Sean Strickland GOES OFF on judges after split decison loss! Dillashaw DEFENDS Conor McGregor! Longo

MMA news today:

RAY LONGO goes off on controversial judge Douglas Crosby

TJ DILLASHAW defends Conor McGregor over alleged PED use

SEAN STRICKLAND slams judges after split decison loss to Jared Cannonier

MMA COMMUNITY reacts to Sean Strickland vs. Jared Cannonier

CONOR MCGREGOR calls out Nate Diaz for a slap fight

JARED CANNONIER reacts to his win over Sean Strickland at UFC Vegas 66

00:00 – TJ Dillashaw defends Conor McGregor against PED accusations
01:43 – Conor McGregor calls out Nate Diaz for a slap fight
02:30 – Jared Cannonier reacts to his win over Sean Strickland
03:56 – Sean Strickland goes off on the judges after loss
05:03 – MMA Community reacts to the controversial scoring
05:59 – Ray Longo slams controversial judge Doug Crosby
07:52 – Top 3 MMA memes

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In today's video TJ doshaw defends Conor McGregor against ped accusations Conor McGregor calls out Nate Diaz for a slap Fight Jared cannonier reacts to his win Over Sean Strickland Sean Strickland Goes off on the judges after loss MMA Community reacts to the controversial Scoring and Ray Longo slams Controversial judge the Crosby TJ doshaw has supported Conor McGregor's Decision to remove himself from the side Of testing pool Before returning to the Octagon McGregor Will have to undergo six months of Testing by usada while speaking with Brendan Schaub on the food truck Diaries Dillashaw said he doesn't care if McGregor has been using Performance-enhancing drugs to heal up And also believes that the Irishman will Not have an advantage from taking what He's taking when he returns to fighting Here's the clip we don't get enough Season we're testing 365 days a year you Don't get time to heal you don't get you Know you don't get these down times the Guys in movies he's doing all this [ __ ] His legs broken in half and even if he Were to take steroids to recover himself He can't compete with it in his system So he's not going to have any kind of Advantage from taking what he's taking All he's doing is healing yeah you know If you're telling me that a guy can't

Heal is going to make not only himself But the UFC hundreds of millions of Dollars that makes no sense not to That's why I think the UFC hasn't really Dominant like yeah you know the honor Luke well he's not doing anything wrong Retiring and I had to fight him he's not I know he's not fighting when he's on The [ __ ] so it's whatever you know if he Can heal the right way he actually has a Career because I mean you break your leg Like that you might not ever come back You know Honor McGregor has called out Nate Diaz For a slap fight under the banner of Dana White's power slap League He wrote this power slab Championship is Growing on me who doesn't like watching Good quality clatter is beaver snake on It for the title maybe that's the title You'd have a better chance of coming Close to winning Nate you little slapper He continued with is it a flip of a coin Who gets to go first how long do they Have to recover before they get to throw Their counter or is it over if they're Ko'd fascinating I'm attending one of These 100 is this Dana's what the is This madness Dana I'm in What are you guys making this idea from Conor McGregor would you like to see Nate and Connor compete in a slap fight Let us know your thoughts in the Comments below after falling short of

The title earlier this year Jared Cannon Gear rebounded with a split decision Victory over Sean Strickland in their Middleweight main event of UFC Vegas 66. The fight went the full 25 minutes and It was a very close technical battle Speaking during ESPN's post-fight show Canon here gave respect to his opponent And said that he's confident that he won Three out of the five rounds well yes I Was pretty confident I had three rounds Um I was just confident I won the fight I thought I did uh did a little bit more To Sean you know he had his jab he hit Me he hit me with some good shots you Know Um but I think I did a little bit more As far as controlling the cage I pushed Him back more I think I landed the Harder shots so Yeah the judges agreed I guess did he do Anything that surprised you in this one No he did exactly what I thought he was Going to do into great effect so uh out Of respect to Sean you know he he uh Talks his talk and he walks he Definitely walks his walk so he did Exactly he felt exactly how I thought he Was going to feel Um He did a few things he the one thing I Didn't see coming was the uh that upkick Uh I think it was the second round he Kicked me with that up kick but uh other

Than that you know um everything I saw Coming even the shots uh that I covered Up when we had to bail out for I saw him Come so except for the ones that hit me Sean Strickland doesn't agree with the Scoring in his loss to Jared Cannon year At UFC Vegas 66. the frustration was Clear in the Octagon after Strickland Was announced the loser of the fight and After some brief reflection time Sean Proceeded to slam the judges in a video Posted to his Instagram page Here's the video he also wrote I just Want to ask a judge when you go back and Look at the data do you ever feel bad For robbing guys because you don't know A damn thing about fighting hmm anyways Thank you everyone coaches fans and Haters on to the next There guys I'm a sore loser I'm hats off To Jared but again you get you have Judges that don't know how to do their Job you actually look at the scorecards You look at the significant strikes you Look at how many times I wobbled in And you know you you have people experts In the field come up to me and say yeah Man I don't I don't know how you lost That one you landed way more the Scorecard should say it You know anyways I'm gonna shut the [ __ ] Up now get out of my cell box uh thank You guys for supporting me thanking the UFC back to drawing board on the next

One thank you guys here's how the MMA Community reacted to the scoring Jamal Hill said it's a finish or I don't know Who won Abraham Kawa said let's go that's the Right call hashtag UFC Vegas Brunson comedy and judging 49 46 one Person 49 46 other person two subjective And opinionated can you get a real Scoring system Gregory RoboCop Rodriguez Said crazy scorecards Ben Aston tweeted damn that is crazy Close Strickland is pissed but he should have Showed more urgency 49-46 going opposite ways weird cards Again at verdict MMA what you got Teddy Atlas said good final round but Strickland was more consistent and Busier he won Canon year landed harder Punches but not enough Last week many fighters and people from The MMA Community blasted judge Douglas Crosby for controversial scoring at UFC 282 now famed coach Ray Longo whose Trained names such as algeman Sterling Has Charmed him I'm the Anakin Florin podcast he ripped Crosby and pointed to Prior Controversies with the judge one of the Controversies Longo mentioned are a Controversial scorecard against Bellator's AJ aguizarm in 2020. here's The clip Ariel wanted to hit it dead on

With his with his analysis and the guy Harassed him he stalked him why is this Guy still around got on sales podcast Destroyed Nick limbo the guy's the Commissioner for New Jersey you let this Mud dictate what's going on and just Piss all over people yeah I don't know Mr will answer the question did did Mike Mazoli look into AJ agazam's claims that This guy filled out his forms and was Judging his face you're the head of the APC what'd you do That kid's never even fought after that Fight it was 2020. what happened to him He didn't get rewarded I bet he got penalized we should get him On the phone see how close how Crosby How did he how did he approach him what Did he do How do you fill out those forms for you What did he tell you this is a judge Then he asked the judge a fight All right You don't think that that guy somehow Hooked into Danny sabatello by you did Me tell you what I want you know he Knows people you know he goes to gyms And talks to Pete what the [ __ ] is going On I mean if these Commissioners I'm saying That Bob Bennett was still in Nevada That [ __ ] never happens they don't fly That guy from Connecticut to Nevada it Just doesn't happen

Here are the top three funniest memes we Found on the internet today third place Was found over Reddit and was posted by A user named mundane detail Second place was found over Facebook and It was posted by a user named queasy Mechanic9283 And our top pick was found over Reddit And it was posted by a user named kilo 95x Thank you guys for watching if you liked The video please leave a like And Subscribe to our channel to keep up with The latest MMA News [Music]

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