Sean “Sugar” O’Malley – Skinny Kick Ass Puncher

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Endowed with flamboyant looks and impressive power, Sean “Sugar” O’Malley has quickly gained fan love. Right now he’s only at the doorstep of the top 15, but very soon he’s going to take another step to the top. Today, we’re going to talk about “Sugar”‘s fighting journey, and more importantly: showcase this skinny knockout’s best finishes.

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#SeanO’Malley #DanaWhite#UFC

[Music] [Music] [Music] Many think that this guy is soon to be Even more popular than he is right now Today we're going to talk about sugar And we'll show you all the best Knockouts of this seemingly fragile Skinny looking guys [Music] Please Sean was born in the city of halada in Montana he grew up in a wealthy family And he would rarely get involved in Street fights as a kid when he was only 10 years of age his ha his dad watching MMA fight and was very confused to see People beat each other up it was even More confused about the fact that other People seem to have enjoyed watching Those kinds of things because a lot of People were really mad about it Sean didn't know much about boxing or MMA in general at the time but he was Curious so he decided to give it a shot Right from the get-go Sean realized that He found his niche So he started to learn boxing and then Took serious interest in cake boxing at Jiu jitsu When Sean turned 18 he started his Professional career in MMA he quickly Became a star everyone started calling This guy sugar Sean was very creative

And brutal at the same time he acquired A very unique style that allowed him to Step out of the crowd [Music] That's it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Over one year O'Malley won five fights At this point however it was only the Beginning for this guy after one of the Fights he met Tim Welch who told him That in order to be good fighter he Needs to find a proper training spot and So Tim invited him to MMA lab in Arizona Sean knew well that he couldn't stay in Montana if it wanted to get big so we Packed his stuff in the car and went Straight to Arizona O'Malley was a bit Sentimental about it but he had a dream To become a professional UFC fighter and So he followed that dream all he ever Wanted was to become UFC fighter He remembers well the day he left he was A bit scared about the prospects but Still he drew 20 hours straight and he Cried half of the way and even though he Was scared he did it for his dream when He arrived he decided to stay at Tim's House who also was his main trainer and His best friend When he first entered MMA lab he was Already considered a legitimate fighter All the training among the best made him

Rethink his attitude Sugar came to realize that he'd have to Work really hard in order to get to the Top After six months an MMA lab Sean got a Chance to fight in the local LFA It was quite a fight but Tron actually Managed to took out his opponent in just Three minutes [Music] [Applause] Headed one of the most brilliant Knockouts of the year that UFC noticed Right away In the next one and a half month he was Invited to contend or serious It wasn't easy but over time he found His rhythm [Music] He was getting really good at it So far so good for her to find a home For some of these punches By the end of the first round he almost Took his opponent down it's to go in the First round There fight cold-blooded [Music] Dana White was super surprised what he Saw but even more surprise was Snoop Dogg who was absolutely hysterical about It [Applause] That knockout sign O'Malley to UFC Straight right right on the jaw John

That fight changed his life his phone Wouldn't stop sending endless messages And the media kept talking about sugar He quickly got popular but it didn't let The fame took control because inside he Knew that the day will come when people Are gonna start talking about him O'Malley quickly gathered a devoted fan Base and many were quite convinced that This guy has a long way to go all that Hive had to be proved in a debut however His first serious rival was Tyrion Ware Who already possessed a bell and had Over 20 professional fights behind him [Music] From the first moment of the fight sugar Began to satisfy the crowd with his Unconventional techniques [Music] In the second round however Ware took us Five minutes back by pressing the guy Sean got very tired but found strength To win in the end nevertheless [Music] [Music] It wasn't as beautiful as his previous Fights but Sean did show that he can be Tough [Music] We're just getting started baby we're Just getting started He was a bit disappointed that it Couldn't end the fight with a beautiful Blow on the other hand he was very

Satisfied that he passed all three Rounds and proved to be the real fighter And not just some hyped up Mama's Boy Already three months after the big win Sean was up against Andrei sucking Thought the guy who took out his pal and Partner from MMA lab As soon as the fight began Sean took Initiative and started to attack his Opponent very very rapidly right from The center of the cage Oh Andrew was resisting but Sean was always One step ahead of him [Applause] There was everyone thinking that sugar Was gonna win that one but in the third Round he accidentally damaged his foot Oh right hand He was trying to balance on just one leg There feeling the scrouching pain but That didn't stop him from winning Look at it after the gong Sean couldn't Even get up so Joe Rogan had to take his Interview right on the canvas I love everything about this Sport and I [ __ ] love you Joe Hogan well I [ __ ] love you too buddy During Autumn of 2018 Tron was getting Ready for his third fight but as it Later turned out it wasn't gonna happen Experts found ostering in his blood He later said that it was because of the Supplements it was taking and Sean was

Banned for the next six months It took a second test but the chemical Was still in his system it wasn't Punished in any way although couldn't Participate nevertheless experts come to The conclusion that those were leftovers From the last time and so O'Malley was Forced to stay out of it for some time To come During the following year he was trying To get back to the cage but wasn't able To do so due to traumas and then the Pandemic happened And so it took two years at least All This Time Sugar was training up and Continued to grow He also tried to gain weight He says that the pause was actually good For him it helped him to grow both Physically and mentally he came to Realize that there's nothing bad and Tragic about the fact that he couldn't Fight one time in the shower he came to Realize how shallow his problems were Compared to those kids who don't even Have access to water [Music] Sean's long-awaited return happened During UFC 248 where he stood against Mexican Jose Quinones Over the past couple of years people Started to forget about Sean but the Moment he threw his first punch he Firmly announced his return

In the first round he kind of played Around with Jose but then finally took Him out in his iconic fashion [Applause] Oh [Music] It was the first time Sean received a Nice bonus of fifty thousand dollars for The best performance of the night You know you can't congratulations and Welcome back I freaking love you Joe Rogan I love you too buddy after winning Three times in a row Sean was gonna Fight the ax swag Champion Andy weinland Andy was kind of at the dawn of his Career however in his last fight he Showed that he still got it division Begins Here and Now tonight's like oh Mali quickly figured out what was what In the first round he waited for the Right moment and threw a crazy Mighty Punch [Music] It was a kind of trick and it happened Very fast That uppercut was really something Andy Didn't even have time to think I love you too brother Ladies and gentlemen with 12 to nil Sean Finally found his way in the top 15 Where he was greeted warmly by Marlon There Cheeto was in the game for over five Years and won many fights and early wins

It was O'Malley's most serious opponent And so there was a lot of high before The fight It all seemed like it was a promising Start for Sean it's gonna help a lot With that low kick right there hit it a Few low kicks that helped a lot but then Cheetah went back at him with a kick of His own and touched the nerve after that Sean began to lose concentration it Seemed like it couldn't hold on any Longer Absolutely I guess you gotta just hope Maybe for Sean He tried to end it quick he slipped and Fell and Cheeto used that opportunity Right away [Music] Oh [Music] And that's how his first loss came about Sugar said that it was a mere accident And that Cheeto only won because he was Lucky not because of his extensive Experience He said that he never lost that time and That he still feels unbeaten [Music] Fc252 incident it took half a year break To fix himself up and celebrate the Birth of his child His next fight was against Thomas Almeida there was a point in Thomas's Career when he was at 21 to nil but now

He was merely trying to extend his Contract As usual O'Malley had a very good start He started off by throwing some kicks He's a hard guy to figure out like look At that oh he's got to be sharp and Focused Already in the first round he brought Thomas down He was about to Proclaim himself Champion but the ref told them to keep Fighting another right who hesitated Briefly a moment ago well he thought it Was but it's not Thomas Almeida is still There Oh oh another Sean also managed to continue dominating In the second round [Music] Strikers [Music] By the third round it became obvious That Sean won this one it was pretty Much apparent for everyone attending the Fight [Music] Okay Sugar received yet another bonus for a Beautiful fight and famous Teddy Atlas Made comparison with Prince Naseem Hamed This is how talented he thought he was I love you too Shawn O'Malley After his last fight people started to Mock Sean not just general haters but

Also some of the UFC fighters they used To say that he doesn't have what it Takes and it has got weak legs and no Skills to fight the best of the best His next fight happened three months Later he was supposed to fight Louie Smoker but because the former received An injury not long before the fight Sean Was up against Chris moutinho There was everyone thinking that it Would be a walk in the park for Sean but The Portuguese took the challenge and Showed everyone that he was very capable Chris went straight ahead trying to get At Shawn but it seemed like the latter Couldn't be bothered about it at all Turn O'Malley threw punch after punch hit Chris with his hands and feet Given the other corner of the finger It was really just giving it to the poor Novice [Music] At some point moutinho's whole face was Red and bloody Oh It was trying to chase sugar like a kind Of zombie no matter what 30 seconds Before the end O'Malley threw several More punches and it seemed like Chris Was barely alive who knew how it was Still able to stand on his feet If it wasn't for the ref poor moutinho Would probably lose his side or hearing

Or both that was the best fight of the Night O'Malley managed to set the new Record for the most significant strikes Landed in a single fight and 160 000 People now started following moutinho Sean was so pleased about the fact that He even forgot to say that he loved Joe Rogan One month after that fight Sean's Knuckles still hurt he was also smashed By Chris's capacity to withstand direct Punches Her skin tiny brown even now Sean has All it takes to become the new UFC Superstar botha's wild looks and unique Style work in his favor the only Downer In this situation is the fact that in Order to be able to get to the top he Has to fight the top fighters Never once Ron fought any one of top 10. However this guy still has plenty of Time he believes that he's the best of The best and has got what it takes to Knock down the majority of the world's Renowned Fighters One time in the interview he said that He'll knock them all down all of them in Each other Well except maybe for khabib Foreign

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