Surviving my first Krudar Muay Thai class | Kensington Market

So today we’re at Krudar, and, come and watch me get my ass kicked. Sah Wah Dee Khap, guys! Welcome to Krudar Muay Thai. Come on in, let’s have a tour. Hey guys, my name is Taylor, one of the Muay Thai instructors, personal trainers, and fighters here at Krudar Muay Thai. So we are a 7000 sq/ft facility, with two floors. So upstairs we have our ring. We got some heavy bags. The basement we run fitness classes, boot camps, and kettlebells. Muay Thai dates back a few hundred years ago. It was originally developed as a battlefield tactic when Thailand was known as the kingdom of
Siam and they were battling against the Burmese also known as the art of eight
limbs because it uses two fists two elbows to knees and two shins.

This was
later developed into a sport which we now know as Muay Thai which also uses
some above the waist grappling, some clinching sweeps and dumps as well. We try to keep it as close to Thailand as possible whether it's with the culture
on the gym training itself. for a lot of us here at the gym, Muay Thai is in fact the lifestyle so it doesn't just start and end in the gym, you take my tie with
us everywhere we go in our everyday life whether it's getting proper rest
proper nutrition staying disciplined being respectful. Kru Darwin’s been involved in Muay Thai for over 25 years. he's extremely dedicated to the sport to
the martial art it's a big passion of his and that's
part of the reason why I'm so happy to be a part of this gym is to be to work
under the Kru Darwin and to train under Kru Darwin, it's pretty amazing. So we cater to everybody. Professional fighters all the way down to
first-timers. People that are just interested in getting in shape. Class
structure 90-minute classes. First five to ten minutes skipping to warm up, the
body a solid 30 minutes of strength and conditioning so lots of jumping jacks,
sit-ups, push-ups, squats, activate the muscles, get a get a full-body warmup and then the last 45 to an hour is a technique portion.


Shadowboxing, learning the basics, stance guard, of course all the weapons: punches, elbows, knees, and kicks, some technical partner drills and as well as paddler work. In Muay Thai, it's respectful to bow to your instructor you're a partner at the beginning and
end of each session. Sah Wah Dee Khap. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 4 Back and forth, picking up the heels… Roll that shoulder over, twist… The magic word in Muay Thai is ‘Ish’ Ish ish ish ish ish ish ish ish ish ish, ish ish ish ish ish I did it! Okay! What's next?.

As found on YouTube

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