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Premiers entraînements de boxe en Thaïlande | AMATEUR – S1 Ep 1 | GQ Originals

A ZAZI FILMS & STUDIO71 PRODUCTION DIRECTED BY LUDOC WITH ALBAN PELLEGRIN 7 days damn it! 7 days I’ve been getting ready for this fight. 7 days I’ve been travelling…

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La question de l’abandon à 5 jours du combat | AMATEUR – S1 Ep 2 | GQ Originals

PREVIOUSLY IN AMATEUR I’m in northern Thailand. I came here to discover a culture through its iconic sport, Thai boxing. I have 7 days to train before stepping up to…

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UFC Fighter Stephen Thompson Breaks Down Martial Arts Scenes from Movies | GQ Sports

what's up GQ this is Steven wonderboy Thompson UFC fighter and this is the breakdown first up we have the way of the dreck I've never seen this movie before…