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How to Fake a Kickboxing Attack | Muay Thai

Faking a kick, punch, roundhouse kick. Okay? Now, just like boxing, they fake a lot of punches that you think that their opponent thinks is coming and then they end…

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How to Toughen Up Legs for Kickboxing | Muay Thai

Conditioning your shins. A lot of you may have seen on YouTube Thai guys kicking bamboo trees in order to condition their shins. That's all well and good. If you…

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How to Do Kickboxing Drills | Muay Thai

Now we're going to touch on some drills. Now one of the drills I like to do in order to help with my balance and my kicking is rapid fire…

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Advanced Kickboxing Strike Combination | Muay Thai

Male: Once you've mastered the basic punches, kicks, defends, blocks and stuff, you'll try to put combinations together with a partner. Sometimes using no less than two punches, no more…

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5 Tactics to Counter Kicking Attacks | Muay Thai

Countering Against Kicking Attacks. There are two different ways to counter the kicking attacks. Alright? The first one and most common on is once I've blocked a roundhouse kick with…