Robert Whittaker’s FIRST REACTION after UFC 290 loss! Adesanya TAKES AIM at Du Plessis, Moreno

In Today’s MMA news:

Robert Whittaker issues statement following TKO loss to Dricus Du Plessis at UFC 290

American Top Team celebrates Alexandre Pantoja’s win over Brandon Moreno

Michael Bisping shared his thoughts on Israel Adesanya and Dricus Du Plessis situation at UFC 290

Jamahal Hill shared a video of him partying with Israel Adesanya

Israel Adesanya / Dricus Du Plessis beef continues

Brandon Moreno issues statement following UFC 290 loss against Alexandre Pantoja

00:00 – Michael Bisping reacts to Adesanya / Du Plessis
01:48 – Israel Adesanya / Dricus Du Plessis beef continues
03:10 – Jamahal Hill shared a video of him partying with Israel Adesanya
03:39 – Robert Whittaker issues statement after loss against Dricus Du Plessis
05:40 – Brandon Moreno issues statement following UFC 290 loss
05:59 – ATT celebrates Alexandre Pantoja’s win
07:38 – TOP 3 MMA memes

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All right let's get this show started While speaking honest believe you me Podcast Michael Bisping has shared his Thoughts on the Israel Sania and Drake's Duplessy confrontation at UFC 290 here's What the count said I think Izzy was shocked Because he didn't expect this he thought In his mind Robert which is going to Beat him And then I'm gonna get to beat Robert Whitaker once again because I know I can Do that I've beaten him twice I finished Him the first time second one was close But I could do better and I've done better Before so I will Drake is you know uh And then to see jiggers go out there and And beat him the way that it did all of A sudden he probably felt a threat Obviously there's that they've already Had the beef they've been going back and Forth they've been talking you could see He was kind of mad he was angry his Voice sounded like my voice he probably Indulging in Vegas a little bit and Bradley so he's the champion isn't going To fight right now It's just maybe not the best time to get A microphone stuck in front he's Enjoying the festivities he's probably Well I could see him he had a cocktail In his hand on several occasions so you Know he's enjoying the fight it's like a

Human being and then he goes in there I didn't like it because you know I mean Listen he can say with everyone and it Is the fight game and people say nasty Things to one another Um you know but Turkish du plessis was Born there now I know you can you can Start picking it apart and saying this And saying that and saying the other Um there's a little bit of double Standards there you know if a white guy Was saying that someone that was born in England uh came from Africa wasn't Wasn't Um black because so was it English Because the black right I think that That would be a big controversy do you Guys agree with Bisping share your Thoughts in the comment section Is he continues beef with Drake's Duplessing taking to Twitter he posted This video and I can jump a few more to Getting that top 20 and start making my Way my way to that title because that's Ultimately what I want within the next Two years I want to be the first real African Jam trained born bread in Africa Well I mean those belts ever go to Africa as far as I know it came to America and New Zealand [Music] [Applause] I'm the African fighter in the UFC Myself and Cameron we breathe the

African Air we wake up in Africa every Day we train in Africa we're Africa born We African raised we still reside in Africa we train out of Africa that's an African champion and that's who I'll be He captioned the video writing Don't back play the victim stand on your Original statement say it with your Chest I never discredited you as a real African you tried to discredit three Real African UFC Champions you started This and I will finish this that's not a Threat that's a promise and maku Is he continued even if you show them The proof these people believe what they Want play the victim and run when he was Pressed for his words LOL quote unquote Real African gaslighting imma light em Up here's a clip that Jamal Hill shared Of him partying with his Rod Sonia Let's go chance [Music] After his loss to drakis duplessier UFC 290 Robert Whittaker has taken to his Social media and released the following Statement G'day everybody this is just an update I Am home now with my family and I'm Healthy I just want to say firstly big Thank you to all my friends and family And to everybody that message me I left A comment in one of the many videos Going around showing their love and Support I really do feel it and I

Appreciate it and I wouldn't be in it Without you guys secondly I want to say Huge thank you to my team and my coaches Day in day out they're in there helping Me get to the fight helping me prepare For the fight helping me you know get Get through day-to-day battles as well They're they're my my second family and Uh I want to say thank you to my sponsors You know obviously there's a big lag Between fights and my sponsors are the Ones that carry me so thank you to you Guys and lastly I want to say thank you To oh thank you congratulations to Drikis he uh he showed up to fight you Know and I didn't but that's the nature Of the Beast you know that's the nature Of the Beast you can't have a day off And Yeah is what it is but I will say that I Do believe that challenges and hardships And obstacles that they get presented to You that you overcome make you stronger Build character make you a better man And by fact a better a better athlete And I will come back stronger for this And I'll come back hopefully by the end Of the year I want to get I want to get In the Octagon by the end of the year to Get in there finish close the year on a On a win and bring back the reaper you Guys all know Uh but that's me I'm gonna enjoy the

Couple weeks now with my family just Resting and just recalibrating Recharging the batteries and then I'll Get back in the gym get back to work and Come back better than ever thanks again Everybody and stay tuned ran Marino has Issued the following statement after his UFC 290 loss against alessande Pantoja He posted this photo and wrote when this Is all over I promise you it would be The most watched Netflix movie I'll be Back soon friends much love to all I'm Going to have a great day with my Friends hashtag team assassin baby A video has just appeared on the fan Page of American top team in which the Gym's Fighters greet the new UFC Champion alessandre Pantoja and Celebrate his win Foreign [Applause] Thank you One two three One two three I'm ready Come on [Applause] [Applause] Guys Guys Here's the top three memes you guys Posted third place was posted By a username Robbie light Second place pick goes to UFC kink And the number one voted meme was posted

By a user named Robert Yeah thank you guys for watching if you Liked the video please leave a like And Subscribe to our channel to keep up with The latest MMA News