Thai

Few tips, when you're going to start hitting the pads with your partner, go at a pace that is safe for you, safe for your partner, make sure your partner…

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Claudia Tries Muay Thai Training With A Pro Fighter!

hi everyone its Claudia skull I'm going to be exploring a type of boxing called my tack I'm gonna be honest with you guys I've never really been a huge…

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How to Do Kickboxing Combos | Muay Thai

Combinations with my partner now. Alright. Using the same punches, the jab, the cross, the hook, we want to put combinations together. Again, no less than two punches, no more…

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Pull-Up Exercise for Shoulder Fatigue | Muay Thai

Pull ups. We like to use the pull ups to help with fatigue in the shoulders so that when we get to the clinch and we're hanging onto the neck…

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6 Tips for Working Out without a Gym | Muay Thai

A little tip. If by chance, you're not able to always get to the gym to work out, a couple of things that can be beneficial to you that we…

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How to Do a Kickboxing Bag Workout | Muay Thai

I like to use the heavy bag sometimes as the sole purpose of the workout or maybe at the end of the workout. All we do on the heavy bag…

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3 Tactics to Counter Elbow Attacks | Muay Thai

Defending and attacking against the elbows. All right, so facing my partner, hands up nice and high. If my partner decides to throw a right elbow, as he steps in…

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5 Kickboxing Fist Techniques | Muay Thai

Once we've moved around a little bit in our fight stance, forward, backward and to the side, okay, we're going to go through the basic punches. Now, we start with…

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How to Wrap Hands for Kickboxing | Muay Thai

Wrapping our hands. It's very important we wrap our hands to look after our hands. Putting your hands without any wraps in the gloves and hitting a bag can be…

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5 Facts about Kickboxing | Muay Thai

Kick boxing is the western name for Muay Thai, which is a traditional sport in Thailand. It originated from having, like the 16th, 17th century, the warriors. Once they were…