MMA news today:
FOOTAGE of Sean Strickland sparring 3 fighters at once
SEAN STRICKLAND takes aim at Paige VanZant & women’s MMA
MIKE PERRY VS. EDDIE ALVAREZ the first face off ahead of BKFC 56
MACKENZIE DERN reveals UFC 295 pay goes to her ex-husband
DANIEL CORMIER gets called out by teammates for biased commentary
JIRI PROCHAZKA & SERGEI PAVLOVICH chat prior to UFC 295 press conference
00:00 Mackenzie Dern reveals UFC 295 pay goes to her ex-husband
00:50 Daniel Cormier gets called out by teammates for biased commentary
02:42 Footage of Sean Strickland sparring 3 fighters at once
03:57 Sean Strickland takes aim at Paige VanZant
05:17 MMA Community react to Strickland’s comments about women’s MMA
06:02 Jiri Prochazka & Sergei Pavlovich had a friendly chat prior to UFC 295 presser
07:13 TOP 3 MMA memes
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All right let's get the show Started Mike Perry and Eddie Alvarez Have exchanged body blows during their Face off during Thursday's bkfc 56 press Conference Mike Perry and Eddie evz went Face to face For the First Time ahead of Their fight scheduled for December 2nd In Salt Lake City Utah during their face Off they exchanged words and then Exchanged punches to the stomach here's The Clip let's go [Applause] [Music] Woo Kenzie dur is still dealing with the Aftermath of her divorce ahead of UFC 295 D went through a divorce ahead of Her last fight against Angela Hill which He won by decision back in May it was a Dominant performance although dur Admitted that there was a lot of mental Struggles ahead of the fight now months Later she's set to face Jessica andrj Who's also dealing with divorce and Recently revealed that she fought five Times in 2023 to pay divorce costs in a Recent interview with TSN Aaron Broner McKenzie revealed that the money she Makes from this fight is going to pay Her ex-husband I mean honestly I think It's more like the money fact know I Mean even me like this fight is still Like basically just to pay off like my My ex you know what I mean so it's like
I can I imagine for her to you know it's Like it's crazy like as the fighters and You know that we kind of have to like You need to like pay out of a of a of a Relationship kind of thing so we're Basically fighting it to get out I I I Believe it's more like a financial thing Um even for me it was like a more Financial thing you know like the Decision to not be in a relationship Ship anymore that's like easy compared To everything else that comes with it You're like oh my gosh you know like I Need to get punched in the face and and You know it's not even like to pay my Bills it's to pay someone else's bills You know it's just I imagine that in how She said before to you know kind of I've Heard a little bit her story um I think We're kind of in the same which get Which makes you frustrated you know what I mean and which I think it just kind of Does kind of go off what you said you Know because we need to you know take Care of Financial um thing that comes with the Divorce um you know you need to win you Know you need to get those wins in and If you lose then you got to get another Win you because because you just got to Keep getting paid right now you know Like Daniel Cormier has received Flack From teammates for biased commentary During a recent interview with MMA
Fighting Daniel Cormier revealed that he Has indeed had push back in the past From former teammates for being too Critical of their performances one in Particular was former UFC heavyweight Contender blacko even all DC said I've Noticed and my friends have noticed that As much as people say you're going to be Biased towards a person that you care About I tend to go the other direction Which is unfair to my guys actually but They understand I try to call the fight As best I can if a guy deserves praise I Give it to them they had a real bad case Of this with bloy even of bloy was Fighting and he texted me on Monday he Goes DC did I not land anything I was Like yes you did and I gave you credit For it DC continued he goes it just Seemed like you were so intent on what Was happening to me I said blacko I said We weren't winning but I had to check Myself because part of the reason I was Doing that was because I was listening To the voices telling me I'm biased Towards my friends when the reality Those voices it is a select few the Select few is always louder than the Majority so you have to forget about What the select few is doing and just do Your job but it is nerve-wracking Because you just want to see those guys You know do Well Sean Strickland spars three
Fighters at once recently a viral Training video on social media showcased Strickland fighting three opponents Simultaneously a highly unusual and Challenging feat inpiring sessions the Video seems to be recorded a few years Back when Strickland was training at Dan Henderson's gym here's the [Music] Clip [Music] I'm a little surpris you stood [Music] Up [Music] While on the topic of Strickland he's Got some harsh words for former women's UFC strawweight fighter Paige van xan Benzant revealed that she made more Money on fans in 24 hours than she did In her entire ire UFC career Strickland Reacted to the comments writing paig Vanz said she made more on only in 24 Hours than she did in the UFC let's Unpack one you were signed because You're hot two women's MMA is lame three Men will pay more to see you than to Watch you fight stay in school kids Fighting sucks LOL he followed up with This photo of felons fighting and Captioned it male versus female MMA I'm Not saying a cat fight isn't fun to Watch watch occasionally but you Know this statement from Strickland
Sparked a discussion amongst MMA fans in The comments one fan wrote this is a Sign Sean time to start showing your for 20 bucks brother that's your true Calling Paige being signed because she Was hot is absolutely the realest thing Ever said and yet she had a pretty even Record in the UFC can't have been that Much worse than the rest this is why Shawn is one of my favorite Personalities in the UFC SL MMA I doubt He's completely serious with this post In certain aspects of it but he's right PBZ was the only signed cuz she was Smoking hot if she wasn't she'd be Working at Burger King ver samma when it's all over your Body will look the same I hear Dana White only started the women's division Because he wanted to get with Ron Rousey Someone sent me the link I need to Investigate these claims du Lea posted Dana's reaction to being told about Strickland's tweet I agree with Everything but your second point but to Each their own love all your takes but I Think women's MMA is better than most Men's sports I fast forward through Almost all female bouts women's MMA has Been the biggest mistake since passing The 19th Amendment Yuri prasa and Sergey Pavlovich have a friendly chat prior to UFC 295s press conference this Saturday
Night yui prasa and Sergey pavlovich Will be looking to become UFC Champions At light heavyweight and heavyweight Ahead of UFC 295s presid Both Fighters had a friendly chat here It Is We have all team there And we good to and here are today's top Three memes found on the internet third Place was found over Facebook and it was Posted by a usern named hilarious Sade the second place meme was found Over Reddit and was posted by a user Named St Jude the Gray and the top pick name of the day it Was found over Facebook and was posted By a usern named artam the goat lob B thanks for watching if you like the Content smash that like button and don't Forget to subscribe to stay in the Talk